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هدف این پژوهش، بررسی مواد زبانی تابلوهای هدایت مسیر شهری و راهنمای شهر همدان است. زیرا، این تابلوها ابزار ارتباطی بسیار کارآمد به حساب می آیند و نماد فرهنگی جامعه هستند. به منظور نیل به این هدف، به طور تصادفی تصویر صد مورد از این تابلوها در شهر همدان جمع آوری شد و مواد زبانی آن ها از سه دیدگاه نگارش، ترجمه و تطبیق مورد واکاوی قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان می دهد که تنها 38% مواد زبانی تابلوهای شهری و راهنما درست هستند. اما، در 25% موارد، این تابلوها مشکل تطبیق دارند، در 21% آن ها ایرادهای ترجمه ای مشاهده می شود و در 16% آن ها خطاهای نگارشی وجود دارد؛ بنابراین، اصلاح و تهیه این دست تابلوها نیازمند بازنگری است.

Linguistic Landscape of Hamedan City's Direction and Guide Signs

This research aims to examine the linguistic materials of direction and guide signs in Hamedan city. These signs are highly efficient communication tools and represent the cultural symbols of society. To achieve this aim, a hundred images of these signs were randomly collected in Hamedan city, and their linguistic materials were analyzed from three perspectives of writing, translation, and adaptation. The results illustrate that only 38% of the linguistic materials in urban signs and guides are correct. However, in 25% of cases, these signs have adaptation problems, while in 21% of cases, translation errors are observed, and in 16% of cases, there are writing errors. Therefore, correcting and revising these signs and guides requires review and improvement.This research aims to examine the linguistic materials of direction and guide signs in Hamedan city. These signs are highly efficient communication tools and represent the cultural symbols of society. To achieve this aim, a hundred images of these signs were randomly collected in Hamedan city, and their linguistic materials were analyzed from three perspectives of writing, translation, and adaptation. The results illustrate that only 38% of the linguistic materials in urban signs and guides are correct. However, in 25% of cases, these signs have adaptation problems, while in 21% of cases, translation errors are observed, and in 16% of cases, there are writing errors. Therefore, correcting and revising these signs and guides requires review and improvement.
