مدیریت شهری

مدیریت شهری

مدیریت شهری دوره 14 تابستان 1395 ضمیمه لاتین شماره 43 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)



Measuring Mental Quality of Life of Citizens in Different Areas in Terms of Objective (Physical) Development; Case Study: districts no.:3, 6, and 9 in Mashhad(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: quality of life quality of mental life Physical Development mental satisfaction of quality of life city of Mashhad

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تعداد بازدید : ۸۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۳
In this article, it has been tried to analyze the mental satisfaction of the quality of life in different regions in terms of objective development. For this purpose, districts no. 3, 6, and 9 of Mashhad city which through the measures of education, income, and employment were respectively among the deprived, the average, and the privileged regions were selected as the case study areas. Moreover, to measure the mental satisfaction of the local people of the quality of life, a questionnaire considering three basic dimensions of quality of life, i.e. economic, environmental, and physical sustainability (residential environment, the quality of these infrastructures) was designed. The sample size equals 385 people who according to the population of study area were divided into clusters. The research findings showed that there is little or no significant difference between these districts in terms of the desired measures, so that in terms of economic issues, the district no. 9 had a better condition than the other two. There was no significant difference between the districts no. 3 and 9. Regarding satisfaction of the quality of housing and infrastructure, the inhabitants in the district no. 6 showed less satisfaction than others. In this regard, no significant difference was observed between the districts no. 3 and 6; however, regarding satisfaction of the environmental situation, there was a significant difference between the districts no. 3 and 9, whereas the district no. 6 was an exception. Generally, the district no. 9 in Mashhad has a better condition in terms of objective development, social status, and quality of mental life. In contrast, regarding these indices, the district no. 3 is among the poorest regions, so in terms of quality of mental life is in a average state. Yet, the district no. 6 due to its development and the middle social status has a less unfavorable condition in terms of the quality of life.

The Reproduction of the Spirit of Place Identity in Architecture and Urban Structure, Case Study: Al-Ghadir Neighborhood in Kerman(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Identity Sense of place spirit of place texture kerman city

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۱ تعداد دانلود : ۷۷
The intention of this paper is to define the concept of the spirit of place, and then to identify methods for its preservation in historical urban contexts. In fact, this study seeks to answer the question whether the spirit of the place and its components can be derived from tissue structure to improve? And whether we can weave his old identity in psychological indicators - human behavior found? Finally, the aim of this methodology is to help researchers make an objective analysis and evaluation related with the very delicate subject; the spirit of the place and its comprehensible meanings from tangible features to intangible ones. The study hypothesis claims that the psychological component concepts, behavioral and moral spirit of the place can be viable tissue residential neighborhoods. This claim qualitative research design and analysis of research by using descriptive derived from Kerman al-Ghadeer neighborhood residents use the results of the survey population. And the spirit of the place and identity of contingency tables between two components in the sample studied is proof space.

Identification of dimensions and factors affecting on improvement of the educational quality of graduate students (case study: Master Architecture students of Islamic Azad University of Boshehr City)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Quality of education Higher education Islamic Azad University

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۵ تعداد دانلود : ۶۱
The aim of the present study was to identify dimensions and dimensions and components of improving the educational quality of graduate students (master). The statistical population included all faculty and students of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research in the city of Bushehr. The sample size in accordance with the Morgan table was estimated about 201 faculties and 351 students, and that number was randomly selected from the population; Data collection instrument was a questionnaire with 93 questions, five-point Likert's scale, and the alpha coefficient of 0/95. The collected data was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis. The obtained results identified 10 dimensions and components of the students economic conditions, student facilities, library services, faculty, students, curriculum, teaching and learning methods, good communication, academic facilities and administrative services as dimensions and components of improving the educational quality of graduate students ( Master) Azad University of Bushehr, and the overall impact of these factors was 56%.

The Evaluation of Environmental Quality criteria in Urban Design Using Citizens' Cognitive Characteristics; (Case Study: Tehran Neighborhoods)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Environmental quality Perception Legibility Sense of place Liveliness Security

