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با توجه به تغییر روند استراتژی، تغییر و تحول سریع دانش و کارآمدی کمتر رویکردهای سنتی به استراتژی، لازم است تا سازمان ها برای بقاء به جمع آوری پیوسته داده های مناسب از محیط خارجی و داخلی و تبدیل آن ها به استراتژی هایی کارآمد اقدام کنند و رویکرد جدیدی را در پیاده سازی استراتژی های خود اتخاذ نمایند. استراتژی باز، رویکردی برای گشودن مرزهای مستحکم سازمان و به جریان انداختن دانش از طریق ذی نفعان داخلی و خارجی است تا سازمان ها از این طریق بتوانند با افزایش مشارکت و شفافیت اطلاعات و استفاده از ابزارهای فناوری اطلاعات به ایده های استراتژیک بیشتر و کارآمدتری دست پیدا کنند. به کارگیری این رویکرد الزامات خاصی را می طلبد. از این رو هدف این پژوهش شناسایی الزامات پیاده سازی استراتژی باز در قالب الگویی نظام مند است. در این راستا تحقیق از نظر فلسفه پژوهش تفسیری و توسعه ای است. رویکرد آن استقرایی، روش شناسی کیفی و روش گردآوری داده ها میدانی و کتابخانه ای است. راهبرد این پژوهش نظریه داده بنیاد است و با بهره گیری از رویکرد ظاهرشونده (گلیزری) که از طریق مصاحبه عمیق با 12 نفر از خبرگان برنامه ریزی استراتژیک صورت گرفت. یافته ها شامل 9 مقوله (توافق استراتژیک، بازنگری استراتژیک، فرآیندسازی جذب ایده، فرهنگ سازی استراتژیک، گفتمان سازی استراتژیک، شناخت استراتژیک، فناوری های ارتباطی استراتژیک، آمادگی و حمایت استراتژیک و تناسب استراتژیک) است. در نتیجه سازمان ها با شناخت این الزامات می توانند زمینه ای را برای پیاده سازی استراتژی باز فراهم آورند و در این زمینه تصمیمات لازم و مناسب با این رویکرد را اتخاذ نمایند.

Presenting the conditions and requirements pattern for the implementation of open strategy

Introduction: Entering the fourth generation of industries with the advent of transformational technologies and the wider use of the Internet and information technology has led organizations to become more and more open approaches in various fields. An open approach to strategy using the IT infrastructure and with the aim of increasing transparency and attracting more participation of stakeholders inside and outside the organization offers a new discourse of strategy creation [40]. Open strategy puts aside all traditional boundaries of the organization and moves in a clear direction with a new approach. This strategy refers to strategic methods that are mostly comprehensive and transparent and include a wider range of internal and external actors than closed and traditional methods of strategy development [49]. In fact, this view of open strategy states that open strategy is a dynamic set of methods that enable internal and external factors of the organization to have more transparency, cooperation and flexibility, and more balance and scope. To be achieved within the organization as well as outside the organization [48]. Methodology: In order to obtain research objective, a qualitative approach used. The strategy of this research is grounded theory and the purpose of descriptive research and data collection method is semi-structured interview. The statistical population of the research is experts in the field of strategic management who have experienced at least once in strategic planning projects. The sampling method is purposeful and theoretical. In this method, the coding process begins immediately after the first interview and based on that, it decides where and who obtained the next data to develop the emerging theory [16]. Based on the coding done in the tenth interview, we reached a theoretical saturation, but to ensure the interviews continued until the 12th interview. Results and Discussion: Research results show the increasing stakeholder participation and involvement in strategic planning processes can create 1) new knowledge, 2) strategy acceptance and 4) strategy commitment to implementation.  Then the quality of strategic decisions will be upgrade, but the implementation of this approach within the organization and different levels of strategy are definitely a challenging task for organizations [41] and require special requirements inside and outside the organization. Results show that the central category of research is the implementation of open strategy, which includes a set of conditions and requirements for the implementation of open strategy that need to realized for the proper implementation of this strategy. These requirements include the following: Strategic agreement, strategic review, idea acquisition process, strategic culture building, strategic discourse building, strategic cognition, and development of appropriate communication technologies, strategic preparation and support, strategic fit. Conclusion: The purpose of this study is to identify the requirements for the implementation of open strategy, which has stated the necessary conditions for the implementation of open strategy. In this research, using the apparent approach (Glaser) and through interviews with research experts, 9 categories (strategic agreement, strategic review, idea acquisition process, strategic culture building, strategic discourse, strategic cognition, and strategic communication technologies), Strategic readiness and support, and strategic appropriateness) extracted as requirements for the implementation of open strategy. These categories include 19 components and 80 open codes. Involvement of internal and external stakeholders can provide the conditions for successful implementation by implementing a clear understanding of the requirements and conditions for the implementation of open strategy and the importance of these conditions in the process of opening organizations. Open strategy, through information transparency within the organization, stakeholder participation and cooperation and the use of information technology tools, witness the alignment with environmental changes, improve the overall quality of decisions, better management, balance of development and implementation Strategies, improving innovation processes and improving the overall performance of the organization. Managers can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage in organizations with a strategic process. Research in this area often focuses on the concept of open strategy [7, 52] and its challenges and benefits [1, 4], and less research has been done on the requirements of open strategy implementation. In their research, Amrollahi and Rolandes (2015) and (2018) sought to design a method for open strategy planning that is consistent with the present study in terms of the process approach they have in their research. Dubois and Kepler (2017) in their study emphasize the opening of strategy through communities that supports the process of strategic discourse in this study.
