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Iranian EFL Students’ Perceptions and references for Teachers’ Written Feedback: Do Students’ deas Reflect Teachers’ Practice?(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Error Perception writing Feedback Preferences

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۳۱ تعداد دانلود : ۵۱۶
The present study-both qualitative and quantitative--explored fifty EFL learners’ preferences for receiving error feedback on different grammatical units as well as their beliefs about teacher feedback strategies. The study also examined the effect of the students’ level of writing ability on their views about the importance of teacher feedback on different error types. Data was gathered through the administration of a questionnaire, verbal protocol analysis, and students’ writing scores. The results of repeated measures, multivariate analysis of variance, and frequency counts revealed that the majority of the students expect and value teachers’ written feedback on the following surface-level errors: transitional words, sentence structure, verb tenses, adverbs, punctuation, prepositions, and spelling, respectively. The results of think-aloud protocol analysis indicated that students’ beliefs about the importance of feedback on different grammatical units are formed as a result of the teacher’s practice and his emphasis on certain types of feedback and feedback strategies. Finally, the findings of thestudy showed that the L2 learners’ level of writing ability influences their views about the importance of feedback on errors pertinent to particular grammatical units.

Oral Presentation vs. Free Discussion: Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Speaking Proficiency and Perception(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Perception Free Discussion Oral presentation Language Learners’ Speaking Language Proficiency

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۹۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۸۹
Speaking is a significant skill that many foreign language learners are trying to master. In this study, the effectiveness of two different speaking activities, i.e. oral presentation vs. free discussion, was investigated from quantitative and qualitative points of view. To achieve this purpose, 44 intermediate learners from a language institute in Tehran participated in the study. Half of the participants experienced oral presentation while the other half (22 in two other classes) experienced free discussion for eight sessions. The two activities were exchanged between the two groups after the end of the quantitative phase of the study for eight more sessions. The results of an independent samples t-test performed on the scores ofthe speaking section of a sample Preliminary English Test (PET, 2012 ) after the first phase of the study (the first 8 sessions) indicated that the learners who experienced oral presentation significantly outperformed the learners who experienced free discussion though both activities proved to be significantly useful. Furthermore, the results of the interview with 10 participants from each activity through purposeful sampling, after the second phase of the study (the second 8 sessions) through thematic analysis indicated that both free discussion and oral presentation activities had some merits and demerits. Based on the results it can be advisable to include the two activities as complementary.

Measuring Attitudinal Disposition of Undergraduate Students to English Language Learning: The Nigerian University Experience

کلیدواژه‌ها: Perception Attitudinal disposition scholastic disposition English language learning interest

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۶۰۹
The purpose of this study was to investigate the undergraduate students’ attitudinal disposition towards English language learning owing to their scholastic disposition to English language in the course of their studying in a Nigerian university. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The sample consisted of an intact class of 332 Part 3 undergraduate students who registered for EDU 309 (English Teaching Methods). A researcher-developed instrument was used to collect data. Data collected were analysed using independent t-test statistical method. The results showed that factors affecting students’ attitudinal disposition towards learning English language significantly influence their scholastic disposition to English language. Further, the findings indicated that there existed a significant difference in students’ interest in learning English language and perception of English language learning owing to their scholastic disposition to English language. Thus, teachers should motivate their students to learn better English by highlighting its importance as they need English for their academic achievement.

Iranian EFL Learners' Perception of the Efficacy of Activity Theory-based Reading Comprehension(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Activity theory Reading Comprehension Perception Affordances

