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موفقیت مدیریت نوآوری برای بنگاه های اقتصادی در شرایط اقتصادی دوران پسا تحریم یکی از مباحث مهم و اساسی در حفظ شرکت ها برای بقاء می باشد . لذا ارزیابی میزان موفقیت شرکت ها در مدیریت نوآوری اقدام به طراحی مدل معادلات ساختاری ارزیابی آن نموده ایم که به صورت موردی در شرکت گلستان که یکی از زیرمجموعه های هلدینگ گلستان می باشد صورت پذیرفته است . در این پژوهش پنج بعد فرآیندهای سازمانی ، فضای سازمانی حمایت از نوآوری ، یادگیری ، استراتژی و ارتباطات بیرونی سازمان مورد بررسی و ارزیابی قرار گرفت است . در این پژوهش به وضعیت موجود و ارائه راهکارهای بهبود به طور مشخص اشاره شده است .

Analysis and assessment of innovation management with structural equation modeling approach in Golestan Company

The assessment of innovation management dimensions can help the firm’s managers in investments, leading the resources towards the right paths, and also selecting the appropriate techniques for obtaining technology. The aim of this research is to assess the effective factors on innovation management in Golestan Company in direction of recognizing the empowering factors in this respect. A number of 40 indices were classified, based on Teidel & Bessant model (2009), in the form of 5 main factors including external relations, strategy, processes, organizational space, and learning; and the related questionnaires were designed, and distributed among 39 managers and experts of the mentioned company. Then, by using the confirmatory factor analysis with the Smart PLS software, the factors and indices were fitted, confirmed, and finally 3 indices removed after fitness. According to the findings, paying attention to the five above mentioned factors is necessary, and neglecting some of them causes lack of success in service innovation management of the company. Also, the ranking results shows now that organizational processes dimension is placed in the first and the learning one in the last rank in the company.
