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تحلیل خطاهای دانش آموزان دوزبانه ترکی آذربایجانی - فارسی در کاربرد فعل فارسی بر اساس انگاره چهار تک واژ(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: انگاره چهار تکواژ خطاها نشانه های تصریفی فعل دوزبانه های ترکی آذری-فارسی

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۴
تحقیق حاضر، خطاهای دانش آموزان دوزبانه ترکی آذربایجانی فارسی در کاربرد نشانه های تصریفی فعل فارسی را بر اساس انگاره چهار تک واژ، مطالعه کرده است. داده ها از نوشته های 50 نفر از دانش آموزان دختر و پسر پایه های سوم و چهارم ابتدایی مناطق روستایی شهرستان مشگین شهر گردآوری شد. ابتدا نشانه های تصریفی فعل زبان فارسی در چارچوب انگاره چهار تک واژ، به دو گروه تک واژهای نظام مند متقدم (نشانه های نفی، امری، مجهول و سببی) و تک واژهای نظام مند بیرونی متأخر (نشانه های شخص و شمار، زمان، نمود و وجه التزامی) تقسیم شد. با استخراج و دسته بندی خطاها، مشخص شد که دانش آموزان هر دو پایه، در کاربرد تک واژهای نظام مند بیرونی متأخر فعل نسبت به تک واژهای نظام مند متقدم آن مشکل دارند و آن ها را دیرتر یاد می گیرند. به نظر می رسد که بین ماهیت انواع مختلف تک واژها (فعال شدن تک واژها در سطوح انتزاعی تولید گفتار) و ترتیب فراگیری آن ها، ارتباط وجود دارد. تک واژهای نظام مند بیرونی متأخر در سطح متأخرتر فرایند تولید انتزاعی، با فراخوان چارچوب نحوی ساخت واژی زبان مقصد، انتخاب می شوند، در حالی که انتخاب تک واژهای نظام مند متقدم به صورت غیرمستقیم در سطح مفهومی واژگانی و هم زمان با انتخاب مستقیم تک واژهای محتوایی، صورت می گیرد. نتایج تحقیق حاضر در انطباق با مطالعه ویی (2000) است که با اتکا به انگاره چهار تک واژ، ترتیب فراگیری انواع تک واژها را تبیین کرد.

A Survey on Intercultural Contact (IC) among Iranian EFL Students: Validating a Questionnaire(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: intercultural contact Validity Reliability EFL students

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۵۹ تعداد دانلود : ۹۵
Intercultural contact (IC) among students has received a great prominence in EFL and ESL contexts in recent years; therefore, this study was an attempt to modify and validate a questionnaire as an instrument to elicit the resources from which Iranian EFL students obtain their IC information. To reach this aim, a modified version of Peng and Wu’s questionnaire with 26 items and five factors was administered among 200 male and female Iranian EFL students from different language institutes in Tabriz, Iran. To determine the reliability and validity of the modified questionnaire, the statistical analyses of the model and fitness of the questionnaire were conducted by SmartPLS3 software. The results of reliability analyses using three measures of Cronbach’s alpha, combined reliability (CR) and average variance extraction (AVE) demonstrated that the questionnaire has a good reliability. Moreover, the results of construct crossvalidated communality (Q²) proved the construct validity of the questionnaire. Additionally, the results of correlation coefficient matrix and p value for all the latent variables demonstrated that all the paths and relationships in the model are significant and the model is a good fit. This study also clarifies the implication of such a questionnaire for ELT and presents some suggestions for future studies.

The Discursive Construction of Academic Writing Expertise: A Case Study of Developing from an Outsider to a Contributor Role in a Discourse Community(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلید واژه ها: discursive construction Academic Writing Expertise intertextuality Genre Knowledge Professional identity

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۷ تعداد دانلود : ۶۷
This study aims at exploring the developmental process from a novice writer to an expert academic contributor from a discursive viewpoint. Using a cross-sectional research design, the researcher was in contact with five graduate students (from M.A. to PhD) via semi-structured interviews and online communication. Based on the ideas of intertextuality and community of practice, the results obtained through text analysis showed two categories of intertextual references relevant for constructing genre knowledge, namely text-oriented practices (based on the discursive authority of texts) and expert-oriented practices (based on the discursive authority of experts). Moreover, novice writers were highly dependent on both text-oriented and expert-oriented practices but they favoured the former in their writing practices. Furthermore, since professional identity is an important aspect of genre knowledge, two identities of outsider and contributor were identified regarding this discourse community and its audience. The study concludes with implications for improving the discursive practices of the local academic community for developing professional identity of its novices.

