مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه



Validation of a Preliminary Model of Cultural Identity for Iranian Advanced EFL Learners: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

کلیدواژه‌ها: culture EFL Learners Identity model Validation

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۶ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۶
This study was an endeavor to develop a model of cultural identity among Iranian advanced EFL learners. To achieve this end, a multiphase design was implemented. Initially, it was attempted to investigate different factors of cultural identity to propose and validate a model. Thus, 20 EFL learners studying in Safir English language institute in Tehran were interviewed about their views of their cultural identity in the qualitative phase. After extracting four factors of cultural identity including: “religion, culture, nationality, and language”, a questionnaire was constructed which reflected these factors. Then, in the quantitative phase, the 30-item questionnaire went through an exploratory factor analysis for the sake of validity and after its validity and reliability were corroborated through a pilot study with 183 learners, it was distributed among 384 EFL learners. In addition, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis was run through LISREL 8.8. to confirm that the final proposed model enjoyed validity for future research. To do so, a confirmatory factor analysis was run and the model of cultural identity was developed. Eventually, the possible relationship between 384 EFL learners’ cultural identity and their English language achievement scores was examined and the results of this phase indicated that there was a significant and positive relationship between learners’ cultural identity and their English language achievement scores. The findings of this study can enhance awareness among English teachers, materials developers, and syllabus designers to equip themselves with the updated techniques to handle the possible challenges that may occur in EFL learning contexts.

Deconstruction of Cultural, Racial and Gender Dominance in Iranian Senior High School EFL Textbooks

کلیدواژه‌ها: culture English textbooks Gender racial dominance

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۳ تعداد دانلود : ۳۱۰
Course books play a crucial role in educational process and are believed to be the pivotal ingredient of language teaching. Every new textbook needs to be analyzed in order to reach its best. Hence this study aims to analyze three Iranian English course books to reveal how various cultures are shown via the course books characters’ race, nationality, gender, and intercultural communications. The inspection of the course books revealed unequal cultural representations with the dominance of white and male characters. Furthermore, regarding the intercultural interactions, most examples included conversations among Iranians in a superficial level of cultural engagement. It was also found that males’ roles are more highlighted throughout the series. Hence, in some cases, the leading ideology floating in this series is prototyping the Iranian-Islamic culture and values by means of English. Overall, this series seemed to suffer from biased embedded ideologies in terms of presenting cultures, races and genders. The findings of this study are of great help for language teachers, language learners, textbook developers, and curriculum developers to adopt an international position toward education.

Translation and Ideology: When Faithfulness Becomes a Luxury in Translation

کلیدواژه‌ها: Translation Ideology manipulation culture Politics

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۴ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۶
Every discourse, written or oral, is the conveyer of some hidden agenda of the producer, most importantly in such genres of speech as journalism, politics, propaganda, and advertisements. Given the role of translation in discourse, a difference exists between when the translator carries the ideological values of the elite in contrast with one with patriotic preferences. In this study a comparison was made between translation products resulting from the work of 15 postgraduates of translation studies viewed as freelancers and another published product carrying the elite’s ideology whose works appeared in published in the state media. The results of our comparisons, both qualitative and quantitative showed that there existed two types of difference: the ideology of the elite on the one hand, and the preferred culture related valuesof the freelancers on the other. The differences revealed that both groups translated under the influence of some pre-disposed influence dividable into different categories. Employing strategies of manipulation would be considered as an identity marker showing the social identity of the translator. The effect could be either their cultural preferences or, in contrast, the elite’s favorable set of preferences imposed on both the translator and the product of translation. 

Cultural Motivation and Its Impact on Foreign Language Learning in Globalizing World


کلیدواژه‌ها: motivation culture Intercultural Competence Globalization foreign language learning

