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ارزشیابی کیفیت در آموزش عالی

کلیدواژه‌ها: کیفیت آموزش عالی ارزشیابی evaluation quality برنامه درسی High Education

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تعداد بازدید : ۶۲۹۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۳۵
کیفیت امروزه در راس امور سازمانها قرار دارد وبهبود کیفیت از دغدغه هاى اصلى آنها است . شناسایى نقاط ضعف وقوت ، تشخیص فرصتها وتهدیدها و تلاش براى بهبود وضع موجود ورسیدن به وضع مطلوب وکسب جایگاه برتر از اهم وظایف سازمانها از جمله دانشگاهها مى باشد . بهبود مستمر کیفیت نیاز مند ارزشیابی مستمر مى باشد. نظام دانشگاهى بایستى به طور مستمر به قضاوت در باره مطلوبیت عوامل درون داد ، فرایند وبرون داد خود پرداخته و حاصل آن جهت بهبود امور( آموزشى ، پژوهشى وعرضه خدمات تخصصى به جامعه) مورد استفاده تصمیم گیرندگان قرار گیرد. ارزشیابی فرایند کلی تحلیل نظامداراست که منجر به داوری یا ارایه پیشنهادات مربوط به کیفیت یک موسسه آموزش عالی می شود. این ارزشیابی باید شامل همه عوامل وعناصر برنامه درسی(Curriculum) باشد. مدلهای مختلف ارزشیابی وجود دارد که مهمترین آنها عبارتند از:مدل تحقق یافتن اهداف ،،مدل Context ، Input، Process ،Product=CIPP ومدل اعتبار بخشی. اعتباربخشی :فرایندی است مبتنی بر خودارزیابی و ارزیابی همگنان، برای تضمین کیفیت مؤسسه یا دوره آموزشی دانشگاهی که با هدف ارتقای کیفیت، پاسخگویی و تعیین اینکه آیا مؤسسه یا برنامه مورد نظر، استانداردهای منتشر شده توسط سازمان اعتباربخشی مربوطه و نیز رسالت و اهداف خود را تامین کرده یا خیر، طراحی شده است.الگوی اعتبار سنجی دارای دوقسمت است: 1- ارزشیابی درونی(Internal Evaluation):. دراین مرحله نظام دانشگاهی به منظور خود در آینه دیدن اقدام به ارزشیابی می کند(قضاوت در باره خود) تا جنبه های قوت وضعف خودرا دریابد وبه اصلاح ضعفها به پردازد.(در ارزیابی درونی دانشگاه باید براساس حوزه ها ، شاخص ها ، استانداردها ی مورد پذیرش نهاد اعتباربخش خود را ارزیابی نماید ؛ اما در خودارزیابی حوزه ها ، شاخص ها و استانداردها توسط خود دانشگاه تعیین می گردد.) 2- ارزشیابی بیرونی( External Evaluation) ارزشیابی بیرونى توسط کارشناسان خارجى یاهیات همگنان و پس از انجام ارزشیابى درونی و به منظور اطمینان از صحت کار و استفاده از نظرات متخصصین و کارشناسان خارج از موسسه انجام می شود. (2،3،5،7،9) عناصر وحوزه های ارزشیابی درونی عبارتند از: 1- هدف ورسالت گروه آموزشی The aim and function of the department 2- مدیریت وسازماندهی The organization and management structure of the department 3- اعضای هیات علمی The academic staffs 4- دانشجویان The students 5- فرایند یاد دهی – یادگیری The teaching and learning process 6- برنامه آموزشی The curriculums 7- امکانات و تسهیلات آموزشی وپژوهشی The educational and research facilities 8- فعالیت های پژوهشی Research 9- دانش آموختگان Graduates

Effects of Critical Pedagogy on Iranian Upper-intermediate EFL Learners’ Writing Quantity and Quality

