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بررسی پیکره بنیاد زایایی وندهای اشتقاقی زبان فارسی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: زایایی وند اشتقاقی پیشوند پسوند معیار باین

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۸۸
صاحب نظرانی همچون بائر (2004) و باین (1992) زایایی را یک پیوستار می دانند. منظور از زایایی وندها، میزان قابلیت استفاده از یک وند در ساخت واژه های جدید است. با بررسی میزان زایایی، می توان ترکیب ها و واژه های بالقوه زبان را پیش بینی کرد. در پژوهش های انجام شده تاکنون، تعداد مختصری از وندها بررسی شده اند. برای بررسی تعداد وندهای بیشتر و نتیجه گیری جامع تر، پژوهش حاضر انجام شد. هدف این پژوهش، بررسی میزان زایایی پیشوندها و پسوندهای اشتقاقی زبان فارسی و ارائه تعدادی از وندواره های زبان فارسی بود. برای این منظور166 وند اشتقاقی، شامل 28 پیشوند و 72 پسوند و 66 پسوندواره، گردآوری شدند و محاسبه میزان زایایی پیشوندها و پسوندها، جداگانه انجام شد. وندها در قسمتی از پیکره به روزشونده، جست وجو شدند. برای جست و جوی وندها از یک دستور برنامه نویسی به زبان پایتون استفاده شد. برای بررسی میزان زایایی، از شاخص ارزیابی باین (P*) (2009) استفاده شد. یافته های پژوهش نشان داد که زایاترین پیشوند «بی» و غیرزایاترین پیشوند «پیرا» است. همچنین، زایاترین پسوند «ی (مصدرساز)» غیرزایاترین پسوند «وش» است.

The Impact of Task-based Instruction on the Enhancement of Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Speaking Skill and Emotional Intelligence(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Speaking Skill task-based instruction Emotional Intelligence Communicative Approaches

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۰ تعداد دانلود : ۲۵۷
This study tried to investigate the impact of task-based instruction (TBI) on the enhancement of Iranian EFL learners’ speaking skill. The study also tried to scrutinize the impact of TBI on learners’ emotional intelligence. To meet these ends, 60 students were randomly divided into two groups, the experimental group and the control group. At the very first session of the term, two speaking examinations were conducted for both experimental and control group. After the speaking examinations, the participants were asked to answer Bar-On’s emotional intelligence questionnaire. The experimental group was instructed through task-based approach and the control group received instruction through present-practice-produce (PPP) approach. The scores obtained by two raters from the interview post-tests were analyzed through non-parametric tests, and the data obtained from EQ questionnaires were analyzed through t-tests. Results of the statistical analysis revealed that the experimental group performed significantly better on the speaking post-test than the control group. Furthermore, the findings also indicated that the learners in the experimental group became more emotionally intelligent than those in the control group.

بررسی رابطه نگرش گویشوران بومی و میزان شدت تهدید زبانی شان با استناد به سند اجرایی یونسکو(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: زبان هویت نگرش بومی زبان زبان های درخطر سند اجرایی یونسکو

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۲
برای دستیابی به رابطه بین نگرش بومی زبانان نسبت به گونه زبانی شان و میزان شدت تهدید آن گونه زبانی، از طریق نُه شاخصِ سند اجرایی زبان زنده و درخطر یونسکو (2003) و همچنین فرم نگرش سنج محقق ساخته، ده گونه زبانی در ده آبادی از سه استان تهران، البرز و هرمزگان مورد سنجش قرار گرفت. نتایج از طریق نرم افزار آماری SPSS تحلیل شد. با توجه به سطح معنی داری آزمون پیرسون رابطه بین دو متغیر نگرش بومی زبان و شدت درخطر بودن گونه زبانی، رابطه خطی مثبت است. اگر نگرش بومی زبان نسبت به گونه زبانی شان مثبت باشد، گونه زبانی آنان از وضعیت ایمن تری برخوردار است و هویت اجتماعی گویشوران در معرض آسیب کمتری است و اگر نگرش گویشوران نسبت به گونه زبانی خود منفی باشد پیش بینی می شود که زبان در معرض خطر جدی باشد. برای حفظ یک گونه زبانی، تقویت نگرش بومی زبانان به آن زبان یکی از راهکارهای اصلی قابل پیشنهاد است.

