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نمایش ۵۸۱ تا ۶۰۰ مورد از کل ۹٬۶۷۶ مورد.

Investigating the Value of Different Kinds of Stems in Multiple Choice Tests: Interruptive Vs. Cumulative

کلید واژه ها: Cumulative stems general English course interruptive stems multiple-choice tests

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۳ تعداد دانلود : ۶۴
The statement stated in a multiple-choice question can be developed regarding two types of sentences: Interruptive (periodic) and cumulative (or loose). This study deals with different kinds of stems in designing multiple-choice (MC) items. To fill the existing gap in the literature, two groups of teacher students passing general English courses at Farhangian University were selected based on Cambridge Placement Test. The design of this study was a comparison group design. To verify the effectiveness of the stems, i.e., interruptive and cumulative stems, two types of tests based on the book entitled Thoughts and Notions 2, which was taught in General English classes, similar in content, but different in their stems, were designed. Each test contained 40 items, 25 vocabulary items, and 15 items of reading comprehension. The first group of students was given the test designed using only interruptive sentences as stems. The second group participated in the test, being prepared using only cumulative sentences as stems. After the data analysis via an independent t-test, it became apparent that the first group outperformed the second. Therefore, it was concluded that interruptive sentences as a stem in multiple-choice tests were more reliable and valid than cumulative ones. One of the study implications is that the interruptive stems can be used to assist policymakers and material designers, and language teachers to be considered for future decision making, and designing materials.

بررسی عاملیت دوره های انبوه برخط زبان آموزی مبتنی بر ربات های اجتماعی برای آموزش مهارت های درک و تولید فارسی با اهداف پرستاری(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: دوره های آزاد انبوه برخط فارسی با اهداف پزشکی ربات های اجتماعی مهارت های خوانداری و نوشتاری

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۵۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۵
هدف این پژوهش بررسی عاملیت دوره های آزاد انبوه برخط مبتنی بر ربات های اجتماعی در زبان آموزی با اهداف پرستاری است. در سال تحصیلی 1400، این پژوهش مداخله ای با طرح موازی در فاز کمّی به تلفیق دوره های آزاد انبوه برخط با ربات های اجتماعی پرداخت تا عاملیت انواع این دوره ها را در آموزش فارسی با اهداف پرستاری بررسی کند. شرکت کنندگان در سه گروه مورد در تعامل با ربات اجتماعی به تمرین مهارت های خوانداری و نوشتاری پرداختند. بعد از هر جلسه تمرین، پیشرفت خوانداری و نوشتاری شرکت کنندگان ارزشیابی شد. فاز کیفی پژوهش با انجام مصاحبه متمرکز شکل گرفت. داده های کمّی از طریق آزمون تحلیل واریانس با اندازه های مکرّر و داده های کیفی به شیوه مضمون محور تحلیل شد. یافته های پژوهش از عاملیت دوره های آزاد انبوه برخط مبتنی بر ربات های اجتماعی در آموزش فارسی با اهداف پرستاری حکایت داشت. از نگاه شرکت کنندگان، راهبری یاددهنده هم نیاز نقش آفرینی فعّال فراگیران در تمرین زبان با اهداف پرستاری به کمک دوره های آزاد انبوه مبتنی بر ربات اجتماعی بود. نتایج این پژوهش می تواند برای دست اندرکاران زبان آموزی دانشگاهی مفید باشد.

A Comparative Study of Sustainability Education among Iranian EFL Instructors and Social Sciences Instructors(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Sustainability sustainability literacy sustainability implementation sustainability education

