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International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۵, Spring ۲۰۱۹
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The purpose of this study was to examine the accords and discords between English language teachers’ and students’ perceptions of teacher interpersonal behavior in four selected secondary schools in Ethiopia. The samples of the study were 48 English language teachers and their respective 420 students. In order to collect data, questionnaires were administered to both students and teachers. To analyze and interpret the data, a two-tailed independent sample t-test was used. Accordingly, the findings revealed that teachers rated themselves considerably higher for helpful/friendly, leadership, and strict behaviors and lower for uncertain, admonishing, student freedom/ responsibility and dissatisfied behaviors as compared to their students’ rating of them. However, no significant difference was found between the two bodies for understanding interpersonal behavior. Similarly, teachers notably felt they were highly in control of classroom communications and had more affiliation/ connection with the students in the process of communications than their students’ perceptions of them. Hence, there were much discords between English language teachers’ and students’ perceptions of teacher interpersonal behavior. Following the findings, some recommendations were forwarded.
Cultural Differences Encountered by a Novice Chinese Immersion Teacher in an American Kindergarten Immersion Classroom
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۵, Spring ۲۰۱۹
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The research objective of this study was to explore the cultural differences and challenges encountered by the Chinese Immersion Teacher (CIT) and how the CIT deal with the cultural differences in the immersion classroom. A qualitative case study approach was chosen for this research. The participant was a novice kindergarten immersion teacher who was born and educated in a Chinese-speaking country. There were 13 children with diverse ethnic backgrounds in the teacher’s classroom. Interviews and observations were the primary sources of data. The data collection and analysis stages were undertaken concurrently. The researcher used thematic analysis to analyze the data. The findings of this study show that a novice CIT typically faces several challenges owing to the differences between Chinese culture and American culture, including the differences in the expectations regarding learning, teacher status, teacher authority, teaching methods, and learning styles. Moreover, the study found that the CIT struggled with these differences and did not know how to do her job without considerable support and training. The research led to suggestions to improve cultural awareness, management of cultural differences, and CIT training.
Impact of Density and Distribution of Unfamiliar Lexical Items on Iranian EFL Learners’ Successful Reading Comprehension Achievement
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۵, Spring ۲۰۱۹
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Density and distribution of Unfamiliar Lexical Items (ULIs) appear to influence learners’ Reading Comprehension Achievement (RCA). This study concerns the impact of these two variables on Iranian EFL learners’ RCA. For this, two groups of students timetabled for the experiments designed to assess learners’ RCA. To determine the participants’ levels of proficiency a Quick Proficiency Test was first given to the total population of 87 students and 60 selected as participants. They were then divided into four subgroups of 15, each of which took the pertaining text as the treatment. To do so, three short passages were administered, two for the density and one for distribution. Then, data were gathered from the questionnaires and answers analyzed by SPSS. The results revealed the participants in low density/distribution subgroups outperforming their counterparts in high density/distribution subgroups on tests devised to measure the learners’ inferencing of ULIs boldfaced in the texts. The selected method was a quasi-experimental, post-test only design and the procedures comprised short passages, multiple-choice tests, and statistics. To conclude, ULIs found detrimental to the learners’ successful RCA in the foregoing experimentation, where it can serve as a resource to the EFL development programs.
Analysis of Translation Strategies Employed in Awards-winning Subtitled Dramas
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۵, Spring ۲۰۱۹
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The increasing impact of audiovisual media and film industry in particular has led researchers to think of audiovisual translation strategies. Huge investments in film industry need global markets. Hence, there is a need for qualified translations and systematic studies dedicated to this area are in great demand. This study aims to investigate translation strategies adopted in the translation of two awards-winning dramas. The selection criterion is based on winning international awards or compliments received in the target community. Although some may argue that these successes are rooted in the selected movies’ ideologies, the role of an accurate translation in transferring such elements is undeniable. The present study analyzes the translation strategies employed in the subtitled version of the following films: A Separation and I Daniel Blake. The theoretical framework of the current study is based on Gottlieb’s (1992) Classification of Interlingual Subtitling. The obtained results depicted that except dislocation and transcription, all Gottlieb’s strategies were applicable. The results also showed that the film’s genre plays an influential role in translators’ decisions. As these films were warmly welcomed by the target audiences, the frequent translation strategies will be useful and practical for the future of audiovisual translation industry.
Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers' Brain Dominance, Teaching Experience and their Teaching Style
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۵, Spring ۲۰۱۹
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The present study sought to explore the relationship between Iranian EFL teachers' brain dominance, teaching experience and their teaching style. The study population consisted of all EFL teachers of high schools in Shiraz holding a B.A degree, with the sample consisting of 100 participants recruited through convenience sampling. The study employed a descriptive correlational design. To collect data, a 40 Item-Teaching Style Survey, a 15 Item- Brain Dominance Questionnaire, and a 14 Item-Teaching Experience Scale were used. The data was presented in mean, standard deviation, graphs, and tables. Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression were used to test the research hypotheses. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between EFL teachers’ brain dominance, teaching experience and their teaching style. It was also found that EFL teachers’ brain dominance was a grater predictor of their teaching style than their teaching experience was. The results have several practical implications. The recommendations made include whole brain teaching and addressing the cognitive needs of EFL teachers.
EFL Students’ Epistemological Beliefs and Use of Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies in Bahir Dar University
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۶, Summer ۲۰۱۹
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This study attempted to investigate the level of EFL learners’ epistemological beliefs and learning strategy use as well as the contribution of epistemological beliefs to their learning strategy use in Bahir Dar University. Comprehensively selected 136 EFL students at the Faculty of Humanities of Bahir Dar University responded to modified versions of Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire and Motivated and Self Directed Learning Strategies Questionnaire. The descriptive statistics showed that the participants generally held a low level of epistemological beliefs (mean scores ranging from 2.49 to 3.09 on a five-point scale) and they moderately used cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies (mean scores ranging from 3.29 to 3.82 on a five-point scale). The results of multivariate analysis indicated there was a significant multivariate effect of epistemological beliefs on the various dimensions of learning strategies, contributing 15.8% of the variance. The follow-up univariate analyses also showed the difference in epistemological beliefs had a significant impact on their use of all dimensions of learning strategies except rehearsal strategy. This means that EFL students with sophisticated epistemological beliefs, compared to their counterparts with naïve beliefs, are more strategic in handling learning situations through deploying appropriate higher order cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies.
التعریف فی معاجم المصطلحات اللسانیه العربیه
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یدرس البحث التعریف المصطلحی فی معاجم المصطلحات اللسانیه العربیه؛ خصائصه وأهمیته وشروطه، وما المآخذ التی تقع فیها بعض المعاجم أحیانًا عندما تتصدى لربط المصطلح بمفهومه من خلال تعریف التصور. وقد عمد البحث إلى دراسه مجموعه من المعاجم اللسانیه العربیه أو المترجمه إلى العربیه درسًا تطبیقیًا. ویبدأ البحث بتعریف مصطلحی (المصطلح والتصور)، ثم یتصدى لتعریف مصطلح (التعریف)، ویحدد أقسامه بین التعریف المنطقی بأنواعه المختلفه، واللغوی بطرائقه المتعدده. ثم یقف على أهمیته؛ إذ یعمل التعریف على إبراز المصطلح المعرَّف فی مجال علمی محدد، ومن خلال شجره مصطلحات للعمل موضوع البحث. ویُعَرِّف البحث بالمعاجم اللسانیه العربیه التی اشتملت على تعریف لمصطلحاتها (وهی ماده البحث). ثم یناقش شروط التعریف التی یجب على المعجمی أن یلتزم بها؛ لیتصف تعریفه بالعلمیه والدقه والوضوح؛ وهی شروط بعضها منطقی والآخر لغوی ومصطلحی، ومدى التزام المصطلحی بهذه الشروط یحقق الغرض من المعجم لمستخدمه. ویصل البحث إلى دراسه العیوب التی وقعت فیها بعض المعاجم موضوع البحث، ویحلل أمثله مختلفه لهذه لکل عیب من هذه العیوب، ویعمل على أن یضع حلولًا لتفادی هذه العیوب؛ بما یخدم المعجم المصطلحی اللسانی، ومستخدمه من عامه المثقفین والمتخصصین.
