مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
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Present research investigates hope for future among young people. This research with regard to kind ofresearch method is the type of co- relational research in which two methods of documentary and survey (questionnaire) were used to reach the purposes of research. Statistical population of research includes young people who are between 15 to 30 years old consisting of sons and daughters who inhabit in Qom city. Size of
sample according to Cochran formula is calculated 400 persons. Results of research showed that ١٥ percent of respondents are not very hopeful about future، whereas ٣١ percent of respondents are very hopeful about future. About ٥٤ percent of them are somewhat hopeful about future. Obtained results from regression analysis for identifying factors effecting on rate of hope for future among young people showed that at first
variable of feeling of acceptability in comparison with others entered in equation. This variable had beta coefficient about 0.27 and next regression equation including Need fulfillment (with coefficient of 0.20) feeling of relative deprivation (with coefficient of 0.15)، feeling of security (with coefficient of 0.12)، being faithful about religion (with coefficient of 0.10) and feeling of justice (with coefficient of 0.07) irrespectively.
Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Happiness(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This paper examines factors affecting happiness using panel data concerning 58 countries during 2003-2011. Happiness data come in the form of answers to questions such as ""How happy are you as a whole in your life?"" and the answers range from 1 to 5transformed to obtain a 1-10 scale. Macroeconomics data are from MIT and World Bank 2012 tables. Including 215 total pool observations indicate the negative and significant effect for Inflation and Unemployment while positive and significant for Growth of GDP Per Capita and the Government Expenditure. Controlling these variables Islamic countries are relatively less happy.
The Relationship between Two Secular and Theological Interpretations of the Concept of Highest Good in Kant: With respect to the criticism of Andrews Reath’s paper “Two Conceptions of the Highest Good in Kant”(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
پژوهش های فلسفی پاییز و زمستان ۱۳۹۶ شماره ۲۱
93 - 107
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Discussing two common critiques on theological interpretations of the concept of the highest good in Kant’s moral philosophy in his paper, Two Conceptions of the Highest Good in Kant, Reath has invited readers to have a secular interpretation of this concept and pointed out its advantages. In the present paper, we will attempt to provide the main principles of Reath’s claims and demonstrate why Kant has stated both of these interpretations in all of his critical works—a subject that has confused Reath. For this purpose, we will indicate that in both of the above interpretations, Kant has offered the concept of the highest good in a historical context, in which the intellectual idea of the highest good as a desired ultimate totality makes the intellect to grow in history and cultivate the talents of human kind through numerous conflicts embedded in nature.
Effective Indicators of Promoting Social Interactions in Urban Public Spaces with a Happy City Approach
Socio-Spatial Studies, Vol ۳, Issue ۷, Summer ۲۰۱۹
49 - 61
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Today, the quality and quantity of urban spaces has become one of the most important developmental indicators in the cities. The management of citizenship relations and increase of social interactions level and presence of people in urban spaces have been considered as the backbone and capital of a dynamic and vibrant community. The purpose of this study was to determine and evaluate the effective indicators on promoting social interactions in urban spaces with a happy city approach. Sampling method was determined by multi-stage comparative stratified sampling and the number of samples was determined by using Cochran formula about 384 people in Qaemshahr. Data collection tool was a research hypothesis questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the data. Inferential statistics were used to analyze the hypotheses by SPSS and LISREL software. Four effective factors for promoting social interactions were extracted. These factors are as follows: the first priority is the sense of belonging to the place (5.10), the second priority is security (3.95), the third priority is the urban pedestrian (3.67) and the fourth priority was urban furniture (3.60). The results show that all the components affect the promotion of social interactions in the city's public spaces.
Mulla Sadra on the Relation of Sharia and Practical Philosophy(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
پژوهش های فلسفی پاییز ۱۳۹۹ شماره ۳۲
289 - 302
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To explain Mulla Sadra’s viewpoint of the relationship of practical wisdom and Sharia, one needs to turn to the explanation of human soul and its perfection (happiness). It should be mentioned that the nature of practical wisdom and its principles are specified based on the definition that is offered of happiness. According to Mulla Sadra, true happiness lies in human soul’s acquisition of rational truths and becoming a subject to the divine forms and the highest possible state for it is understanding divine presence; this is considered to be the ultimate goal of Sharia and divine laws. In fact, Mulla Sadra introduces practical wisdom to be part of Sharia and this is why Sharia and practical wisdom are thought by him to be pursuing the same objective. Generally speaking, relationship of Sharia and practical wisdom is envisaged as an extension of the “mode of absolute generality and specificity”; because according to Mulla Sadra, practical wisdom, as the act of teaching the method of advancement of the stations and stage of God-wayfaring and path of servitude, is part of Sharia. One may seek for the cause of this in the richness of Islamic doctrines in the domain of practical wisdom and explanation of its patterns in religion and Sharia; however, richness of Islamic doctrines and Sharia does not make us needless of the explanation and presentation of effective solutions for application of practical wisdom. This is in fact exactly what Mulla Sadra has neglected in this area.