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۴
During the twentieth century, the views of sustainability and its vital contribution to the refinement of education systems have become so momentous that many researchers have sought to remove barriers to achieving sustainability in the education system and across disciplines. Yet, such research has been less common in the humanities. Hence, the present study tried to depict a picture of the strengths and shortcomings of EFL and Social Sciences (SS) instructors in terms of sustainability literacy, sustainability implementation, and eventually Sustainability Education (SE). Moreover, it provides the readers with the status of SE in EFL and SS faculties in Iran and offers clear recommendations for how and in which specific areas to adopt interdisciplinary approaches for SE development. This comparative study can pave the way for further practical studies in these areas through a quantitative method using a researcher-developed questionnaire with 300 participants. It proved that SS instructors have the potential to make outstanding contributions to sustainability literacy enhancement and EFL instructors are well aware of the strategies which work for sustainability implementation. It also came down in favor of the specific courses which should be incorporated into all-round teacher education policy. The study can be an important step towards teacher education reform and has implications for different fields of humanities. It has been implied that multidisciplinary approaches can bring about livelier and more effective teacher training programs. 

Digital Gaming as a Panacea for Incidental L2 Acquisition in an EFL Context(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Second Language (L2) acquisition digital gaming incidental learning Vocabulary Learning psycholinguistics

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۲۷ تعداد دانلود : ۸۸
The use of digital games has increased dramatically in the last two decades due to the augmentation in the number of Personal Computers (PCs) and mobile devices worldwide. Not only can digital games be played for entertainment, but also, they may have both positive and negative effects on their players. Various effects of digital games on individuals’ levels of attention span, concentration, and addiction have already been tested by numerous studies; however, their impact on incidental Second Language (L2) acquisition is still untouched by language researchers. To address this lacuna, this is a longitudinal observational study that lasted for three months to investigate the impact of digital games played by young learners for entertainment at home on their unintentional acquisition of English as an L2. The age of the participants ranged from 8 to 14 years old, and the experiment was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021. Three main games were played by the sample; namely, Free Fire, Minecraft, and Among Us. The findings revealed that digital gaming significantly influenced the vocabulary development of the participants, and gaming was a clear asset for their L2 acquisition. It was also found that the players’ level of vocabulary retention was high; however, two drawbacks were identified in this regard, namely, the prolonged screen time and vocabulary items specifically related to a given area of a particular game. Overall, this study can be an impetus for further research into evaluating the benefits or drawbacks of using digital games for specific aspects of L2 acquisition such as the development of cognitive abilities or enhanced understanding. 

Do the Number of Contact Hours Matter? Revisiting the Effectiveness of Online Remedial English Course during the Pandemic in the Kingdom of Bahrain(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: English Remedial Course Grammar and Vocabulary Speaking and Listening ROC-curve

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۳ تعداد دانلود : ۶۰
The present study aims to assess the effectiveness of remedial English courses in improving students’ English skills in terms of grammar, vocabulary, listening, and speaking. The study also aimed to identify the optimal number of contact hours spent in remedial courses to improve students’ post-test scores. The study utilized the pre and post-test scores of 37 students enrolled in the English remedial Programme at the University of Technology Bahrain during the second and third trimesters of the Academic Year 2020-2021. Using a non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Ranked Test and Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, the study derived the following conclusions: Remedial courses significantly increased the post-test scores of the students for both grammar and vocabulary and speaking and listening. This would suggest that the conduct of remedial courses effectively improves the overall English-speaking skills of the students who completed the remedial course despite being fully delivered online. Contact hours spent in remedial courses, both in ENGL301 for Speaking and Listening and ENGL302 for Grammar and Vocabulary, can significantly determine the students’ success in passing the post-test. The effect of the number of contact hours in the remedial course on passing post-tests, both for Grammar and Vocabulary and Speaking and Listening, is not linear. The optimum numbers of hours to be spent per trimester on directed learning to improve students’ post-test scores in grammar and vocabulary, and speaking and listening are 86.25 and 88.5 hours, respectively. This threshold maximizes the chance of predicting the students who passed at the level of sensitivity and specificity.    