Effects of CALL-Mediated TBLT on Self-Efficacy for Reading among Iranian University Non-English Major EFL Students
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۶, Summer ۲۰۱۹
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The rich and still expanding literature on TBLT is helping to mature both its theoretical conceptualization and practical implementation in foreign and second language education. Similarly, computer-assisted language learning (CALL) has grown as a field, with the use and integration of technology in the classroom continuing to increase and will continue to play an important role in this maturation process. The present study, hence, reports on an empirical study that investigated the effects of CALL-mediated TBLT on the perceived self- efficacy of Iranian university non-English major EFL students. Through non-probability and convenience sampling, two intact freshmen classes were chosen and randomly assigned as the experimental and the control group. During the treatment sessions, the students in the experimental group received instruction in a CALL-mediated TBLT format, while the control group received no CALL-mediated TBLT instruction but underwent only a task- based instruction on reading without the mediation of CALL. A univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was run, while controlling for pre-intervention scores as the covariate. A significant effect was found for CALL-mediated TBLT (F = 81.450, p = .000, partial eta squared =.504), suggesting CALL-mediated TBLT had a positive effect on the self-efficacy perceptions of the students in the experimental group .
On the Development of a Model of Cultural Identity and Language Achievement among Iranian Advanced EFL Learners
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۶, Summer ۲۰۱۹
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Culture is an inseparable part of a language. In other words, mastering a language and being able to communicate through it inevitably entails integrating with the culture of the speakers of that language which is the reflection of people's identity. The aim of the present study was designing a model of Iranian cultural identity. Initially, to select a homogeneous sample of learners at the advanced level, 300 language learners at the advanced level took TOEFL and 180 learners were chosen as the participants of the study. The cultural identity model was designed by the use of interviews and literature review to come up with main components of cultural identity. Afterwards, participants were interviewed about their identity and four components comprising Iranian cultural identity were identified. The results of the factors analysis showed that raw data converged to a pattern with four components which fit the hypothesized model of cultural identity. Then, the cultural identity questionnaire was given to participants. The results of statistical analyses indicated that there was a significant negative relationship between cultural identity and language achievement of the participants.
Scaffolding Moves by Learners in Online Interactions
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۷, Autumn ۲۰۱۹
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Learners can collaborate with each other to achieve a lesson objective. In the collaboration, they can provide each other with guidance in order to identify mistakes and improve their achievements. With the rise of online instructions, this small-scale exploratory study aimed to see how proficient learners guided their less proficient classmates in correcting the grammatical accuracy of sentences. Twenty three learners who were taking a blended-learning grammar class were assigned to post brief essays on Edmodo and the more able learners were instructed to help their weaker classmates find and correct the errors in their essays. A total of 18 essays and 15 lines of comments were generated in their online interactions. A coding was done to identify the moves of the learners as they gave and received peer corrections. The results indicated that the more able learners made seven types of moves for guiding their classmates, with only three sequences incorporating a relatively complete scaffolding moves. The weak learners, however, hardly responded to their more proficient classmates. Reluctance to prolong the discussion in online setting and the difficulties in dealing with detailed grammatical items in such setting may have been responsible for this low rate of responses.
On the Development of a Software towards Ameliorating Iranian EFL Learners' Reading Proficiency
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۸, Winter ۲۰۱۹
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This article presents the outcomes of how Dynamic Assessment (DA) may be organized to function within a class’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The testing field also has recently undergone noticeable changes leading to a shift to use technology that is emerged in our era. The study investigated college students’ barriers and motivations for testing reading comprehension ability using the newly designed software. To this end, 30 participants were interviewed and the related data were analyzed thematically to identify emerging themes relating to the current status of the new testing environment. Four themes emerged relating to potential barriers and motivations and the results showed that working with the software provided positive experiences of working in a supportive environment. The study found that using the newly designed software in the classroom generally enhances learning and other outcomes. This novel software does not only aim to reduce barriers in conventional testing environment but also highlights the positive aspects which enhance motivation.
