مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
Speech Act
حوزههای تخصصی:
The current study was carried out to investigate the functions of the ritual speech act of ‘ya Allah’ (literally meaning ‘O God’) employed by Iranians in social interactions. To this end, sixty-two Persian native speakers of different age groups, ranging from 35 to 85, of both genders were observed in 250 natural situations such as daily interactions, gatherings, public or private places and local TV programs until the saturation point. Their verbal interactions were recorded, transcribed and later analyzed. Moreover, in order to corroborate the representativeness of samples, ten people were interviewed and were asked directly when they utter ‘ya Allah’. It was concluded that the speech act may be employed in either religious or non-religious contexts to serve two major functions: to ask for permission (to enter a place) or call for an action. Moreover, the two major functions of the speech act in question may be broken down into nine minor functions: (1) Declaring one’s entering a house/apartment/orchard, tent or the like to be allowed or welcomed by the owner/insiders; (2) Warning intimate women to observe their hijab, when a strange man is to enter; (3) Entering a place in general, especially employed by men; (4) Being late to join community prayers; (5) Greeting someone who has just joined a group; (7) Commencing an action; (8) Asking someone to hurry up and (9) Doing something difficult with the help of others unanimously.
Complimenting Functions by Native English Speakers and Iranian EFL Learners: A Divergence or Convergence(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The study of compliment speech act has been under investigation on many occasions in recent years. In this study, an attempt is made to explore appraisals performed by native English speakers and Iranian EFL learners to find out how these two groups diverge or converge from each other with regard to complimenting patterns and norms. The participants of the study were 60 advanced Iranian EFL learners who were speaking Persian as their first language and 60 native English speakers. Through a written Discourse Completion Task comprised of eight different scenarios, compliments were analyzed with regard to topics (performance, personality, possession, and skill), functions (explicit, implicit, and opt-out), gender differences and the common positive adjectives used by two groups of native and nonnative participants. The findings suggested that native English speakers praised individuals more implicitly in comparison with Iranian EFL learners and native speakers provided opt-outs more frequently than Iranian EFL learners did. The analysis of data by Chi-square showed that gender and macro functions are independent of each other among Iranian EFL learners’ compliments while for native speakers, gender played a significant role in the distribution of appraisals. Iranian EFL learners’ complimenting patterns converge more towards those of native English speakers. Moreover, both groups favored explicit compliments. However, Iranian EFL learners were more inclined to provide explicit compliments. It can be concluded that there were more similarities rather than differences between Iranian EFL learners and native English speakers regarding compliment speech act. The results of this study can benefit researchers, teachers, material developers, and EFL learners.
Politeness in Emails Exchanged between English and Persian Speakers(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Nowadays, intercultural communication via email among various groups and societies has been increasingly important as an aspect of communication. This research aims at investigating aspects of politeness meaning negotiation via emails exchanged between English and Persian speakers with different cultural backgrounds. The present study also reveals the potentials for using emails to experience culture as a process of meaning negotiation. To do this, 18 English and Persian speakers (aged 22-60) were asked to exchange emails for 12 weeks. After collecting the required samples, the interplay between the computer-mediated communication, speech act and politeness is explored by using the analytical frameworks of Hyme’s ethnography of communication (1974), Searle’s speech act theory (1969) and Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987). The methodology of this research is descriptive analytical. The results of this research show that “politeness” is not a stable construct. Rather it is constantly (re)negotiated by the interactants who take into account the relevant contextualization cues. In addition saving the face of the sender and the receiver is concerned simultaneously in the process of email exchanging.
Realization of Verbal Appropriacy/ Inappropriacy in Persian: A Variational Pragmatics approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Avoiding the current terminology debates in the literature on politeness research and following a variational pragmatics approach, this study attempted to illuminate how appropriacy/ inappropriacy is realized in Persian language in light of five speech acts of introduction, apology, refusal, congratulation, and condolence. Additionally, it was aimed to see to what extent appropriacy/ inappropriacy is a function of variables such as age, gender, job, and level of education. In order to achieve this aim, 300 participants (m=150, f=150) completed an Open-ended Production Test (OPT) consisting of twenty situations. Analyzed within a two-component part variational pragmatics framework; namely pragmatic level and social factors, the data revealed that the variables in the study in quite different forms guide the expectations, perception and performance of the participants in the study. Giving an appropriacy (Marked/unmarked) taxonomy of the study speech acts in Persian, it is illustrated how, in most cases, the norms of appropriate verbal behavior seem to be subject to the variables of the study. It was further shown that talk and acts between speakers at a social situation are governed by converging and diverging norms in different communities of practice in Persian. Thereupon, the study can highlight the significance of including variational perspective on conventions of language use for language teaching.