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تعداد بازدید : ۷۷ تعداد دانلود : ۶۷
The problem which has been the focus of city constructors and architectures since the beginning of citizenship life is the issue of the nature of environmental quality. This study, with a review of explaining paradigms of environmental quality and by reliance on basic works, has assumed the question of nature of environmental quality an interdisciplinary concept (civic construction, sociology, psychology) and is in seek of explaining perceptive quality factors from citizens' perspective. Since the nature of this study is multidimensional and understanding of its different aspects and answering of its relevant questions bounds researcher both to test present theories and to understand mental world of his or her subjects, therefore, synthetic approach has been applied for methodology of it. It should be mentioned that Delphi method has been applied so as to obtain different indices and factors of the study. To determine the unit of sampling, multiple-stage clustering sampling method has been used in a way that between 22 regions of Tehran municipality, based on their development, first 6 regions were selected and in the next stage all the local states of those 6 regions were listed and then six local states were randomly selected. Size of the sample of this study is 200 persons. The results show that most of the perceptive factors derived from qualitative section of the research conform to factors derived from quantitative section and questionnaire. In other words factors derived from qualitative section are the same as those derived from quantitative factors. The significant point to notice in this section is that some of the derived factors from this section couldn’t be categorized by previous theories but rather they belong to the research community of this study (i.e. local states of Tehran). Thus we can state that the total perceptive criteria of environmental quality of these local states are as follows: legibility, place atmosphere, permeability, peace, tranquility, liveliness, sensational rapture, time sense, civil justice, security, human standard, sociability.

Explaining the sense of space with a phenomenological approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: attachment location Identity Location Activities individual and social factors

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تعداد بازدید : ۸۷ تعداد دانلود : ۶۵
Studies addressing such concepts as place, sense of place, place attachment, place identity, place dependence, rootedness, genius loci, topophilia, and place-making can be found in count-less disciplinary and applied fields devoted to the design, planning, stewardship, and restoration of places that vary in kind and scale from homes, neighborhoods, and cities to parks, and ecosystems. This article identifies opportunities and challenges to using sense of place as motivation for long-term stewardship at multiple spatial scales in a rapidly changing world. Sense of place reflects processes by which individuals or groups identify, attach to, depend on, and modify places, as well as the meanings, values, and feelings that individuals or groups associate with a place. The results of research show that An overview of the defined sense of place shows that sense of place is a result of the relationship of Man, his mental imaginations, and environmental characteristics. The concept, on the one hand, is rooted in the subjective experiences such as memories, traditions, history, culture, and society. It can be affected by the objective and external effects in the environment such as design, landscape, smell, and sound, on the other hand. Accordingly, sense of place is a complicated concept of the human feelings and attachment towards the environment that is produced due to the adaptation and use of place by the human. It means that sense of place has not been a predetermined event but results from the human interaction with the environment.

Social and Psychological Dimensions of Urban Green Spaces and the Impact in Living Environment of Epistemological Studies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: urban green spaces Social and Psychological dimensions epidemiological studies Guidelines and recommendations

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تعداد بازدید : ۸۴ تعداد دانلود : ۷۴
Many epidemiological studies have found that people living in environments with more green space report better physical and mental health than those with less green space. However, the association between visits to green space and mental health has seldom been studied. The environment surrounding residences and its recreational and commuting opportunities are believed to affect human health and well-being. Urban green spaces hold great potential for promoting an active life style that allows urban residents to achieve important health benefits. The type of urban green space that is most effective to reach the signals is still unclear. The objective was to systematically review the literature examining the relationship between quantity and quality of green spaces in the living environment and three health outcomes: perceived general health, perceived mental health, and (all-cause) mortality. This paper focuses on urban green space as one important type of urban open space and its relevance for human well-being. The result of research show further research should focus on exploring relationships between more detailed character-is tics of green space and more specific health outcomes in different population subgroups and in different countries. Quality of urban living and residents’ way of life involves a complex interrelationship between a wide variety of physical environments and social opportunities. These, in turn, determine residents’ physical and psychological needs. Due to unhealthy lifestyle, health promotion has become a prime concern in Malaysia because of the increase in life threatening illnesses. A proper green space planning is needed so that it facilitates urban residents with spaces for recreation, social and leisure activities. Unfortunately, Malaysia has not yet achieved a satisfactory degree of green space design and development to facilitate residents with a healthy environment. There are few restrictions on accessing and having contact with the urban green space due to planning and design issues.

survey on the relationship between structural Inteventions and soio-cultural elements and entrepreneurs’ success in Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Entrepreneurship entrepreneur’s success Socio-cultural factors Structural interventions

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۹ تعداد دانلود : ۹۳
Improving employment opportunities for people and reducing the economic burden on government requires a broad and concentrated effort on private sectors. Private sector growth is a key engine for creation jobs. The major advantage of private sector is its employment potential at low capital cost. These sectors are the nursery of entrepreurship, often driven by individual creativity and innovation. Entrepreneurs seek opportunities and innovations often provide the instrument for them to succeed. However, certain social, cultural and structural factors are inherent within a society which can affect entrepreurial activity. The purpose of present paper is exploring a set of positive and negative factors which can result in either stimulating or damping the activity of entrepreneurs in Iran. The statistical population includes successful entrepreneurs of Iran’s provinces in 2014 that were selected as sample randomly. The result shows that success achieved by the entrepreneurs is positively correlated with their risk taking abilities. The overall conclusion clears that the family and government support influence