The Effects of Systemic-Theoretical Instruction on Developing Iranian EFL Learners’ Explicit and Implicit Knowledge of Tense-Aspect System
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۸, Winter ۲۰۱۹
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This study aimed to investigate the effects of Systemic Theoretical Instruction (STI), grounded in Socio-cultural Theory and proposed by Gal’perin, on developing Iranian EFL learners’ knowledge of English tense-aspect system. To this end, two low-intermediate classes, including 24 and 21 language learners aged between 12-19, were taught the distinction between simple past and present perfect tense through STI and traditional method of grammar instruction. The learners sat for a pretest one week before the treatment and an immediate and delayed posttest, one and three weeks after the instruction, respectively. The tests included binary-choice and gap-filling items to evaluate the learners’ explicit knowledge of the target tense-aspect pairings and elicited imitation test items to check their implicit knowledge. The results obtained from a series of independent and paired-sample t-tests revealed a significant improvement for both groups in the immediate posttest both in terms of the entire test and its subcomponents suggesting that both types of instruction were effective in improving the learners’ implicit and explicit knowledge of the target forms in the short term. However, the significant outperformance of the STI group compared to the traditional group implied the superiority of this method. Moreover, the STI group generally outperformed the traditional group in the delayed posttest indicating the possibility of having a more lasting effect on developing learners’ knowledge when compared to the traditional method. These findings can have significant implications for teachers and materials developers in practicing the assumptions of more innovative approaches such as STI.
The Relationship between Iranian Upper-Intermediate EFL Learners’ Contrastive Lexical Competence and Their Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۸, Winter ۲۰۱۹
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Regarding the vital role of lexical competence as an important requisite for the attainment of full mastery of the four language skills, this study tried to investigate the relationship between Iranian EFL learners’ contrastive lexical competence and their use of vocabulary learning strategies. To fulfil this objective, 60 Iranian upper-intermediate male and female language learners were selected based on the results of an Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT). Afterwards, the researcher administered the Contrastive Lexical Competence Test (Ziafar, 2017). After carrying out the CLC test, the participants answered the Questionnaire of Vocabulary Learning Strategies. The questionnaire adapted from the taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) developed by Schmitt (1997). After analyzing the data, it was revealed that determination strategies were the most frequently-used strategies of the five vocabulary learning strategies, followed by cognitive strategies. Moreover, the result indicated that the relationship between CLC and vocabulary learning strategies was a strong positive one and this relationship was of statistical significance. The implications of this study can make teachers aware of the importance of choosing an appropriate strategy of vocabulary learning for language learners to pave the way of improving lexical knowledge for them.
Validity and Reliability Reports in Applied Linguistics Research Articles: The case of tests and questionnaire
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۸, Winter ۲۰۱۹
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This study intended to determine the way validity and reliability i.e., psychometric properties were reported in the Applied Linguistics research articles. The study also focused on the measurement methods applied to determine the validity and reliability of the scores derived from the tests and questionnaires in the empirical studies. The corpus of the study included 331 empirical studies derived from 733 research articles (RAs) published between 2005 and 2018 in three prominent Applied Linguistics journals – Applied Linguistics, Modern Language Journal, and TESOL Quarterly, The selected papers used test and/or questionnaire for data collection. Our analysis indicated that 77(20.98%) of the studies did not report validity and reliability measures, 82(22.35%) reported only reliability measures, 26(7.08%) reported only validity measures, and 182(49.59%) reported both the validity and reliability measures for the instruments. It was also found that content validity assessed through the pilot study had the highest frequency among validity evidences while internal consistency, mostly identified by Cronbach's alpha, was the most frequent reliability evidence.
An Investigation of Teachers’ Perceptions of KARDS in an EFL Context
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۸, Winter ۲۰۱۹
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Kumaravadivelue’s (2012) language teacher education for a global society known as KARDS has gathered little momentum in the context of Iran due to scarcity of studies on it. To fill this gap, the present research investigated Iranian EFL teachers’ perceptions of KARDS with regard to variables including teaching context, gender, and teaching experience. To this end, a KARDS questionnaire was designed, constructed, and validated by the researchers, and the results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the validity of the questionnaire. Later, it was administered to 400 English teachers in Tehran. Then, 20 participants volunteered for follow-up interviews, and their verbatim interview transcripts were content analyzed. The results of descriptive statistics and MANOVA indicated that teachers’ perceptions were positive for the majority of items except theorization, observation of colleagues’ classes, and needs analysis done by outsiders, and there were significant differences in teachers’ perceptions of KARDS with regard to their teaching context, gender, and teaching experience. Also, the qualitative investigation of teachers’ perceptions confirmed the findings of the quantitative part.
