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مزاحمت های خیابانی، نقض حقوق شهروندی و یکی از اشکال خشونت جنسیتی است که بسیاری زنان، به خصوص زنان افغانستان با آن مواجه می شوند. مزاحمت های خیابانی علاوه بر اینکه باعث به وجود آوردن احساس ناامنی برای زنان می شوند، پیامدهای منفی دیگری را نیز برای زنان به وجود می آورند؛ از این رو تحقیق حاضر، با هدف تبیین جامعه شناختی عوامل مؤثر بر مزاحمت های خیابانی علیه زنان شهروند ساکن شهر هرات- افغانستان در سال 1398 انجام شده است. روش این تحقیق، پیمایش و ابزار جمع آوری داده ها، پرسش نامه محقق ساخته بوده است. جامعه آماری، زنان 16سال به بالای شهر هرات و حجم نمونه با استفاده از نرم افزار نمونه گیری Sample Power «350» نفر برآورد و تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها به وسیله نرم افزار Spss انجام شده است. متغیرهای مستقل شامل طرد اجتماعی زنان، عوامل محیطی و میزان پوشیدگی زنان است. آثار کل متغیرهای مستقل بر وابسته، با سطح معناداری حداقل 99درصد، نشان می دهد میزان پوشیدگی زنان با ضریب (0.322)، عوامل محیطی (0.312) و طرد اجتماعی (0.180)، بر میزان مزاحمت های خیابانی تأثیر داشته و این روابط معنادار بوده است. ضریب تعیین حاکی از آن است که 27.3درصد از واریانس وابسته، یعنی مزاحمت های خیابانی در نمونه بررسی شده، به وسیله واریانس این متغیرها تبیین می شود.

Sociological Explanation of Factors Affecting Street Harassment: A Case Study of Women Living in Herat City, Afghanistan

IntroductionStreet harassment is a form of violence that women experience in various societies, hindering their ability to participate fully and freely in public spaces. Unfortunately, this type of persecution is prevalent in Afghanistan as well. Women in urban Afghan communities often face harassment from men based on factors, such as the distance they travel or the time they spend on the streets. Herat, one of the major cities in Afghanistan, has been plagued by street harassment against women and girls for many years. This research aimed to explore the factors that contributed to street harassment in Herat City, highlighting its significance as a pressing issue. The study held particular importance for women as they faced numerous obstacles in attaining their civil liberties with street harassment being a pervasive problem that has long been overlooked. To analyze this issue, the research drew upon Andre Michel's theories of gender stereotypes, Watson's examination of spatialized gender relations, and Ryan's concept of gender deprivation.  Materials and MethodsA cross-sectional survey was employed as the research method for this study. The statistical population comprised both single and married urban girls residing in Herat Province. The sample size was determined to be 350 individuals, who were selected using the non-probability (quota) sampling method. To ensure the validity of the questionnaire, the construct validity method and exploratory factor analysis were utilized. The results of the analysis revealed that the factors extracted in this research aligned with the researcher's theoretical expectations. Furthermore, the cases with suitable factor loadings were confirmed both theoretically and experimentally. Discussion of Results & ConclusionThe majority of respondents (47.7%) fell within the age range of 16 to 21 years. The sample also consisted of both single individuals (48.6%) and married individuals (44.3%). The analysis revealed that areas with limited urban services experienced a higher average level of street harassment compared to those with more developed urban services. Specifically, individuals, who utilized rickshaws and flan-coach vehicles, reported a higher likelihood of experiencing street harassment with average scores of 3.07 and 2.90, respectively. On the other hand, those who used taxis reported the least amount of inconvenience. Furthermore, the study found that street disturbance was more prevalent on sidewalks (2.46), quiet streets (2.40), shopping centers and markets (2.38), crowded neighborhoods (2.26), and narrow alleys (2.10) compared to other locations. In contrast, playgrounds (1.56) and fields (1.57) experienced the least amounts of disturbance. Additionally, a positive and significant correlation was observed between the variable of social exclusion and street harassment with a correlation coefficient of 0.180 and a confidence level of 99%. Similarly, the analysis revealed a positive and significant correlation between the amount of women's clothing and street harassment with a correlation coefficient of 0.334 and a confidence level of 99%. In conclusion, the findings of this study highlighted the prevalence of street harassment in Herat City and shed light on various factors that contributed to its occurrence. The results emphasized the importance of addressing urban service disparities, promoting safer transportation options and creating inclusive public spaces to mitigate street harassment. Furthermore, the study underscored the need for social inclusion and challenged societal norms regarding women's clothing to combat street harassment effectively. Street harassment is a form of violence predominantly perpetrated by men against women in public spaces, encompassing verbal, physical, visual, and stalking behaviors. This type of violence has detrimental effects on women, including erosion of their sexual identity, feelings of shame and worthlessness, compromised personal security, infringement upon human dignity, pessimism towards the opposite sex, strain within familial relationships, disruption of social interactions, and moral corruption. Consequently, it is crucial to devise solutions in societies where women experience such harassment, ensuring the well-being of this vulnerable group and preventing their alienation from society. Given the diversity of societies, it is important to recognize that a one-size-fits-all solution is not applicable. Instead, solutions should be tailored to the specific cultural context and sensitivities of each society. By taking into account these factors, appropriate and effective measures can be proposed to address street harassment and safeguard the rights and dignity of women. 