Sustainable development in Urban Underground Space(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Underground space Urban planning Sustainable Development subsurface governance City resilience Urban growth

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تعداد بازدید : ۸۳ تعداد دانلود : ۷۳
During a very long period of time, civil engineers have been the only ones to be designated as the experts for underground space, while the planners and architects were the ones of the development at the surface. Cities worldwide tend to overlook an invaluable asset that lies beneath their surfaces. Most cities and urban regions are unaware of the benefits underground space use has to offer, both for climate inflicted and spatial constraints: In many cities, infrastructure development is being outpaced by population Growth. Climate change effects are requiring radical new approaches in terms of coping with for example excessive rainfall. The available space at the surface is rapidly being used up and the biggest danger is that built-up spaces are taking over the public green spaces of cities thereby threatening livability and quality of life. Urban underground space forms a societal asset, which is often unappreciated and underestimated in terms of the role it can play within dynamic city environments and associated challenges. The world-wide trend of increased urbanization creates problems for expanding and newly-developing cities alike. Population increase leads to an increased demand for reliable infrastructure, nowadays combined with a need for increased energy efficiency and a higher environmental awareness of the public. The use of underground space can help cities meet these increased demands while remaining compact, or find the space needed to include new functions in an existing city landscape. Use of Urban Underground Space (UUS) has been growing significantly in the world’s biggest and wealthiest cities. UUS has been long acknowledged to be important to the urban development agenda: sustainability, resilience, livability, and creating a better urban environment in particular.

Detection of factors affecting creation of spiritual capital in Educational Organizations (case study: second term secondary schools- educational office of Tehran province)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Consciousness value-orientation and vision holistic and systemic approach Independence spontaneity sense of mission Altruism Accountability change frame of mind

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تعداد بازدید : ۶۶ تعداد دانلود : ۷۹
Background: This study aimed to identify factors contributing to the creation of intellectual capital in the organization of education. The research method is a descriptive and exploratory factor analysis method. A sample: directors and deputies of the second period Secondary Education Department of Tehran Province. Based on stratified random sampling method and based on a sample of 500 was calculated size formula. The research made questionnaire constitutes a measurement tool through which factors in the creation of intellectual capital was identified by the sample. Validity to help them with the help of factor analysis and reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha equal to 78/0. And finally analyzed by factor analysis of main components were analyzed. The findings suggest that the amount of KMO is close to 1 is equal to 881/0. Bartlett test of sphericity is also characterized by a significant level of zero, which is smaller than the 05/0 show statistically significant. And the final outcome of the 9 extracted with PC using varimax rotated in total by performing factor analysis identified nine factors: Self-conscious, value-based and central vision, holistic and systemic approach, independence, spontaneity, sense of mission, altruism, accountability, change frame of mind Factors identified in order to create intellectual capital could have a significant relationship with the studied variables. So successful, in order to strengthen each of these factors will lead to the creation of intellectual capital in educational organizations.

Pathology of talent management in urban industries; case study: automotive industries(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Automotive Industry Implementation Barriers Pathology success factor talent management

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تعداد بازدید : ۸۱ تعداد دانلود : ۹۲
The purpose of this study is pathology of talent management in the automotive industry, so we identify Challenges and barriers, as well as success factors in this filed. This research is a kind of qualitative study that has been done by coding methodology of qualitative data. We used semi-structured interview to collect data. After collecting data and coding, data are divided into two groups of “barriers and challenges” and “success factors” that summarized into definite sets and certain concepts. In studying relations between concepts and categories related to barriers and challenges, 31 concepts were extracted and divided into 4 categories under the titles of structural, environmental, behavioral and managerial challenges and barrier. In studying relations between concepts and categories related to success factors, 20 concepts were extracted and divided into 3 categories under the titles of structural, environmental, and managerial success factors.

Relationship between Media Literacy and Social Skills among Citizens in Isfahan(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: media literacy social skills Critical thinking social discourse Social Control social sensitivity emotional control Emotional expression

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۱۵ تعداد دانلود : ۸۷
The aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between media literacy and social skills among citizens in Isfahan. To this end, a descriptive-correlation methodology was employed. The population under study consisted of all citizens living in Isfahan who were reported to be 1796967 persons in 2013. Using Cochran formula, 384 persons were selected by stratified sampling and were included in the research sample. The instruments used in the study were Karaman’s and Karatash’s (2009) Standard Media Literacy Questionnaire and Standard Social Skills Questionnaire (Oldmeadow et al., 2013). The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed using content validity and factor analysis. The reliability values of Media Literacy Questionnaire and Social Skills Questionnaire were determined by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and were reported as 0.876 and 0.896, respectively. The results of the study indicated that media literacy with an influence rate of 0.39 affects social skills. Besides, media knowledge (critical thinking) as a component of media literary with an influence rate of 0.37 affects social skills. It was also found that analysis and reaction as a component of media literary with an influence rate of 0.68 affects social skills. The same was the case with judgment and observation of hidden messages as a component of media literary which affects social skills with an influence rate of 0.53. Media literacy with an influence rate of 0.33 was found to affect the expression social skill feelings. Finally, based on the findings of the study concerning the relationship between research variables, some suggestions were offered to improve media literary and social skills of people living in Isfahan.