تغییرپذیری در اصطلاحات دارای نام اندامِ سر در زبان فارسی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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پیکره این پژوهش، شواهدی هستند که نجفی (1378) برای اصطلاحات دارای نام اندامِ سر ذکر کرده است. شیوه های تغییرپذیری مطرح در مون (1998) و لانگ لاتز (2006) هم چارچوب نظری اند. یافته ها نشان می دهد اصطلاحات نام اندامی زبان فارسی به واسطه فرایندهای اضافه سازی، جابه جایی نحوی، جایگزینی و حذف، در سطوح مختلف تغییرپذیرند. تغییرپذیری در سطح نحوی به صورت پسایند شدگی، قلب نحوی، مصدر شدگی و اسم مصدرشدگی، مجهول شدگی، تغییرپذیری نقشی، اضافه سازی گروه حرف اضافه ای و حذف فعل دیده می شود. در سطح معنایی، تغییرپذیری از طریق چندمعنایی و ایهام شدگی روی می دهد. تغییرپذیری در سطح واژگانی شامل فرایندهای اضافه سازی اسم، صفت، قید، جایگزینی اسم، جایگزینی فعل و حذف فعل است و در سطح واژی نحوی نیز اضافه سازی یای نکره و نشانه های جمع مشاهده شد. بررسی ها نشان می دهد که فرایندهای اضافه سازی و جابه جایی نحوی، نشانگر تمایل اصطلاحات به رعایت اصل تصویرگونگی کمیّت و تصویرگونگی پیچیدگی هستند. در عین حال، فرایندهای چندمعنایی، ایهام سازی، تغییرپذیری نقشی و حذف، نشان از رعایت اصل اقتصاد می دهند.
تداخل نحوی دوزبانه های تالشی-فارسی و فارسی-تالشی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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بررسی برخورد زبانی و کشف انواع تداخل در میان دوزبانه ها به ما کمک می کند تا مشکلات و موانع آموزشی را شناسایی کنیم و به راه حل های علمی برای ایجاد و اجرای آموزش درست و به دور از تبعیض در میان گروه های قومی متفاوت با یک زبان رسمی دست یابیم. هدف این پژوهش، بررسی تداخل های نحوی فارسی و تالشی در میان دوزبانه های تالشی- فارسی، و فارسی- تالشی براساس تجزیه و تحلیل مقابله ای است. به علاوه، انواع تداخل ها، عوامل مؤثر بر رخداد آنها، و نیز نقش جنسیت در بروز این پدیده تبیین می شود. جامعه آماری این پژوهش بیست دوزبانه فارسی- تالشی، و بیست دوزبانه تالشی- فارسیِ هشت تا بیست ساله از دو جنسیت است که به روش نمونه گیری در دسترس از روستای تالشی زبان عنبران در استان اردبیل و مهاجران دوزبانه تالشی روستای عنبران در غرب استان تهران، شهرک آزادشهر و شهر قدس انتخاب شده اند. ابزار این پژوهش، پرسشنامه ای حاوی پنجاه جمله فارسی و به همین شمار معادل تالشی آنها بوده است. داده های این پژوهش پس از گردآوری، آوانویسی و گلاس نویسی شده اند. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که جنسیت در ایجاد تداخل نحوی تأثیر معناداری ندارد. دوزبانه های دو گروه بیشتر تداخل ها را از زبان نخست به زبان دوم انجام داده اند و میزان تداخل در میان دوزبانه های فارسی-تالشی بیشتر از تالشی- فارسی است.
تحلیل معنایی گواه نمایی در زبان فارسی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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گواه نمایی مقوله ای زبانی است که بر اساس آن، گوینده باید منبع اطلاعات گفته اش را در قالب تکواژ یا عنصری صرفی در جمله بازنمایی و مشخص کند که آیا گوینده، رویداد را دیده، شنیده، استنتاج کرده یا به شکل دیگری کسب کرده است. نگارنده ضمن بررسی نمونه هایی از فارسی گفتاری به بررسی گواه نمایی در فارسی امروز پرداخته و به روشی توصیفی تحلیلی به این نتیجه رسیده است که دست کم برمبنای چند دلیل عمده نمی توانیم به وجود گواه نمایی در فارسی قائل باشیم: نخست، در فارسی عنصر صرفی اجباری در قالب تکواژ یا واژه بست برای نمایش اختصاصی گواه نمایی وجود ندارد؛ دوم، اشاره به منبع اطلاعات نه به کمک ابزارهای صرفی، بلکه از طریق وجه فعل و به کمک «جمله»، آن هم به صورت اختیاری بازنمایی می شود؛ سوم، وجه مقوله ای جهانی است، اما گواه نمایی ویژه تعداد محدودی از زبان هاست؛ چهارم، اگر وجه را از فعل کنار بگذاریم، امکان بازنمایی معنایی این مفهوم به طور کامل از بین می رود؛ پنجم، این مقوله در زبان های جوامع کوچک و با فرهنگی نه چندان پیشرفته، در قالب نظامی بسیار پیچده تر به کار می رود.