فرایند درج همخوان در گویش تبریزی بر پایه نظریه بهینگی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: درج همخوان گویش تبریزی محدودیت های نشان داری نظریه بهینگی همخوان میانجی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۲۴ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۲
در این مقاله [1] ، فرایند درج همخوان میانجی در زبان ترکی آذربایجانی (گویش تبریزی) برپایه نظریه بهینگی (رویکرد موازی) بررسی می شود. برای انجام این پژوهش، 90 واژه اصیل ترکی و 50 واژه قرضی به صورت میدانی گردآوری شده است. هدف از انجام پژوهش حاضر این است که مشخص شود در چه شرایط واجی، درج همخوان میانجی صورت می گیرد و محدودیت های نشان داری فعّال در تبیین فرایند مذکور کدام اند. بررسی داده ها نشان می دهد که در این زبان، هنگام افزودن پسوند متشکل از یک (واکه) واج با واکه دارای مشخصه ]+افراشته[ به ستاک یا پسوند قبلی، همخوان /n/ و حین افزودن یک (واکه) واج یا چند (یک همخوان + یک واکه) واج با واکه دارای مشخصه ]-افراشته[ به ستاک یا پسوند قبلی همخوان /j/ درج می شود. بررسی و تحلیل داده ها حاکی از آن است که در شرایط واجی مذکور هنگام وقوع التقای واکه ای، محدودیت نشان داری ONSET بر محدودیت پایایی DEP تسلط می یابد و محدودیت های معرّفی شده با رتبه بندی ثابت به سادگی از عهده تبیین فرایند درج همخوان میانجی برمی آیند. [1]. این مقاله حاصل پژوهش نویسندگان در دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اردبیل است.

The Impacts of a Nationwide High-Stakes Test from High School Teachers and Principals' Perspectives: A Qualitative Study

کلید واژه ها: High-Stakes Test impact INUEE Iran Test fairness

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۵۱ تعداد دانلود : ۷۷
Iranian National University Entrance Exam (INUEE) as a nationwide high-stakes test is held annually to screen Iranian high school graduates and admit them into higher education programs in universities. This high-stakes examination has a wide range of impacts on test takers as the primary stake-holders and the parents, teachers, and high school principals as the secondary stakeholders. This study reports the impacts of INUEE on high school teachers and principals. To this aim, 27 teachers and 18 principals from three western provinces of Iran sat for a structured interview. Each interview lasted nearly 30 minutes. All the interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed. Next, following the Grounded Theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) as the basis of analysis, the transcriptions were subjected to content analysis to extract common patterns and recurring themes. Content analysis was applied to codify the transcribed interview data through an inductive process of frequent moving back and forth to extract common patterns and recurring themes of the data. After coding and 'quantitizing' the data (Dörnyei, 2007), the basic themes were identified, frequency counted, and tabulated. The results indicated that from the majority of the participants' perspective, the INUEE has detrimental consequences for students, teachers, school principals, and the educational curriculum. The findings of the study underscore the consequential invalidity and unfairness of the test and its negative impacts on different aspects of the educational system. The findings provide practical implications for educational policy-makers, school principals, and teachers highlighting the necessity of their awareness of negative consequences of INUEE.

Delineating Discrepancies between TOEFL PBT and CBT

کلید واژه ها: CBT computer familiarity discrepancies equivalent PBT

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تعداد بازدید : ۹۴ تعداد دانلود : ۶۸
The increasing use of computer-based mode in language testing raises concern over its similarities with and differences from paper-based format. The present study aimed to delineate discrepancies between TOEFL PBT and CBT. For that objective, a quantitative method was employed to probe into scores equivalence, the performance of male-female participants, the relationship between completion time and test score, and test mode’s effects on participants’ performance. Totally, 124 undergraduates partook in the current research whose ages ranged from 19 – 21 years (M = 20, SD = .66). To analyze the data, MANOVA, Pearson correlation, and regression tests were run. The findings uncovered that: (1) PBT and CBT were equivalent in scores; (2) male and female’s scores were not significantly different; (3) there was a moderately negative correlation between completion time and score; (4) computer familiarity, habit in using computers, and perception toward CBT did not affect performance in TOEFL. For researchers, the implication of this study concerns the interchangeability of the two-test modes. For CBT test designers, it concerns the appropriate inclusion of visuals, time related measurement, and procedures to design computer-based tests.