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۶۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۴
The study aims at focusing on the relationship between motivation, culture, and success in foreign language learning in globalizing world. Many studies have been done to examine the relationship between them. The studies showed that culture can play a motivating role in language learning success. Considering Gardner's instrumental and integrative motivation, a learner with a high degree of integrative motivation is likely to make more efforts to form bonds with people of the target culture. To conduct the survey 48 students of Ardestan Azad University were chosen. Some activities and techniques were taken to promote their multicultural competence. In the first session a brief explanation was given to the students along with some questionnaires regarding cultural issues to answer. During 16 weeks of the semester students were taught and monitored through class discussions, essay writings etc. The goal of the activities was to encourage and estimate their respect, tolerance and empathy to people of different cultures. In the last session a questionnaire designed by the researcher was used to collect data. It was composed of three sections: 1) 11 statements about cultural issues to be rated with a likert scale of agreement (based on the Bennett's intercultural communicative model). 2) 10 rating questions (considering Byram& Risager's multidimensional model of ICC).  3) 5 open questions about their belief and behavior to elaborate on. The results showed that respect for others, adaptation and integration with people of target culture were the highest rated among others. An unexpected result was that there was no significant relationship between students' lesson scores and their attitude toward foreign language culture. This can be justified by globalization process by which "people of the world are incorporated into a single world society, global society". Therefore learners who belong to a global English-speaking culture are ready to suspend disbelief about others and adopt new cultural aspects while respecting and maintaining their own culture.

Cultural Conceptualizations in Persian Language: Implications for L2 Learning

کلیدواژه‌ها: culture Conceptualization schema Intercultural communication

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۶۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۵
Intercultural communication is concerned with communication across cultures. Since cultures as well as languages differ from one another in significant ways, speakers conceptualize the world around them in different ways. These cultural conceptualizations form part of the collective cognition of a speech community or cultural group. This paper is an attempt to delineate some cultural schemas in Persian cultural conceptualization which are quite prevalent in Iranian culture and language which may crop up in everyday conversations. For this purpose, cultural schemas of 'maram', 'marefat', and 'gheyrat' are selected based on their frequent use in Persian language and Iranian culture. These schemas are elaborated and some implications for L2 learning are suggested.

An Ideological and Cultural Study of Taboo Terms Translation in English-Persian Dubbed Movies by IRIB

کلیدواژه‌ها: culture dubbing Ideology norms Sharifi and Darchinian’s Model Taboo

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۵۶ تعداد دانلود : ۳۲۵
In our modern life, the introduction of new technologies and subsequent boom in satellites, television, as well as the Internet has made the world a much smaller place allowing different nations, cultures, and languages to interact more frequently. One of the biggest concerns of audiovisual translators is cultural and ideological items which taboo terms are included. This study aims at investigating the strategies applied in the translation of taboo terms, from English into Persian, in five dubbed Hollywood movies broadcast by Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. The original movies were compared with their dubbed Persian versions based on Sharifi and Darchinian’s (2009) strategies. The “Censorship” strategy is the topmost used strategy in the rendition of the taboos with the highest frequency (56%). The second frequent strategy is “Taboo to Taboo” which involves 19%, the third frequent strategy is “Euphemism” with 13%, and the least frequent strategy for dealing with taboos is “Taboo to Non-Taboo” which is 12%. The results of the present study show that considering ideological and cultural aspects of the society, Iranian AV translators attempted to moderate and soften the original taboo terms, which would be considered as taboo by the cultural standards of the Iranian audiences.

La Cultulangue dans L'Assommoir d'Émile Zola(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Langue culture Cultulangue Émile Zola

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۴۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۹۹
La culture de chaque groupe social se manifeste par le langage de ce groupe. Dans la littérature française, L'Assommoir est considéré comme le premier roman dans lequel Émile Zola met en œuvre le langage populaire des ouvriers parisiens pour faire un tableau très exact de la vie de la classe inférieure de la société sous le Second Empire. Mais ce qui nous intéresse, c'est la perception de la culture dominante du monde ouvrier par le langage de ce monde. Cela implique le déchiffrement des diverses expressions langagières des personnages du roman dans des situations et avec des intonations différentes. Dans cette recherche, nous étudions la relation entre la culture et le langage populaire de la classe ouvrière en nous appuyant sur la notion de Cultulangue (culture + langue). Chaque Cultulangue se compose de l'ensemble des expressions langagières et l'ensemble des Cultulangues désignent l'Extracultulangue ou la culture dominante d'une société. À cette fin, nous analysons les Cultulangues dominantes dans ce roman, comme la Cultulangue franche, irrespectueuse, déterministe et infantile. Nous essaierons ainsi de répondre à cette question si l’ensemble des Cultulangues tirées de ce roman peut nous mener vers une même Extracultulangue de ce groupe humain social ?

