مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
ارزشیابی کیفیت در آموزش عالی
حوزههای تخصصی:
کیفیت امروزه در راس امور سازمانها قرار دارد وبهبود کیفیت از دغدغه هاى اصلى آنها است . شناسایى نقاط ضعف وقوت ، تشخیص فرصتها وتهدیدها و تلاش براى بهبود وضع موجود ورسیدن به وضع مطلوب وکسب جایگاه برتر از اهم وظایف سازمانها از جمله دانشگاهها مى باشد . بهبود مستمر کیفیت نیاز مند ارزشیابی مستمر مى باشد. نظام دانشگاهى بایستى به طور مستمر به قضاوت در باره مطلوبیت عوامل درون داد ، فرایند وبرون داد خود پرداخته و حاصل آن جهت بهبود امور( آموزشى ، پژوهشى وعرضه خدمات تخصصى به جامعه) مورد استفاده تصمیم گیرندگان قرار گیرد. ارزشیابی فرایند کلی تحلیل نظامداراست که منجر به داوری یا ارایه پیشنهادات مربوط به کیفیت یک موسسه آموزش عالی می شود. این ارزشیابی باید شامل همه عوامل وعناصر برنامه درسی(Curriculum) باشد.
مدلهای مختلف ارزشیابی وجود دارد که مهمترین آنها عبارتند از:مدل تحقق یافتن اهداف ،،مدل Context ، Input، Process ،Product=CIPP ومدل اعتبار بخشی. اعتباربخشی :فرایندی است مبتنی بر خودارزیابی و ارزیابی همگنان، برای تضمین کیفیت مؤسسه یا دوره آموزشی دانشگاهی که با هدف ارتقای کیفیت، پاسخگویی و تعیین اینکه آیا مؤسسه یا برنامه مورد نظر، استانداردهای منتشر شده توسط سازمان اعتباربخشی مربوطه و نیز رسالت و اهداف خود را تامین کرده یا خیر، طراحی شده است.الگوی اعتبار سنجی دارای دوقسمت است:
1- ارزشیابی درونی(Internal Evaluation):. دراین مرحله نظام دانشگاهی به منظور خود در آینه دیدن اقدام به ارزشیابی می کند(قضاوت در باره خود) تا جنبه های قوت وضعف خودرا دریابد وبه اصلاح ضعفها به پردازد.(در ارزیابی درونی دانشگاه باید براساس حوزه ها ، شاخص ها ، استانداردها ی مورد پذیرش نهاد اعتباربخش خود را ارزیابی نماید ؛ اما در خودارزیابی حوزه ها ، شاخص ها و استانداردها توسط خود دانشگاه تعیین می گردد.)
2- ارزشیابی بیرونی( External Evaluation)
ارزشیابی بیرونى توسط کارشناسان خارجى یاهیات همگنان و پس از انجام ارزشیابى درونی و به منظور اطمینان از صحت کار و استفاده از نظرات متخصصین و کارشناسان خارج از موسسه انجام می شود. (2،3،5،7،9)
عناصر وحوزه های ارزشیابی درونی عبارتند از:
1- هدف ورسالت گروه آموزشی The aim and function of the department
2- مدیریت وسازماندهی The organization and management structure of the department
3- اعضای هیات علمی The academic staffs
4- دانشجویان The students
5- فرایند یاد دهی – یادگیری The teaching and learning process
6- برنامه آموزشی The curriculums
7- امکانات و تسهیلات آموزشی وپژوهشی The educational and research facilities
8- فعالیت های پژوهشی Research
9- دانش آموختگان Graduates
Modification of Physical Education Course in Higher Education (Iran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Physical education course is compulsory in higher education system of Iran. The curriculum focuses on physical fitness tests and student marks are apparently based on them. Students are dissatisfied with marking system and think it is unfair and biased. This destroys incentive and reduces the probability of a student''s engaging in physical activity. This study aimed to modify the evaluation system of the course. During three subsequent semesters all participants were tested and marked by a new psychomotor test battery accompanied by new standards. The study included the whole population of 2651 female and 992 male subjects (age 18-24 years). Tests were administered by the same standards، but different administrators in every semester. Test Battery included Stork stand test، Sit-ups، 30 meter sprint، Sargent vertical jump، Sit and reach، Pull-ups، T-test، Trunk lift، Phantom chair، and PACER. Demographic data included age، weight، stature، and BMI. A new set of norms and standards were set for evaluation of the course. Distribution line-charts of new marks were compared to older ones. For females، distribution of marks became closer to ideals، whilst for boys it did not take place. Standardization of fitness testing and scoring neither resolved abnormal distribution of final marks nor eradicated dissatisfaction of students with their marks. It is likely that instructors had alternated final marks based on their subjective understanding of achievements of students in affective and cognitive domains. It seems likely if standardization of scores for affective and cognitive achievements is added to standardization of fitness scores، the marking system might improve.