تحلیل ارتباط تراکم همجواری با بسامد لکنت در کودکان ۸-۴ ساله فارسی زبان(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: تراکم همجواری همجوار متراکم همجوار خلوت بسامد لکنت گفتار کودکان زبان فارسی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۱ تعداد دانلود : ۴۰
مقدمه: بررسی های مختلف نشان داده است عوامل زبان شناختی متعددی بر وقوع رخداد لکنت اثر می گذارند. هدف از این پژوهش، بررسی اثر متغیر واج شناختی تراکم همجواری (تعداد واژه های با شباهت آوایی با واژه هدف) بر میزان وقوع لکنت در کودکان دارای لکنت می باشد. روش: پژوهش حاضر بر روی 18 کودک ۴ تا ۸ ساله دارای لکنت انجام شده است که با شیوه نمونه گیری در دسترس در شهر تهران انتخاب شدند. تراکم همجواری با استفاده از ۲9 مورد آزمون نامیدن تصاویر و ۸ مورد آزمون تکرار جمله مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. در این آزمون ها واژه هایی از ساختارهای هجایی CVC و CVCC با میانگین بسامد نزدیک به هم به تعداد یکسان از دو گروه متراکم و خلوت انتخاب شدند.یافته ها: نتایج بررسی 576 محرک به دست آمده نشان داد در مجموع ۴۵.۸۳ درصد از واژه های با لکنت ادا شده در دسته خلوت و ۵۴.۱۶ درصد در دسته متراکم قرار دارند. بدین ترتیب کاهش تعداد واژه های همجوار موجب کاهش بسامد رخداد لکنت می شود، اما تفاوت معنادار نمی باشد (۰.۰۵P<).نتیجه گیری: با بررسی یافته های پژوهش به نظر می رسد افزایش متغیر تراکم همجواری باعث رقابت بیشتر واژه های مشابه آوایی شده، دسترسی واژگانی را کندتر و دشوارتر می سازد. در نتیجه بسامد لکنت در آنها افزایش می یابد.

The Spreading of a New Comer Language "Mandarin" in Cities in East Java and Its Implication: Linguistic Landscape Perspective(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: morality moral theory Gender teaching experience Iranian English Teachers

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۶ تعداد دانلود : ۲۸
Several languages displayed in Language Landscape (LL) in tourism cities are foremost to be explored since they can depict the battle and position of each language. As China has a tight cooperation with Indonesia and other countries, Mandarin has begun to be utilized in the public sphere, such as in the LL. Thus, this present study intends to analyze the use and position of Mandarin, the underlying reasons for using Mandarin, society’s perspective, and its implication. The qualitative method was applied in which all data were explained descriptively by engaging documentation and a questionnaire for data collection. The former was done through the 831 signs displayed in tourism cities in East Java (27 Mandarin LL involved). The latter was conducted through the 127 responses from various backgrounds: old and younger generations. The results indicate that (1) Mandarin LL with top-down signs get a higher percentage than bottom-up signs in which Mandarin is in the fourth position, (2) the utilization of Mandarin in LL is to reveal their identity of the LL owner, (3) it is not vital to display Mandarin in LL due to the lack knowledge of it. Even if societies have negative perceptions of Mandarin, they confess that Mandarin is extensively spread due to its fast growth in any sector. Consequently, this study is crucial to give a wake-up call to the government and speakers of indigenous languages that they should take essential action to preserve the position of local-ethnic languages in LL.

Idioms as Daunting Cultural Elements for Translators to Translate: The Case of Collins’s The Hunger Games


