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نمایش ۱٬۲۶۱ تا ۱٬۲۸۰ مورد از کل ۹٬۶۷۶ مورد.

Validation of Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence questionnaire and Predictability Power of the Former for EFL Learners’ Performance(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Spiritual Intelligence Emotional Intelligence Exploratory Factor Analysis multiple regression analysis confirmatory factor analysis EFL Learners

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۶۹ تعداد دانلود : ۹۹
While the bulk of literature repletes with studies on emotional intelligence and its effect on teachers' performance and students' academic achievement, few have been released as to the potency of the factors that can foster emotional intelligence inside classrooms. Accordingly, the present study aimed to investigate the extent to which spiritual intelligence could be a predictor of emotional intelligence. The data were collected through a merger of the Brief Emotional Intelligence Scale (BEIS-10) and Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory (SISRI).  The evolved 34-item questionnaire was translated into Persian to ensure maximum comprehension of participants. The sample of this study consisted of 847 undergraduate Iranian EFL learners from two provinces in Iran. Three phases were in this study. First, an exploratory factor analysis of SISRI-24 was performed. Second, confirmatory factor analysis of both inventories, individually, was done by IBM SPSS AMOS. This was followed by CFA of the 34-item questionnaire. Last, multiple regression analysis was modeled to find the predictive relationships. The results of PCA revealed a three-factor model of SISRI (18 statements). CFA also verified both inventories under investigation. The model fit estimated of the 34-item questionnaire was sufficiently adequate to approve the model. Multiple regression analysis also indicated that critical existential thinking could predict both appraisal and regulation of own emotions as well as utilization of emotions. Likewise, conscious state expansion could predict the utilization of emotions. It was also found that personal meaning production could predict the appraisal of other emotions. 

Tracking Defense Mechanisms in an EFL Setting: Pseudo-altruism on Top(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Defense mechanisms EFL Classroom teacher perceptions

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۲۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۳
This paper reports the study undertaken on types of defense mechanisms used by Iranian EFL teachers. Furthermore, the significant differences between male and female EFL teachers at different age groups in the use of defense mechanisms are also considered. In the first phase of the study, the focus was on identification of defense mechanisms teachers generally adopt in their daily activities, while the second phase was exclusive to the deployment of defense mechanisms inside EFL classes. Accordingly, Defense Style Questionnaire was distributed among 100 EFL teachers. Next, to capture in-class atmosphere, the researchers carried out 30 semi-structured interviews with Iranian EFL teachers. All the participants (15 males and 15 females) were teaching in public schools as well as private institutes at the time of the interview. The results of the questionnaire indicated that teachers used two mature defense mechanisms, namely, anticipation (M=13.8) and rationalization (M=13), in their daily lives more than the others. Nonetheless, the results of the interview denoted the dominance of pseudo- altruistic behaviors (N=30), as a neurotic mechanism, in EFL classes. Sublimation and humor (N=29), as two mature defense mechanisms, were also frequently used. On the other hand, splitting (N=2), passive aggression (N=2), and projection (N=3), all of which are considered to be immature mechanisms, were the least-frequently used mechanisms. Moreover, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests signified no significant differences in terms of gender and age in the use of defense mechanisms among Iranian EFL teachers.

A Pragmatic Exploration of the Temporal Discourse Marker Thumma in Parallel Corpora of Two Persian Translations of the Quran


کلید واژه ها: Temporal Discourse Marker Thumma the Quran Translation

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۰۶ تعداد دانلود : ۷۹
Simultaneous decoding and encoding of information substantiate the foundations of natural processing of language in translation. The present study analyzed two Persian translators’ pragmatic strategies in translating the Quranic temporal discourse marker thumma into Persian. The source text corpus consisted of 6 sections of the holy Quran and was selected randomly; and the target text corpus is comprised of two Persian translations of the same sections. Theoretical perspectives in discourse and translation studies were applied in approaching parallel corpora analysis in the study. The findings indicate that different types and combinations of Persian temporal discourse markers were applied in 53% of the cases by the translators. Moreover, in 47% of the instances, it was replaced with Persian elaborative, contrastive, and inferential discourse markers. This creative, flexible, and innovative discourse construction approach was substantiated on the basis of the recognition of differences between discourses, cultures, and languages. Consequently, this dynamic approach was employed in the construction of an appropriate discourse for the addressee. The bases, resources, and foundations of these dynamic and discourse sensitive translation strategies were discussed pragmatic awareness raising in explicit teaching of these elements, development of sensitivity to unsteady social contexts in language use, and utilizing the findings in lexicography, translation quality assessment, and syllabus design were suggested.    