کلیدواژه‌ها: Critical Pedagogy writing quantity quality EFL Learners

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۸۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۶
Critical pedagogy is regarded as an exhaustive system of learning through which learners' critical consciousness, self-regulation and autonomy, individuality, and learning achievements are promoted. Therefore, 60 Iranian upper- intermediate EFL learners (both male and female) from among 75 students based on their OPT test scores were selected. These participants were divided into a control group (N = 30) and an experimental group (N = 30). In order to ascertain that the students in the two groups were homogeneous in terms of writing quantity, the writing pretest was administered. The control group (CG) received the traditional writing instructions, whereas the experimental group (EG), who was taught writing instructions as guideline, received critical pedagogy. After the treatment, the writing posttest was also constructed. The scores of the students on the placement test, writing pretest, and posttest of the two groups were analyzed using SPSS 20. In addition, an independent-sample t- test and a one-way ANCOVA were used to compare the CG and EG learners' writing quantity and quality on the posttest scores. The data obtained from the study indicated that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group counterparts. Implications for EFL teachers include drawing the attention to the importance and usefulness of critical pedagogy in L2 teaching classes.

ss sessnn the Quality of Persian Translation of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four Based on House’s Model: Overt-Covert Translation Distinction

کلیدواژه‌ها: Translation quality Assessment House nineteen eighty-four orwell

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۸۹ تعداد دانلود : ۳۶۷
This study aimed to assess the quality of Persian translation of Orwell's (1949) Nineteen Eighty-Four by Balooch (2004) based on House's (1997) model of translation quality assessment. To do so, 23 pages (about 10 percent) of the source text were randomly selected. The profile of the source text register was produced and the genre was realized. The source text profile was compared to the translation text profile. The result of this comparison was dimensional mismatches and overt errors. The dimensional mismatches were categorized based on different dimensions of register including field, tenor, and mode. The overt errors which were based on denotative mismatches and target system errors were categorized into omissions, additions, substitutions, and breaches of the target language system. Then, the frequencies of occurrences of subcategories of overt errors along with their percentages were calculated. The overt errors and dimensional errors were analyzed carefully. The dimensional mismatches as well as a large number of major overt errors such as omissions and substitutions indicated that the translation was not in accordance with the House's view stating that literary works needed to be translated overtly. In other words, mismatches on different levels of register showed that the cultural filter was applied in translation and the second-level functional equivalence required for overt translation was not reached. As a result, the Persian translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four did not fulfill the criteria to be an overt translation. Instead, this translation tended to be a covert one.

The Effect of Using Fair Value Approach on Performance Prediction in Investment Companies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Fair Value Performance Prediction quality International Financial Reporting Standards Small and Medium-sized Entities

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۴۵ تعداد دانلود : ۲۸۷
One of the most fundamental factors in pricing and evaluating the performance of companies is their profitability and profit is used as a basis for predicting the future performance of companies. Therefore, an accurate profit prediction is really crucial and decisive. There are various approaches to this prediction. The first approach would be calculating profit according to accounting standards by using historical cost and the second, calculating profit according to fair value. In this circumstance, this question arises that whether fair values are used instead of historical cost, would it lead to a more accurate and better prediction of the company's future performance? The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using the fair value in calculating profits on the performance of investment companies with the help of benchmarking international financial reporting standards for small and medium-sized units. This research uses the data of 95 companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange, whose activity is an investment, from 2015 through 2019 and compares the predictability of fair value-based profits with the profit based on accounting standards in predicting the company's operating cash flows and future profits. The data is first collected in Excel software, then the research variables are calculated and finally, research models are tested and analyzed by Eviews10. The results show that fair value-based profit has no greater ability to predict the performance of investment companies in comparison to profit based on Iranian accounting standards.

Identifying the Factors Effecting on Assessing the Quality of Educational Services in Education(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: quality Educational Services Education