کلید واژه ها: Translation idioms Baker’s taxonomy of translation strategies

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۲ تعداد دانلود : ۶۱
The present study aimed at investigating the translation strategies the Persian translator adopted for idioms from English into Persian. To do so, qualitative descriptive research, with special attention to idiom translation and to the way such problematic items were translated from English into Persian, was applied. Then, a comparison was made between idioms, which were extracted from Collins’s (2008) The Hunger Games, and their translation made by Akhtar (n.d.) according to Baker’s (1992) taxonomy of translation strategies, namely using an idiom of similar meaning and form, using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form, translation by paraphrase, and translation by omission. Moreover, the chi-square test (X²) was used to see whether there is a significant relationship between the type of translation strategies and the number of them used by the Persian translator. The results revealed that Akhtar employed all four of Baker’s strategies to overcome idioms, of which the last two strategies were the most/least used strategies by him respectively. In addition, he preferred to apply the TT-oriented strategies rather than the ST-oriented ones. Misusing the TT-oriented strategies, in this case translation by paraphrase, did not allow him to create a good sense of some idioms in the TT and communicate effectively with the target audience. Thus, the translations he produced were not mainly acceptable and the target readers did not enjoy them to a great extent. The findings of the current study should be beneficial to translation students, newly researchers, and translation teachers. This study also suggested some pedagogical implications that could be helpful for those who benefit from the results of the study.

Relationship between Speed of Reading and Reading Comprehension Score in Undergraduate Students of EFLU: A Disquisition


کلید واژه ها: reading comprehension score reading speed undergraduate student

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۶ تعداد دانلود : ۲۰
The present study is an attempt to find if there is a relationship between silent reading speed and reading comprehension score in undergraduate students a pre-requisite study before starting a research involving factors related to metacognition and the affective domain. The sample of the study consists of twenty-four undergraduate students pursuing various foreign languages such as French, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, and German. To assess the reading comprehension of the students, two passages with multiple choice questions were selected from a book designed to check and improve reading speed and reading comprehension. The students worked in pairs, keeping a record of time taken to read for their partner. The word count of the passage was divided by the student’s speed of reading to analyze the reading speed simultaneously the students answered the multiple choice questions given after the passage which was used to assess the comprehension level. The findings of the t-test revealed that there is a significant difference between the reading speed and reading comprehension scores and the Pearson’s correlation shows that there is a positive and moderate relationship between the two variables. Secondly, it revealed that there is a significant difference between male and female students with respect to their reading comprehension scores and reading speed. In both cases the female students performed better in comparison to the male students. Finally, it reveals that there is a significant difference between the students pursuing different languages at their undergraduate level with respect to their reading comprehension and reading speed. The results indicated that the students from Japan had the highest scores, followed by those from Germany, France, Arabic, Spanish, and Russian.

ترجمه به مثابۀ تهاجم: بازخوانی تقابل ترجمه و فرهنگ(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: ترجمه سوزان بَسنت ترجمه فرهنگی تهاجم فرهنگی رسانه

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۱ تعداد دانلود : ۶۱
یکی از عرصه های سلطه ی قدرت های استعمارگر بر سایر کشورها سلطه و استیلای زبانی است. ترجمه در حوزه ی مطالعات پسااستعماری گاه علاوه بر تعریف اصلی و سنتی خود به مثابه ی تهاجم تعبیر می گردد؛ به نحوی که، در قالب یک ابزار تهاجم در دست استعمارگر، زبان، فرهنگ و هویت مستعمره را مورد هجمه قرار داده و بعدها برای اینکه بتواند در آن مناطق جای پایی بازکرده و منافع خود را حفظ کند با استفاده از ابزار تبلیغ مستقیم، خبر و رسانه، افکار، فرهنگ و زبان خود را به این ملل تزریق می نماید. سازوکار شکل-گیری این گفتمان در نظریه ی ترجمه ی فرهنگی سوزان بَسنت (2014)؛ نظریه پرداز فرهنگی ترجمه، انعکاس یافته است. در همین راستا، تحقیق حاضر با روشی توصیفی-تحلیلی و رویکرد فرهنگی با استفاده از نمونه گیری هدفمند به بررسی مصادیق تهاجم فرهنگی از طریق ترجمه در متون خبری چند سال اخیر صفحات، کانال های مجازی و خبرگزاری های داخلی پرداخته است. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که حوزه-های مهم فرهنگی، فکری و گفتمانی متن مقصد به خاطر عملکرد رسانه ، در ابعاد برگردان واژگانی مورد هجمه قرار گرفته اند. در واقع، ارزیابی داده ها علاوه بر شناخت چگونگی تأثیر فضای گفتمانی رسانه در امر ترجمه، گوشه هایی از این گفتمان پسااستعماری را در ابعاد ترجمانی تبیین کرده است. کلید واژگان: ترجمه، سوزان بَسنت، ترجمه فرهنگی، تهاجم فرهنگی، رسانه