Different Task Complexity Factors and Cognitive Individual Differences: The Effects on EFL Writers’ Performance(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Cognitive Task Complexity (CTC) Planning Time Intentional Reasoning Demands language learning aptitude

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۵
This study aimed at examining the main and interaction effects of increased intentional reasoning demands, planning time, and also language learning aptitude on syntactic complexity, accuracy, lexical complexity, and fluency (CALF) of 226 EFL learners’ performance on letter writing tasks. The participants were first randomly assigned to three experimental groups to be given a task with differing degrees of reasoning demand (low, medium, and high) to each group. Then, within each reasoning group, we reassigned an equal number of high- and low- aptitude learners to Planning and No-planning groups by random stratified sampling. The results revealed that (a) increasing task complexity with regard to the amount of intentional reasoning demands resulted in greater lexical and syntactic complexity and less fluency while no significant effect was observed on accuracy; (b) increasing task complexity through planning time led to significantly lower syntactic complexity and fluency; (c) reasoning demands and planning time had a significant interaction effect on accuracy; and (d) the interaction effect of language aptitude was significant with neither planning nor reasoning factor, but a three-way interaction effect was found on accuracy. The findings are discussed in relation to cognitive task complexity (CTC) models which were the main impetus for this study.

Rainbow of Translation: A semiotic approach to intercultural transfer of colors in children's picture books

کلید واژه ها: semiotics visual semiotics Color visual communication multimodal translation

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۱ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۶
The aim of intercultural translation is to communicate. Communication is acted via verbal as well as visual means. The interaction of verbal and visual means of communication makes a set of complex situations which demand special attention in translation. One context in which the interaction of visual and verbal elements gets vital importance is children’s picture books. Color is an integral part of children's books and a visual mode of communication. For the translator, to interpret symbolic colors, cultural knowledge of the source and the target cultures is required. To see how the cultural meaning of colors can be transferred and how the interrelationship of words and colors can be achieved, Nida and De Waard’s (1986) Adaptation Theory was utilized in this study. The theory was applied to eight children’s colored picture books aimed for school-aged children. Six of the books were originally written in English and translated into Persian and two of them were the other way round. The analysis of the data showed that the required features of the above-stated theory was rarely followed by translators and illustrators, and, except in one case, color symbolism was not considered by them. Findings of the study indicate that since visuals are inseparable elements of translating children's picture books, translators/illustrators should be dressed with enough information of visual-cultural aspects of translation in general, and of color symbolism in particular.

“I Suppose I Am Now a More Creative Teacher”: An EFL Teacher’s Journey into Creativity within Constraints(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Creativity Constraints changes Challenges EFL teacher Narrative

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۱ تعداد دانلود : ۳۲۲
Considering the paucity of self-studies exploring English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers' journeys into becoming a creative teacher, in this qualitative action research, a mainstream Iranian teacher-researcher narrates the changes and challenges she observed while planning her creative classroom practices, implementing, and reflecting on them. While she experienced changes like going beyond the textbook, becoming a caring observer, and becoming a moment catcher, she faced constraining challenges like overcoming inner fears, showing (non)-compliance with institutional rules, and coping with situations when things did not turn out as expected. Such an insider view of teacher creativity reiterates that creativity needs to be considered not just as a set of techniques and procedures to be mastered but as an ongoing passion for renovation which should be cultivated over time despite existing constraints.