Cultural Identity among Iranian EFL Learners: the Development of a Cultural Identity Questionnaire(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: language culture Identity

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۲۷ تعداد دانلود : ۲۵۰
Learning English as a foreign language in Iran has provided a novel learning milieu for language learners, giving them the capability to create the dialogue between their home culture and the culture of the foreign language they are learning. The current study aims to investigate the level of Iranian EFL learners' cultural identity. To do so, the researchers developed a questionnaire through extensive readings of the literature on language, culture and identity at both national and international levels. To determine the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach’s Alpha was utilized. The reliability of all the items in the questionnaire was estimated as 0.78. To measure the validity of the questionnaire, Exploratory Factor Analysis through PCA was performed, demonstrating five underlying factors of Iranian Cultural Identity. Then, the questionnaire was administered to 494 language learners in the context of Iran. The analysis of the data revealed that nearly 68% of the Iranian language learners in the study possess a moderate level of cultural identity.

A Corpus Analysis of Animal-Term Conceptual Metaphors in the Persian Book of Marzbannameh(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Conceptual Metaphor Animal Terms culture Users’ Ideas

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۱۶ تعداد دانلود : ۳۱۷
The current study investigated the distribution of animal terms in the Persian book of Marzbannameh and their metaphoric repetition in the users’ opinions, thoughts, and worthiness. By investigating the Persian book of Marzbannameh as one of the famous literary books which is rich of animal conceptual metaphors, a corpus of 376 animal terms in content has been chosen and analyzed. Four raters who were the Persian Literature teachers analyzed accurately the pertinent book for evaluating the available animal metaphors. And, two other raters who were the Persian Literature professors were asked to study the decisions and present the final propositions if they had different ideas about a concept. Moreover, as a supporting research method, focus groups were engaged by the Persian Literature teachers and professors to give their ideas and thoughts about the positive and negative qualities of the contained animals in the selected book. The results offered that animals are not distributed alike in this book, are used with diverse conceptualizations and stood for both positive and negative connotations. Also, it was found that the domestic animals generally have positive characteristics; however, some of them violate this rule, connoting just negative characteristics. After all, the wild animals, except for hawk, generally have negative characteristics.

The Cultural Marketing Elements: The Essentials for Increasing of Museum Visits

کلیدواژه‌ها: culture Cultural Marketing Marketing mix Museum Visiting Rate

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۸۵ تعداد دانلود : ۳۴۱
Museum is the archaeological approach to the date, time, culture, society and human status or a demonstration of the new global conditions. Without understanding the philosophy, the meaning and nature museum cannot realize its importance in view of civilization. Today, Museums benefit from lots of different Marketing tactics in attracting visitors. Marketing is something used by someone who wants to influence the decision and behavior of another in order to reach its organizations' economic and social goals. Art Marketing is an integrated management process, which regards mutually satisfying exchange relationship with the customers as a means to achieve the organizational objectives.  One of the effective solutions is the using of the cultural marketing in order to develop a museum. The main objective of this study is the effect of the optimal use of cultural marketing in the rate of visits to museums. An analytical-descriptive methodology has been applied in this study. The questionnaire contains 35 items on a 5-point Likert scale. 300 questionnaires were distributed among visitors and museum officials in Tehran, Tabriz, Hamedan and Sanandaj were collected and analyzed. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to ensure the reliability of the research tool. The questionnaire showed a very good reliability of 0.84 percent. The results show that the optimal utilization of cultural products, develop optimal pricing strategies, organizing people on the visit rate is effective. In addition, suitable use of advertising has increased the amount of historical tourism and visiting museums rate.

Analytical Review of the Philosophy of Leading Media Function in The Presentation of Social Thought(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Media Thought Human Social Rationality culture ommunication Concepts