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۸۰ تعداد دانلود : ۳۲۶
Purpose: Considering the role of quality of educational services in the growth and development of society, the present study was conducted to the aim of identifying the factors effecting on assessing the quality of educational services in education. Methodology: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation was qualitative. The research community included documents related to the quality of educational services and experts in this field including university professors, current and former senior managers and school managers in the seventh district of Tehran education in 2020 year. The research sample included documents and 17 experts according to the principle of theoretical saturation which after reviewing the desired characteristics to inclusion criteria were selected by purposive sampling method. Data were collected by take noting and semi-structured interview methods and to analyze them used from open, axial and selective coding method. Findings: The results showed that for the factors effecting on assessing the quality of educational services were identified 83 open codes in the form of 39 sub-categories and 5 main categories. The five main categories included organization management with 7 sub-categories, organization structure with 9 sub-categories, human resources with 6 sub-categories, comprehensive planning with 9 sub-categories and quality management with 8 sub-categories. Finally, based on the identified categories was designed the conceptual model of research for factors effecting on assessing the quality of educational services in education. Conclusion: The results of this research can help education specialists and planners both to assess the quality of educational services and to improve the quality of educational services in education. As a result, the use of education experts and planners from the conceptual model of current research along with models derived from other research can play an important role in improving the quality of educational services.

Modeling engineering of therapeutic education approaches for diabetic patients and quality of the support and human resources management process : Towards a new challenge in the management of public health(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Support engineering Professionalization new management quality therapeutic education and patient-centered approach

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۷۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۲
The modeling engineering of psychotherapeutic approaches to diabetic patients has a positive impact on the quality of the support process and organizational, personal and professional development, in the sense that the education and neuro-educational training project constitutes a powerful human resources management vector. The research would attempt to analyze therapeutic education models and corresponding health promotion approaches, as well as the identification of methods and techniques used in health practice As a result, the quality of the neuro-educational approaches is the guarantor of the effectiveness of the recommended support system. Adopting this imperative highlight, a new PCA patient-centered approach. This major concern therefore calls on the medical profession to question the impact and effects of collaborative support in the process of building and developing the conceptual, procedural and behavioral skills of diabetic patients which facilitate their self-knowledge, their self-determination and their awareness of the factors of therapeutic effectiveness and the promotion of their physical, moral, social and psychological well-being. It prompts us to ask ourselves how the different care teams and support actors organize and coordinate their andragogical actions, with a view to complementarity and synergy. We proceed, through a descriptive and exploratory research approach, opting for a so-called longitudinal survey, by a semi-directive questionnaire and by an interview technique. By comparing the results of the study with the validation interviews, it emerges that appropriate attention must be paid to the support process to allow the diabetic patient to master all the components of reflective therapeutic practice and to achieve his personal and organizational development necessary for the development of a subject actor of change and innovation. This support system engineering will define the frame of reference, including the ethical values ​​and the basis of the required professional skills which will be applicable to any program for the development of cognitive and behavioral skills in diabetic patients. The new vision will be built around adapted support practices, collaborative approaches, a comprehensive, harmonious and balanced therapeutic education program, personalized training courses and inclusive evaluation methods that go well beyond validation and tenure. (Towards a sick-centered vocation).

Evaluating the Elements of Electronic Curricula in the Humanities Department of Islamic Azad University

کلیدواژه‌ها: evaluation quality Curriculum Elements Islamic Azad University

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۵۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۳
This study aimed at evaluating the elements of electronic curricula in the Humanities Department of Islamic Azad University. The statistical population of this descriptive survey consisted of all students (4515) and professors (287) of electronic learning of Islamic Azad University. Sample of the study included 354 students and 164 professors who were selected using stratified sampling method with Cochran formula. The research instrument was two researcher-made questionnaires consisting of 59 items based on 5-Likert scale for teachers and students, whose validity and reliability were confirmed. Results showed that, in general, respondents evaluated the current state of the elements of goals, contents, and learning activities better than other elements, while, to them, there was a gap between the current and desirable states of the elements of the curricula. This gap is particularly visible in some elements such as learning materials and grouping.