The Involvement Load Hypothesis and Vocabulary Learning: The Effect of Task Types and Involvement Index on L2 Vocabulary Acquisition(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study builds on Laufer and Hulstijn’s (2001) motivational-cognitive construct of task-induced involvement in learning vocabulary and addresses itself to its strong claim that the depth of processing is the overriding factor in learning words. The paper first re-examines the effect of processing load and then of task type on the initial learning and retention of words. To do so, 60 EFL learners from two branches of an English institute were selected. The participants were then randomly assigned to three groups: The first group completed an input-oriented task with an involvement index of three; the second group also completed the same type of task but with an involvement index of two, and the third group completed an output-oriented task with the same involvement load as that of the first group. The comparison of the performance of the groups in the immediate and delayed posttests reveals that contrary to the prediction of the involvement load hypothesis, Task 2 with an involvement index of two was superior to Task 1, which had a higher index. Besides, the participants who had completed the output oriented task (Task 3) outperformed those that did the input-oriented task (Task 1), despite their index equivalency. The study suggests that the operationalization of the levels of processing, especially evaluation, needs reconsideration.
Evaluating an Instructional Textbook: A Critical Discourse Perspective ارزیابی یک کتاب آموزشی از دیدگاه گفتمان انتقادی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
A critical discourse analysis (CDA) of English language teaching (ELT) textbooks can provide a theoretical description of existing ideological effects in the texts and a means to link linguistic and social practices. This study, thus, seeks to evaluate Summit 2B (i.e., the advanced book of Top Notch series) with a focus on the representation of male and female social actors. In so doing, this study drew on van Leeuwen’s (1996) social actor framework and Halliday’s (2004) transitivity model. To achieve the purpose of this study, content analysis was first carried out in the corpora obtained from the aforementioned textbook to find out the frequency and proportion of various social actors. The results obtained from the tests of significance (i.e., chi-square tests) and the qualitative data analyses revealed that there were some significant differences between males and females concerning role allocation (i.e., activation, subjection, and beneficialization), substitution (personalization/impersonalizaton), and personal pronouns. Compared with females, males were represented as more active, energetic, independent, and assertive forces; males were represented more frequently and placed in high-status positions; they were also individualized more frequently. The results indicated that though females and males were almost equally informalized and indetermined, there was not much serious attempt to eliminate the gender bias in Summit, used as a substitute for other ELT textbooks used in private language institutes in Iran. The findings suggest that textbook writers and publishers should be more cautious about the gender discourse, along with other criteria making ELT textbooks work, because gender bias can affect language learners’ perception and preference for the choice of language in second or foreign (L2) communication.