Lexical Gap in Human Translations vs. Machine Translation Systems (MTSs): Focusing on Some Verses in the Holy Qur’an


کلید واژه ها: Generic Term Lexical Gap Machine Translation translation strategies

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۸۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۰
Linguistic and semantic differences are some of the main problems of translating the Holy Qur’an into English. The present study highlights the problem of lexical gap and examines a number of terms- totally 117 in 110 verses- of the Holy Qur’an, including the referential meaning of ‘sin’ and their English translations. The researcher aimed to find the strategies applied by three translators and three machine translation systems (MSTs) and to compare them.  In this regard, five frequent and common terms – ‘اثم’, ‘جناح’, ‘سیئه’, ‘ذنب’, and ‘وزر’-were selected. The strategies proposed by Mollanazar (2009) were employed to fill the gap.  To do so, the English translations produced by three machine translation systems (MTSs), namely Google Translate, SDL Free Translation and Systranet were compared with three human translation by M.H. Shakir, A.Qaraei and T.B.Irving. The results revealed that in most verses, almost in six English translations, a generic term was used without any additional information to make the sense clearer. There was no noticeable difference between human and machine translations in applying the proposed strategies to fill the gap and make the English version more meaningful in terms of these apparently similar but contextually different terms. Thus, it seems that these differences were not focused on, while rendering these given verses to English. 

Cultivating L2 Pragmatic Comprehension through Computerized vs. Non-Computerized Instruction, Multiuser Virtual Environments (MUVEs) and Mobile Augmented Reality Games (MARGs)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: CALL Mall pragmatics Technology-mediated Intervention

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۰ تعداد دانلود : ۶۴
Pragmatic comprehension is a central albeit under-researched dimension of pragmatic competence in which most EFL learners suffer from serious deficiencies; therefore, the current study was launched to compare the effects of the Non-Computer Mediated Instruction (NCMI) with Computer-Mediated Instruction (CMI), Multiuser Virtual Environments (MUVEs), and Mobile Augmented Reality Games (MARGs) on Iranian EFL learners’ comprehension of English speech-acts. Moreover, this study attempted to cross-compare the effects of the implicit, explicit, and balanced combination of explicit and implicit instruction and synchronous vs. asynchronous CMI impacts on learners' speech-act pragmatic comprehension. Seven equal size groups of 20 upper-intermediate EFL learners took part in this study. Three NCMI groups (implicit, explicit, and balanced explicit-implicit), two synchronous and asynchronous CMI groups (SCMI & ACMI), one MUVE group, and a MARG group were taught based on their assigned 10 two-hour sessions treatments. A validated listening pragmatic comprehension test was used as a pretest and post-test. Data analysis using one-way ANCOVA showed that the utilised MUVE (OpenSim) was more effective than other types of treatments on learners’ pragmatic comprehension development, and both CMI and NMCI were also better than the used MARGs (Batman Bat-Tech Edition and Harry Potter-Wizards Unite). Moreover, those explicit and balanced explicit-implicit interventions were significantly better than the implicit instruction. Finally, the SCMI could enhance L2 pragmatic comprehension significantly better than the ACMI. These findings pedagogically imply the use of MUVEs, SCMI, and balanced explicit-implicit interventions can strengthen L2speech-act pragmatic comprehension.