Review of the Impact of Rehabilitation Centers Traditional Arts and Crafts on Empowerment of Rural Communities (Case Study: Laft Village)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: traditional arts crafts empowerment of rural communities sustainable rural development Laft village

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تعداد بازدید : ۷۶ تعداد دانلود : ۶۳
The backwardness of the countryside is most important issues of developing countries. The result of this study, based on descriptive - analysis studies, shows that revive traditional arts and crafts with much charm with planning and organizing on development stimulus projects, can direct influence on the villager’s empowerment. Of course, the existence of such attractions, itself, without providing proper bed in the field of empowerment, has not the capability to introduce and identifying. Hence, there is appropriate site in the village of Laft in empowering the intellectual and cultural treasures. The creation and the spread of such projects, in addition to revive traditional arts and crafts provide empowerment and development of Laft villages.

Interventional Study Tissues in the Creation of Identity in Urban context with Participation approach in Architecture and Urban Design(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Urban texture Design Process Participation Public Participation

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تعداد بازدید : ۷۶ تعداد دانلود : ۸۱
Creation of urban identity is the important subject in architecture and urban design. So, this article foci’s on the Creation of Identity in Urban context with Participation approach in Architecture and Urban Design. Corporate architecture is an architectonic discipline which focuses on designing and constructing buildings, spaces or environments with the aim of meeting the needs of a business community. Its objective is spatial perception of corporate values by the company’s employees and customers because for motivation and communication, conveying the corporate values and philosophy clearly is of essential significance for success. Place identity could best be understood as that which makes a place unique. The identity concept from the point of cities and architectural products includes a wide definition covering natural, geographical and cultural products and social life norms. Urban identity, architectural identity and the urban images about them are sometimes formed by very different components in a long period in urban space. In recent days, we often come across with the problem of cities to enter a new architectural and urban formation process in a dimension of losing their original identities. In this context; the city identity is formed in the togetherness of urban participation and natural and cultural values which are required to preserve, unique architectural and spatial characteristics, social accumulation and life style. City identity concept having spatial, social, cultural and economical dimensions should be handled with a totalitarian approach, it must be qualified as a collective result including the urban participation and every interaction which provided the city to reach social participates.

Analysis and Explanation of Presence of Foreign Nationals in Khorasan Razavi Province with a Passive Defense Approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: foreign nationals illegal immigration Security defense passive Khorasan Razavi Province

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۱ تعداد دانلود : ۹۲
Due to its neighborhood with Afghanestan and the subsequent problems of this country such as insecurity, weak economic conditions, and lack of proper border monitoring, Khorasan Razavi Province has always been the inhabitat of numerous foreign nationals. Legal and illegal entry of these people has created plenty of issues from different economic, social, and cultural aspects for the citizens of this province. Negative consequences arising from the presence of foreign nationals on one hand and threats that may form from the Trans powers (using the nationals) have emphasized the necessity of considering the passive defense issue. So, one of the issues that requires further investigation is the security implications of foreign nationals in Khorasan Razavi province in terms of a passive defense approach. The main question of the current research is that of regarding the passive defense viewpoint, how the presence of the foreign national affects the security of Khorasan Razavi province and the Islamic Republic of Iran in general. This study has a cross-sectional study approach and through library studies, along with a comprehensive perspective, different threats are identified in the field. Proposing practical solutions, it attempts to take effective measures in controlling such consequences.

Investigating the Factors Affecting the Safety and security in the Public and Semi-Public of Residential Complex(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Security residential complexes outdoor semi-outdoor space

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تعداد بازدید : ۸۵ تعداد دانلود : ۸۱
Threats are one of the most fundamental problems of our modern societies that daily will affect citizens in urban spaces. This becomes more problematic when the people in their everyday living spaces encounter with behaviors that cause lack of security and should have been feel comfort and their families used these spaces freely. This causes many problems for citizens. In today cities because of the increasing growth in construction of residential complexes and high population density in a little area comfort ​​ with more problems and security is more important. So providing security in outdoor and semi-outdoor spaces of residential complexes is not exact scope and is very important. In this study using the analytical-descriptive method and library studies, the factors influencing the security of residential complexes in the form of a conceptual model investigated.