Analysis of Educational Services Distribution and Accessibility as Education Quality Indicators: Evidence from Geospatial Analysis and Administrative Time Series Data (Case Study: Gambela City, Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia, East Africa)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Dis tribution Emerging Region Elementary Gambela quality School Service Area

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۹۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۰
It is universally agreed concept that education is a corner s tone for socio economic transformation.  Education has been recognized as weapon to fight backwardness, poverty and illiteracy for ages. Experience have shown that all the good benefit of education has been assured only when there is quality education. However, there are visible indicators that education quality has not been s till achieved in the entire world. Particularly, education quality in developing countries is perceived as discouraging. Hence, the sharp decline of education quality is becoming major concern for developing countries like Ethiopia. This is also more serious concern in emerging regions like Gambella regional s tate where mos t people share pas toralism way of life. It is also unders tandable fact that there are locally known spatial and non-spatial factors that affect education quality. Therefore, the main objective of this s tudy was to identify spatial and non-spatial factors that influence educational quality of primary schools in emerging regions. As methodological approach, the s tudy was used descriptive design approach with mix of qualitative and quantitative method. The main data sources were both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected from spatial and non-spatial data sources. The spatial information was mainly collected from GPS reading, aerial photo and land use plan. Non spatial primary data were collected using interviews and discussions. The perceptions and reflections of key informants (teachers, students, principals and parents) were entertained by using focus group discussion, key informant interview and public hearings. The secondary data sources were collected by means of desk review. As result, the study was found that education quality in the city is weakening. The underlying causes are, low teachers motivation level, high students- teacher ratio, high students- section ratio, lack of instructional materials, lack of infras tructure and facilities. From the spatial perspective, the education institutions are an unevenly dis tributed that students from the central part of the city are more advantageous. 

Validation of a Model for the Quality of Education in Multi-Grade Classrooms in Primary Schools(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: quality Education Multi-Grade Classrooms Professional competence teachers

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۳۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۶
Purpose: Quality of education in multi-grade classrooms is important in the education system, neglect of which is associated with the weakness of the education model and related factors. Methodology: The present study was conducted to validate a model for the quality of education in multi-grade classrooms in primary schools as exploratory research. In qualitative study, thematic analysis was used by an inductive approach, and in quantitative study, descriptive survey was used. Given the components, an 81-item questionnaire was provided. To validate the questionnaire, convergent validity, content validity and construct validity were used. The statistical population of the research included teachers, principals and educational leaders of multi-grade classrooms in all the cities of North Khorasan Province, including 1203 multi-grade classrooms. By Cochran's formula, 349 people were selected as the research sample. The structural model of the research was fitted and the path coefficients of the research model were analyzed by the bootstrap method (resampling and sequential sampling) and the Student's t-test statistic. Findings: According to the results, 0.823% of the changes in the quality of multi-grade classrooms have been predicted by the sub-components of teachers' professional competence and characteristics, macro policies, the state of schools, family model and themes related to the students. Conclusion: All questions were confirmed due to a factor load above 0.5, and the model had a good fit.

Effect of Quality and Packaging on the Price of Edible Sunflower Oil(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Edible oil Ordinal logit Packaging quality Sunflower

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۵
The prices accepted by consumers in the market are influenced by the characteristics of the goods, based on consumer behavior. Each of these features contributes to the price agreed upon by both consumers and suppliers. The packaging of a product plays a crucial role in attracting consumers and protecting the product from damage. High-quality and visually appealing packaging can create a positive perception among consumers, potentially resulting in a higher price point. Additionally, specialized packaging techniques designed to preserve freshness and extend the shelf life of oil can also impact the price. This study investigates the impact of quality and packaging on the price of sunflower oil in Iran. The primary objective was accomplished using the hedonic pricing method. Given the qualitative and ordinal nature of the dependent variable, the ordinal logit model was employed. The sample size was determined through a two-stage cluster sampling approach, which involved collecting 350 questionnaires from consumers in Tehran city. Statistical analysis was conducted using Shazam and Stata software. Numerous factors influence the consumption of sunflower oil at various levels. However, in general, factors such as increasing age, higher income levels, the presence of diseases, and dietary considerations contribute to a decrease in its consumption. On the other hand, factors like improving product quality, enhancing the quality of oil packaging, increasing consumer loyalty towards edible oil, and rising online sales of this product contribute to an increase in its demand.