Evaluative Content Analysis of the Iranian EFL Textbook for Senior High School Second Graders: Vision 2

کلید واژه ها: Analytical Evaluation Content Analysis Textbook Evaluation Vision 2

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۶۴۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۷۰
This study sought to evaluate the usefulness and desirability of the English textbooks for Iranian second grade students in senior high school, Vision 2. To this end, the extent to which the textbooks materials satisfy the prescribed curriculum was explored based on Littlejohn’s (2011) evaluative framework. Employing stratified random sampling, a total of 12 private and public senior high schools (six girl students and six boy students) were selected randomly among all the schools located in the six education districts in Isfahan. To select the teacher participants, a convenience sampling method was employed and those who agreed to be surveyed took part in the study. The 20 teachers who participated in this study have been teaching Vision 2 since the beginning of 2017 fall. The process of the content analysis deals with a deeply analytical content evaluation based on a framework containing different parts (objective description analysis, subjective analysis, subjective inference) done by a teacher committee. The results revealed that there is a need to adapt the materials to the target situation of use. Such adaptation needs to cover both design- and publication-oriented aspects of the materials. As a practical implication, the findings may urge the developers of the textbooks to launch a modification project relying upon the results of the systematic phase, therefore, it may enrich English teaching and learning material in Iranian high schools.

EFL Teachers’ Professional Development, Job Satisfaction, and Reflective Thinking: A Structural Equation Modeling(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Job satisfaction professional development reflective thinking Structural Equation Modeling

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۷
The demand for learning English as a foreign language has significantly heightened the need to recruit efficient teachers. Related literature confirms the lack of studies on teacher characteristics that can affect their job satisfaction. This study aimed to study the relationship between Iranian EFL teachers’ professional development, job satisfaction, and reflective thinking. One-hundred and fifty-nine teachers from different universities, language institutes, and schools wer e requested to answer the professional development questionnaire, the Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire, and reflective thinking scale as the main data collection instruments. These questionnaires were given in three different ways: in person, email, and social networks. Structural Equation Modeling was used to examine the hypothesized model of associations. This model was confirmed following the application of the modification indices proposed by the software (Normal chi-square = 3.4; RMSEA =.03; RMR =.02; GFI =.94; AGFI =.91; NFI =.94; CFI =.94; IFI =.94). The findings showed that there were significant internal correlations between all the latent variables and their sub-scales. Furthermore, findings of multiple regression analysis revealed that professional development and reflective thinking positively predicted job satisfaction, with professional development exerting more predictive power compared to reflective thinking. Pedagogical implications of the results have been discussed.

A Study of Persian-English Narrative Poems Translation: Focus on Key-Phrase Allusions

کلید واژه ها: allusions intertextuality The Seven Images translation strategies

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۱۳ تعداد دانلود : ۹۲
Allusions in literary texts are among the elements which can cause intercultural misunderstanding. In this study, the translation of the  allusions of two narrative poems selected from Nizami’s The seven Images (Haft Gonbad) were studied. To this end, the frequent types of implicit allusions were extracted from the poems: The Black Dome and The White Dome . Next, the original text was compared with its English translations to identify whether these allusive meanings were found and transferred in their translations. To achieve this goal, Leppihalm’s (1997) model of translation strategies for key-phrase (KP) allusions was employed. The findings indicated that the most frequent strategy selected by the translators is literal translation. Rendering the poems into English literally, the translators ignored the implicit meanings underlying the allusions. The findings can have implications for translating literary texts.

