جستارهای زبانی (پژوهش های زبان و ادبیات تطبیقی)
جستارهای زبانی دوره 15 فروردین و اردیبهشت 1403 شماره 1 (پیاپی 79) (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Although intercultural communicative competence (ICC) has been foregrounded in L2 pedagogy, the status of intercultural pedagogy in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL) education in terms of policymaking and planning stages has remained under-represented. Against this backdrop, the present study used interviews as a data source to explore the intercultural beliefs, knowledge, and planning of language institute managers and supervisors as micro-level policymakers. The findings revealed that, in general, participants were in favor of intercultural pedagogy and held positive views; yet, they lacked sufficient knowledge and neglected ICC in most aspects of their educational decisions and planning. In addition, their preference for considering learners’ L1 culture and the existence of restrictive macro-level language policies were among the factors that hindered intercultural practice. Overall, the findings can enhance our understanding of ICC practice in language institutes and policymaking for ICC pedagogy.
Design and Application of Intelligent Classroom in English Language and Literature Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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"English Language and Literature" courses are essential components of university education. They provide a significant avenue for understanding the politics, economics, and customs of English-speaking countries. These courses facilitate a mastery of English grammar, which in turn enhances students' comprehension of spoken and written English content. However, traditional modes of instruction in English Language and Literature often lack engagement and interactivity, thereby limiting the effectiveness of learning in this field. In order to boost learners' interest and efficiency in studying English, it is imperative to shift away from conventional teaching approaches. With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence in various domains, its integration with English Language and Literature education can yield intelligent learning experiences. This study employs a combination of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) to reform the teaching model in English Language and Literature. The results indicate that CNN and GRU methodologies offer substantial support in realizing intelligent approaches to teaching this field. These methods exhibit a high degree of similarity and accuracy in predicting linguistic features in English Language and Literature. They excel in terms of predictive and scatter error distribution, showcasing superior performance.
Teachers as Emotional Agents: Contributions of an Online Asynchronous Teacher Education Initiative(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Motivated by the growing significance of research on language teacher emotion regulation, the present study investigated the contributions of an online asynchronous teacher education initiative to L2 teachers’ emotion regulation. Drawing on Gross’ (1998, 2015) model of emotion regulation, the data gathered from interviews with four teachers prior to and after the course, their reflective narratives, online discussions, and class observations were qualitatively analyzed. The analyses pointed to the microgenetic development of teachers in terms of the incremental learning and application of the course content (i.e., emotion regulation) to their instructional practice. In other words, the participants incrementally drew on the learned strategies to up/down-regulate their emotions as English teachers. Additionally, the participant teachers tended to articulate their thoughts via reflective narratives by adopting the professional discourse, further implying the participant teachers’ access to their cognitions.
The Applicability of Positive Psychology in Social Media-Based Language Learning(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Dominating people’s lives, Social Media (SM) has gained a special place in every individual’s life in terms of becoming a tool to communicate with peers, families, and friends. Providing innovative functionalities, like forming groups, liking, reacting, and motivating, to modernize digital schooling, has made SM pervasive among students and teachers. The present paper tries to conceptually review and discuss the applicability of positive psychology in EFL education along with social-media-based language learning. Recently, in favor of distance learning, the world has witnessed a dramatic change in education, particularly in L2 learning, happening through social media (SM). However, there is a lack of a systematic study on the application of positive psychology in social media-based language learning, Therefore, it can be helpful to consider the effects of social media on L2 learning from a positive psychology perspective. As a first step in the field, the study aims to clarify how learners’ positiveness can bring about success and flourishment in social media-based L2 learning. Afterward, potential pedagogical implications and limitations are explained. With the hope of expanding the literature on PP in social-media-based Language learning, suggestions for future studies are proposed.
A Methodological Synthesis of Research Articles in the English for Specific Purposes’s Lifespan(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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This research synthesized the methodological issues of studies published in English for Specific Purposes from its debut in 1980 up to 2020, from both an overall perspective and also periodically in four decades. To this aim, we examined 617 empirical articles with regard to two themes: (a) research methodology, and (b) data sources. More specifically, we probed into the methodological designs, how they were integrated and the points of departure in qualitative research. Our results brought to the fore that the majority of ESP articles were framed as combined methods studies, most frequently concurrent designs, dominated by qualitative data and data collection. As well, about half of qualitative studies did not specify their approach and the majority of quantitative works utilized descriptive statistics and combinations of different tests. Pertaining to data sources, text samples as well as an amalgamation of different data collection techniques were the most prominent ones. Based on these results and discussion, we provided empirically–grounded recommendations and suggestions for promoting methodological transparency and rigor for the prospective studies for the field of ESP and applied linguistics in general.