The Category of Deixis in the Verbal Interaction of Belarusian and English Speakers
هنر زبان دوره ۳ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۷ (۲۰۱۸) شماره ۲
حوزههای تخصصی:
The article deals with Belarusian and English deictic markers and their role in verbal communication of native speakers in line with the pragmatic approach to language as a theory of speech influence for achieving communicators’ goals. Being a universal lingua-pragmatic category, deixis not only forms the propositional frame of an utterance with the indication to the place, time and communicators, but also marks their goals in communication as a strategic process aimed at achieving participants’ aims (macro-intentions) through the strategies of confrontation, negative politeness, and cooperation. The strategy is implemented through one or a number of tactics, which possess a dynamic character and make the strategy flexible. Speech tactics are predetermined by local aims (micro-intentions), and represent one of the tasks carried out consistently within a certain strategic line.
Investigating the Sixth Semester Students’ Knowledge of Speech Act: A Collective Response from EFL students of Class B at University of Islam Malang
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An utterance may constitute act. Hence, performing acts through speech are commonly committed by people currently; it is no exception for the EFL students. Some linguists assert that learning communicative competence is of great importance in communication including the act of speaking in the social context. This study was carried out to investigate the students’ acquaintances with speech act. A survey was conducted in this study so as to know their acquaintances with speech act. This study focused on the divisions of speech act including locutionary act, illocutionary act, perlocutionary act, and direct and indirect speech act. The data resource was the sixth semester students of class B at University of Islam Malang majoring in English Education Program. A questionnaire was distributed to know if they have an acquaintance with the speech act. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics after being collected. The findings revealed that the students still committed errors towards the speech act competence. They, a considerable part, did not know parts of speech act which is salient to recognize. For this reason, the researcher expects that the students will be capable of recognizing more on speech act by learning either from this paper or from other resources regarding speech act learning.
Pragmatic Criteria in the Holistic and Analytic Rating of the Disagreement Speech Act of Iranian EFL Learners by Non-native English Speaking Teachers(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Conveying a strong message within a language stems from not only a linguistically appropriate utterance but also a pragmatically appropriate discourse. Broadly considering various facets of pragmatics, pragmatic assessment has not been potentially brought into perspective. To address this discourse gap, this study, guided by the principles of mixed-method design, pursued three purposes: to inspect the matches and mismatches, to explore rating variations, and to assess the rater consistency between the holistic and analytic rating methods of disagreement speech acts in L2 by non-native English teachers. As a result, 12 different pragmatic situations for disagreement DCTs accompanied by EFL learners' responses to each situation were rated by 50 non-native English teachers. Initially, they were asked to rate it holistically, incorporating both ratings and providing comments. The content analysis of raters' comments indicated sixteen disagreement criteria. The descriptive statistics also revealed variations across different situations. Moreover, the teachers were asked to rate it analytically based on the assessment rubrics adopted from Ishihara and Cohen (2010). The findings of intra-class correlations implied that respondents were more consistent in analytic rating. Moreover, the results indicated that there was a convergence between the two rating methods suggesting that the raters adopted the same level of leniency and severity in rating. Overall, the results accentuated the significance of pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic aspects of language for EFL raters. Finally, the results of the present study place a premium on the importance of pragmatic assessment training as well as cultural awareness.
Non-native English Speaking Teachers’ Pragmatic Criteria in the Holistic and Analytic Rating of the Agreement Speech Act Productions of Iranian EFL Learners(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Pragmatic rating is considered one of the novel and crucial aspects of second language education which has not been maneuvered upon in the literature. To address this gap, the current study aimed to inspect the matches and mismatches, to explore rating variations, and to assess the rater consistency between the holistic and analytic rating methods of the speech act of agreement in L2 by non-native English teachers. In this regard, 12 discourse completion tests (DCTs) for agreement accompanied by EFL learners’ responses to each situation were rated by 50 non-native English teachers. Initially, they were asked to rate it holistically, and the content analysis of raters’ comments revealed twelve agreement criteria. Grammatical structure was the prominent criterion which suggested that the raters were predominantly concerned with pragmalinguistics. In particular, the results of descriptive statistics demonstrated that there was a degree of divergence in the frequency of the criteria applied. Additionally, the teachers were asked to rate the pragmatic outputs analytically which showed that the raters were more consistent in the analytic phase. Finally, the findings indicated that there was a convergence between the two rating methods. The results of the present study implicated the necessity of rater training with regard to the rubric-based pragmatic rating. This study offers crucial pedagogical implications for syllabus designers, materials developers, language testers, and some suggestions for further research studies.
A Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Study of Indirect Complaint Responses in Iranian and American News Interviews: Iran’s Nuclear Negotiations(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۷, Issue ۲۶, Summer ۲۰۱۹
حوزههای تخصصی:
The present study intended to compare the complaint responses used by President Rouhani and President Obama in the Iranian and US news interview contexts. For this purpose, Boxer’s (1993) six types of indirect complaint responses were adopted: ‘ignorance’, ‘questions’, ‘topic switch’, ‘contradiction’, ‘joke/teasing’, ‘advice/lecture’ and ‘agreement/commiseration’. The transcripts of the live news interviews were selected from Tehran Times in Iran and ‘The New York Times’, ‘The Atlantic Daily’, and ‘National Public Radio’ all carried out in 2015. The results of quantitative and qualitative data analyses revealed both universal and culture-specific responses. Whereas both nations made nearly equal use of ‘question’ response in order to make solidarity, ‘contradiction’ was used most frequently in the US interviews and ‘topic-switch’ and ‘commiseration’ were more frequent in Iranian transcripts. The findings are discussed with respect to the culture-specificity and universality and the way that news interviews deal with the political information including Iran’s nuclear negotiations.
Instructed Second Language Pragmatics for the Speech Act of Apology in an Iranian EFL Context: A Meta-Analysis(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Applied Research on English Language, V. ۱۰ , N. ۳ , ۲۰۲۱
77 - 104
حوزههای تخصصی:
Considering one of the earliest calls for applying pragmatics in the second language, Kasper and Rose’s (2002) study “Is Pragmatic Teachable?”, pragmatic features have been analyzed during the last 20 years in EFL/ESL contexts. The amalgamation of studies has been conducted on many speech acts around the world within the two decades, among which apology is considered as the second most-appreciated speech act in Iran. The aim of the current meta-analysis is twofold: first, to unravel the overall effectiveness of the instruction in an Iranian EFL context on the speech act of apology, and second, to explore whether treatment types and research designs moderate this effectiveness. To this end, out of a total number of 31 studies, 12 papers were chosen based on the exclusion and inclusion criteria, which were coded for the analysis. The results of the study revealed that the instruction of apology is effective for this speech act, and it documented a medium effect size. Furthermore, it was found that research design is a good predictor for this effectiveness, and the quasi-experimental group displayed a large (g = 2.39) and positive effect. Although treatment types (e.g., explicit & non-explicit) produced medium and large effect sizes, they are not a suitable predictor for the overall effectiveness of instruction on the aforementioned speech act. The study concludes with pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies.
Iran Securitization of Terrorist ISIS(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This article seeks to identify and explain the process of securitizing ISIS by the Islamic Republic of Iran. The mostimportant question of this article is: How did the Iranian government manage to portray ISIS as an existential threat to itscitizens and how to involve them in their foreign and military policies against this terrorist group? This article uses thesecuritization theory to explain the Iranian war with ISIS in Syria and Iraq. It aims to consider the process and dynamics ofsecuritization of ISIS in Iranian society which led them to support the military combat with ISIS. The research hypothesis isthat the focus on securitization theory prepares the constant framework for understanding how the Copenhagen notion of security helps the Iranian government to justify the enemy narrative of ISIS through the trend of exclusion, exceptionalities, and use of physical force. Iranian government actively uses the securitization process to make required changes and adjustments for confronting ISIS to gain support and legitimacy from ordinary people. This article considers the role of the audience in the process of decision-making and how rulers use this opportunity to mobilize and organize armed forces. The Iranian government in the process of securitizing ISIS has shown that it can involve the people in the process of decision-making and the implementation of its foreign and military policies.