Relationship between the Emotional Intelligence with the Job Burnout and Happiness of the High School Principals in Zahedan City(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the job intelligence, job burnout and happiness among the high school principals in Zahedan City, district 1. Methodology: The research method is descriptive-correlational and the statistical population of this study is all the principals of district 1 high schools who worked in the academic year 2012-2013. The sample size was also equal to the population size (100 ones). To collect the data, Schering's Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, Maslow Job Burnout Questionnaire and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire were used. One-sample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multivariate regression were used for data analysis. Findings: It was concluded that there was a significant negative relationship between the emotional intelligence and job burnout, and there is a significant positive relationship between emotional intelligence and happiness. There is a significant negative relationship between all components of emotional intelligence of principals with their burnout. Among all components of emotional intelligence, two components of self-control and social skills had a significant positive relationship with the happiness of school principals. Among the components of emotional intelligence, the components of social consciousness and social skills can predict the job burnout of school principals. Also, among the components of emotional intelligence, social skills, self-awareness, self-control and self-motivating, can predict the happiness of school principals. Conclusion: The mean scores of all three emotional, happiness and burnout variables were less than the hypothetical mean among the principals.
Presenting a Model for promoting happiness of High School Students (first grade) in Tehran City(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: This study presents a model for promoting happiness in high school student. The research method was descriptive-survey in terms of collecting the information. Methodology: The research data are collected by Oxford Hills and Argyle (2002) standard questionnaire and a researcher-made questionnaire of the factors affecting happiness in different levels distributed among 384faculty members and the students (first grade). The participants were selected based on Krejci and Morgan's table using cluster sampling method. Findings: The validity and reliability of the questionnaires were approved by experts. The results showed that three groups of factors (personal, family and school) affect the happiness of the students. The optimism, feeling meaning in life, having purpose, extraversion, positive attitude and communication with friends (personal factors), the mental health factor (family factor) and happy physical environment and feeling of belonging to the school (school factor) were the effective factors. Discussion: The results of further analysis showed that among these factors, the school factor has less impact on the students’ happiness.
The Effectiveness of Happiness Training on Improving the Quality of Life of Women in Pars Special Economic Zone Staffs Based on Their Religious Attitudes(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Fordeys Happiness Training on improving the quality of life of women in Pars Special Economic Zone employees according to their religious attitude. Methodology: The research method is semi-experimental with two groups testing using pretest and post-test. The statistical population of this research was all the women who were in the staff of the Pars Special Economic Zone, who, due to the diversity of the community, examined a special block. The number of female housewives in this block was 280, of which 80 were selected through Cochran's formula by simple random sampling and randomly divided into two equal experimental and control groups. After conducting a pre-test of quality of life and religious attitude that based on the results of both test and control groups divided into two strong and weak religious groups, the Happiness Program was performed for 14 sessions of 2 hours for the experimental group and then the test Quality of life was taken from both groups. Findings: Findings show that there is a significant relationship between happiness education and quality of life of women and their religious attitudes. This means that there is a significant difference between the strong and weak religious attitudes group and people with strong religious attitudes have a better quality of life with physical, psychological, social and environmental components than those with a weak religious attitude. Discussion: Happiness is one of the most important human needs, which has a major impact on the formation of personality and mental health.
The Effectiveness of Multidimensional Spiritual Education on Happiness and Responsibility of Male Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of multidimensional spiritual education on happiness and responsibility of male Students. Methodology: The present study was semi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The research population was eighth grade Male Students of Imam رضا school of Mashhad city in 2017-18 academic years. Totally 40 students were selected by a purposive sampling method and randomly assigned into two equal groups (each group 20 students). The experimental group received 10 sessions of 80-minute multidimensional spiritual education and the control group didn't receive training. The research tools were Oxford happiness questionnaire and responsibility subscale of California psychological inventory. Data were analyzed by independent t-test and multivariate analysis of covariance methods in SPSS version-21 software. Findings: The findings showed that in the pre-test there was no significant difference between the groups in terms of happiness and responsibility (P>0.05), but in the post-test, there was a significant difference between them (P<0.05). Then, multidimensional spiritual education led to increasing happiness (F=11.79, P<0.001) and responsibility (F=5.36, P<0.025) in male Students. Conclusion: The results indicate the effectiveness of multidimensional spiritual education on happiness and responsibility. Therefore, it is recommended that counselors and therapists use a multidimensional spiritual education method along with other educational methods to improve psychological characteristics, especially promotion happiness and responsibility.