Silence and its Effects on Municipal Contracts in the City of Iran, America and the UK(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Silences Agreement will intent Contract espousal Implication adoption

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تعداد بازدید : ۹۴ تعداد دانلود : ۸۴
despite important role that has parties volition in the contract based on article 191, contract espousal will be achieve bused on advisable something that is under contract the important role that has silence in the contract may not be responsible but in practice has very legal effects for contract parties. Legal volition is formant from implication and adoption since silence is not, silence only can be symbolic adoption with possess qualification in the country low like American and England not taken in to account silence ancient proverb adhesion mark as a legal low, And only silence cannot obligatory implication.

Livable Eco- Architecture; Interaction between Sustainable House and Environment Conditions(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Eco- Architecture livability Sustainable House Environment

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تعداد بازدید : ۷۷ تعداد دانلود : ۷۰
Sustainability creates solutions that solve the economic, social and environmental challenges. It has been studied and managed over many scales of time and space and in many contexts. The paper reviews the definitions of sustainability respecting the ecologic concept as well the need for balanced sustainability within its three pillars on equal way, then it goes throw Ecologic Architecture with its core requirements and how it’s important to work within the framework of Ecologic Architecture. In the aftermath of climate changes there has been an increase of overall interest in sustainability of Environment material. Sustainable development in living environment is not only a trend. Similarly sustainable development in modern bathroom is not a fad. Contemporary societies are not able to function without water, energy, heat, electricity and fuel. It is obvious that the precious natural resources are not available in unlimited quantities. Therefore is absolutely no alternative to necessity of sustainable development. Man must learn to be more careful with using of natural resources; in this paper describe the Livable eco- architecture that have been explained the interaction between sustainable house and urban conditions in analytical approach.

A Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation and Analysis of Schools and its effect on Urban Physical Planning (Case Study: Shahriar City's Schools)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Schools Shahriar city Physical planning per capita

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تعداد بازدید : ۶۷ تعداد دانلود : ۷۵
In order to promote and improve the quality of educational spaces and achieving a comprehensive statistics, evaluation and analysis of schools neglected in most Iran’s schools, while educational spaces play an important role in the social and cultural structure and population growing and schools as one of the most basic educational centers, study on this field is important. Therefore, schools evaluation (in the Shahriar city as a case sample) plays an important role in raising the scientific level of a country and development of urban physical planning in the field of education. It supposed that the schools of Shahriar city in terms of population, area and other qualitative and quantitative aspects are far from per capita and standards of the country’s modernization organization, and according to this hypothesis, to what extent are schools far from relevant standards in terms of population growth, and what are solutions to fix and reform schools? This study is a descriptive - analytical and field study, to collect data, city education department; organization of schools renovation, journals and valid books and papers were used. Then, the date of Shahriar city’s schools to determine its distance from per capita standard was assessed and compared. The study result shows lack of schools area in term of population and per capita standard was about 310 thousand square meters in Shahriar city that will reach to 700 thousand square meters in the future 25 years.

Investigating the Relationship between Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Information Systems and Performance of Economic centers; case study: Bank Parsian(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Parsian Bank management information systems internal performance Financial performance process performance customer relationship systems

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تعداد بازدید : ۷۱ تعداد دانلود : ۶۳
In the information and communication era, management information systems play an undeniable role in organizations. Bank Parsian is a Iranian banking and financial services company, which has a network of 273 banking branch, known as the largest Iranian private bank. This research examines the gaps in customer relationships systems in Bank Parsian based on characteristics of management information system and in this study tries to answer this question “is there a significant relationship between customer relationship management (CRM) information systems and performance of Bank Parsian? The study place is the territory between the employees of Parsian Bank in Tehran. The study was conducted for 6 months in 2015 and the population is consisted of all managers and experts. This study conducts in Parsian Bank, which the number of employed managers and experts about 168 people estimated. In this study, simple random sampling was used and sample size was determined using Cochran formula. The sample was calculated according to confidence level 95% and probability of error 5% and the population size was 168, the sample size is 117 people. The results showed there is a significant relationship between customer relationship management (CRM) information systems and internal performance and process performance and financial performance in Parsian Bank. As well as there is a significant relationship between customer relationship management (CRM) information systems and performance in Parsian Bank.