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۹۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۸
Purpose: The purpose of this study was the role of media in the function of social thought. Exploring the thoughts of human about the society leads us to this point that our behavior and our emotions are merely a function of the society and its culture. Methodology: Most of the insights in the culture of a society develop the thoughts, feelings and actions of individuals from one side and limit them on the other side. The main concern of Muslim thinkers i.e. "man" is how he reaches the ideal model of "a perfect man." The present study compares the human status from the views of Islamic thinkers and new social sciences. In the first section, the topics "fundamental concepts of social thought" and "studying the subject of rationality in society," and in the other section, "the function of the media in the various dimensions" have been examined. The research methodology is analytical, explanatory and documentary. Findings: According to the topics discussed, the researcher has come to this conclusion that the researches done by sociologists in the field of radio and television around the world, imply that a part of the major tasks of the media is reviewing the public opinion, reflecting changes in the socio-cultural context of the audience, the general tendencies of society in various economic aspects, increasing the level of technical and public awareness of society in advancing the community ruling culture also the rapid and unbiased dissemination of news and events at the global level. Media plays an effective role in the teaching and training of religious, ethical and cultural teachings. Discussion: This role is reflected through the recognition of cultural-social patterns and processes and rethinking of social ideas in the range of related subjects.

The sociolinguistic content analysis of imported ELT textbooks’ cultural values (global or local) and their impact on Iranian EFL learners’ social identity(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: culture Globalization Identity Construction Social Identity

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۸۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۸۹
Purpose: Investigating the cultural content of EFL textbooks is significant in critical discourse studies. The effect of cultural values on EFL learners’ social identity has been less investigated in the Iranian context. This study aimed at identifying type of cultural values embedded in New Interchange and Passages textbooks in terms of being global, local or glocal and the impact of these textbooks’ cultural values on Iranian EFL learners’ social identity. Methodology: 90 upper-intermediate EFL learners at 2 private language institutes and high schools in the city of Gilanegharb were selected among a population of 120 EFL learners based on taking an Oxford Placement Test (OPT). They were randomly divided into an experimental group (45 learners) and a control group (45 learners). The experimental group received global cultural teaching through exposure to private institute textbooks’ cultural values while the control group was taught through local cultural values embedded in the local textbooks. A Student Identity Questionnaire (SIQ) was used as both pre-test and posttest. Data were analyzed through Independent Sample T-tests using SPSS 21 software. Findings: The results indicated that the most frequent textbook cultural values were social power through the U.S. superiority, social relation through friendship and party, and accomplishments through success. Further analysis showed that the textbook cultural values had a significant impact on social identity scores of Iranian EFL learners showing stronger agreement with global cultural values promoted in the imported textbooks. Discussion: Results had implications for EFL teachers, learners, policy makers and material developers.

Investigating the Components of Defensive Culture in the Strategic Culture Framework of I. R. Iran (Based on Ayatollah Khamenei's views)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: culture defense strategic culture defensive culture Islam Islamic Republic of Iran

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۴۹ تعداد دانلود : ۴۵۱
If culture is seen as a framework of "should" and "should not," defensive culture is based on issues, which are available in the society. Issues that differ from one society to another and are influenced by the strategic culture of the countries. So, the present study aimed to answer the question that what are the most important components of a defensive culture in the framework of the strategic culture of Iran, based on the Supreme Leader's views. Based on the results, the most important components influenced by Iran's strategic. culture include martyrdom and Ashura culture, deepening insight and recognizing enemy, Islamic-Iranian identity and national unity, self-confidence and belief in divine victory, denial of oppression and defense of the oppressed, defensive diplomacy, democratic defense, and multilateral defense which can be effective in adopting an appropriate defensive strategy and enhancing the defensive capability of the Islamic Republic of Iran against enemies. In this article an analytical-descriptive method is used.

Contextual Analysis of the Formation of the Tunisian Revolution: In Search of Dignity(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Tunisian revolution Politics culture Economy Nationalism Islamism

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۰۸ تعداد دانلود : ۲۴۱
The public considers sociopolitical revolutions and movements as phenomena that occur suddenly and unpredictably. Still, these phenomena carry historical content and stem from sophisticated sociopolitical, cultural, and economic factors in the view of political scientists. Such a view provides the context in which sociopolitical revolutions and movements are analyzed, not in a single cause, but based on a diverse range of factors, to investigate the consequences. In this situation, the factors affecting the formation of sociopolitical phenomena are investigated at the level of structural analysis. The structural look at the factors influencing the formation of sociopolitical revolutions allows the researcher to explain the various fields affecting revolutions, and by examining the role of political agents in the creation of political structures and their impact on structures offers multi-factor analysis. Therefore, what is essential in this study is to look at those structural factors that have hidden in political, economic, cultural, and even historical contexts. Hence, they need to compare with political agents. Still, the setting for entering such a look gives through a review of historical data that, with a historical sequence resulted in political events that took place in the Tunisian revolution in 2011. The present study aimed to investigate the structures that had an impact on the Jasmine revolution as well as the agency of Tunisian people. Our analysis demonstrates that the Tunisian revolution in 2011 took place based on the interaction of structure and agency. Political, economic, cultural, and religious structures provided the context for the agency of Tunisians. They were searching for dignity that had been ignored during the last decades and resulted in the Jasmine revolution.