دیالکتیک صمیمیت و احترام در یک گفت وگوی تلویزیونی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلید واژه ها: نظریه ساخت وجهه وجهه پیوند جدایی صمیمیت احترام

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۴ تعداد دانلود : ۳۶
پژوهش حاضر به بررسی مفهوم وجهه به معنای پیوند و جدایی رابطه ای در فرهنگ ایرانی مطابق با نظریه ساخت وجهه می پردازد و ابتدا استدلال می کند که تفسیر و تأویل مفهوم نظری وجهه به معنای پیوند و جدایی رابطه ای در فرهنگ ایرانی، به ترتیب، عبارت است از دو مفهوم صمیمیت و احترام. سپس، نحوه ساخت وجهه به معنای دیالکتیک صمیمیت/پیوند و احترام/جدایی در بخش هایی از گفت وگوی بین مجری و مهمان در برنامه دورهمی بررسی و نشان داده می شود که چگونه دیالکتیک صمیمیت/پیوند و احترام/جدایی با استفاده از ابزارهای زبانی و غیرزبانی مثل نحوه به کارگیری شیوه های خطابِ مفرد و جمع یا ترکیبی، تعارفات مرسوم، ادات تکریم، مکث ها، طول نوبت، جهت نگاه، و جز آن ساخته می شود. افراد در هر لحظه از تعامل با توجه به تفسیری که در آن لحظه از رابطه خود با دیگری دارند با به کارگیری ابزارهای مختلف زبانی و غیرزبانی رابطه صمیمیت و احترام را مشترکاً و به شکلی پویا برمی سازند. این پویایی رابطه را نمی توان با فهرست راهبردهای حفظ وجهه سلبی و ایجابی، آن چنان که در نظریه براون و لوینسن معمول است، نشان داد.

The Effect of BBC News Lessons on High School EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: BBC News Lessons EFL Learners High school Vocabulary Vocabulary Learning

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۱ تعداد دانلود : ۴۰
Foreign language vocabulary learning is challenging and requires using an appropriate method. To this end, this study aimed to investigate the effect of listening and viewing BBC News lessons as a teaching and learning tool on high school EFL learners’ vocabulary learning. This quasi-experimental research was carried out in the twelfth grade of Shohada high school in Kalybar city in East-Azarbijan, Iran. Forty two high school EFL learners were chosen as participants from two intact classes. The homogeneity of the classes was checked through a KET test. Then, they were randomly assigned into the experimental (n=19) and control (n=23) groups. Target words were selected from the eight BBC News lessons for both groups. The unfamiliarity of these words to the learners was found through the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale. The experimental group experienced vocabulary learning through watching and listening to the BBC News lessons; while, the control group received the same target words through the traditional method. A vocabulary-based post-test was administrated after the treatment. The result of Independent-Samples t-test on the post-test scores of both groups revealed the significant outperformance of the experimental group compared to the control group. Practical implications are presented to teachers, researchers, and learners.

باورهای مهرپرستی در آخرالزمان زردشتی

کلید واژه ها: آخرالزمان فرشگرد سوشیانت ج‍م مهرپرستی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۵ تعداد دانلود : ۵۴
تاریخ جهان در اساطیر ایرانی سه مرحله اصلی دارد که عبارتند از بندهشن، گمیزشن، وزارشن. بندهشن مرحله آغاز آفرینش است که هنوز دو اصل خیر و شر جدا از هم هستند، گمیزشن مرحله اختلاط و ستیز این دو اصل است، و وزارشن مرحله جدایی این دو اصل از هم با شکست کامل نیروهای شر. از آنجا که این سه بخش سه مرحله اصلی از یک روند هستند و کاملاً به هم مربوط و پیوسته اند، رویدادهای اصلی هیچ یک از این سه را نمی توان و نباید بدون توجه به دو مرحله دیگر مطالعه و بررسی کرد؛ این امر در خصوص مرحله اول و سوم بیشتر صدق می کند. فرشگرد دربردارنده وقایعی است که در مرحله وزارشن روی خواهند داد. در این مقاله فرشگرد را با توجه به رویدادهای مربوط به بندهشن مذکور در برخی متون پهلوی بررسی کرده ایم، شواهدی از مهرپرستی رومی را از نظر گذرانده ایم، و در پایان به این نتیجه رسیده ایم که آخرالزمان زردشتی بر اساس باورهای مهرپرستی ایرانی تعریف شده است. مهرپرستی دین ایرانیان پیش از دین آوری زردشت بوده، و بسیاری از آموزه ها و باورهای این کیش در اوستا و متون پهلوی و همچنین در مهرپرستی رومی باقی ماند. برای گردآوری اطلاعات در این پژوهش از روش کتابخانه ای بهره برده شده است، و از شیوه تطبیقی تحلیلی برای تحلیل اطلاعات.