The Role of Pre-listening Activities on EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension


کلید واژه ها: Pre-listening activities listening comprehension EFL Learners Gender

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۰ تعداد دانلود : ۲۱۷
Listening plays a significant role in daily communication and educational processes. In spite of its importance, listening has long been the neglected skill in second and foreign language acquisition, research, teaching, and assessment. However, on account of the entire challenges EFL learners encounter in classrooms due to the listening complexity, some pre-listening activities as supports in the procedure of teaching listening are proposed by experts in the field. This research investigated 80 male and female learners in 2 groups of 40, who were selected randomly, to determine whether pre-listening activities have a significant effect on listening comprehension of English texts. It also investigated whether there was a significant difference between male and female learners on pre-listening activities in terms of their effects on the comprehension of English texts. To do this, subjects first took a TOFEL test, which served as a pre-test, to make it possible to have homogeneous learners in a control group and an experimental group. In the experimental group, some pre-listening tasks, through which the learners received general prior information about the content of the listening texts, were performed. Then, they listened to and answered some multiple-choice comprehension questions which asked for the specific information in the listening texts. However, the control group’s listening comprehension tasks were destitute of pre-listening activities. The results of the analysis of the data obtained at the end of the experiment revealed that the experimental group performed significantly better than the control group. It also showed that females outperformed the male group. In other words, the treatments appeared to have a significant effect on the performance of the experimental group (and especially female learners therein) in listening comprehension.

Economic, Social, Cultural, Emotional, and Sensory Capitals in Academic Achievement(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: بوردیو جامعه شناسی آموزش سرمایه حسی سرمایه اجتماعی سرمایه اقتصادی سرمایه فرهنگی دستاورد آموزشی سرمایه هیجانی

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۴
Capitals’ contribution to educational achievement and their role in one’s success or failure within classrooms are paramount, which is why they have been often discussed in the realm of the sociology of education. Adding the newly-developed concept of sensory capital as a complement to the existing capitals, the present study seeks to statistically find the potential relationships these capitals may have with each other and their possible influences on educational achievement. To accomplish this, first, a questionnaire was designed and validated to quantify the amount of sensory capital. Then, along with emotional, social, cultural, and economic capital questionnaires, it was given to 410 participants whose language scores were used as an indicator of educational achievement. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was run, the results of which indicated positive relationships among all types of capital and a significant role in language achievement score, with economic capital having the highest and social capital having the lowest contribution. Therefore, capitals can be concluded to both have a significant relationship with each other and a determining role in educational achievement that should be taken into account when it comes to dealing with educational success in academic environments.

What do Iranian Undergraduate Students of Social vs. Natural Sciences Say about Their Language Needs?

کلید واژه ها: English as a Foreign Language English for Academic Purposes Needs analysis EAP academic language needs

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۹
Notwithstanding the obligation of courses such as English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in the Iranian university curriculum, exploring the language academic needs and abilities of students of social and natural sciences has been untouched. Focused on the students’ perspectives, this study aims to identify the present and target situation academic language needs of Iranian undergraduate students of social vs. natural sciences in a comparative manner. A total of 260 undergraduate students studying natural sciences (n=117) and social sciences (n=143) at Sharif University of Technology and Shahid Beheshti University participated in this study by responding to a validated questionnaire on language needs self-assessment. Regarding the present language abilities, the natural sciences students considered themselves as much more competent in the English language compared to the social sciences students. However, the target language needs of both groups were roughly similar. Besides, both groups believed that the EAP courses should be oriented more towards English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Finally, while the majority of the natural sciences students asserted that the number of credits offered for the EAP courses was not enough, the comments made by the social sciences students were contrary. The paper concludes with a suggestion to revise the present program in order to boost the effectiveness of the EAP course and a discussion of implications for instructors and material designers.

زبان زنانه و ترجمه: مطالعه موردی «کاغذ دیواری زرد»(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: جنسیت کاغذ دیواری زرد لیکاف زبان زنانه گیلمن