چگونگی رفع التقای واکه های کشیده با واکۀ تکواژ جمع در زبان فارسی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلید واژه ها: کوتاه شدگی جبرانی التقای واکه ها درج همخوان میانجی غلت شدگیِ واکه نظریه لایه ایکس

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تعداد بازدید : ۷۵ تعداد دانلود : ۶۱
از شش واکه زبان فارسی واکه های /u:/، /i:/ و /A:/ کشیده هستند. التقای واکه ها ناشی از افزوده شدن تکواژ جمع /-An/ به اسم های مختوم به واکه /u:/ توسط غلت [w] و در اسم های مختوم به واکه های /i:/ و /A:/ توسط غلت [j] برطرف می شود. ضمن اینکه واکه های افراشته /u:/ و /i:/ کوتاه تر تلفظ می شوند؛ ولی تغییری در کشش واکه افتاده /A:/ رخ نمی دهد. هدف این پژوهش تحلیلی این است که مشخص کند در فاصله میان بازنمایی واجی و بازنمایی آوایی چه اتفاقی افتاده است. به این منظور، دو فرضیه تحلیل و بررسی شده اند: طبق فرضیه نخست، طی فرایند غلت شدگیِ واکه یک جزء از هریک از واکه های افراشته کشیده /u:/ و /i:/ به غلت معادل آن یعنی [w] و [j] تبدیل شده و به عنوان همخوان میانجی میان دو واکه قرار گرفته است. امّا براساس فرضیه دوم، التقای واکه ها از رهگذر درج همخوان میانجی برطرف شده و پیامد این درج رخداد فرایند «کوتاه شدگی جبرانی» است. در این پژوهش استدلال می شود که فرضیه دوم درست است. این فرضیه سپس در چارچوب نظریه بهینگی تحلیل می شود

استعارۀ تصویری در کارتون های شهروندی با موضوع محیط زیست(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: استعاره تصویری استعاره مفهومی کارتون کارتون شهروندی محیط زیست

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۶ تعداد دانلود : ۷۷
هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی نقش استعاره های تصویری در بیان و انتقال پیام در کارتون های شهروندی است. برای دستیابی به این هدف، در قالب مطالعه ای موردی، تعداد هفت کارتونِ منتشرشده در وبگاه های فارسی زبان داخلی استخراج و در چارچوب نظریه استعاره مفهومی (لیکاف و جانسون، 1980، 1999؛ لیکاف، 1993) و نظریه استعاره چندوجهی (فورسویل، 1996؛ 2008؛ 2009) تحلیل شدند. موضوع تمامی این کارتون ها «محیطِ زیست» بوده و پرسش اصلی پژوهش این است که برای بیان اهمیّت و لزوم حفظ محیطِ زیست از چه استعاره های مفهومی و چه استعاره های تصویری ای استفاده شده است و حوزه های مبدأ و مقصد در این استعاره ها کدام اند؟ نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد که کارتون ها ازلحاظ حوزه مبدأ به دو دسته تقسیم می شوند: در یک دسته، از حوزه مبدأ دال بر مفاهیم منفی و ناخوشایند (مانند دود و زباله) استفاده شده است و استعاره مفهومی زیربنایی آن ها عبارت است از «آلودگی، مرگ است». در دسته دیگر، از حوزه مبدأ دال بر مفاهیم مثبت و خوشایند (مانند ابزارهای کمک تنفسی) استفاده شده و براساس استعاره مفهومی «درخت، زندگی است» شکل گرفته اند. بنابراین، تقابل مفهومی بین درخت و آلودگی ازیک طرف، و تقابل میان مفاهیم زندگی و مرگ ازطرف دیگر، زیربنای اصلی پیام کارتون ها را تشکیل می دهند.