ترجمه و مدرنیته در دوره مشروطه: موردپژوهی: ترجمه سرگذشت ژیل بلاس به فارسی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: دوره مشروطه مدرنیته ترجمه میرزا حبیب اصفهانی سرگذشت ژیل بلاس

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۹۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۱
در دوره مشروطه روشنفکران نقش مؤثّری در بروز و ظهور برخی تحوّلات در جامعه داشته اند و این رسالت تا حدّی از طریق ترجمه و تألیف آثاری با محتوای خاص صورت پذیرفته است. درباره نقش ترجمه در انتقال گفتمان مدرنیته به ایران در دوره مشروطه در پژوهش های مختلف به کرّات و به طور کلّی بدون تحلیل دقیق متون ترجمه ای و مقایسه آن ها با متون اصلی از منظر توجّه مترجمان و روشنفکران به ظرافت های گفتمانی موجود در متون اصلی سخن رانده شده است. به منظور ارائه پاسخی بهتر برای این پرسش، لازم است تا این بررسی از دریچه مطالعات ترجمه و از طریق مقایسه محتوای متون اصلی با ترجمه آن ها به فارسی صورت پذیرد. در این پژوهش کتابخانه ای تلاش می شود تا از منظر ویژگی های گفتمان مدرن و نظریّه اسکوپوس در ترجمه و با تمرکز بر ترجمه رمان سرگذشت ژیل بلاس اثر آلن رنه لوساژ به فارسی توسّط میرزا حبیب اصفهانی، پاسخ مناسبی برای این مسئله ارائه شود. نتایج پژوهش حاضر حاکی از این است که با وجود اهمیّت ترجمه در ظهور برخی تحوّلات در جامعه در دوره مشروطه، ترجمه در عمل نتوانسته است آن چنان که باید در راستای انتقال درست و کامل مؤلّفه های گفتمان مدرن عملکرد موفّقی داشته باشد.

Attitudes of University Students toward English Language Education Policy in Iraqi Kurdistan

کلید واژه ها: Attitudes EFL English language education Iraqi Kurdistan Language Policy

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۹ تعداد دانلود : ۹۰
Despite widespread coverage of language policy in the literature, there has been scant research probing into English language education policy at tertiary levels in general and the higher education context of Iraqi Kurdistan in particular. The present qualitative study investigated EFL students' perceptions of English language education policy, current educational policies, and the purposes for learning in Kurdish contexts across genders and study fields. To this end, a version of Yang's (2012) questionnaire was adapted and administered to university EFL students majoring in soft and hard sciences (N=300, male 34%, female 67%) at two private and state universities in Iraqi Kurdistan. The statistical analysis of the obtained data revealed students' positive attitudes toward learning English as an international language in both soft and hard sciences. Notably, students stressed that all Iraqi Kurdish students should learn the English language in English- and Kurdish-medium classes. They also considered English competence as a significant academic accomplishment. However, some of them felt dissatisfied with the status quo of English education in their institutions. The findings of this study offer insights and recommendations for English education policymakers, administrators, and instructors at tertiary levels.        

Peer Observation, Reflection, and Expert Feedback: Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Online Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: expert feedback Online teaching peer observation rating scale reflection

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۴ تعداد دانلود : ۴۲
The objective was threefold: (a) to investigate the difference among online teaching performance of EFL student teachers at Iran University of Science and Technology who received peer feedback, expert feedback, and reflected on their own teaching practice; (b) to examine the difference between rating scores given by student teachers and those by instructor to online teaching; and (c) to determine student teachers’ best experiences, challenges, and lessons they learnt from expert feedback, peer observation, and reflection. The results of this mixed methods experimental research revealed no statistically significant difference in the three group’s scores on their second teaching practice; however, there was statistically significant difference between the scores of the first and second practices for all three groups. The results also showed that student teachers mostly underrated their first teaching, while they overrated their second teaching. The findings also indicated that their best experiences were related to using technological tools, working with Adobe Connect, making interesting materials, and using games and songs. Their challenges included lack of face-to-face communication, engaging all participants, and preparing suitable materials, whereas teaching new vocabulary in context, simplifying songs by pre-teaching their unknown words, and using online games and websites were the lessons they learnt.