Effects of Written Corrective Feedback With/Without Revision on Perception of Past/Present Perfect Tenses

کلید واژه ها: Written Corrective Feedback direct corrective feedback Indirect corrective feedback metalinguistic corrective feedback revision

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۴۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۹
This study was an attempt to examine the effects of direct (DCF), indirect (ICF) and metalinguistic (MCF) written corrective feedback and the types of responses (i.e. + /– revision) on the perception of present/past perfect tenses by Iranian intermediate EFL learners. A pretest-posttest design was utilized to conduct the study with 210 intermediate EFL learners who were randomly selected based on their scores on Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT). They were assigned to 7 groups, each including 30 participants: DCF+ Revision, DCF – Revision, ICF + Revision, and ICF – Revision, MCF + Revision, and MCF – Revision, and a control group. All students were asked to take a multiple-choice test (i.e. perception test) as a pretest and a posttest. After administering the pretest and imparting the relevant treatment, the posttest was administered. Results indicated that all experimental groups improved their knowledge of past/present perfect tenses from the pretest to the posttest, the ‘DCF + Revision’ group outperformed all other groups, all of the groups doing revision (i.e. DCF / ICF / MCF + Revision) outperformed their counterparts without revision (i.e. DCF / ICF/ MCF – Revision), and the only groups whose scores were not significantly different were the ‘ICF + Revision’, ‘DCF – Revision’, and ‘MCF – Revision’ groups. The findings provide insights into new ways of helping students to improve their L2 writing skills in general and specifically teaching grammatical structures through effective combinations of written corrective feedback and follow-up revision.

تاثیر «تاکید» بر جایگاه شناسه های واژه بستی گویش وفسی بر پایه دستور واژی-نقشی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: دستور واژی - نقشی رابط نحو - نوا دستور وفسی شناسه های وفسی واژهبستهای وفسی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۹۵ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۴
هدف از پژوهشِ حاضر، بررسی تأثیر «تأکید» و تعیینِ جایگاه «شناسه های متممیِ واژهبستی» در زبان وفسی، بر مبنای دستور واژی-نقشی است. عوامل گوناگونی در پیدایش و تعیین جایگاه واژه بست ها نقش دارند که به گونه های «عوامل نحوی»، «فرایندهای واجی/نوایی»، «ترکیبی از فرایندهای نحوی و واجی/نوایی»، و «عوامل معنایی/کاربردشناختی» گروه بندی شده اند. در پژوهش های پیشین، شناسه های متممی وفسی فقط بر مبنای عوامل «نحوی»، به دو دسته «وندی» و «واژهبستی» گروه بندی شده اند (Stilo, 2010 Stilo, 2004a; Stilo, 2004b;) که این نوع دسته بندی در پژوهش حاضر، به چالش کشیده شده است. یافتههای پژوهش حاضر، با تمرکز بر عوامل «نحوی-نوایی» در دستور واژی-نقشی، نمایان گر آن است که واژهبستهای متممی در وفسی دارای جفت «وندی» نیستند؛ بلکه تمامی آن ها صورتهای واژهبستی بوده و بر مبنای «محدودیتهای نوایی» قابل تبیین هستند. تحلیل پیکره وفسی در پژوهش حاضر، نشان دهنده آن است که در صورت کاهیده شدن پیشبست متممی از جنبه نوایی و فقدان میزبان مناسب برای آن، قلب نوایی سبب تغییر جایگاه آن برای پیوستن به یک میزبان مناسب در این زبان خواهد شد. بر این اساس، «صورتهای وندی» نیز در دسته بندی استیلو (همان)، در واقع «واژهبست»هایی هستند که مجبور به تحمل «تأکید» شده و صورت کامل به خود گرفته اند. تبیین یافته های موردِ اشاره همراه با تحلیل صوری شناسه های متممی وفسی در سطح رابط نحو-نوا در دستور واژی-نقشی به صورت گسترده همراه با نمونه های زبانی در مقاله حاضر آورده شده است.

Relationship between Intrapersonal Intelligence of Iranian EFL University Male and Female Learners and Their Grammar Ability

کلید واژه ها: Intrapersonal Intelligence Iranian EFL male and female students grammar learning ability

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۷۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۰
This study aimed to discover the possible relationship between intrapersonal intelligence and grammatical ability of Iranian EFL male and female learners. To this purpose, 139 undergraduate English students (46 males and 93 females), with the age range of 22-32, were selected through a TOEFL test as the participants. To obtain the needed data, the instruments used were a 119-item Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire (MIDAS) to assess the participants’ intrapersonal intelligence, and a 30-item grammar TOEFL test to the measure their grammar ability. The obtained data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and linear regression. The difference between male and female students in grammar ability and intrapersonal intelligence was determined by independent samples t-test. The results indicated a statistically significance relationship between intrapersonal intelligence and English grammar ability scores. The results also revealed no significant difference between male and female students in terms of intrapersonal intelligence and English grammar ability. The findings of this study may assist language teachers, policy makers and curriculum designers to consider the role of intrapersonal intelligence as a helpful construct in learning English grammar.