The Interaction between Involvement Load Hypothesis Evaluation Criterion and Language Proficiency: A Case in Vocabulary Retention(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
A long-standing debate among the vocabulary researchers is the depth of processing to learn vocabulary. This paper is a quantitative research which considers a revision in the “involvement load hypothesis” proposed by Laufer and Hulstijn in 2001. It investigates the role of proficiency and evaluation in this hypothesis in order to better reveal its potential contribution to vocabulary learning. It was based on task-induced involvementthat comparesdifferent tasks in incidental vocabulary acquisition in EFL context. The participants were 66 learners fromtwo different English institutes who were classified into two major high and low proficient groups based on Nelson Proficiency Test. The participants in each group were randomly assigned to three tasks prepared to compare“moderate”, “strong”, and “no evaluation” in involvement load hypothesis.The “strong evaluation”subgroup (making original sentences) in low proficiency supported Laufer and Hulstijn’s hypothesis and yielded better retention of the target words. The study suggests that the level of proficiency and evaluation in task induced involvementneeds reconsideration. The results have implications for language teachers, materials developers, and syllabus designers.
Iranian EFL Teachers' and Students' Perceptions towards the First Grade High School English Textbook (Vision1)(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
The Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice, Vol.۱۱, No.۲۲, Spring & Summer ۲۰۱۸
141 - 167
حوزههای تخصصی:
In countries where textbooks are considered as the main source of teaching/learning process, textbook evaluation seems to be inevitable and necessary. The current study aimed at evaluating the new English textbook entitled “Vision 1”, developed for the Iranian first grade high school students. To achieve this goal, two groups of participants took part in the study. They consisted of 30 teachers teaching this book in Baghmalek in Khuzestan province and 70 students studying in the first grade high school in the city mentioned. The quantitative data were collected through two questionnaires. The questionnaires were designed to evaluate the book in terms of seven criteria namely, practical considerations, layout and design, activities, skills, language type, subject and content and cultural considerations. The findings showed that teachers and students were interested in the book in all criteria except cultural considerations. The results also showed no significant difference between Iranian teachers' and students' perceptions towards the book. It can be concluded that the book needs to be modified to include some aspects of cultural values to open a window into learning about the target language culture.
Evaluation of the Undergraduate TEFL Program at Farhangian University: Merits and Demerits(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study was an attempt to evaluate the undergraduate TEFL program at Farhangian University. The university specializes in educating prospective teachers and the program is important since it is expected to equip the student teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary for qualified teachers. Hence, in this study, measures were taken to investigate the merits and demerits of the implemented TEFL program and explore the domains in which the program needs to be improved. The study assessed the program from the perspectives of 220 student teachers, 32 teacher educators, and 12 heads of departments and experts including the university deans, deputies, and research and teaching staff, through using three instruments, i.e. questionnaires, interviews, and observations in a mixed methods design .The findings indicated that the TEFL program did not address some educational and administrative needs as the participants believed that they were not enriched with the necessary skills, the practice of the learned theories, problem solving, critical thinking, flexibility, and innovation. Furthermore, this study demonstrated several theory- practice gaps in the curriculum.
Social Media Skills for Interfaith Dialogue(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
pure life, Volume ۵, Issue ۱۳, Spring ۲۰۱۸
21 - 48
حوزههای تخصصی:
Aided by technology lots of people nowadays use online media many hours per day; regardless a mere access, online media is mainly used to surf net, get directions, do e-shopping, chat with friends and share messages among its many other applications while the present research tries to answer how social media as a part of online life could be used in religion field to be familiar with different religions, exchange religious ideas and in general for interfaith dialogue for peacemaking purposes such as decreasing the extent of violence, massacres, genocides and wars human beings witness these days due to faith differences. Even scholars work in religion sciences encourage people from all over the world to read about and get familiar with other religions.
So far many papers have been written on the issue and it is believed that this is the duty of the elites to discuss about the problem and lead the people to the right way.
The present paper however suggests that social media users can apply it to discuss about faiths and exchange their relevant religious ideas if of course they know how to analyze, evaluate and synthesize contents without bias.