Providing a Model for Creating Happiness in High Schools(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The present study was conducted with the aim of "providing a model for creating happiness and vitality in high schools". Methodology: The present study was a descriptive (qualitative and quantitative) method in terms of practical purpose, field method and data collection method in terms of practical purpose. The statistical population of this study was 30 experts in the field of happiness, 30,000 high school students, 4800 high school teachers in Alborz, about 80 high school girls and finally high school experts in the general administration. The education department has about 55 members. Based on the principle of saturation in the interview, a sample number of comments from 21 experts was recorded. Based on the Cochran's formula, 380 high school students, 355 high school teachers, 67 high school principals, and 48 school principals were appointed. Data collection method was used in the qualitative part of the field method for semi-structured interview and in a small part of the researcher-made questionnaire. The formal validity and content of the questionnaire were performed by experts, supervisors and advisors, and its reliability was obtained by Cronbach's alpha. The total questionnaire was 0.98, which was distributed and summarized. The influential components were extracted and based on it, the proposed research model consisted of four main sections including the philosophy and objectives of the model, theoretical foundations, conceptual framework and executive steps. Findings: According to the results obtained from the perspective of the participants in the research, 5 factors of physical space (physical), educational activities (cultural-artistic), educational activities, comprehensive characteristics, and the financial situation of the school in the form of 10 components, physical space, component of exciting situations, holding extracurricular workshops, job skills and individual characteristics of school staff, quality of educational content, scientific-research activities, ethical-social, characteristics Emotional-psychological, family, and school financial status have contributed to the creation of happiness and vitality in high schools and educational settings. Conclusion: Student happiness as an important part of teaching if students need education and emotional needs can lead to academic achievement and better student performance.
A Study on the Effect of Gratitude on Happiness and Well Being(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Background: Gratitude is a general state of thankfulness and appreciation. The majority of empirical studies indicate that there is an association between gratitude and a sense of overall well being..Currently, mental health is especially important in some occupations with harsh work conditions which require strong personal and mental capacities. Psychological well-being and happiness is especially important in personnel working in the healthcare sector. This study aimed to assess whether gratitude training affects psychological well-being and happiness in hospital personnel. Method: In this semi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test, 72 personnel working in 5 hospitals affiliated to Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, participated. The participants were randomly divided into intervention and control groups using block randomization. Then, the participants in the intervention group were given 10 group sessions of 90 minutes gratitude training. Ryff’s Scale of Psychological Well Being, Subjective Happiness Scale, Gratitude Questionnaire-6, and a Gratitude training package were used for data collection. Results: The results show that there is no significant difference in the mean scores of psychological well-being, domains of psychological well-being, and happiness between the two groups at baseline, and gratitude training significantly affected all domains of psychological well-being (except for autonomy) and happiness. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that Gratitude training is effective in enhancing psychological well-being and Happiness.
Effectiveness of problem-solving skills training on happiness degree in addicts to methamphetamine(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Objectives: One of the major complaints of addicts in withdrawal period is their malady and boredom. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of problem solving skills on happiness of addicts to methamphetamine in Tehran city. Method: Using a semi-experimental design and multistage cluster sampling method, 36 addicts were randomly selected and assigned to the experimental and control groups. Both groups filled Oxford Happiness Questionnaire in the pre-test, posttest and after three-month follow up. The participants of the experimental group were taught problem solving skills. Covariance and variance analysis with repeated measurement of Bonn-Ferny test were conducted to analyze the data. Result: Considering the presence of ETA square (0.28), it can be concluded that the experimental intervention led to changes in the treatment group that resulted in 0.28 total changes due to the intervention. We can say that with 99% confidence, there is a statistically significant difference between the mean of the study groups in the three intervention stages. Conclusion: Training problem solving skills is effective in increasing happiness level of addicts to methamphetamine. Keywords: problem solving skills, happiness, methamphetamine, addicts
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management on Happiness and Quality of Life of Relief workers in Red Crescent Society of Shemiranat, Iran(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)
INTRODUCTION: Relief workers are among the groups that are present in the site from the very first moments of an accident or disaster and perform relief tasks. Various studies have shown that relief is one of the stressful activities due to a set of factors during a crisis. The present study was conducted with the aim to determine the effectiveness of the cognitive behavioral stress management (CBSM) on happiness and quality of life (QOL) among the relief workers of the Red Crescent Society in Shemiranat, Iran. METHODS: In this quasi-experimental study with the pre-test and post-test design with a control group, out of all relief workers of the Red Crescent Society in Shemiranat City, 30 individuals were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly divided into two equal experimental and control groups. Then, the subjects in the experimental group were placed under the effect of the independent variable (CBSM) during 20 hours (two 10-hour workshop sessions). The instruments used in the study included the Oxford Happiness and Quality of Life Questionnaires that were implemented in both groups in the pre-test and post-test stages. Finally, the data collected were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). FINDINGS: There was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores in the two experimental and control groups in the variables of happiness and QOL. CONCLUSION: CBSM training increased happiness and QOL among the relief workers of the Red Crescent Society.
