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با جهانی شدن سازمان ها، شرکت ها و بازارهای هدف، سازمان ها باید از طریق به کارگیری راهبرد های مناسب بازار و فناوری اطلاعات به تغییرات پاسخ دهند. هدف این پژوهش تهیه مدلی برای پیاده سازی موفق برنامه ریزی منابع سازمان با توجه به مولفه های دانشی بود. ابتدا مولفه ها و زیرمولفه های دانشی موثر بر پیاده سازی موفق برنامه ریزی منابع سازمان شناسایی شد، سپس الگوی بومی برنامه ریزی منابع سازمان با توجه به مولفه های دانشی در پتروشیمی خراسان تهیه و تایید شد و در انتها مولفه های الگوی بدست آمده سطح بندی شدند. در این پژوهش از پارادایم های کمی و کیفی استفاده  شد. با روش فراترکیب الگویی از مولفه های دانشی موثر بر سیستم های برنامه ریزی منابع سازمان تهیه شد و در ادامه با استفاده از نظر 13 نفر از خبرگان اعتبار سنجی الگوی بومی برای شرکت پتروشیمی خراسان ارائه شد. در پایان پژوهش مولفه های حاصل از روش فراترکیب با روش تصمیم گیری کمی مدل سازی ساختاری تفسیری سطح بندی شدند. الگوی تحقیق شامل هفت مولفه اصلی مدیریت دانش، سیستم مدیریت دانش، انواع دانش، کارگزاران هوشمند، رهبری دانش گرا، دانش مشاور و فرهنگ همکاری است. مدل پژوهش دارای سه سطح است. مولفه مشاور در سطح یک، مولفه های سیستم مدیریت دانش، انواع دانش، ویژگی های کارکنان، رهبری دانش گرا و فرهنگ همکاری در سطح دو و مولفه مدیریت دانش در سطح سه هستند.

The strategic model of resource planning of a knowledge-based organization

Aim and introduction: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a business application that relates to all the data in the organization's business process and application areas. Organizational resource planning system is an integrated software package resulting from the integration of all information flows in different parts of a company, such as; Finance, accounting, human resources, supply chain and customer information are supported by the provider of these software. According to the initial interview conducted with the managers of Khorasan Petrochemical Company, the following problems are among the most important issues of that company: the existence of separate software for different processes, lack of easy access to required information, long and difficult process in processing affairs Accounting, lack of uniform growth of company units' use of information technology and the complexity and time-consuming nature of this sector. In fact, the problem that Khorasan Petrochemical is facing is that due to the growth of the company and the production unit, the company's future plans for development, diversification of products, increase in production and, most importantly, rapid changes in technology, the use of several Software for different parts of the company has complicated the process of managing organizational resources in the company. In order to integrate all units of the company, it is necessary to use the organization's resource planning systems in this company. Innovation in this research includes innovation in the subject and innovation in the research method. Regarding the subject of this research, domestic researchers have not had significant studies so far, and globally, research has been done to provide a model for planning the organization's resources with respect to very few knowledge components. Regarding the innovation in the research method, it should be mentioned that in the present study, both the qualitative Meta-Synthesis method and the quantitative method of interpretive structural modeling have been used, which in previous studies conducted with the subject of this research, had little history and its number was limited. Is. The main question of the research is what is the native model of organizational resource planning according to the knowledge components in Khorasan Petrochemical and what is the leveling of the components of this model. According to the main research question, identifying the components and components of knowledge effective on the successful implementation of organizational resource planning in Khorasan Petrochemical, presenting and approving the local model of organizational resource planning and leveling the components of this model, Are the objectives of this research. Methodology: In this research, a combined approach has been used. This research is a kind of mixed exploratory research plans and quantitative and qualitative paradigms have been used. Using qualitative data of other researches, the research model has been prepared by Meta-Synthesis method. This research is inductive in terms of execution logic (part to whole), because the model is obtained by using the coding of subcomponents. Then, the components of the model are leveled with mathematical method (quantitative) and using interpretive structural modeling method (ISM) and with MATLAB 2019 software. Findings: Using the hybrid method and using the seven-step model of Sandowski and Barroso and reviewing the research findings, 27 sub-components were identified, which are:  Continuous and effective training, knowledge acquisition, knowledge creation, knowledge management, knowledge organization and storage, knowledge sharing, knowledge use, knowledge transfer, knowledge integration, knowledge updating, organizational knowledge portal, organizational resource planning software , Knowledge management software, database, knowledge of what, knowledge of why, knowledge of how, manpower, ability to change, staff intelligence, transfer of consultant knowledge, use of project consultants knowledge, intranet, expert training, leadership knowledge, project team culture And socialization of knowledge. Then, to determine the main components, themes (pivot codes) are formed. Sub-components of research with coding became the 7 main components of knowledge management, knowledge management system, knowledge types, smart brokers, student-led leadership, consulting knowledge and cooperation culture. A model of knowledge components affecting the organization's resource planning systems was prepared and it was found that the research model has three levels. The consultant component at level one is the components of knowledge management system, types of knowledge, staff characteristics, knowledge-oriented leadership and cooperation culture at level two, and the component of knowledge management at level three. Discussion and conclusion: This research sought to discover the local pattern of resource planning of the organization according to the knowledge components in Khorasan Petrochemical Company. After conducting research with the combined method, 26 knowledge sub-components effective on organizational resource planning were identified in this company, of which 11 sub-components were knowledge acquisition, knowledge creation, knowledge management, knowledge organization and storage, knowledge sharing, knowledge use. Knowledge transfer, knowledge management software, use of project consultants' knowledge, continuous and effective training and knowledge socialization had the most repetition in previous research.  The sub-components became the 7 main components of knowledge management, knowledge management system, knowledge types, smart brokers, student-oriented leadership, consulting knowledge and cooperation culture with axial coding. Previous research has provided some of the knowledge components of this research for the successful implementation of organizational resource planning; However, in none of the previous researches, these seven components were put together and it can be said that the obtained model of this research is comprehensive and can be used as a model in other petrochemical companies and similar companies. To be placed. Then, as observed, the main components of the model were graded by interpretive structural modeling. As it was observed, no component in the model obtained from the research is an independent variable, ie all components of this model have a strong interaction and reaction. Component 5 means the consultant's knowledge in the area of ​​influence, that is, it has high influence and low dependence. The knowledge consulting component is the cornerstone of the organization's local resource planning model and the most effective component in Khorasan Petrochemical Company.
