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Political Stability, Corruption, Democracy and Terrorism In the Middle East and North Africa(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Terrorism Corruption Democracy Political Stability Modified Poisson Regression

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۹۴ تعداد دانلود : ۳۶۸
Terrorism has been considered as a challenge with serious effect in the world as a result of instability, corruption and lack of democracy in most countries. Confronting this phenomenon requires recognizing its roots to find possible solutions. This study aims to examine the effect of some actual factors which causes the terrorism in short and long run. To this end, investigation has been conducted using statistical and regression methods using the data obtained from the 17 MENA countries. Findings indicate that in the long run, political stability and corruption controlling have a negative effect on the number of terrorist attacks, but democracy has no significant effect on terrorism. Morover, in the short term, there is also an inverse relationship between the number of terrorist attacks with political stability and corruption controlling, but unfortunately, democracy has a positive and significant effect on the number of terrorist attacks in the selected countries.

Israel Advocacy in the Academic Field: The Case of Terrorism Studies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: academic discourse common identity Israel Israel advocates special relationship Terrorism United States

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۸۱ تعداد دانلود : ۲۸۴
Research on the special relationship between the United States and Israel has usually been focused on strategic aspects, whilst fewer scholars have focused on non-material dimensions of the relationship. In addition, the existing research is mostly confined to the political and decision-making realms, with very few excursions into the academic arena. The current article aims to fill this lacuna through the study of pro-Israel academic discourse in America, focusing on the specific case of the field of terrorism studies. Critical discourse analysis of pro-Israel academic texts in this field is carried out to reveal the discourse, themes and arguments used to build this ideational pillar of the special relationship and move towards a common identity between the US and Israel. The common ingroup identity model (CIIM) is used to describe the process through which a common identity is constructed. The article concludes that defining the Self, defining the Other, and defining the norms are the three main strategies employed in the studied texts to achieve this goal.

Fiction and Politics of Islamophobia: A Case Study of Greg Hrbek’s Not on Fire, but Burning(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Fiction Greg Hrbek Islam Islamophobia Terrorism

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۱۸ تعداد دانلود : ۴۳۴
Islamophobia is defined as a closed-minded hatred, fear or prejudice toward Islam and Muslims that result in discrimination, marginalization, and oppression. This phenomenon was strengthened after September 11 marked a watershed in the history of America. In the wake of 9/11, Islamophobia was promulgated in a plethora of textual and visual narratives, including novel. This paper studies Islamophobia in Greg Hrbek’s latest novel Not on Fire, But Burning (2015). A close reading of the novel reveals that the novel couples Islam with terrorism and barbarity, and sets forth the Self/Other dichotomy, which is rather cherished in the discourse of Islamophobia. As observed in a long history of Islamophobic rhetoric, Hrbek’s novel depicts that certain people, undoubtedly Muslims, are outside the American system of values, ready to catch America off-guard. With the images the work promotes of Islam and its followers, it is argued that Not on Fire, But Burning reinforces Islamophobia and biased frames of reference on Islam and Muslims.

Decision-Making and Collective Choice against Terrorism in the UNSC


کلیدواژه‌ها: international organizations Decision-making UNSC collective action Terrorism

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۳۴ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۴
Decisions as outputs of international organizations are highly influenced by different motivations. Presence of veto powers, heterogeneity of preferences and the rules governing decisions lead to study the decision-making in the United Nations Security Council. But the main puzzle of the current paper is to discover the motivations influencing on decision-making in the UNSC. According to our research, precedent and organizational doctrines guide the veto holders’ decisions. The costs of unilateral decisions push the members of UNSC to act based on collective bargaining and decisions which not only modify the opportunity structures but also help them to meet their rather different preferences. One of the most notable cases that these double doctrines are heavily visible in the UNSC activity is the area of the terrorism. In this case, the UNSC as an international political organization providing collective response to the international security threats by resorting to agreed language and political coalition.