Enhancing EFL learners' Pragmatic Performance: The Case of Suggestions(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
international Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Volume ۱۰, Issue ۴۲, Autumn ۲۰۲۲
67 - 85
حوزههای تخصصی:
The present study aimed to explore whether Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ pragmatic performance of making suggestions improve after receiving discourse completion task (DCT) and role-play with discussion. One Hundred twenty intermediate Iranian EFL learners whose scores ranged between 41 and 59 at the Oxford Proficiency test were selected for participation in the study from several Iranian language schools through convenience sampling. They were assigned to the control group receiving no treatment and discourse completion group, and role plays with the discussion group. Before the treatments, the experimental groups received instruction on the exemplar forms, conversational practice, and performance of suggested activities in the book "Function." After the familiarity of the participants with various suggestion forms and their appropriate use, the first experimental group was provided with a discourse completion task and the second one received role play with discussion. The learners were provided with an explicit explanation of formality, and status as socio-pragmatic factors influencing the selection of appropriate suggestion forms. Then, they were supposed to act out the scenarios and discussed and evaluated the appropriateness of the responses. After the two treatments, the participants took a post-test with 4 sample conversations. The findings were indicative of the effectiveness of the two treatments. The conclusion drawn from the results was that EFL learners could benefit from pragmatic instruction via pragmatic awareness-raising tasks in their pragmatic performance.
بررسی تأثیر قدرت و جنسیت مخاطب بر گزینش راهبردهای ادب در کنش گفتاری تشویق کردن در زبان فارسی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تأثیر قدرت و جنسیت مخاطب بر گزینش نوع و تعداد راهبردهای تشویق کردن به کاربرده شده توسط دانشجویان پسر و دختر فارسی زبان براساس نظریه بروان و لوینسون ( 1987 ) است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل 60 دانشجو (30 پسر و 30 دختر) کارشناسی ارشد دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان بود. داده های زبانی با استفاده از پرسش نامه تکمیل گفتمان و روش ایفای نقش گردآوری و به وسیله آزمون آماری خی دو و تی مستقل (05/0 p< ) بررسی و تحلیل شدند. نتایج حاصل از دو روش گردآوری داده ها نشان داد رابطه معناداری بین قدرت مخاطب و نوع و تعداد راهبردهای به کاربرده شده توسط دانشجویان پسر و دختر وجود داشت. پرکاربردترین راهبرد تشویق کردن «راهبردهای ادب سلبی» از نوع احترام گذاشتن برای مخاطب با قدرت بالاتر (استاد) بود. متداول ترین راهبردهای تشویق کردن از لحاظ تعداد نیز راهبردهای ترکیبی دوتایی و کم کاربردترین، راهبردهای ترکیبی نه تایی بودند. جنسیت مخاطب در سه موقعیت بر نوع راهبردهای به کاربرده شده توسط دانشجویان پسر تاثیر داشت؛ در حالی که بر تعداد راهبردهای به کار برده شده توسط دانشجویان پسر و همچنین بر نوع و تعداد راهبردهای به کاربرده شده توسط دانشجویان دختر موثر نبود. بدین ترتیب، پرکاربردترین نوع راهبرد استفاده شده توسط دانشجویان دختر برای مخاطب مرد و زن راهبردهای «ادب ایجابی» و ترکیبی سه تایی بود. پرکاربردترین راهبرد درمیان آزمودنی های پسر در مقابل مخاطب های مرد راهبردهای «ادب ایجابی» و برای مخاطب زن راهبردهای «ادب سلبی» و ترکیبی دوتایی بود.
Exploring Iranian EFL Learners’ (In)sincerity in Compliments through Prosodic Features(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies,Vol ۱۴, No. ۱, ۲۰۲۲
145 - 162
حوزههای تخصصی:
Prosody is a fundamental aspect of speech communication through which (un)truthfulness and (in)sincerity of speech can be identified. The focus of the study is on the prosodic features of (in)sincere compliments among EFL learners. Twenty male and female EFL learners were selected through Oxford Quick Placement Test. The participants did role-plays based on situations on compliment topics and their voices were recorded in a recording studio. The produced compliments were transferred to Praat software for acoustic analysis. Also, two native speakers (one male and one female) were requested to read the produced compliments both in a sincere and insincere manner. Their voices were transferred to Praat software for acoustic analysis to establish the baseline of the study. The prosodic features of the participants’ voices were compared with those of native speakers to determine the (in)sincerity of the compliments on a 5-point scale. Results showed that sincere compliments are produced with a higher pitch. Concerning the gender of the participants, males were sincerer than females. Regarding the proficiency level of the participants, there was no significant prosodic feature in determining the sincerity of their compliments. Both intermediate and advanced groups were similar to native speakers in giving sincere compliments. The results of the study open up new horizons for the importance of vocal cues in evaluating sincerity in speech acts.