The Effects of Noticing on Learners’ Grammar Achievements: Cognitive and Ecological Perspectives(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: awareness cognitive language learning ecology of language learning noticing recasts

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۱ تعداد دانلود : ۹۶
Despite a great number of studies exploring Schmidt’s noticing hypothesis in the cognitive perspective of language learning, the investigations focused on noticing in the ecological perspective are rather rare in number. The present study was an attempt to examine how noticing second language recast could affect the learners’ achievements of grammatical structures through these two perspectives (i.e., cognitive and ecological). To do so, one hundred and twenty first-year college students at Islamic Azad University and Applied Science University in Tehran took part in this study. The students were divided into two cognitive and ecological groups and received two different treatments. During the treatment, the learners in all groups received recast and their noticing was assessed through learners’ raising hands and underlining. In the end, a posttest was conducted to measure the effectiveness of the treatment. Data analysis revealed that the ecological perspective of language learning was more conducive to noticing and subsequent language learning. The study also made contributions by actualizing the ecological project-based meaningful activities, shedding light on the importance of affordance and interaction in the context of language learning.

Representation of Information Structure in Persian Spoken Genres: Syntactic devices in focus

کلید واژه ها: information structure Clefting Genres passive Preposing Pseudo-clefting Syntactic devices

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۹۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۰
There is scarce systematic research on the role of genres and their associated discourse features in Information Structure and its syntactic representations in Persian. The current descriptive, corpus-based study, therefore, aimed to investigate three different genres of Persian spoken language; that is, political, scientific and daily conversation, in terms of their Information Structure as realized through four syntactic devices of clefting, pseudo-clefting, passive and preposing. To this purpose, 1000 different utterances related to each of the mentioned genres, were extracted from the multi-media archive of IRNA (Iranian News Agency) website and daily conversations of the researchers’ family members and friends, based on Lambrecht’s theoretical framework in modeling the Information Structure. The collected data were then transcribed, the syntactic devices were identified, and descriptive statistics were used to see how the above syntactic devices are represented in each genre type. The results revealed that the devices are represented differently in the three genres of political, scientific, and daily conversations. This finding may be of interest to linguists and language theoreticians.

Evaluating the Iranian Senior ELT High School Vision Series in Terms of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: autonomy BRT Critical thinking Textbook analysis Vision series

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۵۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۸
T The textbook analysis is a vigorous research approach for evaluating the conformity between the content and the purpose of education. Accordingly, the relatively newly-published Iranian ELT textbooks for senior high school, known as the “Vision series” were analyzed for their prominent levels of learning objectives according to Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. Activity sections of textbooks were codified according to the Taxonomy’s coding scheme, and the inter/intra-rater reliability which were measured and approved. Results revealed that the lower-order categories of cognitive domain are more frequently represented in Vision series of 1 and 2, and chi-square statistics indicate that Vision 3 is significantly different from the other two. The inclusion of higher-order categories in Vision 3 creates hope for increasing students’ proficiency and activating students’ need to develop higher-order thinking skills which are prerequisites to critical thinking and autonomous learning. Findings also maintain that the cognitive domain and metacognitive knowledge domain were the least perceived in the three textbooks which call for inclusion of more reflective activities and supplementing higher-order cognitive activities or complementary tasks in Visions 1 and 2.