Regional Social Movement: An Inescapable Necessity for Peace in the Middle East(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Peace Religious violence Regional social movements Terrorism Middle East

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۶۷
The Arab nations of the Middle East have recently become the center of religious and ethnic aggression. This paper aims to answers to the following question: what efficient approach can be used to reduce of the religious violence in Middle East by political sociological approach? This paper indicates that the formation of a regional peaceful social movement can be effective in reducing religious tensions and violence in the Middle East if it finds associated with tolerant and committed participation and activism of civil-intellectual elites and nongovernmental groups, beyond religious divisions and fanaticism. The government’s continuous effort for reduction of poverty and good distributive policies for the masses is also of great importance in this regard Furthermore, this must be followed by the presentation of practical strategies for peace and the integration of the masses. The authors believe that regional social movement along with the integration of public opinion and the production of attitudinal and intellectual transformation in the masses can deprive violent Takfiri groups, such as ISIS, from public support. This can lead to a social bottom-up and general pressure and coercion for peace and, ultimately, necessitate the regional and trans-regional powers to establish peace, but it is a time-consuming process.

Disputing Radicalism and Terrorism from the Perspective of Monotheistic Religions (With an Emphasis on Indonesian Society)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Radicalism Terrorism Religious Ethic Monotheistic Religions

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۲۳
SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES : This research is aimed to analyze the factors of radicalism and terrorism action that was happening in Indonesia, it is obviously important because the result can be used by the Indonesian government, civil societies and other countries of the world to prevent the spreading of radicalism and terrorism ideologies. METHOD AND FINDING : In order to get reliable and valid data analysis the Observation-qualitative research methodology has been used to analyze documents, books, articles which relates to the research topic and supported by The Holy Quran Verses and traditions on Religious ethical context. The hypotheses of these research show that there is close relationship between radicalism and terrorism action and the fake teachings. Based on the research, the act of radicalism and terrorism is not the part of Monotheistic Religions teachings, but occurred because of misunderstanding in comprehending the Monotheistic Religions teachings and Quranic verses. Moreover, peace is the main principle of Monotheistic Religions and specially the religion of Islam; because it is rooted in human nature and of course conducting war in Islam is an exception in the case of oppression. CONCLUSION : Several options that can be applied to solve radicalism and terrorism problems in Indonesia society and other countries of the world are by understanding the root of radicalism and terrorism, de-radicalization and de-terrorism of Religions radical follower, the use of counseling method in contradiction of radicalism and terrorism and controlling hoax in social media.

A Criminological Approach to International Prevention of Terrorism with a Particular Attention to Terrorist Financing in the Iranian Criminal Policy(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Criminal Policy Money laundering Prevention Terrorism Terrorist Financing

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۴
In a democratic society, the fight against terrorism is based almost exclusively on crime prevention. If the prevention of terrorism is addressed properly, there will be no need for a military strike because terrorists will not have the opportunity to carry out their goals and activities. One of the most related aspects of terrorism is the financing of its perpetrators and their activities. Accordingly, the present article aims to investigate the prevention of terrorist financing from the perspective of global criminology. Given that crime prevention is a significant component of criminal policy, which is aimed to limit the opportunity for perpetrators by making impossible or difficult the possibility of their criminal activities, the focus of preventive measures places on non-punitive sanctions or methods. However, criminalization of terrorism and its financing could be defined as a preventive measures based on penal mechanism, called ‘reactive prevention’. Consequently, an ideal pattern for international prevention of terrorism and terrorist financing is to promote the legislation within the domestic legal systems of all countries in the international community. By recognizing internationally-recognized norms and standards and implementing them in countries’ domestic legal systems, it could be expected that terrorism and terrorist financing would be prevented in a more effective manner.  