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۱ تعداد دانلود : ۲۴۷
مطالعات جدید در حوزه ترجمه بر نقش مترجم بعنوان واسط فرهنگی تأکید بسیار داشته و بیانگر این مطلبند که هویت فردی و جنسیتی مترجمان بر بازگردانی متون تأثیرگذارند. در این مطالعه ابتدا داستان "کاغذ دیواری زرد " که بازخوردهای اجتماعی متنوعی داشته و نظراتی را در میان منتقدان نظریه جنسیت برانگیخته بود، انتخاب و در اختیار مترجمان زن و مرد قرار گرفت. چگونگی ترجمه این مترجمان و تأثیرات احتمالی نقش جنسیت بر بازگردانی داستان بر اساس چارچوب نظری لیکاف (1975) بررسی شد تا تأثیر زبان زنانه و نگرش های جنسیتی زنان و مردان در بازگردانی متن در مقایسه با متن اصلی مشخص شود. ده مورد معرفی شده بعنوان ویژگیهای زبان زنانه لیکاف در متن اصلی مشخص و با معادلهای انتخابی برای آنها از سوی مترجمان مقایسه شدند. در نهایت این نتیجه حاصل شد که مترجمان زن شیوه خاص زبان زنانه نویسنده متن مبدأ را بهتر درک کردند و نسبت به زبان زنانه و بازگردانی بی کم و کاست مطالب وفاداری بیشتری نسبت به مترجمان مرد داشتند.

بررسی رابطه بین فرهنگ و ابعاد شناختی یادگیری گروهی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: فرهنگ یادگیری گروهی ابعاد شناختی آموزش و پرورش بافت محور اثربخشی خرد جمعی ناسازگاری فرهنگی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۰ تعداد دانلود : ۲۴۴
این پژوهش بر آن است تا در راستای نیل به الگوی بافت محور آموزش و پرورش، به عنوان ضرورتی برای توسعه پایدار، نقش فرهنگ را در یکی از مهمترین روش های تدریس یعنی یادگیری گروهی بررسی و واکاوی کند. بدین منظور شرکت کنندگان در پژوهش که با استفاده از نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب شده بودند، به ترتیب به دو پرسشنامه پیرامون شاخص های فرهنگی و یادگیری گروهی پاسخ دادند. در این پژوهش برای پایایی از شاخص پایایی گویه راش، برای روایی از تحلیل عامل تأکیدی به همراه شاخص برازش راش، و برای تحلیل داده ها از رگرسیون چندگانه استفاده شد.. نتایج تحلیل از یک سو نشان داد که عدم تطابق فرهنگی می تواند ابعاد شناختی یادگیری گروهی را به طور معنی داری متاثر سازد و بدین جهت کارامدی یادگیری گروهی را تحت الشعاع خود قرار دهد. از سوی دیگر دریافتیم که این تأثیر چندان بزرگ نیست که به بهانه ای برای عدم استفاده از یادگیری گروهی تبدیل شود. این یافته ها بر لزوم توجه به آموزش بافت محور معلمان برای اجرای کارامد یادگیری گروهی صحه می گذارند.

A Linguistic Analysis of Conference Titles in Applied Linguistics

کلید واژه ها: Applied linguistics conference paper titles lexicon syntactic structure text length

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۱
Over the past twenty-five years, researchers have expressed considerable interest in titles of academic publications. Unfortunately, conference paper titles (CPTs) have only recently begun to receive attention. The aim of this study, therefore, is to investigate the text length, syntactic structure, and lexicon of CPTs in Applied Linguistics. A data set of 698 titles was selected from the 2008 International Conference on Applied Linguistics held in Germany. The results from the analysis indicated that, first; the average text length of CPTs in Applied Linguistics is 10.4 words. Second, CPTs tended to be nominal, consistent with the finding in several titleology studies. Last, the lexical items of CPTs comprised a rich array of four main categories of lexicon (domain-specific words, research-related words, verbal expressions, and country/local references). These findings have implications for the scholarship on CPTs, academic writing pedagogy, and future research on academic titles.