A Study of Persian Translation of Cultural Elements in Waltari’s The Egyptian

کلیدواژه‌ها: culture Culture-specific items (CSIs) translation strategies

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۰۰
This study sought to investigate translation strategies in translation of culture-specific items (CSIs) in Persian translation of ‘The Egyptian’ novel by Mika Waltari. To this end, it benefited from corpus-based comparative content analysis design within a qualitative approach. The corpus of this study consisted of 150 pages of the novel ‘The Egyptian’ by Mika Waltari along with their Persian translations by Zabihollah Mansouri, which were selected through simple random sampling. Data analysis included parallel comparison of the source text and its translation in terms of the occurrence of different types of translation strategies used in the translations. Furthermore, statistical procedures which were conducted consisted of calculation of frequency and percentage of different translation strategies (to identify the most and least frequent strategies) and chi-square test (to see if there is a significant difference between the frequencies of different strategies used by the translator). The results of data analysis showed that the translator has used the following translation strategies: Calque, equivalence, adaptation, literal translation, modulation and omission. Moreover, it was found that the most frequent strategy was calque. Furthermore, the lowest frequency belonged to modulation and omission. In addition, a significant difference was revealed between the frequencies of different translation strategies. The findings have some implications for translation students, translation teachers, and translators.

Regeneration of the Culture of Rural Areas of Iran in Order to Direct the Communication of Villagers with Urban System with the Approach of Sustainable Rural Development(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: culture Cultural regeneration Rural-urban communications sustainable rural development Iran

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۱ تعداد دانلود : ۲۰۶
Purpose- The aim of this study is to upgrade the capabilities in cultural field to direct the communication of villages with urban system to reinforce the sustainable rural development. In this way, the necessary grounds should be provided in the villages so that the population density and variety of activities and sufficient facilities for education and accumulation of wealth, etc. reach a certain level in order that sustainable rural development is formed through recreating the culture of rural areas in villages. Design/methodology/approach- The present study is conducted with applied purposes using the descriptive-analytical method. For data collection, field survey was performed using a questionnaire tool and data analysis method was performed using SPSS software. Statistical population includes 74 villages of the cities of Khoramabad, Kermanshah, Tabriz, Shadgan and Shiraz. Using Cochran formula, sample size was determined 380 households from selected villages and sample selection method is random. Findings- Data analysis was done through factor analysis and cluster analysis tests and the results of this study, based on the factor analysis method with correlation coefficient of over 5% between the research variables, indicates that, three (socio-cultural, economic and environmental) factors explain 73.629% of variance and show the satisfaction of the factors and the field of research. Using hierarchical clustering analysis (WARD) have been estimated as cluster 1: socio-cultural developed, cluster 2: economic developing, and cluster 3: environmental less developed and ANOVA analysis with a significance level of less than 0.05 indicates the existence of significant relationship between clusters in all four components of cultural regeneration and communication between urban and rural, socio-cultural, economic and environmental criteria. Research limitations/implications- One of the problems ahead of this research was the different cultural levels of people of the study area, which was a kind of requirement for certain conditions and behaviors, without which there would be no misunderstanding.one of the most important limitations of this research is the lack of cooperation of relevant organizations to provide studies on cultural changes affecting rural-urban areas. Practical implications- Among the practical solutions, the following can be mentioned: provide patterns and solutions for cultural development and sustainable development based on culture and socio-cultural attachment for regional development projects. Originality/value- This study encompasses many innovations including careful review of cultural relationships with rural-urban communication patterns and the effects of sustainable rural development on both of them.

