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هدف اصلی این تحقیق، بررسی ویژگی ها و ابعاد محله خوب در شهر تهران است. این تحقیق به شیوه کیفی تحلیل مضمون انجام شده و داده های مربوط به آن با استفاده از فنون مصاحبه و مشاهده از هشت محله شهر تهران با نام های کیانشهر، یافت آباد، شمیران نو، کارون شمالی، نارمک مرکزی، باغ فیض، نیاوران و سعادت آباد جمع آوری شده است. مشارکت کنندگان در این تحقیق 59 نفر بودند. همچنین داده های جمع آوری شده با روش تحلیل مضمون تحلیل شده اند. یافته های این تحقیق نشان می دهد که ویژگی های محله خوب عبارت اند از: «وجود آدم های خوب و اخلاق مدار»، «بهداشت و تمیزی محله»، «وجود امکانات تفریحی، فرهنگی و ورزشی»، «دسترسی آسان به ملزومات زندگی و وسایل نقلیه عمومی»، «ساکت، خلوت و کم جمعیت بودن محله»، «وجود فضای سبز، پارک و آب وهوای خوب»، «معماری و ظاهر خوب محله»، «دخالت نکردن در سبک زندگی دیگران»، «تعامل سالم و خوب با همسایگان»، «نبود ناهنجاری های اجتماعی و وجود امنیت و سلامت اجتماعی» و «محیط تربیتی مناسب برای فرزندان». افراد در تعریفشان محله خوب را جایی می بینند که دارای سه بعد مهم «سلامت اجتماعی»، «فضای کالبدی و محیطی مناسب» و «دارای امکانات و تسهیلات زندگی» باشد.

Study on the Characteristics of a Good Neighborhood in Tehran

Introduction: The concept of neighborhood and its perception have changed in big cities, especially in Tehran. Thus, both the geographical boundaries of former neighborhoods have changed and the importance and concept of neighborhood as a social center has lost its former position. Considering these changes, this study tries to find out how people perceive a good neighborhood today and what are the characteristics of this good neighborhood: When a neighborhood is not good or we do not live in a good neighborhood, two challenges arise: 1) neighborhood instability and 2) neighborhood disrespect, which reinforce each other. Neighborhood badness is manifested by, among other things, a lack of a sense of identity with and belonging to the neighborhood, a lack of participation and voluntary mobilization of human and financial resources and facilities, and the like. Therefore, understanding a good or desirable neighborhood is important for city managers and planners to consider citizens’ ideas, needs, and priorities in neighborhood preservation and development, and to enhance the attractiveness of urban neighborhoods for life and vitality. Also, by understanding the characteristics of a good neighborhood and its dimensions, it is possible to expansion urban development programs based on the material and mental needs of the neighborhood people. We believe that a good neighborhood is a place that provides vitality, quality of life, and a good standard of living, a place where one feels at home and belongs.   Method: The methodological approach of this article is qualitative. Data are collected using interviews and observation techniques in eight Tehran neighborhoods named Kianshahr, Yaftaabad, Shemiran Neu, Karoun-e Shomali, Narmak-e Markazi, Bagh Feyz, Niavaran, and Saadataabad. Fifty-nine people participated in the study. The collected data were analyzed using the content analysis method. Finding: The results of this study show that the characteristics of a good neighborhood include: “good and moral people”, “health and cleanliness in the neighborhood”, “recreational, cultural and sports facilities”, “easy access to essentials and public transportation”, “quietness and low population density in the neighborhood”, “presence of green areas, parks and good weather,” “architecture and good appearance of the neighborhood,” “no interference in others’ lifestyle,” “interaction and good relations with neighbors,” “absence of social problems/anomalies and enjoyment of social security and health,” and “a suitable educational environment for children.” People see a good neighborhood as a place that has three important dimensions: “social health,” "suitable physical space and environment,” and “the opportunity to live and enjoy.” Conclusion: A good neighborhood is very closely related to attachment. When it is a good neighborhood, the attachment to the neighborhood is naturally positive and high. It can be said that paying attention to the dimensions of a good neighborhood is important and crucial for a vital and sustainable city, as well as for a livable neighborhood for people, and should be seriously considered by urban planners and managers.
