مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
Islamic Republic of Iran
World Sociopolitical Studies, Autumn ۲۰۱۸, Volume ۲, Issue ۴
573 - 603
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Islam’s view on the status of women has been among the controversial topics in the American universities in recent decades. The rise of the political Islam and its embodiment in the Islamic Republic of Iran is considered by many critics as the turning point in the making of the Muslim women as an analytical category for the Western observers. This study focuses on Muslim women’s citizenship as a modern concern, and analyzes two major American academic approaches to the quality of Iranian women’s citizenship under theIslamic Republic. It addresses two textbooks, Women and Gender in Islam (1992) and An Enchanted Modern (2006), which represent the most frequently addressed textbooks in the course syllabi used at the top twentyAmerican universities in the academic year 2014-2015. The present paper, then, exploits Saied R. Ameli’s classification of discourse to compare the two prevalent discourses of Islamoromia and Islamoverita in the mentioned textbooks. Islamoromia indicates that Muslim women’s citizenship under the Islamic-oriented government is frequently put against the secular “normal” form of the state when the latter is given discursive advantage. However, an emerging voice of Muslim women about the enabling capacity of the Islamic Republic, on the Islamoveritic side, is recognized as a promising changing narrative.
The Basis of Freedom of Religious Minorities in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
In this paper we try to give a description of the juridical status of religious minorities, Muslim or otherwise, in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We also deal with the question of whether non-Muslim minorities are free to perform their religious practices and the extent of their freedom.
Measuring Democracy and Justice by Public Reason: Towards a more just framework for social cooperation in Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
John Rawls introduced the idea of public reason as a precondition of decision-making processes based on justice in a well-ordered society. There are critics, however, who doubted whether the idea is consistent with deliberative democracy. While Rawls saw his idea of reasonable overlapping consensus as an outcome of public reasoning, his suggested political liberalism seems to be morally too thick to work as the basis of such a consensus in culturally diverse societies. Here, through a critical evaluation of Rawls’s view, I try to use his idea of public reason by reference to the brilliant distinction he makes between ‘the rational’ and ‘the reasonable’. I show that it is the latter, which defines the nature of ‘the political’, that could be employed for the relationship between different cultural identities of a society, governed by political principles justified by referring to thin or non-moral arguments that in turns allow liberal as well as non-liberal cultural communities to participate in a just framework of social cooperation. Moreover, I argue that this revised interpretation of Rawlsian overlapping consensus can help us in the democratic assessment of constitutions and revising them in order to became more legitimate to citizens. Using this theoretical framework, and as the Islamic Republic is claimed to represent a religious democracy, I suggest that the criterion of public reason can be used in assessing the Constitution of the Islamic Republic and, therefore, highlights the necessary revisions for achieving more democratic basic structures of the Iranian society.
The Role of Government in Economic Development; A Comparative Study between Iran and Malaysia During (1981-2003)
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The Islamic Republic of Iran in the Rhetoric of the Nation of Islam(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
World Sociopolitical Studies, Winter ۲۰۲۰, Volume ۴, Issue ۱
133 - 175
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When the Nation of Islam was first established in 1930 by Wallace Fard Muhammad, it managed to attract a segment of African Americans and persuade them to convert to Islam as taught by the organization. Despite the fact that the Nation of Islam has walked through a path of modifications and controversies, to this date it continues to attract African Americans in the United States. In fact, a significant number of well-known African Americans converted to Islam through the Nation of Islam. Drawing from Jowett’s neutral definitions of propaganda, this paper employs Jowett and O’Donnell’s 10-step propaganda analysis to examine how the Islamic Republic of Iran is presented in the rhetoric of the Nation of Islam. A study of the rhetoric of the Nation of Islam produced on the Islamic Republic of Iran as presented in the organization’s most important outlet, the Finalcall.com, shows that the NOI utilizes resonance, opinion leaders, and particular language in order to maximize the effect of its propaganda regarding Iran on its target audience and to reinforce ideological, emotional closeness with the Iranian nation.
The Regional Security Complex of Moqavemah( Resistance) and Iran’s strategy to ensure Oil Security(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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One of the requirements for the formation of stability in regions and sub-regions is the creation of regional security complexes. The necessity of creation these regional security complexes is the existence of security orders which are outcomes of regional actors’ agreements to control internal crisis and challenges and to manage the level of external interventions in regional affairs. Due to its geopolitical, geo-strategic and geo-economic importance, especially in the oil field, the West Asian region has a great impact on the international security of the oil market, and the formation of an endogenous regional security complex can provide the necessary basis for oil security. The strengthening and expansion of the Axis of Resistance strategy under Islamic Republic of Iran leadership in formation a regional security complex could ensure oil security, as much as possible. This article studies the central impact of the Axis of Resistance strategies, especially the Islamic Republic of Iran in ensuring oil security through the formation of regional security complex. Countering unilateralism in oil market management, countering US-managed chaos to gain new customers in the oil market, and countering oil conversion as a financial source for international terrorism are some of the strategies of the Axis of Resistance and the Islamic Republic of Iran in this regard.