The Impact of Task-based Online Planning on EFL Learners’ Performance and Attention Shift


کلید واژه ها: Attention Task planning form Complexity Accuracy fluency

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۵۶ تعداد دانلود : ۶۷
Research findings reported to date indicate that carefully planning speech while performing a task increases second language (L2) learners’ attention to formal aspects of their discourse. The evidence, however, is mostly based on performance analysis with respect to the linguistic measures of complexity, accuracy, and fluency. To enhance the psycholinguistic validity of current findings, the present research adopted a process-product approach to analyze L2 learners’ performance and attention shift as indicated by the occurrence of pauses in their speech. The study involved thirty Iranian learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) who were divided into two groups of fifteen. Whereas participants in the first group were given unlimited time to carefully plan while performing a narrative task, their counterparts in the other group completed the same task under time constraint. Following participants’ performance, both performance analysis and retrospective interviews were conducted to collect their protocol data. The results revealed that carefully planned speech is characterized by increased complexity and accuracy and reduced fluency stemming from attention being primarily focused on syntactic encoding, lexical choice, and phonology instead of conceptualizing the message. The outcomes are discussed in light of their theoretical and pedagogical implications.

مقایسه توان شبیه سازی ادراکی در کودکان مبتلا به اختلال ویژه خواندن و کودکان طبیعی از دیدگاه شناخت جسمی شده(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: شناخت جسمی شده درک زبان شبیه سازی ادراکی کودکان مبتلا به اختلال ویژه خواندن کودکان طبیعی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۶۲ تعداد دانلود : ۹۲
طبق رویکرد زبان شناسی شناختی، ساختار مفهومی ما ذاتاً جسمی شده است و موضوع مهمی که در شناخت جسمی شده مطرح می شود این است که سیستم های ادراکی و حرکتی نقش بسیار مهمی بر روی عملکردهای عالی شناختی نظیر حافظه، تشخیص اشیاء، درک زبان و تصویرسازی ادراکی و حرکتی ایفاء می کنند. در همین راستا، طبق اطلاعات به دست آمده از مطالعات رفتاری و عصب شناختی مشخص شده است که یادآوری تجارب ادراکی منجر به فعال سازی ساختارهای ادراکی مشابه در مغز می شود. با این توضیح، پرسش مهمی که پیش می آید این است که آیا نقص در مهارت ادراک دیداری بر شبیه سازی ادراکی حین پردازش زبان اثرگذار است یا خیر. پژوهش حاضر سعی دارد تا با استفاده از آزمون جفت کردن تصویر با جمله، پاسخ این پرسش را پیدا کند و به بررسی این موضوع بپردازد که تا چه میزان کودکان مبتلا به اختلال ویژه خواندن قادرند مفاهیم ادراکی (شکل و جهت) که به صورت ضمنی در جمله مطرح شده اند را شبیه سازی کنند. بدین منظور 17 کودک 8 تا 13 ساله مبتلا به اختلال ویژه خواندن و 17 کودک 8 تا 13 ساله طبیعی در شهر شیراز مورد مقایسه قرار گرفتند. یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهد تفاوت معناداری در آزمون شبیه سازی ادراکی میان دو گروه وجود دارد و کودکان مبتلا به اختلال خواندن کمتر قادر به فعال سازی شبیه سازی ادراکی هستند و به درستی نمی توانند تفاوت میان تصاویر همخوان با ناهمخوان را تشخیص دهند. نتایج به دست آمده بیانگر آن است که تجارب جسمی شده نقش بسیار مهمی در پردازش زبان ایفا می کند و نقص در مهارت ادراک دیداری می تواند تاثیر منفی بر فعال سازی شبیه سازی ادراکی داشته باشد که این موضوع تأییدکننده ماهیت جسمی شده زبان و ارتباط میان زبان با دیگر مهارت های شناختی است.

A Comparative Study of Contextual and Personal Factors Associated with Burnout and Its Consequences: A Case of EFL Teachers in Public Schools and Private Institutes(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Burnout stress Emotional Exhaustion public school English teachers private language institute teachers

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۰۹ تعداد دانلود : ۷۸
Abstract: So far, the roles and responsibilities of teachers have undergone massive changes and teachers have been inundated with constant transition and workload. Consequently, the boundaries between work and home have been blurred and teachers are highly required to devote more and more time to their work. Such high expectations contribute to high stress which, in turn, leads to teachers’ occupational burnout. Despite a plethora of research which has investigated the relationship between burnout and various teachers’ variables, less is known about how Iranian English teachers at both public high schools and private language institutes perceive the sources and consequences of burnout in their work-lives. To bridge the gap, a phenomenological mixed-methods research was conducted. Questionnaires, interviews, and observations were used for data collection. First, the Maslach Burnout Inventory was distributed to identify burned out English teachers. Afterward, 62 burned-out English teachers (23 school and 29 institute teachers) were invited for interviews. To triangulate the data, classroom observations were also conducted. Results revealed that although school and institute teachers reported lots of similar sources and consequences for their stress and burnout, several substantial differences were observed due to the varying contexts. Moreover, it was found that both contextual and personal factors led to English teachers’ stress and burnout.

