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مقدمه: افراد دارای آسیب شناختی خفیف در بهره گیری از انواع حافظه کاری، کارکردهای اجرایی و به تبع آن در سایر حیطه های شناختی، هیجانی و ارتباطی دچار مشکل هستند. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی تاثیر سبک های دلبستگی بر کارکردهای اجرایی با نقش میانجی توانمندی ایگو در افراد دارای آسیب شناختی خفیف انجام شد. روش کار: پژوهش حاضر مطالعه ای مقطعی از نوع همبستگی است. جامعه آماری این مطالعه شامل افراد 40 سال به بالای دارای آسیب شناختی خفیف مراجعه کننده به انجمن آلزایمر ایران در شش ماهه دوم سال 1401 بودند که با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری در دسترس 364 نفر از آنها انتخاب شد. شرکت کنندگان مقیاس ارزیابی مختصر وضعیت روانی (MMSE)، پرسشنامه سبک های دلبستگی (RASS)، مقیاس کارکردهای اجرایی بزرگسالان (ADEXI)، پرسشنامه سنجش نیرومندی من (PIES) و مقیاس انعطاف پذیری شناختی (CFI) را تکمیل کردند. یافته ها در چارچوب مدل سازی معادلات ساختاری در فضای نرم افزارهای SPSS-26 و AMOS-24 مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. یافته ها: یافته ها حاکی از برازش مدل مورد نظر بود و متغیر پیش بین در مجموع 70 درصد از واریانس متغیر ملاک را تبیین کرد. نتایج به دست آمده حاکی از تاثیر غیرمستقیم دلبستگی ایمن (0/002P= ،0/0138β=)، اثر غیرمستقیم دلبستگی اجتنابی (0/002P= ،0/204β=) و اثر غیرمستقیم دلبستگی اضطرابی (0/001P= ،0/196β=) بر کارکردهای اجرایی از طریق نیرومندی ایگو بود. نتیجه گیری: نتایج بیانگر نقش میانجی توانمندی ایگو در رابطه بین سبک های دلبستگی با کارکردهای اجرایی بود. یافته های این پژوهش حاکی از اهمیت سازه ی توانمندی ایگو به عنوان یک مفهوم بالینی ضروری در مداخله های پیش گیرانه و درمانی مرتبط با کارکردهای اجرایی در افراد دارای آسیب شناختی خفیف است.

The mediating role of ego strength in the effect of attachment styles on executive functions of people with mild cognitive impairment

Introduction One of the most critical and fundamental issues about human mental health in the middle years of life and the elderly is Mild Cognitive Impairments (MCI), known as the precursor stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Hence, conducting scientific studies on people with MCI is vital due to the intermediate role of these problems and their pathological position as a prognosis for more severe cognitive impairments. The lack of research exploring key factors affecting the well-being of individuals with MCI, combined with the absence of conceptual and structural models in this domain, underscores the importance of this study. Given the rising life expectancy and the growing aging population, it critical to focus on enhancing the mental and cognitive-emotional abilities of middle-aged and elderly individuals. By identifying the influential elements across various aspects of MCI, clinicians can develop tailored rehabilitation programs and interventions that address the specific needs and bolster the weaknesses of those affected by cognitive deficits. Therefore, this research investigates the mediating role of ego strength in how attachment styles impact executive functions in individuals with MCI. Methods The present study was a cross-sectional correlational study. The statistical population includes all people over 40 years of age in Tehran, Iran, with mild pathological symptoms of cognitive impairments who were referred to the Alzheimer’s Association of Tehran in the second six months of 2022. In this study, 364 people were selected using the available sampling method. The criteria for entering the research include being 40 years old or older (being in the age group of the middle-aged and elderly), the presence of mild pathological diagnostic criteria (noted in the file of people referring to the Alzheimer’s Association of Iran by an expert), obtaining a score lower than 27 in the short mental status assessment scale, agreeing to participate in the study, responding to the scales and tools used, mastering the Persian language, and having a sixth-grade education or higher. The exclusion criteria of the research were being under 40 years old (given that 40 is considered the end of youth and the beginning of middle age), incomplete completion of research tools, the presence of severe physical or psychiatric disorders, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or advanced dementia, and severe sensory-motor and physical disabilities. In this research, ethical considerations were taken into consideration, including the principle of secrecy and confidentiality, the consent of each person to participate in the research, and the possibility of withdrawing cooperation in case of unwillingness. The research tools were the Brief Mental Status Assessment Scale (MMSE), Attachment Styles Questionnaire (RASS), Adult Executive Function Scale (ADEXI), Ego Strength Questionnaire (PIES), and Cognitive Flexibility Scale (CFI). Pearson correlation, structural equation modeling, and SPSS version 24, and AMOS version 24 software were used for data analysis. Results The study results revealed the fit of the desired model. Furthermore, the direct effect of the variable of secure attachment to the variable of executive functions was insignificant (T=0.243, β=0.012). The direct effect of the variable of avoidant attachment on the variable of executive functions was insignificant (T=1.236, β=0.064). The direct effect of the anxious attachment variable on the executive functions variable was insignificant (T=-0.643, β=-0.036). The direct effect of the ego strength variable on the executive functions variable was insignificant (T=9.736, β=0.793). The direct effect of the secure attachment variable on the ego strength variable is significant (T=3.681, β=0.187). The direct effect of the avoidant attachment variable on the ego strength variable is significant (T=3.213, β=0.165). Additionally, the direct path effect of the anxious attachment variable to ego strength was significant (T=-6.592, β=-0.363). In addition, the obtained results indicate the indirect effect of the variable of secure attachment to the variable of executive functions through ego strength (β=0.138, P=0.002), the indirect effect of the variable of avoidant attachment to the variable of executive functions through ego strength means (β=0.204, P=0.002), and the indirect effect of the anxious attachment variable on the executive functions variable through ego strength were significant (β=-0.196, P=0.001). In addition, ego strength had a mediating role in the relationship between attachment styles and executive function symptoms. Conclusion According to the results of this study, seemingly, in addition to the existence of genetic and hereditary preparations in people suffering from cognitive impairments, attachment styles, specifically with the role that ego strength plays in this, can play parts in the beginning or progression of executive dysfunctions. The results of this study can be a point of hope for further studies in this field and help in formulating interventions to increase the ego capability of people with mild cognitive impairments whose executive functions are somehow impaired. Ethical Considerations Compliance with ethical guideline The present study observes ethical principles, including respect for the principle of confidentiality of participants, so that for confidentiality, participants were coded and their names were removed. Adequate information on how to conduct research was provided to all participants in the research, as well as their freedom to leave the research at any time. Authors’ contributions All authors contributed to topic selection, study design, and definition of concepts. Maryam Mohammadi collected and analyzed the data. The search of the research literature and the background of the research was done with the cooperation of all the authors. All authors discussed the results and participated in editing the final version of the article. Funding No financial support has been received from any organization for this research. Acknowledgments The authors thank and appreciate all the participants in the Alzheimer’s Association of Iran who participated and cooperated with us in collecting the findings of this research. In addition, this research is a part of the first author’s PhD dissertation, approved by the Department of Psychology of Kharazmi University with code 24258284 on 5.12.2021. Conflict of interest This study did not have any conflict of interest.