Cultural and Cognitive Dimensions of Metaphor Aptness(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: culture metaphor aptness metonymic relations

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۵
This paper discusses cultural and cognitive factors that may affect the degree of the aptness of metaphors. A given metaphor may have different degrees of aptness across different cultures. Geographical features of the area and the role of the base concept in the lives of people are cultural aspects that may affect the degree of the aptness of a metaphor for people of a culture. A metaphor with ‘lighthouse’ as the base domain would have a higher degree of aptness for people living near the sea compared to people living far away from the sea. Folktale and religion are also important aspects of culture that may have some degree of influence on the aptness of metaphors. In summary, the cultural dimensions of the concepts that are involved in the base and target domains of a metaphor could affect the degree of the aptness of that metaphor for people of that culture. Finally, the roles of metonymic relations and semantic features in the degree of aptness are discussed.

Fostering Cultural Awareness in EFL Classes: An Exploration of EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices in Iranian Language Schools(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Cultural Awareness culture EFL teacher

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۸۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۳
Culture is an integral facet of teaching and learning English as a foreign language. This qualitative study examined EFL teachers’ perceptions toward fostering their students’ cultural awareness in Iranian language schools. Based on a researcher-developed protocol, semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve EFL teachers from Tehran, Karaj, and Urmia, Iran, whose teaching experiences ranged from 6 to 19 years, with the purpose of identifying their perceptions, experiences, and challenges regarding fostering students’ cultural awareness. The interviews drew upon emergent methodology to categorize the interviewees’ value-laden comments into six major attitudinal themes of meaning of culture, the role of English culture and social norms in EFL teaching and learning, the materials and activities teachers employ to foster their students’ cultural awareness, benefits of teaching English culture in Iranian language schools, EFL teachers’ challenges regarding teaching English culture, and teachers’ suggestions or recommendations regarding teaching culture in the Iranian EFL context. The findings illustrated that despite the fact that Iranian EFL teachers preferred to include cultural content in their courses, they faced a variety of challenges regarding teaching English culture and social norms. Further, Iranian policymakers, stakeholders, and educators are expected to provide professional training opportunities for EFL teachers in teaching English culture. Thus, teaching culture should be underscored in EFL classes and instructors are required to explore and apply various effective strategies and authentic materials to enhance their language learners’ cultural knowledge. The implications are presented and discussed in more detail in the paper.

Hypocritical Language and the Empire’s Double Lies: Pragmatic Study of the Selected Novels of George Orwell

کلیدواژه‌ها: culture Grices Theory of Implicature Imperialism pragmatics society

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۶۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۷
World literature is replete with many texts that depict the imperialists using hypocritical language as an oppressive device for intimidating their subjects. The oppressors pretended to be the civilizers by inculcating the idea of “Benevolent Colonization” into the minds of the oppressed. In this paper, the researchers investigate how situational and linguistic contexts affect the meanings of utterances in George Orwell’s selected novels. It is aimed to remove the gaps in the multicultural world by scrutinizing the power of language pragmatically. The methodology is qualitative based on Grice’s theory of implicature. The novels under investigation both violate and adhere to the four maxims of Grice’s theory of Conversational Implicature. The findings of the paper indicate that language can be used as a suppressive weapon for supporting imperialist objectives or hamper satisfactory human relations, and that positive gifts of imperialism come with the caveat that they are being achieved at the cost of exploiting the oppressed.

An Analysis of the Influencing Factors on Dwelling System of the Fishing Community on the Bank of Karnaphuli, Chittagong, Bangladesh(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Fishing community dwelling system socio-economic condition Livelihood culture

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۲۴ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۸
The settlement pattern and dwelling sys tem reflect the socio-economic condition and cultural behaviour of the community people. The riverine fishing community is one of the ancient and special communities of Bangladesh that has a unique lifes tyle and some special features characterize their dwellings. This paper aims at explaining the exis ting dwelling sys tem of one of the eighth oldes t fishing village of Chittagong with relevant problems and identifying the factors that affect the dwelling sys tem of that fishing community. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses are used here and the data were collected from the community people through PRA methods and ques tionnaire surveys. A number of problems and some special features of the exis ting dwelling s tructures in the s tudy area are identified in this research. A relation between the socio- economic condition of the people and their dwellings is also es tablished here by explaining the influence of various factors on their dwelling. Finally, some recommendations are mentioned for improving their dwellings without adversely affecting their livelihood, culture and tradition.