The authors of the present paper believe that so far the skills for dealing with media products have not been publicized in many countries. Thus, following Potter’s media skills pattern, they refer to three skills of analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of media messages.
Evaluating Space Justice in Urban Areas, Case study: Quaternary areas of Shahriar
Socio-Spatial Studies, Vol ۳, Issue ۵, Winter ۲۰۱۹
13 - 27
حوزههای تخصصی:
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the spatial justice in different dimensions (physical, social, economic, and environmental) in order to have balance regarding four regions of Shahriyar city. The spatial justice approach in a city is used for controlling and reducing the physical-spatial inequalities as well as a fair distribution of municipal services and facilities in different areas of the city. In this study, the spatial justice of four areas of Shahriyar city was evaluated with 13 criteria and 27 indicators. This study was carried out through exploratory-analytical research method that used two models of the analytic hierarchy and the shortest distance. Eventually, the final map of different access levels was drawn through combining fuzzy logic with these two models. The findings and obtained results through Topsis model indicated that area 1 of Shahriyar city had the highest rank in social, economic, physical, and environmental indicators. However, the area 3 had unfavorable economic and physical conditions, and area 2 had unfavorable environmental conditions. Having integrated Topsis and Fuzzy models, it was shown that areas 1 and 2 were considered as privileged regions and areas 3 and 4 were respectively determined as the semi-privileged and nonprivileged regions. Moreover, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method indicated that areas 1 and 4 had better conditions and areas 3 and 2 are respectively on the lower levels. Finally, after combining the results of fuzzy and AHP models, the final map was designed. It showed that the areas 1 and 4 were privileged regions; areas 3 and 4 were respectively the semi-privileged and underprivileged regions of the Shahriyar city. Generally, the results of this study indicated that the physical-spatial development of Shahriyar city was unbalanced and did not meet the conditions of equity-based city.
Inspecting Task-Induced Involvement from the Perspective of Sociocultural Theory(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Teaching Language Skills (JTLS), Volume ۳۷, Issue ۱, Spring ۲۰۱۸
159 - 192
حوزههای تخصصی:
Grounded in sociocultural theory (SCT), this study explored whether the hypothesized difference in task-induced involvement could affect the actual realization of evaluation, one of the cognitive dimensions of the Involvement Load Hypothesis (ILH). A group of 24 Iranian EFL learners participated in the study. They were paired up to write a composition including ten unknown words in the first session and then completed a cloze task with another set of ten new words in the second one. Collaborative dialogues in both sessions were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and micro-genetically analyzed to trace how the value of hypothesized evaluation could affect the manifestation of evaluation during collaborative dialogues. In line with the tenets of ILH, the results of the micro-genetic analysis demonstrated that using target words in the composition task could induce a higher degree of evaluation than using them in the cloze task. In light of the findings, researchers are suggested to look at issues from different standpoints rather than restricting themselves to one single theoretical perspective.
Developing a Critical Checklist for Textbook Evaluation(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
The Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice, Vol.۱۲, No.۲۴, Spring & Summer ۲۰۱۹
214 - 237
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study has been carried out to develop a critical checklist for global/commercial textbooks which play a crucial role in language teaching/learning. For this aim, a number of items have been developed based on a comprehensive review of the related literature and experts’ opinions. The tentative checklist was administered to the targeted population, yet 326 checklists were deemed appropriate for the analysis. The statistical analyses utilized in this study were exploratory factor analysis and partial confirmatory factor analysis. Prior to the exploratory factor analysis, a correlation analysis reduced the items into 44. Next, the exploratory factor analysis identified ten components. Additionally, six items were excluded from the checklist due to simultaneous factor loading and the finalized checklist was truncated into 38 items. To investigate the possibility for further validation studies, the result of partial confirmatory factor analysis was not statistically significant. Results of this study have the potentials to shed some lights on the ideological aspects of textbook evaluation.