Investigating the Relationship between Economic and Demographic Factors with the Authority of PNU Professor: Case Study of Kermanshah Province(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: social authority Self-esteem Relative deprivation Professor University of Payam Noor

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۵
Nowadays, one of the topics of interest to researchers is the authority of teachers, and fades it in universities. Look at the reality in the society and comparing with historical context motivates researchers to question why some of the professors at the university have less authority. For this purpose, this research is trying to focus on economic and demographic factors, to answer questions. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis using survey techniques and data collection tool is a questionnaire. The population consisted of professors of Kermanshah PNU in the academic year 2011-2012, total number of them is equal to 258. Due to the large size of the population, using the Lin sampling table sample size is 258, which for the study based on striated random sampling were selected. In the present study, face validity assessment method and construct validity based on factor analysis were used. To determine the reliability of the statements of each variable, Cronbach's alpha used. Results using SPSS21 and Amos21 statistical software were analyzed. Mean traditional authority equal to 13.57, then charisma authority13.54, and intellectual authority is 18.72. The dimensions compared with the average expected for above dimension respectively traditional authority 15, charisma authority 12, intellectual authority is 15. The results show that there is a significant relationship between relative deprivation and professor’s authority (r=-0.301), the use of mass media and professor’s authority (r=0.161), monthly income and professor’s authority (r=-0.153). In addition, the results of comparison show that average of the professor’s authority among the courses is different, and this difference based on f test is significant. The average professor’s authority, for people with different degrees is different. The results of Multiple regression indicate that the traditional authority (T=4.335), self-esteem (T =3.925), charismatic authority (T =3.788), and the relative deprivation (T =-2.287), total 0.42 from internal changes explain the value of professor’s authority variables. Furthermore, the results of structural equation shows that Chi square insignificant CMIN is equal to 211.143, square root index mean residual square or RMSEA is equal to 0.075, RMR index or residuals mean square root is equal to 0.098, the Chi-square to the degrees of freedom ratio CMIN.dF in model is 3.199, against the CFI comparative fit index 0.926, and comparative fit index thrifty PCFI, are equal to 0.671 Comparative and thrifty indicators for evaluating the overall model calculated that show collected data to support the theoretical model considered.

Improving Inventory Control in Production Process using Value Stream Mapping (VSM) and Production Line Simulation using Software Arena in urban economic centers (Case Study: Iran Bushing and Bearing Company)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: value stream mapping inventory control losses lean production

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تعداد بازدید : ۷۱ تعداد دانلود : ۶۹
Value stream mapping because of being able to understand process bottlenecks, as one of the most common tools for analyzing, identifying and eliminating various losses in operational and support processes are used. On the other hand, inventory management, precise control entry and exit of goods, accurate and timely information about the inventories status and planning, reduce product maintenance costs, including important issues organizations have a special look to it to consider the whole objectives and strategies, making procedures and policies that have a positive effect on the overall organization’s economy. In this paper, the use of value stream mapping as a lean production technique, in a production process to improve inventory control is discussed. This is a tool seeks to reduce losses, especially losses related to inventory by mining a bearing manufacturer companies. In this study, the literature of value stream mapping considered. The current state and future state of the company drawn in order to improve production process and losses in the company's future status. In addition, after drawing the mapping, the results of the simulation software Arena and the final report suggests that the use of this technique has an impact on reduce losses and increase inventory turnover.

Organizational Forgetting Management, Its Dimensions and Mechanisms at University(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: organizational forgetting organizational forgetting management Higher education

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تعداد بازدید : ۸۰ تعداد دانلود : ۵۶
This research aimed to identify the dimensions, components, priorities and distinction between existing and desired condition, organizational forgetting management and provides a model for appropriate mechanisms for controlling it at university. The research in term of goal is practical and giving quantitative data and method is descriptive-survey research. In order to validate the measurement, content validity has been used and to assess the reliability the Cronbach's Alpha has been applied. The study population consists of faculty and staff at Islamic Azad University in district eight. Considering the total size of faculty and staff at Islamic Azad University (13117), sample size is determined (375). According to the main question of this research, some theoretical studies and exploratory ones based on existing documents, questionnaires and interviews with experts were done. Questionnaires have been distributed and analyzed, then current and ideal situation were identified. Therefore, the statistical tables were prepared and described. To do so, inferential statistical methods have been used with SPSS and Lisrel so that the relationship between variables can be measured and the four management aspects of the research consisting of process, technology, culture and structure are determined to evaluate the organizational forgetting management. By comparing the conditions and dimensions in current and ideal state, a considerable gap was found between the two mentioned states. On the basis of the analyses, the strengths and weaknesses were found and the mechanisms to eliminate this gap were expressed.