Leading with Blindfolds? An Exploration of ESL Teachers’ Awareness of Semantic Differences

کلید واژه ها: semantics Teacher language awareness Scaffolding Zone of Proximal Development Interlingual Development Feedback

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۸۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۱۷
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) assume different roles amongst which is leadership. To lead effectively, they need to possess some significant awareness of the language in order to adequately respond to learners’ needs. One domain of awareness is the ability to distinguish between structurally similar, yet semantically different structures. This study set out to assess ESL teachers’ level of semantic awareness in view of establishing their readiness to meet learners’ needs within their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The Follow-up Explanatory Research Design was used. Data on the cognitions of ESL teachers were elicited from a questionnaire survey while a test was used to quantify ESL teachers’ language awareness levels in the domain of semantics. The quantitative data from the test were analyzed using frequencies and simple percentages while the qualitative data were analyzed using the framework of Content Analyses. The findings reveal that though ESL teachers overestimate the level of their knowledge base in components that have a bearing on semantics awareness, a majority of them do not wield beyond a fundamental level of awareness as concerns applying that knowledge to differentiate the meanings of structurally similar pairs of sentences. It is therefore crucial for English language pre-service and in-service teacher training to seek ways of enhancing the professional knowledge base of ESL teachers especially in domains that are critical to establishing differences between pairs of sentences that tend to be similar.

پیچیدگی بازنمودی زمان های دستوری مطلق در درک شنیداری جمله های فارسی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: زمان واکنش درک شنیداری پیچیدگی بازنمودی بار شناختی زمان دستوری

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۴۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۳
پرسش اصلی این پژوهش، واقعیتِ روان شناختیِ پیچیدگیِ بازنمودی زمانِ دستوری مطلق در فارسی است. در این پژوهش با به کارگیری روش تصمیم گیریِ واژگانیِ بیناحسی، تلاش شده تا چگونگی پردازشِ جمله های حاوی انواع زمان های دستوری با برنامه نرم افزاری دی.ام.دی.اکس بررسی شود. چارچوب نظری پژوهش مبتنی بر رمزگان چندبخشی/چندگانه در روان شناسی زبان (Shapiro & Levine, 1990) و طبقه بندی زمانی در زبا ن شناسی (Comrie, 1985) است. متغیر مستقل، نوع زمان دستوری و متغیر وابسته، زمان واکنش آزمودنی ها به محرک دیداری است. آزمودنی ها 25 نفردانشجوی 18 تا 30 ساله بوده اند که در دو گروه مرد و زن دسته بندی شده اند. نتیجه آزمون نخست نشان می دهد که جمله های دربردارنده زمان دستوری حال ساده مشتمل بر حقایق علمی، کارگفت های کنشی/ جرایی و نیز جمله های مشتمل بر فعل آینده همراه مصدر صرف شده خواستن سریع تر از انواع دیگر پردازش می شوند. توجیه و توضیح این امر را می توان به این حقیقت نسبت داد که حقایق علمی در تجربه زیسته بشر ثبت شده است و فراوانی بالایی دارد. افزون بر این، افعال کنشی-اجرایی که وابسته به زمان ادای جمله هستند و افعال در زمان دستوری آینده که فقط یک کارکرد در پیوند با آن ها  در نظر گرفته شده ، سریع تر پردازش می شوند. نتیجه آزمون دوم نشان می دهد که زمان پردازش جمله های مرکب دارای زمان های مختلف تفاوت معنا داری با یک دیگر ندارد. به بیان دیگر، با مرکب شدن نوع جمله تفاوت های معنی داری که در آزمون (1) قابل مشاهده بود از بین رفته است. این نکته نشان می دهد که متغیر نوع جمله نسبت به متغیر زمان دستوری فعل تأثیر بیشتری بر بار شناختی ذهن دارد. دستاورد پژوهش حاضر از این قرار است که می توان در امر آموزش زبان فارسی از مفهوم بار شناختی بهره گرفت و یافته های پژوهش را در ترتیب تدوین مطالب و مواد آموزشی مورد توجه قرار داد.  