Applying black- Scholes model to breakdown beta: growth options and the risk of beta miscalculation(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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When evaluating companies and investment plans, most analysts use a discount rate that is derived from CAPM models. The beta in these models usually represent risks and opportunities of the relative industry, with almost no attention to the risks that are already included in the beta. This ignorance in risk measurement could ultimately impair shareholders value. What makes things critical is that by adjusting risks and opportunities in beta, the result of investment plans and company valuation could be much different. In this paper we use 1 to 10 years of monthly return data for all industries of Tehran Stock Exchange and Iran Fara Bourse and suggest an adjusted beta for each industry which is stripped of the dazzling effects of the debts and growth opportunities. We separately account for breaking down beta into beta of growth opportunities and beta of existing assets for each industry in various timelines between 1 to 10 years. Our results showed that the beta of growth opportunities is bigger than the beta of assets for almost all industries. The mentioned betas can make a big difference in cost of capital and we suggest using them when evaluating investment plans, development plans, valuation of companies and even start-ups.
American English File Series Evaluation Based on Littlejohn’s Evaluative Framework
International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۱, Issue ۱, Spring ۲۰۱۳
106 - 120
حوزههای تخصصی:
Textbooks play a pivotal role in language learning classrooms. The problem is, among a wide range of textbooks available, which one is more appropriate for a specific classroom and a group of learners. In order to evaluate ELT textbooks, theorists and writers have offered different kinds of evaluative frameworks based on a number of principles and criteria. This study evaluates one example of such a series of ELT textbooks, namely, “American English File” using Littlejohn’s (1998) evaluative framework to see what explicit features of the book are, and what pedagogic values it has. Littlejohn believes that we should evaluate a textbook based on its own pedagogic values and we should see what is in it not what the teacher and evaluators think must exist in it. Consequently his framework is claimed to be devoid of any impressionistic ideas and it is in-depth and objective rather than being subjective. Nine ELT experts and ten ELT teachers helped the researcher rate the evaluative checklists. The results of the study show that although a number of shortcomings and drawbacks were found in American English File, it stood up reasonably well to a detailed and in-depth analysis and that its pedagogic values and positive attributes far out-weighed its shortcomings. The internal consistency between ratings was computed via the statistical tool of Cronbach’s alpha that indicated a desirable inter-rater reliability
A Survey on the Efficiency of ESP Teachers in Iranian Universities(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۳, Issue ۱۱, Autumn ۲۰۱۵
59 - 66
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The present research was conducted to compare the efficiency of 3 groups of ESP instructors: content teachers, language teachers, and professional ESP teachers. The main question was aimed to investigate whether there was a significant difference between the 3 mentioned groups of ESP teachers and if there was, who was more qualified to teach ESP. To find the answer, a questionnaire was developed by the researchers, with an acceptable reliability and validity. The questionnaire was distributed to 135 students in several universities. The obtained results revealed that there was a significant difference between the 3 groups of teachers. Content teachers gained the least score, while language teachers and professional ESP teachers were located in the same subset and gained the highest score. It was concluded that language instructors and professional ESP teachers were more qualified to teach ESP.
Evaluation of EAP Programs in Iran: Document Analysis and Expert Perspectives(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Applied Research on English Language, V. ۷ , N. ۲ , ۲۰۱۸
171 - 194
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study aimed to examine the policies in the Iranian English for Academic Purposes (EAP) education and the extent to which objectives match the policies and are materialized in practice. To this end, course descriptions in the syllabi for the EAP programs were evaluated through document analysis and triangulated with the experts’ perspectives through interviews to examine the current status of EAP policy-making and practice in Iran. Seven policy areas from Kaplan and Baldauf’s (2005) language-in-education planning were chosen as the framework of the study. Based on document analysis and interviews with the experts, the similarities and discrepancies in micro and macro levels were investigated. The results showed that EAP course descriptions do not include any comments on policy and there were discrepancies in policy and practice due to such factors as lack of communication channel between the EAP stakeholders and policy-makers. Finally, the study revealed that due to deficiencies in both policy and practice and in order to reach an acceptable status, EAP programs are in dire need for reconceptualizing policy-making and practice. The findings of this study have significant implications for EAP policies and practice in the academic system of Iran.
