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صنای ع دستی فرهنگ و میراث غنی یک کشور را نشان می دهد و از منظر اقتصادی، با سرمایه گذاری کم، ارزش افزوده بالایی در اقتصاد ایجاد می کند. این صنعت به علت داشتن مزایایی نظیر کار طلب بودن آن، سادگی تکنیک و عدم احتیاج به آموزش فنی و سریع و تأثیر فوق العاده آن در افزایش سطح اشتغال بیش از هر فعالیت اقتصادی دیگر زمینه برای توسعه و پیشرفت دارد؛ به ویژه در مناطق روستایی و عشایری صنای ع دستی می تواند به عنوان دومین منبع درآمد و در پاره ای از مناطق کشور حتی به عنوان مهم ترین عامل کار و درآمد به حساب آید. براین اساس هدف پژوهش حاضر شناسایی استراتژی های توسعه بازار فروش تولیدات مزیت دار صنای ع دستی استان خراسان جنوبی است. روش تحقیق در این پژوهش از نظر هدف بنیادی-کاربردی و استراتژی پژوهش تحلیل تم می باشد. جامعه آماری شامل مدیران، کارشناسان و هنرمندان فعال در حوزه صنای ع دستی مزیت دار استان خراسان جنوبی بوده است که بدین منظور 47 نفر (شامل 7 کارشناس و مدیر و 40 هنرمند) با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری هدفمند انتخاب و داده ها با استفاده از روش مصاحبه نیمه ساختار یافته گردآوری شد.  برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از تحلیل تم و ماتریس هایEFE  وIFE  استفاده شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان دهنده 5  فرصت، 19  تهدید، 9 ظرفیت (قوت) و 30 محدودیت (ضعف) بود. بر طبق نظر خبرگان در ماتریس عوامل خارجی، ارتباط پذیری بیشتر نسل جوان با صنای ع دستی، مهم ترین فرصت و عدم برگزاری نمایشگاه های بازرگانی در دو سال اخیر، مهم ترین تهدید شناسایی شد. در ماتریس عوامل داخلی نیز مهم ترین ظرفیت (قوت)، جایگاه یابی و احیای صنای ع دستی با کاربردهای تزئینی و مصرفی جدید و مهم ترین محدودیت (ضعف)، قیمت گذاری بدون توجه به ارزش متصور شده است.


Designing a Strategic Pattern for Developing a Marketing Plan for the Sales of Handicraft Products in South Khorasan Province

IntroductionToday, overcoming the problem of unemployment and creating productive employment is one of the main concerns of policymakers in economic and social development programs. One of the ways to overcome this challenge can be found in the development of the handicraft market. In many countries, handicrafts are considered part of cultural tourism, alongside ancient monuments and cultural heritage sites (Barnard, ۲۰۲۱, p. ۱۴۷). In fact, handicrafts are one of the most important types of home-based businesses, accounting for ۲.۹% of the gross domestic product (Vahidi & Naseri, ۲۰۱۵, p. ۱۰۶). In this regard, in South Khorasan province, there are currently ۱۲,۰۰۰ handicraft artisans active in various fields, and they are registered. Despite the vast entrepreneurial capacity in South Khorasan, it has not been utilized effectively so far. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the status of the handicraft market in the province and develop strategies for marketing these products. This article seeks to answer the following question:What are the strategies for developing the handicraft market and selling competitive handicraft products in the province?As to background of this research, it is worth noting that several researchers have investigated the obstacles to market development at the provincial level. For example, Yaghoobi, Sardarshahraki, and Karbasi (۲۰۲۲) studied “Analyzing the obstacles to market development of rural handicraft cooperatives in Sistan and Baluchestan province”. Another example is the article “Identifying and examining the obstacles to internal market development of handicrafts in Ilam province” by Omidi, Omidi, and Mohammadi (۲۰۱۵). Moreover, a study entitled “Addressing the challenges of handicrafts in Mazandaran province: Identifying obstacles and proposing solutions” was conducted by Sorayaie and Atfi (۲۰۱۴).Research Methodology The present study is qualitative in nature and employs a thematic analysis and SWOT analysis approach. The required data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The statistical population of this study consists of ۴۷ managers, experts, and artists in the field of handicrafts with competitive advantages in South Khorasan province. The researchers transcribed the recorded interviews and analyzed them. Based on a three-stage coding process (open, axial, and selective coding), the data were continuously reviewed and refined, and similar data were grouped around a category. Initial concepts, considering their similarity with other concepts, were organized into broader concepts and further developed into components. Subsequently, these components were combined based on continuous comparative logic, according to conceptual similarity, at a more level, forming categories. To present a strategy and sales approach, the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix was used to examine internal factors. The External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix was also employed to organize external factors in the form of opportunities and threats, and to analyze how to respond to opportunities and external threats in marketing activities. Finally, each of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats was prioritized based on weighted scores, and the SWOT matrix was constructed.FindingsInitially, the data were organized systematically and meaningfully. At this stage, ۱۴۷ concepts were identified based on the semantic expressions extracted from the interviews. In the next step, the identified concepts were re-screened and categorized into ۶۰ integrated codes based on semantic and conceptual similarity. In the third stage, the integrated codes identified in the previous stage were categorized into four categories: weaknesses, strengths, threats, and opportunities. Then, the internal and external factor evaluation matrices were constructed. In completing the external factor evaluation table, a significance coefficient between ۰ and ۱ was assigned to each factor based on its importance and sensitivity, and the factors were compared with each other. As a result of this analysis, opportunities and threats to the development of the market for competitive handicrafts in South Khorasan province were identified. Similarly, the internal factor evaluation table was completed, and the strengths and weaknesses of the development of the market for competitive handicrafts in South Khorasan province were identified. The total score obtained from the multiplication of the significance coefficient in the external factor evaluation matrix is ۲.۳۴, indicating that we were unable to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate threats effectively. Also, the final score of the internal factor evaluation matrix is ۲.۶۰, indicating that in the competitive handicraft industry, limitations outweigh strengths.Discussion and ConclusionBased on the research findings, the following components were identified as the most important opportunities for the development of competitive handicrafts in South Khorasan:Increased connectivity between young people and handicraftsCreation of sustainable income for families during drought conditionsEmployment and activity of most households in handicraft productionPositive mental image of the quality of handicraft products and raw materialsPotential talents of the people of the province in art and handicraftsThe following components were identified as the most important threats to the development of competitive handicrafts in South Khorasan province:Lack of trade exhibitions in the past two yearsPolitical perspective on art in budget allocationCreating restrictions on social networksNeglecting to produce documentariesLow status of art among people and officialsDecreased interest of people in buying handicraftsEntry of factory-made products into the marketIncorrect positioning of art in IranInability of officials to attract foreign touristsLow investment in infrastructure and conversion industriesDecreased profit for artists and increased prices due to multiple middlemenLack of creation of academic fields suitable for competitive industriesExploitation by profiteers and weak supervision by officials and lack of knowledge among peopleUnwillingness of local sellers to sell local handicraft productsDisinterest in skill-building in some industriesLack of cooperation and integration of services between supportive organizations and entrepreneursUnwillingness of banks to provide facilities and issue permits to unqualified individualsThe following components were identified as the most important strengths and capacities of competitive handicrafts in South Khorasan province:Revival of handicrafts with new decorative and consumable applicationsActive presence on social networksContinuous presence in trade exhibitionsUse of technology in the production processFormation of cooperativesReceiving quality and cleanliness certificatesAbility and capacity for increasing production volumeFlexibility in working hours with workshop productionInnate talent in art and handicraftsThe following components were identified as the most important weaknesses of competitive handicrafts in South Khorasan province:Pricing without considering perceived valueArtists being content with minimumsProduction of products without brand namesReducing the value of artLack of permanent marketplacesNo sales offices in citiesLack of attention to cultural differences in productionLack of prosperity in sales marketsLack of attention to artist trainingLow effectiveness of advertising tabloids and websitesLack of interest in accepting apprentices due to specific beliefs of some artistsLack of review of licenses issued for handicraft fieldsInnovation without considering market demandLack of specialized laborInability of artists to pay installments due to lack of stable salesExperimental work of artistsInadequate facilities and staff at the Heritage AdministrationInability of artists to prepare promotional packagesOrientation and bureaucratic challenges in the Handicrafts OrganizationLack of management of raw materials supplyLack of use of competitor databases in introducing handicraft products of the province.