Effectiveness of Problem Solving Training on Happiness and Rational Coping Style of Addicts to Methamphetamine(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Iranian Journal of Health Psychology, Volume ۵, Issue ۲ - Serial Number ۱۲, Spring ۲۰۲۲
27 - 36
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A B S T R A C T Objective: Depressive mood along with boredom and unhappiness is one of the main consequences of addiction treatment and investigating the reduction strategies is of absolute and sheer necessity. The present research aims to investigate the effectiveness of problem solving training program in happiness and coping style of individuals suffering from drug abuse. Methods: Therefore, in a semi-experimental study, the addicted individuals having low rate of happiness (N=36) were selected through random cluster multi-stratified sampling and assigned into the experimental and control groups. Both groups were measured by Oxford Happiness Inventory and Coping Styles Questionnaire and the experimental group underwent problem solving skills training. Results: the results of covariance analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, variance analysis with repeated measure and t-test indicated that, happiness level (Eta square=.24) and coping style (Eta square=.31) of the experimental group has increased and there is between-group difference in three stages of intervention at 99% of significant level. It can also be concluded that, there is significant relationship between rational coping style (.57), detached coping style (.47) and the increase of happiness in subjects. Moreover, there is significant and negative relationship between emotional coping style (-.41), avoidance coping style (-.35) and the decrease of happiness among the subjects. Increased rate of happiness and rational coping skills were observed in the experimental group. The more the individual uses rational and detached styles, the more his/her happiness is and the more s/he uses emotional and avoidance coping styles, the less her/his happiness is.
Presenting a Model of Happiness for Students of Primary Schools of Education and Training (Case Study of Tehran City)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to provide a model of happiness for students of primary schools in Tehran. Methodology: In terms of the basic purpose, the present study was exploratory mixed (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of the nature and type of study. The statistical population of the current study included all specialists in the field of happiness, such as psychologists and sociologists, educational sciences, and quantitatively, all managers, educational assistants, and sports teachers in Tehran, which included (220 men and 280 women). Therefore, in the qualitative dimension, the sample size of the research was 16 experts in this field, and in the quantitative dimension, 334 people (144 men, 190 women) were selected using the cluster random sampling method. The measurement tool of the current research is a semi-structured interview form in the qualitative dimension, which was developed using open coding and axial coding. The formation of the said form was finalized with the help of interviews and Delphi technique from experts through selective coding. The validity and validity of this matter was confirmed with the help of experts. The research tool in the quantitative dimension was a 121-question questionnaire, which was compiled by transforming the saturated interview form by experts and by giving weight to the indicators. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated through Cronbach's alpha and was equal to 0.958. Its validity was obtained with the help of content and confirmatory validity, which was relatively high. The research data were analyzed through the coding process based on the systematic design of the theory derived from the data of Strauss, Corbin (1998). Findings: The method of data analysis in the qualitative dimension including the open coding method, axial coding was done, and after the theoretical saturation of the experts, the model of happiness based on 3 dimensions, 11 components and 121 indicators was finalized. In the quantitative dimension, it was confirmed with the help of factor analysis test, which consisted of 3 dimensions, 11 components and the final model of the happiness pattern was confirmed. Conclusion: Based on the findings, the final model of the dimensions of the happiness model includes, in order, family (parental relations, education, economy), school (teacher, principal, classmates, employees) and environment (culture governing the society, security, rules and regulations, media ha) is.