The Impact of Socio-Economic Status (SES) on the Iranian EFL Learners’ Identity Processing Styles and Language Achievement(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: Identity processing styles Social-economic status Language skills

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۸
The present study intended to address the impact of the socio-economic status (SES) on the Iranian EFL learners’ language achievement and identity processing styles. To attain this goal, 148 students studying General English were designated on the base of purposive sampling from Yasuj University of Medical Sciences (YUMS). At the first step, questions related to social, cultural, and financial background was asked of 20 participants (sample) by an interview. Then, a the researcher constructed a questionnaire from the information attained from the interview, regarding the factors related to the social, cultural, and financial factors (variables) and was distributed among the population (148 students) of the study. The participants’ English University Entrance Exam Score (Achievement test) scores were obtained from the Education Office of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences. Afterward, Berzonsky’s forty item revised version of the identity style inventory (ISI3) (Berzonsky, 1992) assessed the identity style of each participant. Examination of the results indicated that the structural relationship between the variables of identity processing style and language skills was 0.84 and its standard value was equal to 0.345. This value indicated a positive and average relationship between the two structures. That is, with the change of identity processing style, the language skills of the participants have changed.

The Source of Human Knowledge: Plato’s problem and Orwell’s problem

کلید واژه ها: Human Knowledge language Linguistics Language learning

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۱
Chomsky cannot help wondering at the fact that we, despite so vast evidence, have little knowledge about the obvious evidence. A good example, I think, is the child’s way of first language acquisition. A great many researchers have studied various aspects of child language acquisition at different stages of the child’ life and have brought to light many details of language development. However, it remains uncertain how the child can cope with this heavy task of language acquisition within the first two years of his life. Since its birth, the child begins acquiring the intonation, the sound, the phoneme, the word, the meaning, and the structure of the language, to which he is exposed so fast that it is beyond our imagination. Mind that the same child is unable to do the simplest addition or subtraction of numbers within the early years of life. Thus, the intriguing question for Chomsky is: How is it that the child can acquire the complex system of a language such as English, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese … very fast despite so little and often deficient linguistic input?

تأثیر آموزش تعامل-محور مکالمه کاوی بر توانش تعاملی زبان آموزان ایرانی در تکالیف زوج-گفتار(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: آموزش تعامل-محور مکالمه کاوی توانش تعاملی تکالیف زوج-گفتار همسازی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۹
تعامل نه تنها دریادگیری زبان بشر عاملی بنیادین محسوب می شود، بلکه درزندگی اجتماعی وی نیز عنصری اساسی است. با توجه به اهمیت بررسی تعامل درزبان دوم که محوریت اجتماعی دارد، هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تأثیرآموزش تعامل-محور (مبتنی بر مکالمه کاوی) بر توانش تعاملی درتکالیف زوج-گفتار بوده است که بدین منظور 124 زبان آموز سطح متوسط بر اساس نمرات آن ها، در آزمون تعیین سطح تافل، در دو گروه آزمایش و کنترل قرارگرفتند. گروه آزمایش علاوه بر منابع اصلی خود، مکالمات برگزیده از کتاب فراترازگفتار را طبق چرخه آموزشی فیلیپی و روهان (2015) فراگرفتند درحالی که گروه کنترل تنها در معرض یادگیری منابع اصلی خود بودند. توانش تعاملی آن ها در 4 تکلیف مختلف زوج-گفتار به وسیله مقیاس سنجش توانش-تعاملی ونگ (2015) مورد سنجش قرارگرفت. نتایج برآمده از تحلیل کواریانس موید موفقیت گروه آزمایش نسبت به گروه کنترل بود. بنابراین شایسته است که معلمان با اتخاذ این رویکرد آموزشی، فرصت هایی دراختیار زبان آموزان قرار دهند تا آن ها بتوانند به شکل معناداری مفاهیم اصلی مکالمه را در زبان گفتار همسازی نمایند. این تعامل می تواند منجر به هوشیاری بیشتر در مهارت گفتاری و نیز طبیعی تر به نظر رسیدن مکالمات روزمره آن ها شود.

