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هدف: در این پژوهش، به کمک روش های کمّی، الگوی طبقه بندی اقلام خرید برای دسته بندی اقلام خرید ارائه شده است. هدف از ارائه این الگو، ایجاد تناسب استراتژیک در زنجیره تأمین و ارائه استراتژی و روش های خرید مناسب برای هر طبقه از اقلام متناسب با اولویت های رقابتی سازمان است. روش: سه بُعد اولویت رقابتی، تحلیل بازار تأمین و ویژگی مؤلفه خرید برای دسته بندی اقلام خرید ارائه شده است تا ویژگی های لازم برای انتخاب استراتژی خرید پوشش داده شود؛ سپس معیارهای هر بُعد با روش دلفی تعیین و با روش بهترین بدترین وزن دهی شده است. در ادامه، اقلام خرید در هر بُعد با الگوریتم K-means و PSO خوشه بندی شده است. دلیل ترکیب این دو الگوریتم، رفع مشکل حساس بودن به مقادیر اولیه و رهایی از بهینه محلی بوده است. سپس با استفاده از روش خوشه بندی رتبه ای مبتنی بر اصول پرامیتی، اقلام خرید دسته بندی شده و برای هر طبقه، استراتژی های خرید با در نظر گرفتن پروفایل ترجیحات، شرایط شرکت در بازار رقابتی و بازار تأمین ارائه شده است. یافته ها: رویکرد پیشنهادی برای 100 کالای خریداری شده در یک شرکت فولادی پیاده سازی و مناسب ترین روش های خرید برای هر طبقه از اقلام خرید ارائه شد. در مطالعه موردی، هزینه و کیفیت، به عنوان اولویت های رقابتی در نظر گرفته شده و معیارها متناسب با این دو بُعد انتخاب شده است. نتیجه گیری: رویکرد این پژوهش به مدیران کمک می کند تا با در نظر گرفتن پروفایل ترجیحات در روش خوشه بندی رتبه ای و شرایط شرکت خود، بتوانند در بازار رقابتی و بازار تأمین، انتخاب های بیشتر و دقیق تری از روش های خرید را برای هر دسته از اقلام خرید داشته باشند.

Proposing an Ordered Clustering Based on the PROMETHEE Principles to Develop Purchasing Strategy in the Supply Chain

Objective Purchasing portfolio models have received a great deal of attention in both academic and practice fields as suitable purchasing strategies. Purchasing portfolio applies as a diagnostic and prescriptive purchasing tool. The core purpose of this study is to introduce a quantified portfolio for developing purchasing strategies that are aligned with competitive priorities. The quantitative method of this study relies on data mining (ordered clustering) and MADM (Best Worst method) to classify purchased items with the aim of creating a strategic fit in the supply chain and developing purchasing strategies in accordance with the competitive priorities of organizations. Methods: In portfolio models, the determination of the dimensions and the manner in which they are measured is important. In this study, firstly, the proper dimensions for commodity classification were introduced. These dimensions were competitive priority (as introduced in the literature review, including the costs, quality, speed, flexibility, and innovation), supply market analysis (an important dimension that should be considered in commodity classification analysis), and product features (that describe the characteristics of the commodities). Next, the proper criteria for each dimension were determined using the Delphi method. After that, the selected criteria using the Delphi method were weighted using the Best Worst method. In the following, purchasing items were classified using ordered clustering based on the PROMETHEE method. In this study, the clusters determined by PSO-K-means were ranked using the total unicriterion net flow of clusters in each dimension introduced in this study. Then, the preference profile was used to measure the preferential quality of each cluster on the different criteria in each dimension. The profile helps the purchasing managers with selecting the best proposed working methods for purchasing in each class of commodity by the preference profile. Finally, the proper working method and purchasing strategy were proposed for highly strategic commodities. Results The approach and method presented in this study were implemented for 100 purchased items in a steel company. In this study, the company selected cost and quality as competitive priorities. The method construct bases on these competitive priorities and proper criteria for each dimension. The most appropriate purchasing methods for each class of high-strategic purchased items were presented taking into account the proposed methods and the opinion of experts. The strategies and working methods that were introduced in purchasing Chessboard were applied in this study. Conclusion The approach of this research helps purchasing and supply managers to have more and more accurate choices of purchasing methods for each category of purchasing items. By considering the profile of preferences in the ordered clustering method based on the PROMETHEE principles it helps them to improve supply management and supply chain performance. Also, the alignment of purchasing strategy with business strategy could improve competitiveness.