تحلیل فضا زمان در فضای متنی رمانِ دگرگونی با تأکید بر گفتمان جغرافیایی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزه های تخصصی:
در دوران پس از جنگ جهانی دوم، اهمیت فضا دوچندان می شود. در عصر برتری فضا بر زمان، استقلال فضا و زمان، جای خود را به پیوستار «فضا زمان» می دهد. فضا زمان، زمان را از مفهوم خطی خارج و آن را به صورت لایه لایه معرفی می کند. در این پژوهش، فضا زمان در گفتمان متن دگرگونی اثر میشل بوتور، نویسنده رمان نو فرانسه، با رویکرد نوین گفتمان جغرافیایی از دیدگاه برتراند وستفال مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نویسنده با بهره گیری از فضای متن، تأثیر زمان بر تحول فضا را برای خواننده به تصویر کشیده است. پرسش های این پژوهش عبارت اند از: نقش زمان در تحول فضا چیست؟ فضای متنی چگونه تحول فضا زمان را در خلال نوشتار به مخاطب معرفی می کند؟ یافته های تحقیق نشان می دهد که فضا در کنار زمان، پیوستار فضا زمان را به وجود آورده است و برای تحلیل فضا نمی توان عنصر زمان را به عنوان عنصر قاطع و جدایی ناپذیر فضا در نظر گرفت. اگر زمان متحرک و متغیر است پس فضا نیز متغییر و پویاست. بنابراین، این گفتمان متن است که امکان بازنمایی فضای متحول شده و چندلایه در طول زمان را فراهم می کند. هدف درک فضای بازنمایی شده در اثر ادبی و تغییرات آن در بستر زمان است تا خواننده بتواند این فضا را درک کند و آن را در ذهن خود بازنمایی کند.
تحلیل زبان شناختی «خروج آمریکا از برجام» در گفتمان های دو شبکه «العربیه» و «المنار»(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزه های تخصصی:
رسانه ها نمی توانند مخاطبان خود را وادار سازند که «چگونه» بیندیشند؛ اما می توانند با به کارگیری مهارت هایی، آن ها را ترغیب کنند که به «چه موضوعی» فکر کنند، به همین منظور با برجسته سازی پیام هایی که در راستای اهداف آن هاست، توجه مخاطبان را به آن موضوع جلب می کنند. برای برجسته سازی پیام در رسانه ها، تکنیک های مختلفی وجود دارد که از جمله آن ها، تکنیک های زبانی است. پژوهش حاضر به تحلیل زبان شناختی خروج امریکا از برجام در گفتمان های دو شبکه « العربیه » عربستان و« المنار » لبنان با استفاده از الگوی ون دایک می پردازد. «برجسته سازی» و «حاشیه رانی» تکنیک هایی هستند که این دو شبکه تلاش کردند با بهره گیری از آن، قوت گفتمان خود را برجسته کنند ودرمقابل قوت غیر (دشمن) را به حاشیه ببرند و ضعف وی را برجسته کنند. داشتن ایدئولوژی متفاوت نسبت به برجام، معیار اصلی انتخاب این دو شبکه خبری بوده است. این شبکه ها تلاش کردند با استفاده از ابزارهای زبانی چون تکرار، مبالغه، تضاد، قصر و... به دنبال تأثیرگذاری بر مخاطب و اقناع وی باشند و به همین منظور با انتخاب دقیق حروف و واژگان به کار رفته در متن اخبار، واقعیت ها را به گونه ای دیگر نشان دهند و پیام پنهان مورد نظر خود را زیرکانه و غیرمستقیم به مخاطبان منتقل کنند.