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تعداد بازدید : ۶۴۰ تعداد دانلود : ۴۲۶
Any language classroom is a distinctive learning context offering numerous affordances that might be perceived effectively, remain unnoticed, or even act as constraints. Therefore, exploring students' perception toward a particular method of instruction is crucial since it may produce a reliable piece of evidence for teachers to confirm or refute the effectiveness of the intended instructional activities. This study was an attempt to survey Iranian EFL learners' perception of the efficacy of activity theory-based reading comprehension. To this end, 60 students studying English translation at Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central Branch participated in the study and received the reading instruction based on the elements of activity theory, i.e., subjects, object, mediating artifacts, rules, community, and division of labor. After receiving the treatment, the students filled in two perception questionnaires and took part in a semi-structured focus group interview. The findings indicated that the students showed favorable perception toward activity theory, for which they perceived different affordances. Moreover, the results demonstrated that there was a significant difference between the students’ perception regarding the mediating elements of activity theory.  The study provides EFL teachers with new insights into the considerable benefits that activity theory might bring to reading classes.

More Proficient vs. Less Proficient EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Teachers ‘Motivation Raising Strategies(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلیدواژه‌ها: extrinsic motivation intrinsic motivation more and less proficient EFL learners Perception motivation raising strategy

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۷۱ تعداد دانلود : ۶۰۴
Motivation raising strategies are frequently used in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes; nevertheless, learners’ perceptions of such strategies used by language teachers have not sufficiently been explored. Also, there are not enough studies on differences and similarities between more and less proficient EFL learners regarding this issue. To scrutinize this topic, a groups of more (No=50) and less proficient EFL learners (No=50) participated in this study by completing to a validated, researcher-made questionnaire with a five-point Likert type format. Non-parametric Mann-Whiteny U test was run in the SPSS ver. 23 to check the differences between the two groups. The results of the study verified that, regardless of each individual scale in the utilized questionnaire, overall, the more proficient ones manifested significantly less perceptions on teachers’ motivation raising strategies based on the total estimated mean ranks compared with the less proficient learners.  However, within the surveyed scales, only in the classroom atmosphere scale, the results showed that the less proficient learners were more mindful of teacher strategies for motivation raising. The findings from this study have implications for motivation raising strategy instructions for a language classroom. 

Les Problèmes de Perception et de Production de l’Intonation chez les Apprenants A1 du FLE en Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Intonation Perception production orale apprenants iraniens FLE

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تعداد بازدید : ۷۲۴ تعداد دانلود : ۴۴۶
La phonétique, y incluse la prosodie, reste toujours un objectif secondaire malgré l’insistance sur la compétence de communication en didactique des langues. Les objectifs dépassent aujourd’hui le quoi dire afin d’atteindre le comment dire dans les situations de communication. Pourtant, les enseignants et les apprenants iraniens ne s’en occupent pas assez et les buts se résument en un enseignement/apprentissage linguistique, où l’intelligibilité du message passe par le bon emplacement des éléments purement linguistiques. La perception et la production de la prosodie, l’intonation y étant basée, nous préoccupent dans cette recherche. Ainsi, nous cherchons les difficultés de la question chez les apprenants iraniens (A1) du FLE. La problématique sera étudiée à partir de six énoncés dont trois interrogatifs et trois affirmatifs. Les analyses se basent sur des données audio, enregistrées chez les inforrmants constitués de 6 hommes et 6 femmes ; et sont faites sur le logiciel d’analyse de la parole, Praat, et sur SPSS 16.0. Selon les résultats, les affirmations posent moins de problèmes que les interrogations, vu la ressemblance entre l’intonation du français et celle du persan à la frontière tonale. Quant aux interrogations, la question totale, renvoyant à la même construction prosodique en persan, se rapproche de l’intonation authentique. Néanmoins, les courbes intonatives ne sont pas compatibles et cela s’explique par les productions linéaires des apprenants annonçant le manque de respect de la prosodie. La durée étant en question, elle est dans 51 cas sur un total de 72 plus longue que celle des authentiques.