The Embodiment of Environmental Discourse in Language Learning: A Critical Ecolinguistic Study of EFL Textbooks in Indonesia(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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As environmental issues become more prevalent, it is vital to incorporate ecological components into the curriculum to equip future generations with the necessary foundations to preserve and improve ecology. In light of this circumstance, many countries are compelled to include instructional approaches representing environmentally-based topics in textbooks. Nevertheless, whether the textbooks facilitate environmental education (EE) to promote ecological principles or foster students' competence in recurrent environmental concerns is ambivalent, particularly in the Indonesian context. The current study attempts to analyze the ecological verbal and visual contents engaged in Indonesian EFL textbooks. This study also unpacks the extent to which EFL textbooks in Indonesia accurately reflected the ecolinguistics perspective. Content analysis was employed in this study, adapting Stibbe’s (2015) ecolinguistics framework and Kress and van Leeuwen’s (2016) visual grammar theory. The findings revealed that EE in Indonesian EFL textbooks highlights the natural beauty and ecotourism locations while mainly disregarding ecological degradation. In contrast, EFL textbooks must emphasize contemporary world issues to cultivate positive attitudes and ecological consciousness among learners. Subsequently, these findings have significant consequences for the development of environment modules in Indonesian EFL textbooks.
Recast Enrichment Episodes for Improving EFL Learners’ Written Accuracy and Complexity: Reaching out to Learner Negotiation(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Findings on recast as feedback on learners’ erroneous forms tend to be less than conclusive or confirmatory. Also, the conventional formulations in literature give partial accounts of recasting as an effective methodological practice. The present study proposes recast enriched by negotiation (REN) on the learners’ part as an alternative. For investigating the hypothetical effect, three all-female groups were concentrated on, namely explicit feedback, recast and REN. Summary writing task as post-test concentrated on the learners’ accuracy in terms of error-free T units, and complexity regarding word per sentence ratio as well as lexical density. One-way ANOVA for three independent samples and post hoc analyses revealed that accuracy and word per sentence ratio did not vary significantly; however, lexical density improved as a result of REN. Findings and implications of the study are discussed in the light of methodological potentials and literature.
Factors Affecting Foreign Language Teachers’ Willingness to Communicate in Second Language(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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While different models and questionnaires have been devised and used to measure learners’ willingness to communicate in a second language (L2 WTC), to date, few scales, if any, can be found to measure foreign language teachers’ L2 WTC (FLT WTC). Therefore, the current project was designed to address this gap in the literature through an empirical investigation of the factors affecting FLT WTC. Consistent with an inclusive review of the literature and expert panel consultations, a model of contributing factors to FLT WTC was hypothesized, a representative questionnaire was devised and went through Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. A large scale of 1044 foreign language teachers participated in different stages of the study. The statistical indices of the study confirmed that the model was fit and the questionnaire established appropriate levels of reliability, and face, content, construct, convergent, and discriminant validity. It was found that teacher perceptions, student traits, classroom atmosphere, classroom settings, and discussion topics play significant roles in FLT WTC. The study can draw the teachers’ / institutes’ attention to the factors affecting FLT WTC, and the validated questionnaire can be used as an instrument to measure FLT WTC in future studies.
Hiatus Resolution and Its Relation to Vowel Shortening in Persian and Central Kurdish: An Optimality-Theoretic Approach(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The present study aimed to investigate vowel hiatus resolution and its relation to vowel shortening in Persian and Central Kurdish within an Optimality-Theoretic framework. The results showed that both Persian and Central Kurdish use glide formation through vowel shortening to resolve hiatus in certain environments. Persian has its own way to resolve vowel hiatus. The two high vowels /i/ and /u/, as a result of glide formation through vowel shortening, are changed into a short vowel and the glides /j/ and /w/, respectively. In Central Kurdish, glide formation occurs in high vowels /iː, uː/ and mid-high vowels /ēː, ōː/. In Persian, glide formation involves a quantitative reduction in the long vowel /iː/ and a quantitative and qualitative alteration in the long vowel /uː/. On the other hand, glide formation in Central Kurdish involves only a quantitative reduction in long vowels. Based on an OT analysis, the main factor in resolving vowel hiatus in both Persian and Central Kurdish is the obligatory presence of onset in the syllable structure. In contexts in which glide formation occurs through vowel shortening, the ranking of the active constraints in Persian and Central Kurdish is: ONSET, AGREE(place) >> MAX, DEP >> IDENT(µ).