The Impact of Learning through Management System vs. Learning through Experience Platform on Exam Results of Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: COVID-19 digital divide English for Medical Purposes Learning Management System learning experience platform

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۰ تعداد دانلود : ۲۱۱
The upheaval time of COVID-19 highlighted the importance of an effective way of teaching English to the front-line healthcare workers such as medical doctors and researchers with different digital-divide status, particularly in non-English-speaking countries because they were first-hand users of critical pandemic-related information in mostly-English articles published online by scientific journals. This study attempted to investigate the pedagogical effects of utilizing the two main User-Generated Content (UGC) platforms in E-learning, namely LMS vs. LXP, on the results of the Electronic Ministry of Health Language Examinations (E-MHLE) among Iranian English for Medical Purposes (EMP) learners across their digital-divide status (digital natives vs. digital immigrants) during the COVID-19 pandemic. A series of focus-group E-interviews were conducted to determine the reasons behind the lowest scores among the participants and to find out possible suggestions for success in high-stake E-tests. To this end, 272 EMP learners who were users of LMS and LXP were conveniently selected from a university of medical science to participate in this sequential explanatory mixed-method research. The results of descriptive and inferential statistics showed that the LXP group outperformed the LMS one in the results of E-MHLE. Moreover, the digital natives obtained higher scores than the digital immigrants in both groups but the difference was not significant in the LXP. The findings of the E-interviews were thematically analyzed and discussed. The findings of this study might offer practical and realistic benefits to the whole EMP community, particularly policymakers for the post-COVID-19 era. 

The Effects of Noticing on Learners’ Grammar Achievements: Cognitive and Ecological Perspectives(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: awareness cognitive language learning ecology of language learning noticing recasts

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۰
Despite a great number of studies exploring Schmidt’s noticing hypothesis in the cognitive perspective of language learning, the investigations focused on noticing in the ecological perspective are rather rare in number. The present study was an attempt to examine how noticing second language recast could affect the learners’ achievements of grammatical structures through these two perspectives (i.e., cognitive and ecological). To do so, one hundred and twenty first-year college students at Islamic Azad University and Applied Science University in Tehran took part in this study. The students were divided into two cognitive and ecological groups and received two different treatments. During the treatment, the learners in all groups received recast and their noticing was assessed through learners’ raising hands and underlining. In the end, a posttest was conducted to measure the effectiveness of the treatment. Data analysis revealed that the ecological perspective of language learning was more conducive to noticing and subsequent language learning. The study also made contributions by actualizing the ecological project-based meaningful activities, shedding light on the importance of affordance and interaction in the context of language learning.

قاعده آموزی: شیوه ای جدید در آموزش صیغه افعال زبان انگلیسی به فارسی زبانان بر پایه اصول زبانشناسی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: اصول زبان شناسی آموزش صیغه فعل ها جملات منفی جملات پرسشی جملات خبری قاعده آموزی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۹ تعداد دانلود : ۳۱۰
یکی از دغدغه­های اصلی دانشجویان فارسی زبان در کلاس­های آموزش زبان انگیسی این است که قواعد منفی­سازی و سؤالی کردن صیغه­های مختلف فعل را نمی­توانند به درستی بیاموزند و از تعدد قواعد رنج می­برند. تحقیق حاضر مبتنی بر تجربة شخصی پژوهشگرانی است که پس از تحصیل در رشتة زبانشناسی، ناخودآگاه در آموزش زبان انگلیسی به دانشجویان فارسی­زبان از شیوه­ای جدید به نام قاعده­آموزی استفاده می­کردند و متوجه بهبود یادگیری قواعد زبان انگلیسی در دانشجویان شدند. در این روش(قاعده­آموزی)، با استفاده از یافته­های زبان­شناسان، به جای توضیح تک­تک صورت­های صیغه­ها، قاعده­ای کلی بیان می­شود که می­توان آن را در همة صورت­ها به­کار برد. در این مقاله برای آزمون روش قاعده­آموزی، 40 دانشجو در دو کلاس زبان عمومی انتخاب شدند. پس از اطمینان از همگن بودن آن­ها، در چهار جلسة ابتدای کلاس، دانشجویان یک کلاس به روش سنتی آموزش دیدند و دانشجویان کلاس دیگر به روش قاعده­آموزی و سپس، آزمونی از هر دو گروه گرفته شد. نتیجة آزمون نشان داد بازده دانشجویانی که به شیوة جدید آموزش داده شده بودند، بالاتر از بقیة دانشجویان بود.

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