Presenting a Profile of Flow Barriers in Modalities of Interaction during Covid-19 Pandemic among Iranian EFL Learners(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: flow barriers task modality The Covid-19 Pandemic

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۶ تعداد دانلود : ۵۸
Flow, introduced as one of the founding concepts in positive psychology by Csikszentmihalyi (1990), refers to the complete absorption in a challenging mental, emotional, or physical task to the exclusion of attention to any other surrounding thing. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, whole aspects of human life have changed, and language learning is no exception. The present study explored various obstacles in experiencing flow among Iranian EFL learners while completing tasks in three different modalities: face-to-face (F2F), text-based, and audio-based interaction during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data were elicited from 55 upper-intermediate learners divided into three groups completing the tasks in pairs, each through one of the three modalities, as a part of their classroom activity. Immediately following class time, they were interviewed individually or through group chats via WhatsApp. Under the three different modalities, the qualitative content analysis identified obstacles in achieving flow and categorized them into five themes. The results revealed that the main barriers in the face-to-face group were related to contextual or environmental factors as well as to task-induced issues. However, technological, task-based, and teacher-related factors gained higher percentages among text-based and audio-based interaction themes. The findings offer insight into flow perception by second language learners in different task modalities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Analysis of the Language Used in the Reports of Peer-Review Journals(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلید واژه ها: Discourse structure discourse moves peer-reviews academic journals Genre

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۹۴ تعداد دانلود : ۷۱
: Peer review plays a vital and major role to determine the fate of manuscripts submitted to international academic journals. The present study analyzed the discourse structure and the language use of a corpus containing 43 peer review reports from journals from three disciplines (i.e., Applied Linguistics, Accounting, and Sociology). This study analyzed the most frequent discourse moves, negative, and positive expressions used in minor revisions, major revisions, and rejected manuscripts. The findings of this study showed that all discourse moves appeared in all peer review reports but two moves “Summarizing Judgment” and “Conclusion and Recommendation” were the most frequent discourse moves in all peer-review categories. The findings also revealed that the words “well”, “good”, and “original” were the most frequently-used positive words, while the words “unclear”, “inconsistent”, and “poor” were the most frequently-used negative words in the analyzed peer-review reports. The study recommends some points to be considered in future research on this topic.

The Effect of Flipped Classroom Approach on the Iranian High School EFL Learners’ Performance

کلید واژه ها: EFL Learners EFL Learning Flipped Classroom Learners Performance

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۷۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۵
With the improvement of technologies in language learning and teaching, new models and approaches are being proposed to enhance the students’ performance. One of the practical models is Flipped Classroom (FC), which has been attracted by many teachers and researchers, especially in the K-12 education system. This study explored the effect of the online FC approach on the improvement of EFL learners' performance in high schools in Iran with a quasi-experimental design. To run the experimental study, through convenience sampling forty-three high school students were divided into an experimental group and a control group and to evaluate the efficacy of the online FC approach. The comparison of the results of experimental and control groups’ pre-test and post-test scores by an independent samples t-test revealed that incorporating the online FC approach into EFL educational context remarkably improves the EFL students' learning performance. It is significantly applicable for learning a language, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic which majority of the classes have been running online. Additionally, to manage online FC more efficiently, some suggestions are provided for teachers.