Analysis of the ISPS Code and Its Implementation: Case Study of Malaysia and South Korea(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Terrorism Maritime Security ISPS Code Malaysia South Korea

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۷۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۴
Following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) was faced with the issue of maritime security against terrorist incidents. Accordingly, it adopted the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) in December 2002 as part of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974- as amended) in order to increase maritime security through fulfilling its regulations by Contracting Governments. This Code, entered into force on 1 July 2004, provides a set of regulations for ship and port facility security. The first part of this paper focuses on the introduction and analysis of the key regulations of the ISPS Code. The second part of this paper focuses on the successful practices of two Contracting Governments, namely Malaysia and South Korea. Accordingly, this paper evaluates the enforcement of the regulations of the ISPS Code by concentrating on these two countries in East Asia in order to measure the effectiveness of the Code in enhancing maritime security of these two countries. This paper concludes that to achieve the objectives of the ISPS Code, all Contracting Countries should fully implement its regulations and for achieving a higher standards in maintaining maritime security they are advised to take advantage of the experiences and practices of such successful countries as Malaysia and South Korea in fulfilling the regulations of the ISPS Code. The research method applied in this paper is based on the descriptive - analytical method.

Iran’s Foreign Policy and the Islamic Movements(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۶۹ تعداد دانلود : ۹۲
One of the fundamental principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran in its foreign policy during the last four decades have  been to support the liberating movements, specifically the Islamic movements. This policy has been formed according to ideals of Iranians, and based on the Islamic worldview of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its revolutionary discourse. In fact, it has been emphasized in our constitutional law and other legal documents. On the other hand, support of these movements is not only in the direction of our national and ideological benefits, but also, according to completely lawful standards of international law and specifically human rights concerning fate determination and the right of lawful defense. In spite of all these facts, since the victory of the Islamic revolution, the Western countries and, following them, the Western media have continuously accused Iran of supporting terrorism and terroristic groups. This paper is going to explain the difference between these events and the terroristic groups according to international law, human rights and humanitarian principles.

Terrorism Based on Ideology: A Framework for Analysis(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۷۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۸
Traditionally, the sociology scholars tend to ignore or underestimate the role played by ideology is social phenomena, and this tendency can be seen among the political sciences scholars as well. Robert Jervis believes that one of the reasons for weakness of analysis of terrorism based on ideology is ignorance of this case in texts and literature of liberal arts and specifically political sciences and international relations: “Terrorism based on ideology has created some challenges for modern political sciences because less attention has been paid to discussions related to ideology, and the experts in this realm are less interested in them”. But the evolutions during the last decades of the 20th century and such events as the Islamic revolution of Iran increased the level of attention to this forgotten factor. In fact, for the first time a revolution with religious and ideological components happened across the world that surprised the thinkers in this scope and caused them to consider religion and ideology as two influential variables in their calculations. The present paper attempts to theoretically study the manner of formation of terrorism based on ideology. 

Soleimani's View of the Human Dimensions and Discourse Supplies of the Resistance Front: Thematic Analysis of His Speeches in the Last Two Years before His Martyrdom(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: General Soleimani Resistance Front the United States Terrorism Transnational Organization

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۳
General Soleimani’s View on Humanistic Aspects of Resistance vs. Terror: A Thematic Analysis of His Speeches during Two Last Years before Martyrdom Terrorizing general Soleimani in January 2020 has brought the confrontation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States into a new moment which is considered by many IR scholars as a paradigm shift. The present paper is an attempt to delve into the Western, in particular American, sources in order to find how they mis-represent Soleimani as the “leader of the terrorist front”. It, then, addresses an intentionally ignored side which is grasping Soleimani’s outlook on the resistance axis in term of a transnational front with a humanitarian outlook at its heart. The paper looks to produce such an alternative knowledge by employing Atlas.ti software and reflexive thematic analysis. It covers a comprehensive list of Soleimani’s speeches and will which were given during his last two years of life. The extracted motifs lead to four major themes, including: a) the individual maturity and empowerment as a prelude to shape the resistance front, b) the dominance of the transnational and global concerns, c) the disciplinary hierarchy within the resistance front, d) resistance as a log-term social and political engine of development.

EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy and Its Impact on European Security(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Counter - terrorism European Security European union Institutional Cooperation Security Dynamics Terrorism

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۵۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۱
This article examines the impact of European Union's (EU) Counter-Terrorism Strategy on European security, considering recent developments and challenges. This investigation seeks to answer two pivotal questions: (1) How do varying counter-terrorism approaches impact the effectiveness of European security measures against terrorist threats? (2) How does cooperation or divergence in counter-terrorism strategies influence Europe's broader security environment? The research explores key developments in European counter-terrorism cooperation and analyzes the effects of regional cooperation on European security dynamics, drawing on empirical evidence from recent terrorist attacks and counter-terrorism operations. Findings emphasize the need for a comprehensive and coordinated European counter-terrorism strategy, which addresses immediate security concerns and long-term drivers of radicalization and extremism. The research utilizes the method of Library Resources and Documentary Research, analyzing existing literature, academic publications, reports, and relevant documents related to counter-terrorism strategies, European security, and the interplay between terrorism and counter-terrorism in the region. The article also presents a theoretical framework of institutional cooperation to understand the implications of counter-terrorism strategies on European security. It highlights the significance of intelligence sharing, legal harmonization, capacity-building, and addressing challenges within regional and international collaborations.

Counterterrorism in Middle Eastern Foreign Policy of Iran (1971-2021)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Terrorism Regional power Dhofar Liberation Front Taliban ISIS

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۱ تعداد دانلود : ۹۶
In the last half-century, Iran has emerged as a regional power in the Middle East. One of the indicators of a country's regional power is regional custodianship that includes fighting intra-regional threats, such as terrorism. The aim of the current paper is to study Iranian Foreign Policy approach on fighting terrorism. Confronting terrorist groups in the Middle East has been one of the major aspects of Iran's foreign policy under two different political regimes. The Iranian government's struggle with the Dhofar Liberation Front (DLF) in Oman during the Pahlavi era and the fight against the Taliban terrorist group in Afghanistan and ISIS in Iraq and Syria can be seen as examples of this inter-regional struggle after Islamic revolution. Using David Rapoport (2004) and Robert Stewart's theory (2012), the paper seeks to investigate Iran’s foreign policy stance on fighting terrorism in West Asia. The main question of this article is How have the waves of international terrorism, effected Iran's regional foreign policy in the Middle East over the past half century? The findings show that Iran's foreign policy has been countered by the waves of international terrorism and has protected the security of the Middle East against terrorist groups and shows how a strong Iran has always reduced the cost of major powers in the fight against terrorism.

Islam and International Security: from ISIL to Hashd al-Sha’bi


کلیدواژه‌ها: Islam Security Terrorism religion Volunteer

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تعداد بازدید : ۶۶ تعداد دانلود : ۴۸
In security studies school, there are different viewpoints toward religious and its role in domestic and international security systems. From Peace of Westphalia until beginning of 21 century, many experts has thought Talking about the role of religious is meaningless. After 9/11, most politicians were talking about Islamic terrorism. At this time, there are two types of role for Islam in the field of security: first in Daesh as a big terrorist organization that create insecurity in Iraq and second in Hashd al-Sha’bi as a big volunteer organization that try to make Iraq more secure. This paper discuss these two different perspectives on the role of Islam in security.

Comprehensive Model for the Fight against Terrorism: A Political Sociology Approach


کلیدواژه‌ها: Terror Terrorism Positive Aspect Negative Aspect Information Dominance Operational Dominance social participation Organizational Empowerment Internal Consistency Threshold of Social Tolerance Insight Public Awareness

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۵۷
The increase of terrorist acts and the essential, methodological and instrumental evolution of terrorism have led to the emergence of various forms of terrorist acts that cannot be combated with conventional and existing patterns. In this study, the researcher has addressed the comprehensive model for the fight against terrorism in order to enhance the domestic knowledge of this phenomenon and to pay attention to the practical needs existed in this field. The researcher by using descriptive-analytical method aims to identify both positive and negative aspects of comprehensive model for fighting terrorism. This model is based on six strategic policies as follows:A) Policies designed and implemented for the purpose of physical confrontation, weakening and/or elimination of terrorist unit, such as information dominance, organizational empowerment and operational dominance. B) Policies designed to socialize counter-terrorism and are meant to create a powerfully integrated society which has a high degree of impenetrability and certitude in potential terrorist acts. From this perspective, the priority is given to strengthen internal consistency, to heighten public awareness, and to increase the threshold of social tolerance and insight.