The Paradigmatic Significance of Perception in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy of Being(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Islamic philosophy Hikma Mulla Sadra Ibn Sina Ibn Arabi Qunawi Perception Aristotle Plato Civilization

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۲۲ تعداد دانلود : ۳۱۴
Ṣadrā presents the usefulness of the faculties of perception governed by the intellect as a fitting paradigm for understanding man’s being in the world in relation to the divine purpose and source of this being. Perception raises challenging questions which, while peripheral to philosophy proper, have contributed to the debate on knowing and being. Dating back to the Presocratics, this debate came to a head in Islamicate civilization, where perception played a paradigmatic role that also put civilization, on a human scale, at the forefront of the philosophical enterprise. Contemporary historians of thought obscure this role when their interpretations of past traditions are too heavily colored by the positivist conception of perception.

Pour une phénoménologie de la traduction littéraire(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: traduction littéraire sémiotique phénoménologie Perception corps propre expérience vécue

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تعداد بازدید : ۶۳۰ تعداد دانلود : ۴۸۲
: La phénoménologie trouve aujourd’hui une place importante dans le domaine des sciences humaines. Il s’agit, comme l’indiquait Husserl, d’un mode de pensée qui exige un retour aux choses elles-mêmes. La phénoménologie se figure même à la base de la sémiotique moderne d’où l’intérêt d’en présenter ici la définition, les concepts fondamentaux et son apport à l’approche sémio-phénoménologique de la traduction littéraire. L’approche, dite sémio-phénoménologique, fait intégrer les éléments phénoménologiques tels l’intentionnalité, la perception, le corps et les émotions au sein de la traduction. Dans cette recherche, au premier abord, le fondement théorique sera étudié et son rapport avec la traduction sera mis en lumière. Ensuite, dans un deuxième temps, cette perspective théorique sera appliquée à Gens bien-portants, une prose écrite par Gilles Archambault, parue dans le recueil Stupeur (1979), et sa traduction persane, faite par les étudiants au niveau de Master de la traductologie française à l’université Al-Zahra. L’analyse qualitative des traductions est censée d’attirer l’attention du traducteur sur les points phénoménologiques d’un texte et par conséquent, cherche à améliorer l’acte de lire, comprendre et interpréter ; les étapes principales de processus de la traduction qui, étant toutes les activités cognitives, présupposent un sujet vivant et percevant à leur base

Developing and Validating a Model for Exploring Iranian EFL Teachers’ Perception of Professional Development(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: professional development Perception low-experienced teachers high-experienced teachers model development and validation

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۹۶ تعداد دانلود : ۳۵۷
The present study aimed at exploring Iranian EFL teachers’ perception of professional development. To this end, 200 EFL teachers teaching at private language institutes in Iran were selected as the participants of the study. First, a semi-structured interview was conducted with 50 participants of the study based on which Professional Development Perception Questionnaire was developed and pilot-tested (i.e. subjected to exploratory factor analysis) with 82 similar EFL teachers. The questionnaire was then expert viewed and administered to all the 200 participants of the study and was subjected to another factor analysis to ensure its validity and reliability more comprehensively. The findings yielded a valid model or inventory for assessing EFL teachers’ perceptions of professional development.  The results also revealed that the participants perceived professional development enhanced their pedagogical knowledge, improved students’ learning outcomes, and helped them understand their own pedagogical weak points and strong points and those of their colleagues. Furthermore, the results of chi-square analyses indicated that high-experienced teachers had significantly more positive perceptions of professional development than their low-experienced counterparts. The results of the current study yielded a valid and reliable model for measuring English teachers’ perception of professional development which can be adopted safely by other similar studies. The findings might also contribute to policymakers and managers of language institutes to establish proper professional development activities for their teachers which might consequently lead to learners’ improvement in learning.