Urban Prison Design with emphasis on Behavior of Prisoners: Psychological Implications and suggestions(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Prison Design Behavior of Prisoners model of prisons Psychological Implications and suggestions

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۶۴ تعداد دانلود : ۶۰
Prisons come at great cost to society and still result in inmates disassociated from society. Incarceration is however our primary forms of punishment; therefore we need to define the purpose of punishment to be integrated into our goals for prisons. Prison architecture is a complex area of study, the classification proposed in this paper can be an important research tool by taking into consideration a holistic approach to the domain. The physical environment of the users is a large factor, but architecture can only be influential when coupled with policy reform. To achieve this, one must look after both the physical and psychological well-being of the inmates. We can observe four models of prisons: the rehabilitation model, the safety model, the repressive prison model and the hybrid model. Each model is a response at the social and cultural characteristics of the area were the prison is build. Each model is different from the others, by the architectural approach. The main variations between the models are concerning the security systems, the prison facilities and the design. The philosophy behind this concept is the understanding that an occupied prisoner is less violent and is less likely to assault the staff or other inmates.

Estimation of commercial capacities between Iran and Turkey with an emphasis on virtual water trade: Case Study (selected agricultural goods)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: trade arrangements Agricultural Goods virtual water and detected relative advantage

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۲ تعداد دانلود : ۸۸
on one hand, Iran due to the low annual rainfall and lack of appropriate spatial and temporal distribution in precipitation is considered as an arid and semi-arid country experiencing stress and water scarcity; on the other hand, 90% of annual water consumption has been allocated to agriculture sector in Iran and efficiency and productivity of water consumption do not enjoy favorable status in this sector. While it can overcome this problem by use of virtual water criterion in trade with the countries which enjoy water status such as Turkey. In this regards, the present study has examined this issue in form of selected agriculture goods based on common indices for detection of trade opportunities. Cosine criterion indicated that the degree of similarity and complementary of Turkey’s export with Iran is greater than structural similarity of Iran’s export with Turkey. With regard to trade potential calculations, Iran and Turkey have high export capacity in trade of agriculture goods. Further, Index of Drysdale indicated that the possibility for development of trade from Turkey to Iran is greater than trade from Iran to Turkey and ultimately adjustment of Balasa index based on virtual water trade process indicated that Iran should change its import and export priorities at area of agriculture products. Further, results from research indicate that applying virtual water criterion and removing the products lacking relative advantage in trade between Iran and Turkey result in increase in export of Turkey’s agricultural products to Iran and increase in Iran’s benefit in trade of virtual water.

Identify systematic relationships of effective social parameters on MSW management (Case study: Tehran, urban 22-district)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Social relationships Citizens' participation MSW management S-LCA

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۱۰ تعداد دانلود : ۹۵
It seems that success in municipal wastes management has a detectable relationship with citizens' participation and social mechanisms. So, the present study has done for recognition of systematic relations of effective social parameters on municipal solid waste administration. Data have collected in two phase to fill of questionnaires including awareness assessment of MSW office's personnel of urban 22-district Tehran municipality organization and effective factors on MSW management; Then, social parameters relations effective on MSW via S-LCA in different phases such as temporary storage, gathering, transportation and processing, recycling and proper disposal. Results shown that was got 16 grading (than 20) of municipal waste administration awareness by personnel of MSW office in district that has counted including good grades. Waste management of district municipality has got final grading equal 72 (than 100) that shown have good performance (71-90), but the worst was source separation of waste with grading 24 (than 40) rather than other stages. The most important social factor effective on waste's LCA has were social acceptability that got more final weight (0.49) and among these indices such as noise pollution and private space have more importance. Then, social performance and equality play a same role that social performance in addition to the recycling of start point, destination and job creation, be influenced by social acceptability; Social equality is influenced by distribution and locating index, as well as, quality employment. Average of normal values for indices of each component in different scenarios has shown transfer station scenario has the highest ratio of social acceptability (1.8) and performance (0.7) and caused low amount of social impacts. In other side, landfill scenario (direct way) has the lowest normal value of social equality (0.8). Albeit, due to the weight of social acceptability of first scenario (temporary storage of waste in transfer station and transfer of them to final landfill waste), is desirable, environmentally has advantages than two other scenarios, such as direct job creation, lower fuel consumption and visual pollution prevention.

The Expansion of Economic Order Quantity Model to Reduce the Costs of Internet Recruitment Innovative Technologies in cities(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: internet recruitment technology economic decision making optimal investment development of economic order quantity

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۷ تعداد دانلود : ۷۶
In this paper, an economic decisions-making model based on mathematics in order to optimize the costs of investment in accordance with innovative technology of human resources recruitment introduced and in the next section, the economic impact of the Internet recruitment technologies has been examined. In order to fulfill these demands classic economic order quantity model of have developed as cover unique cost of recruiting activities such as human resource management and coordination related to it. Therefore, using this method calculated the required minimum of recruitment level and consequently optimal investment in online recruitment technology has been resulted. The findings suggest that optimal investment costs near the minimum level of recruitment is rapidly increasing but the stunning developments in efficient technologies in recruitment system and lack of awareness of this minimum level of employment has caused total number of employees is more than the required minimum level. In this article, how to use this model in a research sample of online recruitment websites in Iran entitled “Iran recruitment” its potential as a tool for decision-making in the field of optimal investment for managers appeared.