Investigation of the role of archeology studies and quality of rural environment in the development of tourism (case study: Varkaneh village, Hamadan; and Kandovan village, East Azerbaijan)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Archeology tourism development quality Environment Village

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۳۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۳
With specialized research and activities, archeology introduces many features such as old and ancient areas, ethnicities, cultural traditions, artistic handicrafts and the diverse climate and ecosystem of Iran to attract tourists. The formation of a positive sense in tourists about tourism destinations, taking into account the synergistic approach, also strengthens the sense of pride in the local community. On the other hand, increasing the level of perceived quality of tourists leads to an increase in the satisfaction of tourists as customers of tourist places and becomes the basis for encouraging managers and planners to try to provide more services with better quality. If the environment of tourism destinations lacks the desired quality, it will affect the perception of the tourist about the space and as a result, his mental image of the environment. In addition to motivating and introducing tourist attractions, archeology can provide the basis for the participation of government institutions and private sector investors in order to provide facilities and revive tourism dimensions. Reconstruction of historical contexts, anthropology, linguistics, traditional arts and other related sciences, can provide a suitable platform for economic growth and development, along with the development of tourism in the region and the world for Iranian society. According to the above, in this study, the researcher attempted to investigate the role of archeology studies and the quality of the rural environment in the development of tourism. This study is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive-analytical in terms of data collection, and is based on observation, interview, questionnaire and statistical data. In the present study, two methods of documentary and survey studies have been used. The statistical population included experts in the field of tourism and planning. The statistical sample of the research is about n=10. In addition to seeing the sights and natural landscapes of those places, tourists become familiar with the customs and culture of that village. In this way, tourists are interested in buying village products, such as handicrafts, local products, etc., and this means an increase in the income of villagers who work directly or indirectly in this industry. Most studies are demanded and focused on visitors and their needs and motivations.  

Quality Improving Methods Of Education at Architecture Conservatories Of Tehran with Emphasis on Narrative ways of architecture education(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Obstacles Strengths Improving quality Education Conservatory

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۳ تعداد دانلود : ۶۱
Architecture education has social, interpersonal and ethical aspects. The role of narration and storytelling as a pedagogical tool in clarification of academic subjects has been argued by researchers.Architecture is a multidisciplinary field of study that draws on the arts, science and social sciences. The aim in educating architects is seen as developing the imaginative, conceptual and practical skills necessary for students to identify human needs and aspirations, and to be able to meet or express these in space and form. Donald Schon asserts that these defining of abilities can be called ‘thinking like an architect’. It would be students’ capacity to see unfamiliar situations as familiar ones, and bring their past experience to bear on the unique case. In the educational process, the main focus not only on the assessment, but also in the process of learning during the lecture[1]. The importance of this matter is so that it can be observed in families. Changes in technology, human resources, information technology and changes in consumer preferences, has changed perceptions of manpower required education and skills. Due to increasing importance of vocational training school for girls and the need for quality improvement and evaluation, participation and their role in these changes can be very effective but this partnership in comparison with its true position, is still low and negligible. This study examined documentary and scientific aspects of obstacles and strength points and methods of improving quality of teaching in the Conservatories. So we tried to develop a systematic framework for evaluating Conservatory in Tehran, in order to help resolve this need and with its preliminary implementation, while identifying condition of target Conservatory community, will provide condition of comprehensive evaluation for other technical training institutions so that with knowledge of strengths and weaknesses points and obstacles can improve quality of training centers. The present research, is descriptive and functional that evaluate the state through the questionnaire that has been developed with regard to objectives of the Conservatory training of Tehran, identify the current status, obstacles and also utilizes information obtained from interviews of teachers and experts in this sector in four fields educational, personal, social, economic and four levels of “high, medium, low and very low”. Due to gathered information and analysis by SPSS obstacles have been reported high extent that finally guidelines and recommendations in order to quality improvement of current situation is presented.

Reflection on the physics of light in the quality of the House’s spaces (Case Study: Qajar era homes in Yazd)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: entrance quality house spaces

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۶ تعداد دانلود : ۶۷
Suitable utilization of daylight in architecture, in addition to meeting the physical and emotional needs of human increase the quality of living spaces. From this perspective, our country's rich architecture has valuable achievements and experiences, which requires recognizing and introducing it to the architectural community of Iran and the world. The present research intends to examine the various qualities made at the back of light entrances using descriptive-analytical method, field observation and study on library documents and obtain the factors contributed in creation of these qualities and take step to reuse these ideas in modern architecture.