The Effects of Deductive and Inductive Interventions on Developing Iranian EFL Learners' Pragmatic Competence: An Investigation of the Speech Act of Request(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Since the 1990s, an accumulated body of empirical studies have investigated the main and differential effects of various approaches to second language (L2) pragmatic instruction. To contribute to this line of research, the present study aimed at investigating the effect of deductive and inductive instruction on the development of the speech acts of requests by Iranian EFL learners. In so doing, 51 Iranian EFL English-major students were randomly assigned to either the deductive group (DG) group (n = 24) or the inductive group (IG) group (n = 27). (IG). Both groups were provided with video clips of short conversations including the speech acts of request. The experimental treatment for the DG followed explicitness and deduction accompanied by a variety of drills, whereas the instruction for the IG involved input enhancement techniques. Both deductive and inductive methods of instruction adopted in the present study were operationalized according to the principles underlying the paradigms of Focus on Forms (FonFS) and Focus on Forms (FonF). Speech act development of the two groups was measured through a 10-item Written Discourse Completion Test (WDCT) at the pre-treatment and post-treatment phases of the study. The results obtained from administered WDCT revealed that both deductive and inductive instruction had a significant effect on the learners’ development of requests. Further analysis of the findings revealed that inductive instruction was more effective than deductive instruction. The findings offer theoretical and pedagogical implications.
دراسه أفعال الکلام الخاصه بالتربیه الأسریه فی خطاب الإمام السجّاد(ع)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
دراسات فی العلوم الانسانیه دوره ۳۱ سال ۱۴۴۶ شماره ۱
51 - 72
إن سیره أهل البیت علیهم السلام تجاه أبنائهم تدل علی أهمیه الاهتمام بالتربیه الدینیه وتلبیه احتیاجاتهم العاطفیه فی أحضان الأسره. وتزخر الصحیفه السجادیه ورساله القانون للإمام السجاد علیه السلام بالمفاهیم التربویه وتحتوی علی نقاط ثمینه حول القاعده الاجتماعیه الأولی، وهی الأسره، مما یدل علی أهمیتها، واهتمام الإمام بأهمیه التربیه الدینیه. ومن هذا المنطلق، یحاول هذا المقال دراسه أفعال الکلام فی خطابهم التربوی حول موضوع العلاقات الأسریه والبحث فی الواجبات المتبادله بین الوالدین والأبناء من خلال نهج براغماتی، من أجل استخلاص أسلوب خطاب فعال فی بیان التعالیم التربویه منه واستخدامها کنموذج للخطاب التربوی إلی جانب توظیف المکونات التربویه المؤثره. وبناءً علی ذلک، تم اختیار 84 جزءً من کلامه کمفاهیم تربویه علی مستوی الأسره، وتحلیلها بالمنهج الوصفی- التحلیلی بالاعتماد علی نظریه أفعال الکلام لسیرل، وذلک لفحص أنواع أفعال الکلام المستخدمه فی خطاب الإمام السجاد علیه السلام. تظهر النتائج أن أفعال الکلام التوجیهیه أو التوجیهیات، تتکرر فی 57 حاله ولها أعلی تواتر وأن خطابهم خالٍ من الالتزامیات والإعلانیات. تظهر البیانات أنه بالإضافه إلی تشجیع المتربی علی الالتزام بالمبادئ التربویه، فمن الضروری إحداث تأثیر فیه من خلال إثاره المشاعر أو الإقناع الفکری. کما أن الأسالیب التربویه السلبیه لا مکان لها فی کلام الإمام السجاد علیه السلام، ولتحقیق أهدافه التربویه، قدم خطاباً مواکباً للجمهور باستخدام أسلوب الدعاء وأفعال الکلام التوجیهیه.
Apology variations among Persian EFL learners in Iran, Iranian-Americans and American English speakers(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)
The Journal of English Language Pedagogy and Practice, Vol.۱۶, No.۳۳, Fall & Winter ۲۰۲۳
83 - 105
حوزههای تخصصی:
This study aimed to compare the use of the apology speech act and other semantic formulas among Iranian EFL learners, American native speakers of English, and Iranians living in America for four years. We conducted a transcultural investigation on the use of apology strategies in the two cultures, and then assessed the effects of living in the target language context. The data were collected using a Discourse Completion Test (DCT), and then coded based on the Cohen and Olshtain’s (1981), and Istifçi (2009) classification of apology speech act. The results showed significant differences between the use of apology strategies by Iranian EFL learners and American speakers in apology verbs. Also, we found that the Iranians who had lived in America were successful in reaching the target language’s cultural norms. This improvement was mainly because of living in the target language context and learning through interaction. We also found that the act of flattery among Persian users which is a subcategory of a cultural habit called ta’arof is a strategy to amend their mistakes. The results of this study might be useful for sociolinguists, transcultural researchers, and foreign language teachers.