Evaluation of the Latest Pre-Service Teacher Education Curriculum in EFL Context: A Testimony of Teachers, Teachers Educators and Student Teachers' Perspectives(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Teacher training programs in Iran have undergone extensive investigations and modifications since the establishment of educational institutions. This interest in teacher education has emerged from the innovative approaches to teaching suggested by the trends and findings of the time. Regarding the importance of curriculum evaluation in the EFL teacher education, this study mainly focused on the adequacy and effectiveness of the latest EFL pre-service teacher education curriculum through the eyes of the key stakeholders. Both quantitative and qualitative data were used in the study. The participants of the study were 227 teachers, teacher educators, and senior student teachers. The data were gathered through a 35-item Likert scale questionnaire on the curriculum courses with stated objectives for each course and semi-structured interviews. The findings revealed that the latest curriculum was adequately laid out and positively evaluated by the participants in terms of pedagogic and linguistic competence although there were some shortcomings and slight differences in the participants' perceptions. There were some slight perceptual differences among the participants. The findings of this study may provide some helpful suggestions for promoting the latest EFL pre-service teacher education curriculum.
Effect of Offline Newly-Developed Task Cycle (NDTC) on Iranian Medical Students’ Reading Comprehension Performance(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۹, Issue ۳۷, Autumn ۲۰۲۱
195 - 203
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study was conducted to explore the impact of integrating an evaluation cycle (Newly-developed Task Cycle) into Willis's task-based model on the improvement of Iranian medical students’ reading comprehension. In this quasi-treatment study, 60 medical students were selected through convenience sampling from Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran, and assigned to two groups of Willis and NDTC. The control group (Willis group) received the procedures of the task-based cycle proposed by Willis, and the treatment group (NTDC group) received the procedures of NDTC designed by the researchers of this study. Each group participated in 12 sessions with a focus on reading comprehension, which met twice a week for 90 minutes. Prior to starting the treatment, a pre-test was administered. Also, one week after the last session, a post-test was administered. The post-test scores were compared with pre-test scores in each group and finally with each other. The results obtained from the statistical analysis of the collected data revealed that while both frameworks were effective in improving the learners’ reading skills, NDTC had a greater impact in this respect. The findings of the study have beneficial implications for teachers, researchers, and educational managers, should NDTC be infiltrated into teaching methods.
Identify main components for performance assessment of schools in favorable situation(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the main components of school performance evaluation in desirable condition. Methodology: The present study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The statistical population of the study consisted of 1980 high school principals who were selected based on Cochran's formula of 322 students using cluster-cluster sampling method. Educational management (including 15 university professors, 20 administrators and 15 school administrators) selected through purposive sampling, semi-structured interviews were conducted, primary components identified and then identified by the researcher to determine the final components. It had 172 items and its face validity and content validation by Tidopa experts for it was 75/0 using Cronbach's alpha, was used. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and structural equations. Findings: The findings indicated that the following components could be considered for evaluating the performance of 12 components and 172 sub-components: 1- Management and leadership 2- Administrative and financial affairs 3- Teaching processes- Learning and planning 4-Axis programs 5-Information technology and intelligence 6-Physical space and equipment 7-Empower teachers and staff 8-Supplemental, extracurricular activities 9-Organizational climate and organizational culture10-Interaction with school environment and Gaining Experiences11- Physical Education, Health and Well-being 12- Staff Involvement, Parents and Students in School Affairs Conclusion: School management has a very important role in school performance. Therefore, school management and leadership as the main pillar of schools should play a scientific role and with respect to good human relations which will play an important role in enhancing school performance. Keywords: Evaluation, Performance, Schools, Desire.