Investigating the Components of Defensive Culture in the Strategic Culture Framework of I. R. Iran (Based on Ayatollah Khamenei's views)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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If culture is seen as a framework of "should" and "should not," defensive culture is based on issues, which are available in the society. Issues that differ from one society to another and are influenced by the strategic culture of the countries. So, the present study aimed to answer the question that what are the most important components of a defensive culture in the framework of the strategic culture of Iran, based on the Supreme Leader's views. Based on the results, the most important components influenced by Iran's strategic. culture include martyrdom and Ashura culture, deepening insight and recognizing enemy, Islamic-Iranian identity and national unity, self-confidence and belief in divine victory, denial of oppression and defense of the oppressed, defensive diplomacy, democratic defense, and multilateral defense which can be effective in adopting an appropriate defensive strategy and enhancing the defensive capability of the Islamic Republic of Iran against enemies. In this article an analytical-descriptive method is used.
Investigating the Balance of Power between Iran and the United States after the Islamic Revolution(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Today, using international relations theories is essential for explaining and analyzing international events and issues. One of the most influential international relations theories is structuralism or neorealism, developed by Kenneth Waltz, which divides into offensive and defensive. Brett Hansen, Toft, and Wivel, with their amendments to Kenneth Waltz's neo-realism, have proposed a model of neo-realism to explain international politics and the foreign behavior of governments. In this model, the strategy of governments against a single pole is affected by the probability of their military conflict. Therefore, if the likelihood of military conflict is low, governments' strategy against a single pole is "Bandwagoning." If the probability of military conflict is high, their approach will be "Balance." What influences the balance and sequence of "Hard" or "Soft" will be "Ideology." In this article, using a descriptive-analytical method, we deal with the confrontation between Iran and the United States. We will say that due to the high probability of conflict and the tremendous ideological distance between them in the region, the Islamic Republic of Iran's strategy against the United States is "Hard Balance."
The Bahrain Crisis and the Religious and Geopolitical Conflicts between Iran and Saudi Arabia(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The Bahraini crisis has particular geopolitical importance for regional and trans-regional powers regarding the limited ability of domestic actors and the interests of foreign actors in it. The present study aimed to examine the crisis in Bahrain and the religious and geopolitical conflicts between Iran and Saudi Arabia. To this aim, investigated the causes and roots of the conflicting approaches of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia to the Bahrain crisis using the theoretical framework of constructivism and descriptive-analytical research methods. The results indicated that these conflicts began before the Islamic Revolution of Iran and culminated in the recent uprising of the Bahraini people. Iran and Saudi Arabia are two prominent regional actors in the Bahraini crisis that pursue active but conflicting approaches. This contradictory approach has caused severe tensions in Saudi Arabia's relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Iran's Neutrality in Kuwait Occupation Crisis(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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A notable number of international relations analysts believe that Iranian foreign policy is based merely on ideological considerations. The present study aims to reject this claim by assessing the policy of neutrality Iran embraced during the Kuwait Occupation Crisis via a descriptive-analytical approach. This article seeks to find an answer to the question of how and why did Iran take a neutral stance in the mentioned crisis? According to the results, the subtle combination of ideological and rational behaviors of the foreign policy decision-makers led to maintaining the territorial integrity of the country and also the re-gaining of economic and military capabilities after the IranIraq war. Findings also show that while some cognitive factors might have affected the secondary goals in the first stage, it never put the national security of the country at risk. Furthermore, after filtering the information, the ultimate decision could lead to maximal gain and minimal loss for Iran which was the key to Iran’s regional influence in the past 40 years
Pathology of the New Cyber Terrorism Threat to Iran's National Security
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Iran and Saudi Arabia: The Regional Competition of Soft Power(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Soft power is one of the main concepts in international politics. Decision-makers and policymakers in this field seek to be able to achieve their foreign policy goals. Therefore, gaining international prestige and influence in public opinion are among the important and at the same time unspecified goals of countries' diplomacy in the field of international politics. Since the 1950s, the issue of soft power has entered the political literature of Saudi Arabia. This issue, which has long been the focus of Saudi officials, has originated from a variety of sources. An attempt is made, on the one hand, to describe the potential resources that have made it possible for the foreign policy apparatus of this country to be used, and on the other hand, to show the position of soft power in the country's foreign policy in the Middle East and the Islamic world, Also, what effect will this Saudi action have on the foreign policy of the countries in the region, especially the Islamic Republic of Iran. The question is, what are the main sources of Saudi soft power? And what are the consequences for the regional position of the Islamic Republic of Iran? The main sources of Saudi Arabia's soft power production include Cultural, economic, and international resources. In case of successful use of these resources by Saudi Arabia, it will have consequences for Iran such as reducing Iran's influence in the region, promoting anti-Shiism in the region, and weakening Iran's leadership position in the region.