Iranian EFL Learners’ Perceptions toward Paper Assessment in Mid-term and Final Exams in an English Language Institute

کلیدواژه‌ها: Perception mid-term exam final exam EFL Learners Assessment

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۶۰ تعداد دانلود : ۴۳۸
Assessment has been taken to demonstrate that learning is aligned with external standards which is almost related to students’ goals in a curriculum in English language teaching and it plays an integral role in the success of language learning program that is following by so many EFL teachers. Consistency in scoring (mid-term and final exams) highly depends on the way of conducting paper assessment, validation of the process, reliability, experience of teachers, and different interpretation of assessors to make justified decision. Hence, the present study was an attempt to probe Iranian EFL learners’ perceptions toward paper assessment in mid-term and final exams in a language institute. To this end, a total of 100 participants (50 males and 50 females) between ages of 15 to 28 at intermediate level, were selected based on Nelson Proficiency Test. Data were collected through scores of two sequential semesters and a Likert scale questionnaire. The findings of this study indicated that there is a direct positive relation between learners’ viewpoints on paper assessment and their progress. Generally speaking, paper assessment in both formative and summative assessment would be a great progress among female and male English language learners.

EFL Teachers’ Pedagogic Strategies and Students’ Willingness to Communicate: Teachers’ and Learners’ Perceptions(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلیدواژه‌ها: willingness to communicate Pedagogic strategies Perception

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۹۱ تعداد دانلود : ۳۵۳
This study explored both teachers’ and learners’ perceptions of teachers’ pedagogic strategies which may engender willingness to communicate (WTC) in an English as a foreign language class and the difference between their perceptions to detect how convergent or possibly how divergent these are. The project used a convenience sample of 300 students taking an intermediate English course and their teachers (N=60) in several English Language Institutes in Tabriz, Iran. The instruments included a Likert scale questionnaire on teachers’ pedagogic strategies and learners’ WTC completed by both teachers and learners. Based on the data collected from the questionnaires, it was revealed that the teachers and learners agreed on the role of teachers’ wait time in learners’ WTC but not on the other strategies such as motivating strategies, error correction strategies, and teachers’ congruence. The findings of the study have important implications for teachers in terms of reconsidering their pedagogic strategies to play their facilitating roles in engendering students’ WTC in the class. The results also have the implications for EFL teacher education in the new era of communication.

Integrating Portfolio-Assessment into the Writing Process: Does it Affect a Significant Change in Iranian EFL Undergraduates’ Writing Achievement? A Mixed-Methods Study(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Perception Portfolio-assessment Writing process reflection writing achievement

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۶۳ تعداد دانلود : ۴۰۷
The paradigm shift from testing the outcome to assessing the learning of process shines a light on the alternative assessment approaches, among which portfolio-assessment has sparked researchers’ interest in writing instruction. This study aimed at investigating the effect of portfolio-assessment on Iranian EFL students’ writing achievement through the process-centered approach to writing. To this end, fifty-three sophomores, studying English translation at Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch, were chosen as the participants of this study. The researchers randomly divided them into two groups--an experimental and control. The experimental group received an instruction based on the four stages of the writing process--brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and editing--and underwent the portfolio-assessment. For ten weeks, the participants of the experimental group practiced reflecting on their writing through formative self-check, peer-review, and teacher-feedback on each of the stages written as homework assignments.  The revised paragraphs were regarded as the final portfolio. The control group, however, received a product-based writing instruction, to which portfolio-assessment, individualized-feedback, and reflection did not adhere. The results of the quantitative data analysis showed that the students in the experimental group performed better than the students in the control group in their writing achievement. The qualitative findings also revealed the students’ positive perception toward the portfolio-assessment on the writing process. The results suggest some pedagogical implications for EFL writing instruction and assessment.

Temporality and Intuitive Perception in Woolf’s Fiction: A Bergsonian Reading(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۲ تعداد دانلود : ۳۶۳
Time and perception are two major concerns of Woolf in many of her novels and short stories. Woolf as a modernist writer often tries in her fiction to find an epistemological solution to the problems of mortality and immortality, appearance and reality and diversity and unity and she succeeds, I think, by taking on a kind of perception that is intuitive and temporal. For her, true perception is time-bound, but like Bergson she divides time into mechanical and organic one. In her writing, she often associates symbolically the former with death and aridity and the latter with life and fertility, presenting them in the images, to name but a few of keyboard of a piano or alphabetical letters and tree or green shawl and dress, respectively. Evidently, in her views and the solution, she finds to the problems of time and perception Woolf is influenced by Bergson whose theory of time has also influenced so many other modernists. This paper elaborates on the relationship between time and perception in the works of Woolf, especially in her two major novels To the Lighthouse (1927) and Mrs Dalloway (1924) and her short story “An Unwritten Novel” (1921).