بررسی ده سند از اسناد پهلوی ساسانی بایگانی طبرستان(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: اسناد طبرستان قوانین حقوقی ساسانیان اسناد قضایی مادیان هزار دادستان

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۸۷ تعداد دانلود : ۹۰
در این مقاله  به ده سند از اسناد تازه یافت شده بایگانی طبرستان - مربوط به قرن های اول و دوم هجری (قرن ۸م.) - که به خط پهلوی کتابی و بر روی پوست یا پارچه نوشته شده اند، پرداخته شده است. این اسناد نخستین اسناد اصیل از روندهای حقوقی است که تأیید می کنند قوانین حقوقی ساسانیان همچنان در برخی از مناطق ایرانشهر در دوره ایران اسلامی در دو قرن نخست هجری اعمال می شده اند؛ ضمن اینکه داده های بسیار بااهمیتی از زندگی روزمره و اجتماعی مردم آن روزگار و نیز روند حقوقی به دست می دهند؛ نیز اثبات می کنند در دو قرن آغازین پس از ورود اعراب به ایران، همچنان تداوم زبان و سنت نوشتن پهلوی، به عنوان زبان رسمی و معیار دوره ساسانی، در این منطقه حفظ شده و چنان که برخی می اندیشند، دو قرن سکوت و سکون بر حیات فرهنگی این سرزمین حاکم نبوده است. محتوای نامه ها حاکی از آن است که این اسناد صورت جلسه های دادگاه و مربوط به حل منازعات افرادی از ده *اسپگرد از تسوک دل دلان است که می توان روند پیگیری و واژه های حقوقی آ ن ها را در چهارچوب قوانین ساسانیان در مقایسه با متون حقوقی همچون مادیان هزار دادستان بررسی کرد.

Development of EFL Learners’ Referential and Expressive Writing Performance: Task-based Instruction vs. Project-based Instruction

کلید واژه ها: EFL Learners Project-based Instruction task-based instruction writing skill

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۸۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۸
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of task-based instruction (TBI) and project-based instruction (PBI) on the improvement of EFL learners' referential and expressive writing performance. To accomplish this objective, 60 students majoring in English translation participated in Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT), but out of them 50 students were selected as the members of a homogeneous sample. Then, they were assigned into two experimental groups. They were exposed to IELTS module task-based writing pre-test, treatment, and post-test, to assess the participants' writing performance. The participants in first experimental group received TBI to practice the referential and expressive types of writing, while those in the second group received PBI. The results showed that TBI and PBI affected the development of both referential and expressive writing among EFL learners. In addition, the results revealed that there was not any statistically significant difference between the effect of PBI and TBI on developing expressive and referential writings among EFL learners. The pedagogical implications of the study are discussed at the end of the paper.  

The Effect Of Strategy-Based Methods Vs. Translation-Based Method On General English And ESP Reading Comprehension Of Iranian University Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: strategy-based method translation-based method english for a specific purpose English as a Foreign Language General English

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۵ تعداد دانلود : ۵۰
This study investigated the effect of strategy-based methods vs. translation-based methods on General English and ESP reading comprehension of Iranian university students. 120 homogenous General English and ESP students were selected based on a Quick Placement Test. They were assigned into four groups. One experimental and one comparison group for General English and ESP students. A pretest of General English and ESP reading comprehension was administered to assess their General English and ESP reading comprehension ability. In both experimental groups, the strategy-based method, and in comparison groups, the translation-based method was used for teaching General English and ESP reading comprehension. After the post-test, the result of independent t-tests indicated that the comparison group outperformed the experimental group in the ESP course. However no statistically significant difference was observed between the two groups in General reading comprehension, it can be concluded that in ESP reading comprehension, the translation-based strategy is more effective than the strategy-based method however in General English reading comprehension, students can understand the text via both strategies. So, the strategy-based method was preferred in General English reading comprehension. These findings encourage English teachers to choose a proper strategy for teaching different materials in different contexts.

Exploring the Perceptions of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners about Reading Comprehension Ability

کلید واژه ها: Background or Prior Knowledge culture Learners’ Perception Reading Comprehension

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۶۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۲
Learners’ perception of culture on receptive skills more specifically on reading comprehension has been an area facing a big challenge contemporarily. The current research aimed to investigate the cultural perception of Iranian EFL learners on reading comprehension ability. To conduct the study, a mixed-methods design consisting of a questionnaire and interview study was used. Participants, 50 intermediate EFL learners (25 males, 25 females), were randomly selected using Oxford Placement Test. The participants were provided with two passages with different cultural contents (one containing Iranian culture and another containing culture of English spoken countries). Then participants were required to fill in a Likert-scale questionnaire which was distributed through Google form online platform. Also, an interview session was conducted to gather more detailed data. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and coded to find common themes. Analysis of interview and questionnaire data showed that learners hold similar cultural perceptions on reading comprehension ability by gender and social class has no significant impact on learners' perceptions. The results of the study specified that Iranian EFL learners held a positive attitude towards the integration of cultural materials into reading passages to better comprehend the target language. Moreover, it was seen that gender and social class did not impact significantly learners' cultural perceptions of English reading comprehension. The findings imply that ESL students with various reading levels or capabilities can learn from materials that are culturally diverse, specifically the ones at higher reading proficiency levels.