Perceptions, Skills, and Technologies for the Revitalization of Translation Industry in the Post COVID-19 Era: An Empirical Evidence from Saudi Arabia


کلید واژه ها: COVID Pandemic Saudi Arabia translation skills Translation Tools

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۹ تعداد دانلود : ۸۶
Translation service has been essential before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. It is one of the considered frontline services, especially in a multilingual nation like Saudi Arabia. However, just like any other industry, translation had to undergo necessary changes that could have been realized even without the repercussion of a pandemic. This study looked into the change-related issues that struck the translation industry/business, including the adoption of translation tech tools and the reformation of translation course programs and curricula. With the participation of 103 study respondents and the sheer use of descriptive statistical analysis, it was found that the dominantly rookie workforce of the Saudi translation industry is now shifting towards engaging in remote services, adopting new technological tools, and continually engaging in professional development courses and trainings. In the survey, it was further revealed that the translators have a thirst for knowledge in managing business and the skill in using computer-aided translation (CAT) and other media tools. It was deduced that in order for translation to be more productive, lucrative, and most of all, reliable, translators have to learn to adapt to these changes. Moreover, this study offers timely challenges in the breeding of a more resilient translator workforce in the future. When clearly viewed from a more general perspective, this pandemic has brought to light one positive realization despite the devastation it has caused to the population - one should not be content with something just because it works; sometimes, he has to learn new tricks to produce better outcomes.

ساخت کنایی در گویش بهدینی محلتی یزد(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: ساخت کنایی (ارگتیو) گویش بهدینی محلتی یزد زبان های فلات مرکزی ایران نظام مطابقه

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۹ تعداد دانلود : ۳۸
پژوهش حاضر با هدف مطالعه نظام حالت نمایی در گویش بهدینی محلتی یزد، به بررسی این گویش باقی مانده از گویش های مرکزی ایران می پردازد. داده های پژوهش با شیوه مطالعه میدانی و با استفاده از مصاحبه نیمه ساخت یافته جمع آوری شده و جملات در بافت طبیعی سخنگویان استخراج شده اند. با پیاده سازی متن مصاحبه های سخنگویان 21 تا 70 ساله، پیکره ای برابر 8650 واژه جمع آوری شد و مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. جملات مستخرج از حیث نظام حالت نمایی بررسی شده ا ند. در این روش، انواع جملات برحسب زمان های مختلف افعال و لازم و متعدی بودن آن ها طبقه بندی شده اند. همچنین چگونگی نمایش ارتباط نحوی بین فعل و گروه های اسمی جمله مطالعه شده است. یافته های حاصل از پژوهش، نشان دهنده حالت نمایی ارگتیو دوگانه می باشند و اگرچه در جملات دارای زمان دستوری حال، ارجاع متقابل گروه اسمی فاعل و فعل به وسیله پسوندهای مطابقه فعلی صورت می گیرد، حالت کنایی-مطلق در افعال متعدی گذشته ساده، استمراری، مستمر و نقلی بدون پسوند مطابقه فعلی و به شکل ستاک گذشته فعل و در دو صورت ماضی دور و التزامی به شکل صفت مفعولی فعل اصلی ظاهر می شوند. نمایش شخص و شمار فعل کنایی به وسیله پیش بست مشخص گر فاعلی صورت می گیرد. افزون بر این، گویش بهدینی میان صیغگان مفرد افعال متعدی گذشته ساده از سویی و افعال متعدی گذشته استمراری، مستمر، نقلی، بعید و التزامی از دیگر سو تمایز قائل می شود. به این صورت که برای سه صیغه مفرد افعال گذشته ساده متعدی یک گروه پیش بست فعلی مشخص گر فاعل دارد و برای صیغگان مفرد افعال گذشته متعدی دیگر از گروهی متفاوتی از پیش بست ها بهره می برد. در حالی که برای صیغگان جمع افعال متعدی در هیچ کدام از ساخت های گذشته ساده یا استمرای، نقلی و غیره تفاوتی قائل نیست.

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