An Investigation on the Perceived and Actual Technological Literacy of University Instructors and Students in Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: ICT literacy Perception university students University Instructors

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۶۳ تعداد دانلود : ۳۲۳
Recently, numerous studies have investigated the influence of technology use within the educational settings pointing that the perception of the students as well as the instructor towards technology use is indicative of how well technology might be integrated in instruction. Therefore, this study was designed to explore university lecturers’ perceptions toward instructional technology, their actual versus perceived ICT literacy, the extent to which they integrate technology in their instruction and the challenges they face in successfully integrating instructional technology in academic context. The study adopted a mixed method design and was of exploratory nature. The population consisted of 711 male and female university students studying in different majors including Science, Engineering, Humanities, and Art. Also, 111 instructors teaching different fields took part in the data collection process. Two different questionnaires were devised for the instructors and the students. Besides, for gathering more reliable data, a semi-structured interview was conducted with 51 instructors and 135 students together with an observation to give more depth to the data. The data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The study concluded that university lecturers had positive attitude toward ICT and were moderately proficient in the use of ICT while university students had different levels of ICT knowledge and were mostly willing to experience digital learning. However, some limitations were mentioned in the study which shows an urgent need for some measures to be taken for continuous training of university lecturers in ICT which in turn leads to training more knowledgeable digital generation.

English Language Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Communication Behavior in Selected Secondary Schools in Ethiopia(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Accord discord interpersonal behavior Perception Teacher students

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۰۶ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۷
The purpose of this study was to examine the accords and discords between English language teachers’ and students’ perceptions of teacher interpersonal behavior in four selected secondary schools in Ethiopia. The samples of the study were 48 English language teachers and their respective 420 students. In order to collect data, questionnaires were administered to both students and teachers. To analyze and interpret the data, a two-tailed independent sample t-test was used. Accordingly, the findings revealed that teachers rated themselves considerably higher for helpful/friendly, leadership, and strict behaviors and lower for uncertain, admonishing, student freedom/ responsibility and dissatisfied behaviors as compared to their students’ rating of them. However, no significant difference was found between the two bodies for understanding interpersonal behavior. Similarly, teachers notably felt they were highly in control of classroom communications and had more affiliation/ connection with the students in the process of communications than their students’ perceptions of them. Hence, there were much discords between English language teachers’ and students’ perceptions of teacher interpersonal behavior. Following the findings, some recommendations were forwarded.

Collaborative Writing Practice through Online Learning: Insights from Iranian EFL Learners’ Perceptions(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلیدواژه‌ها: collaborative writing e-collaborative writing Journal Writing Perception Process Writing

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۲۵ تعداد دانلود : ۴۹۹
This study investigates the benefits of e-collaborative and collaborative writing tasks on the perception of Iranian EFL learners in a process-oriented approach. The study involved 74 intermediate Iranian EFL students at Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branch. They were divided into three groups by random assignment as two experimental groups and one control group. The experimental groups were required to perform their tasks in collaboration; only one of these two groups had access to the Telegram Application outside the classroom. The control group, however, followed the conventional method of learning how to write. The participants were required to write two journals during the course. They were asked to write about their understanding, attitude, and experience on the writing activity. There were 136 diary entries to be analyzed in order to discover the themes in them. These themes were literally the emerging concepts in the diary entries related to research question of the study about the participants’ perception. After the identification of these dominant themes, content analysis was performed to interpret the data. According to the results of the study, a high percentage of students’ satisfaction showed positive perceptions of e-collaborative activities, and they reported that the instructional implementation of an e-collaborative writing project with a five-stage writing process did assist EFL learners to accomplish a collaborative writing task.