Structural Equation Modeling of the Sources of EFL Teachers’ Self–Efficacy(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: sources of self-efficacy EFL Teachers meta-analysis Systematic review

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۶ تعداد دانلود : ۵۳
Self-efficacy, which is known as the teachers’ self-perception of their competence and abilities in doing specific tasks, has attracted considerable attention in teacher education. It is seen as the teacher’s belief in achieving specific outcomes for students in their teaching practices, but the main sources of EFL teachers’ self-efficacy have not been systematically explored in a single study.  Therefore, this study set out to present a systematic review of the studies on EFL teachers’ self-efficacy. To this aim, a meta-analysis approach was employed to systematically review closely related papers from Elsevier, Google Scholar, and ERIC. The articles examined the sources of self-efficacy in a different context. Through precise screening, 13 papers were found to be eligible enough to be included in this study. Findings revealed that ‘Mastery Experiences’, ‘Vicarious Experiences’, ‘Social Persuasion and Support’,                                 ‘Emotional and Physiological States’, ‘Language Proficiency’, ‘Intelligence’, ‘Teaching skills and experience’, ‘pre-service training courses’, and ‘professional development activities’ are the main sources of self-efficacy. The findings could be theoretically and practically significant to EFL teachers, teacher trainers, and researchers interested in teacher education.

A Corpus-based Study of the Use of Lexical Bundles in EAP Texts by Iranian EFL and ESL Learners(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلید واژه ها: academic writing formulaic language language learning context Lexical Bundles Lexical development

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۶۸ تعداد دانلود : ۴۸
Research on native vs. non-native formulaic language use in academic texts, despite its wealth in scope and frequency, lacks an inclusive conceptualization of a non-native language learning context. Impressed by such a flawed approach, the bulk (if not all) of studies in the field compared the use of different multi-word strings in the academic discourse of either foreign or second language learners with a native baseline. The current study sought to address the gap, focusing on the structural and functional use of lexical bundles in two culturally parallel corpora developed in two non-native learning context modes: English as a foreign (EFL) and second (ESL) language. To this end, research reports written by Iranian Applied Linguistics MA and Ph.D. learners studying in different universities in Iran and English-speaking provinces of Canada were compared by a structurally similar native corpus, running cross-tabulation, Chi-square, and residual analysis analyses. The results revealed a significant association between language learning context and lexical bundle use on a functional level. The contextual variations yielded significantly different patterns of use concerning several micro-functions underlying text-oriented and research-oriented functions. Compared to functional differences, the between-corpus structural differences were inconspicuous, specifically concerning micro-structures constituting noun, prepositional, and verb phrase-related bundles. The study embraced the notion that EFL writers need to have immense exposure and enhanced language input available in ESL and native learning contexts to foster a native-like formulaic language.  

A Probe into Experiences of Female Iranian EFL Teachers and Students in Rural High Schools amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Hurdles and Achievements(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: ERT Adoption Hurdles Achievements English as a Foreign Language (EFL) rural high schools COVID-19

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۶۸ تعداد دانلود : ۵۶
The global outbreak of COVID-19 necessitated a swift transition from conventional face-to-face (F2F) teaching to Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) in educational institutions worldwide. This sudden shift posed significant challenges for both teachers and students, particularly those in low-resource rural schools. This study sought to probe into this experience in the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction, focusing on the perspectives of teachers and students in rural high schools within Iran. The study participants were 13 female EFL teachers and 15 female EFL students teaching and studying in rural high schools in different cities in Iran. Employing a qualitative approach, data were gathered through semi-structured interviews, online observation, and one of the researcher’s reflective journals. Thematic analysis was utilized to analyze the data, identifying several categories encompassing the hurdles encountered by the participants and the achievements they attained. The identified categories pertaining to hurdles encompassed technological, financial, educational, personal, professional, and well-being problems. Similarly, the categories pertaining to achievements comprised technological, educational, and professional progress, as well as enhanced convenience. Exploring the dilemmas and aspirations expressed by these participants can inform and better equip the educational system of Iran to effectively respond to similar crises in the future. Furthermore, this study offers insights to education authorities, aiding in the resolution of barriers to distance online education and facilitating enhanced preparedness for potential future emergencies.