Exploring Iranian EFL Learners’ (In)sincerity in Compliments through Prosodic Features(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Compliment pragmatics Prosody sincerity Speech Act

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۷ تعداد دانلود : ۵۸
Prosody is a fundamental aspect of speech communication through which (un)truthfulness and (in)sincerity of speech can be identified. The focus of the study is on the prosodic features of (in)sincere compliments among EFL learners. Twenty male and female EFL learners were selected through Oxford Quick Placement Test. The participants did role-plays based on situations on compliment topics and their voices were recorded in a recording studio. The produced compliments were transferred to Praat software for acoustic analysis. Also, two native speakers (one male and one female) were requested to read the produced compliments both in a sincere and insincere manner. Their voices were transferred to Praat software for acoustic analysis to establish the baseline of the study. The prosodic features of the participants’ voices were compared with those of native speakers to determine the (in)sincerity of the compliments on a 5-point scale. Results showed that sincere compliments are produced with a higher pitch. Concerning the gender of the participants, males were sincerer than females. Regarding the proficiency level of the participants, there was no significant prosodic feature in determining the sincerity of their compliments. Both intermediate and advanced groups were similar to native speakers in giving sincere compliments. The results of the study open up new horizons for the importance of vocal cues in evaluating sincerity in speech acts.

پیشنهاد روشی برای استفاده از وزن شعر در مقام کلیدی سبک شناختی، مطالعه موردی: بحر رمل مثمن مخبون محذوف (یا مقصور) در قرن 4 و قرن 14(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلید واژه ها: وزن شعر مقام کلیدی سبک شناختی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۶۲ تعداد دانلود : ۶۱
روزی به ابوالفضل خطیبی گفتم شاید بتوان از ویژگی های وزنی در مقام کلیدی سبک شناختی برای روشن کردنِ صحت یا عدم صحت بعضی انتساب های ادبی بهره جست، و او گفت چنین هنری از عهده عروض پرتفصیلِ سنتی ما برنمی آید! توضیح دادم که عروض جدید و مخصوصاً عروض نجفی (1395)، با گنجاندن قواعد تقطیع ذیل 11 ویژگی، این امکان را به ما می دهد که به سادگی و براساس آن ویژگی ها و برخی فرعیات برآمده از آنها، تفاوت های وزنی بین شعر های گوناگون را بررسی کنیم، و وقتی بیشتر از شیوه کار و برنامه ام برایش سخن گفتم، او علاقمند شد و مرا به انجام پژوهشی در این زمینه تشویق کرد. کار را شروع کردم اما پس از چندی رهایش کردم تا این که خود خطیبی سراغش را گرفت و من گفتم می ترسم زحمت زیادی متقبل شوم بی آن که به نتیجه مشخصی برسم. او در پاسخ گفت حتی همین هم خودش نتیجه مشخصی است، زیرا اولاً تکلیف وزن را در کار بررسی های سبک شناختی و تحولات تاریخی شعر فارسی روشن می کند، و ثانیاً اگر کوچک ترین فایده ای داشته باشد، بابی را می گشاید که شاید مورد توجه قرار گیرد و به تدریج منشاءِ دست آوردهای بیشتری شود. باری حال به یاد او دو باره به این بحث که بارها سراغش را از من گرفته بود پرداختم و امیدوارم که محققان، برای رد یا اثبات ادعاهای تحقیق حاضر، این شیوه را با پیکره های انبوه تر و البته وزن های دیگر بیازمایند، و یقین دارم فواید بسیاری از چنین مطالعاتی در حوزه سبک شناسی شعر فارسی عاید خواهد شد.

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