The Philosophical Politics of Happiness in Neo-Sadraian Philosophy(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
The description and pursuit of human happiness and eudaimonia has been the claim of various schools and one of the conflicts between them. Considering the position of Martyr Motahhari in presenting and explaining the intellectual foundations of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, this article examines the idea of happiness in the foundations of the political philosophy of Mortaza Motahhari, or in other words, the philosophical politics of happiness in his view. Philosophical politics of happiness are fundamental questions that arise from existing schools and ideologies and have themselves developed under larger intellectual and cultural regimes. This policy, which is closely linked to the determination of the nature of happiness, is a reflective consideration of the questions of freedom, well-being, cohesion, and integration. It shows how individual and collective happiness are taken into account in any ideology, and whether government allowed to support any idea of happiness. This article reviews the ideas of Motahhari in this regard and by assuming an account of the relationship between individual, collective and otherworldly happiness, examines the place of justice, freedom and perfectionistic government in his view.
Formulating the Academic Buoyancy Model Based on Life Expectancy with the Mediating Role of Happiness in Students
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Purpose: Academic buoyancy is one of the effective variables in the academic field and learning environment of students. Therefore, the objective of this research was to design the academic buoyancy model based on life expectancy with the mediation of happiness in female high school students in Hamedan city. Methodology: The methodology of this research was correlational and SEM. The statistical population included all female students of the second secondary school in Hamedan city, and the statistical sample was selected based on the number of items used in the questionnaires as 370 people with the multi-stage cluster sampling method. Academic buoyancy (Hosseinchari and Dehghanizadeh, 2013), life expectancy (Hallajian, 2019), and Oxford happiness (Argyl et al., 1989) scales were used to collect data. For data analysis, a structural equation test was used in the PLS-3 software environment. Findings: The results showed that life expectancy has a direct and positive effect on academic buoyancy (β = 0.36, p <0.01) and happiness (β = 0.46, p < 0.01). Happiness also has a direct and significant effect on academic buoyancy (β = 0.34, p<0.01). Also, happiness has a significant mediating role in the relationship between life expectancy and academic buoyancy (β = 0.16, p<0.01). Conclusion: since life expectancy creates a more positive atmosphere, it can be effective in increasing the feeling of happiness, and happiness creates buoyancy in the academic environment, followed by an increase in academic buoyancy.
Free Will as a Fundamental Basis of Moral Action According to Mulla Sadra and Kant(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Introduction: In this comparative research, while discussing free will as the basis of moral action, Mulla Sadra's and Kant's views were examined. In examining Mulla Sadra's views, his fundamental approach in relation to free will and the fruit of practical reason, i.e. the attainment of transcendental agency, has been considered as the main paradigm. Material and Methods: The research method is logical analysis on the use of library texts. Conclusion: From the comparison of these two theories, it can be concluded that Kant's theory has led to humanist ethics due to benefiting from the essence of human knowledge and using elements such as independence of will. Because according to Kant, man has a true identity and is free from all external and transcendental factors. According to him, independence of will is the highest principle of morality. Mulla Sadra's theory is an epistemological-divine theory and his epistemological basis is also rooted in the beyond. From his point of view, although man is a creator, but he is really the same as belonging, needing, and connecting with the origin of existence, that is, God, and Mullah Sadra's upward course is based on the movement of his essence, the originality of his existence, its skepticism, and the connection of man with the holy intellect and the active intellect, and finally it shows communication with God; that man has no independence from himself and his whole existence is mortal in the existence of the Almighty. Kant considered will and free will as the most fundamental bases, while Mulla Sadra considered theoretical reason to be the basis of human knowledge
Testing the Easterlin Paradox in the Framework of Resource Curse Hypothesis: A Case Study of the OPEC Countries(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Achieving happiness has been always one of the goals pursued by human societies that has attracted the attention of many policy makers, thinkers and researchers. Meanwhile, the relationship between the oil revenues and happiness in the oil-exporting countries is an important subject that has rarely been noted. Therefore, the purpose of the present paper is to test the Easterlin paradox using resource curse hypothesis and to investigate the threshold effect of oil rent on happiness in OPEC countries in the period 2005-2016. For this purpose, the factors affecting happiness were modeled using dynamic threshold panel model. The estimation results have shown that the Easterlin paradox exists in OPEC countries. In other words, first, the increase in the ratio of oil revenues to GDP has improved happiness in oil-producing countries, and after exceeding the 43% threshold, increasing the ratio of oil revenues to GDP has reduced happiness in these countries.