Iranian Prospective English Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Neurocognitive Science Core Concepts: A Phenomenological Study(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Advocating the inclusion of neurocognitive science concepts in English language teacher training curriculum is gaining more interest. However, little is known about the prospective teachers' perceptions of neurocognitive science core concepts. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the prospective ELT teachers' perceptions of the neurocognitive core concepts and the applications of them through the lens of four neuro-educational models in the classroom practices. Fifteen prospective Iranian ELT teachers were interviewed and the data were analyzed using the phenomenological method. The findings revealed that the prospective ELT teachers lacked a clear understanding of the neurocognitive concepts and their implications in classroom practices. The findings support the inclusion of neurocognitive science core concepts training in language teachers' professional development.
Insights into Moral Education: Iranian English Teachers’ Conception of Morality(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The present study attempted to look deeply into how Iranian English teachers defined morality and if there was any significant difference with respect to gender and years of teaching experience. The study followed a mixed-methods design including a semi-structured interview and a multiple choice single-item questionnaire. The results revealed that while the main concern for the participants in different decades of teaching was choosing right over wrong, the prevailing theme for male and female teachers differed in that the male teachers moved towards less personalized and more agentic conceptions, whereas female teachers were more concerned with the context and society as their experience increased. The analysis of the quantitative data also illustrated there was a significant difference between female and male teachers in the 2nd and 3rd decades of teaching. Moreover, the differences between participants based on their level of experience were statistically significant
La traduction dans le roman: le cas de Mille Soleils splendides de Khaled Hosseini(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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This article attempts to shed light on translation in the multilingual novel, an operation carried out by the author himself. For this purpose, we have chosen Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini translated into French by Mille Soleils splendids. Persian-speaking just like his characters, the author adopts English as his writing language but feeds it with Persian idioms that he glosses in different ways during his story. The writer incorporation modes of the original language into novel's vehicular language as well as the translation strategies adopted for the transfer of meaning, are the subject of our research. Plurilingualism study in the novel genre, these facts and effects, constitute the theoretical framework on which the textual strategies analysis of translation in the novel is carried out. The translation processes which take care of the language referents strangeness and original culture's such as borrowing and transfer being the processes most used by Hosseini , his glossary practice which reassures an almost perfect understanding for the universal reader the peculiarity of writer-translator pen's
L'Efficacité de l'Apprentissage en ligne des Langues étrangères dans l'ère Post-COVID-19 dans les établissements d'enseignement supérieur(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Pendant le COVID-19, les universités et les établissements d'enseignement supérieur ont été appelés à dispenser un enseignement en ligne en raison de la pandémie. Le nouvel environnement d'enseignement a créé une nouvelle méthode d'enseignement qui a inspiré la plupart des pays à adopter l'enseignement en ligne même après la pandémie. L'Université de Yarmouk, parmi d'autres en Jordanie, a établi ses classes post-COVID-19 entièrement en ligne ou hybride (partiellement en ligne). L'étude actuelle vise à révéler l'efficacité de l'apprentissage en ligne des langues étrangères après la pandémie de COVID-19 du point de vue d'étudiants universitaires choisis au hasard dans différentes universités. Pour mener à bien la présente recherche, nous avons élaboré un questionnaire et l'avons envoyé à des étudiants universitaires de différentes universités jordaniennes. Les réponses ont été recueillies et analysées dans le programme SPSS. Les résultats de l'étude ont montré que l'interaction par le biais de l'e-learning a obtenu une moyenne de (3,09), avec un pourcentage de (62%). De plus, la capacité des étudiants à accéder aux ressources d'apprentissage en ligne a obtenu une moyenne de (3,06) et un pourcentage de (61,3%), tandis que l'efficacité de l'enseignement par l'apprentissage en ligne a obtenu une moyenne de (3,04) et un pourcentage de (61%). La recherche a abouti à plusieurs recommandations, notamment la nécessité pour l’administration universitaire de se concentrer davantage sur les besoins des étudiants en langues étrangères en matière d'e-learning à l'avenir et de développer des systèmes bien connus tels que le système modèle.