The “Counter-Terrorism” Strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the West Asia(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: strategy Islamic Republic Terror Terrorism West Asia

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تعداد بازدید : ۸۹ تعداد دانلود : ۶۴
Peace and security are blessings that God has given to mankind for the sake of growth and development of human societies. What is certain is that peace is a human ideal and all human beings need peace and comfort in their daily lives to work and strive and to realize their material and spiritual abilities. Terrorism -as an old phenomenon with a new form and nature- is one of the most important and challenging problems of our world. Meanwhile, it is so brutal, outrageous, scary and reprehensible that it can be called as "cancer of our modern world". Terrorism by itself does not determine the system of action and reaction. Dealing with terrorism must follow a logical order; An order that is defined against all anti-peace phenomena and lies in natural, divine and human values. The international system lacks a clear and comprehensive strategy against security threats and peace violations. Therefore, the counter-terrorism mechanisms and measures stipulated in the existing international documents have sometimes taken a direction that are not necessarily compatible with other measures that have been established regarding other categories of world peace; Rather, their contradictions and incompatibilities are clearly visible in practice. With an innovative action, especially in the last decade, the Islamic Republic of Iran has taken a strategy to eradicate terrorism. In this regard, while dealing with the roots and intellectual and religious foundations of terrorism, Iran has simultaneously, Tactically and operationally tried to fight with the manifestations of terrorism and prevent the expansion of terrorist attacks. in this field, it has had extensive cooperation with international and regional organizations and their executive bodies, such as Interpol.

حقوق متهمی جرائم الإرهاب فی ظل مبادئ المحاکمه العادله؛ دراسه مقارنه(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۶۹ تعداد دانلود : ۷۷
معاقبه ومحاکمه مرتکبی جرائم الإرهاب حق وواجب لکل دوله لأجل ضمان السلام والاستقرار فی المجتمع وتأمین حق الدوله فی عقاب کل من یتعدی علی نظامها واستقرارها العام. إلا أن هذا الحق مقید بأصول تدعی أصول المحاکمه العادله والتی تسعی إلی اتخاذ إجراءات عادله بحق متهمی جرائم الإرهاب، تضمن کرامتهم وتحمیهم من الدعاوی الکیدیه والشکاوی الانتقامیه من جانب، ومن جانب آخر تضمن سیاده القانون ومبدأ الشرعیه الإجرائیه وحقوق الإنسان. علی الرغم من أهمیه رعایه أصول المحاکمه العادله بحق متهمی جرائم الإرهاب والتأکیدات التی أکدتها المواثیق الدولیه بضروره رعایتها وظهور الاتجاه الجدید بضروره رعایته، إلا أنه ما یلاحظ مؤخراً بأن التشریعات الداخلیه لدول عدیده تفتقر أو ینقصها مبادئ المحاکمه العادله بحق متهمی جرائم الإرهاب فی تشریعاتها الخاصه بمکافحه الإرهاب وهذه المشکله کانت سبباً لانتهاکات لا یحمد عقباها. من هذا المنطلق تدرس هذه المقاله بالطریقه التحلیلیه والوصفیه والمقارنه، لتبین الأسس النظریه والقانونیه التی تحث علی ضروره رعایه أصول المحاکمه العادله بحق متهمی جرائم الإرهاب وصور المحاکمه العادله وضمانتها حتی لا یدان متهم بریء ویفلت المجرم الحقیقی من العقاب. توصلت هذه المقاله إلی أن حق الدوله فی عقاب مرتکبی جرائم الإرهاب، یقابله واجب علیها وهو رعایه أصول المحاکمه العادله بحق المتهمین بارتکابها وضروره النص علیها ورعایتها فی قوانینها وهذا الحق قائم علی أسس نظریه وقانونیه علی الصعیدین الداخلی والدولی، تفرض ضروره رعایتها وتوجب وضع مؤیدات (جزائیه، ومدنیه وإداریه...) علی مخالفتها وتضمن للمتهمین بالرجوع إلی جهه قضائیه لضمان حقوقهم فی حال نقضها.