Analysis of Dome Structure in Iranian - Islamic architecture and urban structure(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: dome in Islamic-Iranian architecture formation of dome dome plan structure

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۱ تعداد دانلود : ۷۹
The most important characteristic of dome and factors influencing it in the Islamic Iranian architecture that is different from other courses is construction and construction methods of them. Over time, different factors are involved in the process of formation of the domes. It is one of the factors influencing the structure of Iranian-Islamic domes. By examining the structure of Iranian-Islamic domes form can be read part of forgotten knowledge of architectural past among architects. This paper aimed to analyze the impact of changes on aspects of the architecture of dome. Other researchers on the review of the reports for reviewing and rethinking dome shows the analysis so far mainly structured approach to the process of the formation of the dome is recognized in Islamic Iranian architecture. Other researchers on the review of the reports for reviewing and rethinking dome shows the analysis so far mainly with structural approach recognized the process of the formation of the dome in Islamic Iranian architecture. Analysis result show there is a clear distinctive relation between the dome and the size, height, form, shape and overall structure. This article is collection of library documents on the one hand and filed documents on the other hand. In this study, after the study of the certain structure of elements and measurement, sensitive and form relationships and relationship between components will be examined. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between Islamic Iranian architecture and architectural structure of the dome. The investigation carried out revealed that resizing dome plans structure directly depend on form and method of making them.

Good Management in Light of the Competency-Based Administrative System(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Democratic modern state – Representation - Rule of law - Separation of powers - Checks and balances - Meritorious-based administrative system

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۱۸ تعداد دانلود : ۹۰
The administrative system is a means of achieving the goals of political, economic, social and cultural systems of any society. It seems the nature and content of administrative management system affected by the construction and nature of governing system in every society. Thus, there is a proactive relationship between these systems. Therefore Competency-Based Administrative System is Equivalent to the right-based and democratic governing system and the non meritorious-based administrative system is outcome of the totalitarian regime. In this article, we will attempt to explain the normative and institutional principles of the right-based modern state with adapting a descriptive and analytical approach and then analyze the Constituent elements of administrative system associated with such construction of state.

The Green Future: Architecture + Sustainability; Green Architecture and Impacts of it on Urban Planning and Urban Design(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Sustainable Development green roof green wall green architecture consumption

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۶۳ تعداد دانلود : ۵۷
Green architecture, or green design, is an approach to building that minimizes harmful effects on human health and the environment. The “green” architect or designer attempts to safeguard air, water, and earth by choosing eco-friendly building materials and construction practices. So, green architecture is Building and structure design philosophy that aims at minimal use of non-renewable and/or polluting materials and resources in construction and use of a facility. Today, architecture finds itself at a crossroads. Building materials and new construction, along with the operation and maintenance of buildings, account for a significant sum of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Faced with this fact, how are architects to responsibly pursue the act (and art) of building without further deteriorating the planet's environmental make-up or depleting its resources? What forms of high and low technology can be developed to curtail the injurious side of building? Can good or even great architecture be sustainable? In this paper discuss the problem such as: The Future Is Green: Architecture + Sustainability and have been surveyed Green Architecture and impacts of it on urban planing and urban design.

Analyzing the concept of sense of place and its effect on the identity of place in new cities(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Sense of place identity of place Phenomenology psychology of environment new cities

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۱ تعداد دانلود : ۷۵
The purpose of current article is to study the effect of sense of place on creating the urban identity in new cities. In order to fulfill the mentioned purpose, the key concepts of research and the theories related to the issue were studied. According to it, in order to collect the data, library method and note taking tool were used. The studies indicated the presence of human in the environment and the perceptions arising from physical-spatial structures, social-activity structures, individual-mental structures as the result of defining the meaning of environment convert the space's environment to the place. This definition of meaning has led to the positioning of person in the face of place and it is effective on the quality and quantity of his presence at present and future in that special place. This positioning has been expressed in the frame of sense of place and according to this sense, linking the person with the place is formed. This sense can be equal more and less for a set of persons in the frame of social groups. Different levels from indifference-placelessness to awareness, dependency, affection, commitment and finally loyalty and sacrifice are determined for sense of place. The sense of place is effective on formation of individual and social identity by linking the person to the place and also the dependency sense to the place. The identity of place is also influenced by the sense of place. In other words, individual identity can be found in the special and unique features of him/her and also in the features of a society in which he has been present as a member of it. A place that person is present is also added to the mentioned phrase and therefore, the identity of human will be influenced by individual, social and spatial features. Therefore, it can be said that citizenship identity is influenced by the identity of place and in wider interpretation spatial identity or identity of city.


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