The Coceivability of a Disembodied Personal Life Beyond Death Based on David Lund’s Views(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Conceivability Afterlife Disembodied Self Perception Phenomenal Body

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۸۳ تعداد دانلود : ۳۶۷
As science focuses exclusively on the physical, it seems to assume that the brain has a key role in the origin if not also the constitution of our consciousness; and thus the destruction of the brain, the nervous system, and the body makes it pointless or even absurd to think of any personal consciousness after death. But one need not be convinced by this. However, any effort to investigate a possible post-mortem life depends on forming a coherent conception of what such a life could be. Can we speak, without incoherence or contradiction, of a person continuing to exist after death in a disembodied state? Our concern in this study lies here. Based on Lund's view, we will present and defend an argument that one can conceive of a self who is fully embedded in the natural world and deeply embodied in a physical organism, and yet could have a rich variety of experiences in an afterworld encountered after death. In this theory, the close association of the mental and the physical is due to a causal connection - a connection that fails to establish that the physical brings the mental into existence and is compatible with theories that the source of consciousness is not in the brain (e.g., the transceiver or filter theory).

Examining the Association between T-unit and Pausing Length on the EFL Perception of Listening Comprehension(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: listening comprehension T-unit pause mean length T-unit Perception Rate of speech

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۸ تعداد دانلود : ۳۳۰
Listening taking over half of the learners’ time and effort (Nunan, 1998), forms a basis for acquiring much of a language. There are factors affecting listening comprehension and its perception, such as the speech rate, phonological properties of the text, the quality of the recording, the learners’ anxiety, and listening comprehension strategies (Goh, 2000; Hamouda, 2013). At the Iran Language Institute in Dezful, S.W. Iran, some teachers attributed some learners’ perception of partially unsuccessful comprehension of the recorded material to factors such as rate of speech, T-unit length, and pauses between T-units or inside T-units. This study aimed at the probable association between learners' and teachers' perceptions of these variables and compare them to the real qualities of the recordings they listen to. Thus, in an analytic single-shot design, a researcher-made questionnaire was developed and was answered by 504 (229 male and 275 female) participants together with their teachers in 21 classrooms across the six levels of proficiency at the Iran Language Institute. The results, not normally distributed, were juxtaposed with Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho correlation coefficients to ensure maximum agreement between the statistical analyses. The results indicated a strong or moderate correlation between the audio tracks' characteristics with neither learners' perceptions nor teachers' perceptions. Teachers' and learners' perceptions showed a moderate correlation between the perceived rate of speech and a weak correlation between their perceptions of between-T-unit pauses.

Characteristics of an Effective English Language Teacher (EELT) as Perceived by Learners of English(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلیدواژه‌ها: English Language Teaching (ELT) Effective teacher Perception Pedagogy

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۲۲ تعداد دانلود : ۳۵۷
Literature review indicates that an effective and good teacher has an important role in students' performances and their success. Pivotal roles of teachers may affect students’ attitudes and motivations to language learning. Improving the field of foreign language teaching and learning without improving the qualities of EFL teachers seems impossible. This attempt, at first hand, requires recognizing and identifying the qualities of effective EFL teachers. The purpose of this study was to characterize and investigate qualities of an effective English language teacher (EELT) as perceived by Iranian English language learners. A questionnaire which was based on four categories including English proficiency, pedagogical knowledge, organization and communication skills, and socio-affective skills was administered to 60 foreign language learners at Azad University of Tabriz. The collected data were statistically analyzed. The results showed that students expect a good English teacher to have the ability to develop proper relationships with students, ability to build students’ confidence, ability to maintain discipline in the classroom as the most important points. The findings of the present study have some useful implications for language teachers to know more about the perceptions and opinion of the students about themselves. They can plan and implement behaviors and activities that would encourage learners to get involved more in the English language learning process.