انتهاکات داعش للقوانین الدولیه واحتمال مسؤولیه الحکومه السوریه تجاهها(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۵۱ تعداد دانلود : ۵۱
إن داعش فی سوریا قد ارتکبت عملیات إرهابیه تم تصنیفها ضمن جرائم الحرب وجرائم ضد الإنسانیه وجرائم الإباده الجماعیه. ولکن القضیه لدینا هی إذا ما کانت أفعال داعش کجماعه متمرده فاشله تُنسب إلی الحکومه السوریه أم لا. تظهر الدراسه أن الأعمال الإجرامیه وغیر الحکومیه لداعش لا تُنسب للحکومه السوریه وبذلک الحکومه السوریه غیر مسؤوله دولیاً عنها. لکن بشکل استثنائی، فی حال فشل الحکومه السوریه أو تقصیرها فی قمع ومحاکمه داعش أو منح العفو لأعضائها، یمکن أن یُنسب سلوکهم إلی الحکومه السوریه ویمکن نسب الأعمال الاقتصادیه و الإداریه و القضائیه التی قام بفعلها تنظیم داعش علی الأراضی الواقعه تحت سیطرته فی سوریا فی هذه المده إلی الحکومه السوریه فی حال تحققت شروط الماده التاسعه من مواد المسؤولیه الدولیه. القضیه الأساسیه هی أنها بالنظر إلی الإطاحه بما یسمی بحکومه داعش وعدم وجود الدوله الإسلامیه فی العراق والشام، ما هی السلطه المسؤوله عن الأعمال المخالفه للقانون الدولی التی ارتکبتها تلک الحکومه التی نسبت نفسها بنفسها خلال حیاتها؟ لذلک فالمسأله المطروحه هی المسؤولیه الدولیه لحکومه داعش التی لم تعد موجوده، لکن المسؤولیه الجنائیه لأعضاء داعش هی قضیه أخری ولیست موضوع هذا البحث. وکُتبت العدید من الأبحاث حول المسؤولیه الجنائیه، لکن قضیه المسؤولیه الدولیه بسبب الأعمال غیر القانونیه لداعش لم تحظ باهتمام خاص.

Extremist Thought in The New Media and Its Impact on Society (Case Study: Defense Network of The Companions and Mothers of The Believers)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Sectarianism Extremist Thought Terrorism new media Network of Companions defense

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۱ تعداد دانلود : ۴۷
SUBJECT & OBJECTIVES: Extremist thought in the new media and its impact on society, showing the role of this media, in how they employ the contents of the Islamic values and concepts, within the framework of forming a specific intellectual trend, that aims to influence the vision and convictions of individuals. This analysis also uncovers the most famous electronic communication networks, influencing the extremism and deviation of thought among Arab youth, by analyzing the path of their emergence and formation. Revealing the distortion and misinformation in the media discourse, directed through the network for the defense of the companions and mothers of the believers.METHOD & FINDING: The study relied on precise research tools, such as the technique of quantitative content analysis, the use of the framing method, and the questionnaire also are adopted. The treatment required several research approaches, such as historical, descriptive, and analytical ones. Additionally, using statistics, opinion polls, and numbers fall within the inductive approach. The comparative approach was also used when comparing theory and practice in a case study. The study showed the failure of these extremist sites to distort the image of religious thought and to deviate human societies from their nature, faith, and morality.CONCLUSION: The concepts and values broadcast by these media outlets do not bear the characteristics of thought that make them fall within Islamic thought. Those are thoughts that deviate from the values of Islam.