Future Research on Geo-Economic Relations between Iran and Africa(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
ژئوپلیتیک سال نوزدهم تابستان ۱۴۰۲ شماره ۲ (پیاپی ۷۰)
108 - 132
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Scenario writing is especially important in the field of geo-economics because it prepares geopolitical actors to take advantage of continuous international conditions in the best possible way and reduces risks as much as possible. In the meantime, the Islamic Republic of Iran, to shape its geo-economic relations with the countries of the African continent in general and North Africa in particular, as spaces with high capacity and attraction, necessarily needs to know and understand the upcoming scenarios. Therefore, the present research was done with descriptive and analytical methods and based on library and field findings (questionnaire). The findings of the research show that the 8 sources of power geography are "investment opportunity for the private sector", "strong dependence on technical and engineering services", "cheap labour force", "the presence of rich non-metallic minerals", "availability of legal investment platforms". Foreign direct (ease of investment)", "Entrepreneurial development", "wide agricultural capacities" and "Geoeconomic position (sea trade)". respectively, the scores have had the greatest impact on the future of the geo-economic relations between Iran and Africa. The results of the scenario board show the semi-critical and critical situation of the future geo-economic relations between Iran and Africa, which makes it more important to revise the macro strategies and policies in this field.
Investigating the Effects of the Israeli Nation-state-building Process on the National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran; and Reactions to these Effects
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The Impact of US Strategy on Identity Conflicts between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the European Union
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Third Millennium US Military Strategies in the Persian Gulf Region and National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran
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Internet Censorship in Iran: An Inside Look
Cyberspace Studies,Volume ۶, Issue ۲, July ۲۰۲۲
183 - 204
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Globally, Internet censorship is on the rise and Iran has been portrayed as one of the most critical cases. So far, however, no studies have investigated the issue from an inside look. To fill this literature gap, the present paper aims to provide an overview of Internet censorship in Iran, by assessing the Iranian perspective on Internet freedom, different aspects of the subject, as well as the domestic and foreign types of limitations clients face today. This study has shown that Iran’s current filtering policy is a lenient one pursuing Internet development and simultaneously providing protection against potential threats. The Iranian case also includes some global issues such as censorship imposed due to the U.S. sanctions. Specifically, the findings of this study revealed that the range and extent of restrictions imposed on the Iranians’ access to mobile applications by the U.S. are significantly more than those placed by the Iranian filtering regime.
Justice and Ethnic Diversity Policy-Making in the Islamic Republic of Iran: the Place and Implications
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Ethnic diversity in each country requires policy-making harmonized with the principles of the political system and the diversity state in that nation. Iran is one of the countries that has ethnic diversity. Justice in the Islamic Republic of Iran is a fundamental discourse and a legitimating factor that policy-making must be based on it. Therefore, justice in ethnic diversity policy-making has importance; it has also some implications. In this paper, by scholarly method and using existing resources and documents, besides choosing the approach and defining justice to put everything it its place as a theoretical framework, the status and importance of justice in policy-making of ethnic diversity will be explored from three perspectives:Firstly, the theoretical aspect by which presenting theories aims at explaining the relationship between justice and the emergence of ethnic crises. Secondly, the objective and field aspect, which signals the results of surveys, indicates the place of justice in policy-making of ethnic diversity. Finally, there is the importance of justice in the high-level documents related to the ethnic domain, which the volume of this issue indicates the significance of discussing justice in policy-making. In the next step, the implications of choosing a fair approach toward ethnic diversity policy-making in the Islamic Republic of Iran have been extracted. Reviews and studies have shown that the principal, objective, process, political and structural implications are taken from the adoption of a fair approach toward the policy-making of ethnic diversity.
Anti-Arrogance and Support of Oppressed across the World in Imam Khomeini’s Foreign Policy Thoughts Emphasizing on the Semantics of Suppression and Arrogance in Almizan Interpretation
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In this paper, it will be tried to explain the Quranic documents about anti-arrogance and support of Oppressed across the world according to Almizan interpretation, employing the text-based interpretation. Then it will be shown that these two principles have been focused and revived by Imam Khomeini. In fact it will be proved that Imam Khomeini has attempted to review the concepts of anti-arrogance and support of Oppressed across the world inspiring by the holy Quran, and has established them as two columns of his internal and foreign policy. Meanwhile it will be tried to study the concepts of anti-arrogance and support of Oppressed, their dimensions, their types, and their components according to Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint to show that the Quranic concept of anti-arrogance and support of Oppressed across the world is among the key components of his thoughts in the direction of realization of the universal government of Islam.
Science and Technology Diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation
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Today, most countries are aware that recognizing the capacity of international scientific and technological cooperation is essential to national interests. Therefore, cooperation in these fields can be included as a field with many capabilities to ensure the national interests of countries in the form of "science and technology diplomacy". Science and technology diplomacy means the use of science and technology and its capacities and achievements in the process of relations with other countries and nations as a mechanism for establishing new relations, strengthening relations between states, and increasing soft power for countries. Considering that Iran and Russia have a high international position in terms of science production; academic, scientific, and technological relations can lead to the national interests of the two countries. Accordingly, in this research, the existing capacities between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation in the field of joint scientific cooperation between the two countries are explained.