ساخت بررسی و تحلیل خطای زبان آموزان ایرانی در استفاده از جملات مجهول «被 » در زبان چینی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلید واژه ها: تحلیل خطا جملات مجهول زبان آموزان ایرانی زبان چینی دستور زبان

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷
«جملات مجهول» الگویی مشترک در زبان های چینی و فارسی بوده و ساختار اصلی برای بیان مجهول در این دو زبان هستند. زبان های فارسی و چینی از لحاظ دستوری تفاوت ها و شباهت هایی دارند. یادگیری زبان چینی برای زبان آموزان ایرانی، با توجه به این تفاوت ها و شباهت ها، هم با سختی و هم آسانی همراه است. در مسیر یادگیری زبان، بروز خطا اجتناب ناپذیر است. اما بررسی خطاها به کاهش آنها کمک خواهد کرد. زبان آموزان ایرانی در مسیر یادگیری زبان چینی خطاهایی را مرتکب می شوند که بحث و تحقیق در مورد دلایل آنها از گام های مهم تحلیل خطاها بوده و دانستن علت آنها، کیفیت آموزش را به مراتب ارتقاء می بخشد. در این پژوهش ابتدا مقایسه دقیقی از ساختار جملات مجهول در زبان چینی و زبان فارسی ارائه گردیده و سپس به تفاوت ها و شباهت های این دو ساختار در دو زبان پرداخته شده است. در ادامه چگونگی استفاده جملات مجهول«被» در زبان چینی توسط زبان آموزان ایرانی از طریق پرسش نامه بررسی شده است. با تجزیه و تحلیل خطاهای زبان آموزان در پرسش نامه، مشخص گردید که دلایل بروز این خطاها عمدتاً سه عامل «انتقال اشتباه از زبان مادری»، «پیچیدگی دستور زبان چینی» و «استفاده از راهکار های اجتنابی» هستند.

Discursive odds of a fraudulent scheme in cyberspace correspondence: A CDA approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلید واژه ها: Cyber Text Virtual Correspondence Cyber Security Cyber Forgery CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis)

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۳ تعداد دانلود : ۲۹
Looking through the lens of forensic pragmatics, this study aims to critically analyze a typical textual sample of cyber-fraud correspondence as addressed to a candidate email-user. As such, the virtual correspondence which is written by a seemingly legitimate sender seems to be authorized in its claims to the extent that even the Gmail spam-identifying system has not report it as devious. Due to the questionable subject of such virtual correspondence(s) (VC) or cyberspace correspondence(s) (CC) being issued, that is the claim of offering a huge winning bid to the addressee and the significance of identifying the authenticity of such abrupt proposals, it can be hypothesized that such a text consists of fraudulent claims and therefore is subject to forensic cyber-crime examination. As such, the present study plans to provide a discursive analysis of an authentic sample based on a CDA procedure itself based on Fairclough’s (1989) formula presented in his influential book titled ‘Language and Power’. There are two main questions this study has aimed to answer: 1) How the text at hand lends itself to CDA analysis in terms of the main tenets of discursive manipulation proposed in Fairclough’s CDA formula? and 2) What manipulative patterns might be detected in a discursive piece of email correspondence allegedly presumed to be fraudulent. The main findings of this study are: 1) The lexical, sentential, and textual levels in the Fairclough’s CDA formula are applicable to the email-correspondence text at hand, though modified in accordance with the text’s discoursal specifications, 2) The outcome of the CDA analysis of the cyberspace correspondence sample under study provided definitive clues to support the existence of manipulative intention(s) hidden in the text at hand, 3) The results might be applied to similar pieces of discourse at different levels of lexical, sentential, and textual composition.

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