جستارهای زبانی (پژوهش های زبان و ادبیات تطبیقی)
جستارهای زبانی دوره 15 آذر و دی 1403 شماره 5 (پیاپی 83) (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The success of language teachers and learners is definitively pertinent to the emotions they experience in academic environments. Accordingly, the factors impacting language teachers’ and learners’ emotions must be recognized. Many scholars have scrutinized emotional variables in response to this necessity through various methodological approaches. The present study aims to evaluate some of the innovative approaches to assessing emotional factors to see how innovative they are and review their positive points and shortcomings. To do so, Q Methodology (Q), idiodynamic method, Latent Growth Curve Modeling (LGCM), Process Tracing Approach (PTA), Social Network Analysis (SNA), Nested Ecosystem Model (Ecological approach), and Retrodictive Qualitative Modeling (RQM) methods have been selected to be reviewed in this research. The findings highlight several strengths and weaknesses of each of the methodological approaches. It has also been reported that these approaches need to be context-specific and person-sensitive to generate more accurate data. Among the approaches, PTA and SNA have received scant attention in the investigation of emotional factors since the data in these two approaches cannot be reported precisely in narrative form. Our study would be conducive for all researchers, notably those working in the field of language teachers’ and learners’ psychology.
Students’ Perceptions of Learning EFL in The Combination of Face-to-Face and Online Teaching Environments(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The combination of face-to-face and online teaching, also called Blended learning (BL) has practically become one of the prevalent models of teaching and learning all over the world. Particularly, it has been applied as a new trend of using technology to concurrently combine in-class and out-of-class learning to optimize the educational impacts on students. However, BL is still quite a new learning model and has not been applied widely in teaching English in Vietnam. The current study was conducted to explore students’ perceptions of BL, the difficulties students think they have, and the percentage of face-to-face and online learning they prefer when learning in the BL environment. Sixty civil engineering students participating in the survey filled out a questionnaire after the forms of BL and the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle had been introduced to them. The findings indicated that more than half of the participants were stimulated by BL and willing to take on the challenges. Nevertheless, some concerns about the lack of IT skills to fulfill the requirements of the BL course cannot be ignored.
The Role of Agency and Identity in the Language Socialization of Iranian EFL Learners during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Ethnographic Study(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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In the context of language socialization, second/foreign language (L2) instruction is a crucial context for secondary socialization, especially when it takes place outside the learners’ culture of origin. This study explored how Iranian EFL learners socialize through the rules of EFL classes and how gender, parents, and native language affect their language socialization during the COVID-19 pandemic. We focused on two fundamental principles of language socialization (Lee & Bucholtz, 2015): agency and identity. In this ethnographic study, we collected the data by observing two classes in a WhatsApp group, interviewing the learners four times through Skype, asking them to write down their reflections about their class procedure, and writing our reflections about teachers-students interactions. We used Direct Qualitative Content Analysis method to analyze the data. To simplify data classification and interpretation, we utilized the MAXQDA-2020 software. The findings revealed two sub-categories for learners’ agency (talent and experience) and three sub-categories for learners’ identity (gender, parents, and native language). The results also showed that language socialization is bidirectional, and learners face forms of negotiating, accepting, or rejecting their agency and identity across this socialization process. The learners’ L1 and culture influence their opinion about the English language and culture. Whether this effect is negative or positive depends on proficiency level, gender, and social context. Finally, cyberspace provided a suitable context for language socialization, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Findings showed several pedagogical implications for EFL teachers and learners.تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها دو زیرمقوله برای عاملیت زبان آموزان (استعداد و تجربه) و سه زیرمقوله برای هویت زبان آموزان (جنسیت، والدین و زبان بومی) را مشخص می سازد. نتایج این پژوهش همچنین نشان می دهد که جامعه پذیری زبان دوسویه است و زبان آموزان در طی فرآیند جامعه پذیری با اشکال مذاکره، پذیرش یا عدم پذیرش عاملیت و هویت خود مواجه می شوند. فرهنگ و زبان اول زبان آموز بر نظر او راجع به زبان و فرهنگ انگلیسی تأثیر می گذارد. چه این تأثیر منفی باشد چه مثبت بستگی به سطح بسندگی، جنسیت و بافت اجتماعی دارد. یافته ها به چندین پیامد آموزشی برای معلمان و فراگیران زبان انگلیسی دلالت دارند.
Tracing the Trajectory of Teacher Engagement in the Case of a CPD: Does Fake Engagement Really Exist?(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Teachers’ engagement in continuing professional development activities plays an essential role in the design, implementation, and effectiveness of in-service teacher training (INSET) programs. Understanding multidimensional orientations of teacher engagement in continuing professional development (CPD) activities, albeit fluctuations and deceptive images, may provide implications for the rate and pace of their professional development. To address this issue, the present study aims to understand teachers’ engagement orientations, namely cognitive, behavioral, and affective; as well as the levels, i.e. authenticity or fakeness of their engagement. In doing so, this study further aims to analyze how the participants with different engagement orientations revealed signs of fake and/or genuine engagement. The data collected from the observations of a six-week-long CPD course and semi-structured interviews conducted after the completion of the course indicated that teachers with different engagement orientations demonstrated various ways of genuine and/or fake participation in the CPD course. Pedagogical implications highlight an assortment of courses of action to maximize authentic teacher engagement.
Work Engagement in Online Instructional Settings: Unveiling Iranian EFL Teachers’ Perspectives and Experiences(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Since teachers’ perceptions of work engagement can strongly shape their engagement level, it is imperative to explore how teachers perceive this construct and its associated dimensions. With this in mind, some researchers have evaluated teachers’ beliefs and attitudes towards this notion. Notwithstanding this, to the authors’ knowledge, no study has examined language teachers’ viewpoints on this variable and its significance in online EFL classes. To bridge these gaps, this phenomenological study explored Iranian EFL teachers’ perceptions and experiences of work engagement and its value in online English courses. To this aim, using the purposive sampling strategy, a total of 21 EFL teachers were chosen from different state, private, and non-profit universities in Iran. To obtain the required data, all participants were invited to complete an open-ended questionnaire. To reach more comprehensive data, from among the 21 participants, nine willingly took part in a 20-minute interview session. Results obtained from content analysis revealed that Iranian EFL teachers considered work engagement as a complex variable with four related dimensions of emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and social engagement. The results also indicated that Iranian teachers perceived work engagement as an important professional behavior that results in increased academic achievements, professional advancement, improved teaching quality, and strong teacher-student rapport. Hence, education leaders and teacher educators should support Iranian EFL teachers in enhancing work engagement dimensions to improve professional growth and teaching quality.
TPACK, English Proficiency, and Technology Applications in Pre-service English Teacher Professional Development Teaching Practice(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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English proficiency as the content knowledge for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers determines their instructional quality. However, previous studies have not focused on the significance of this knowledge in support of Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) on technology adoption in teaching. Therefore, this study aims at finding out the correlation between TPACK and technology applications, and how technology applications link to teachers’ English proficiency levels. The study adopted a quantitative method, and the data were collected using two questionnaires in Likert scale, one for TPACK and another for technology application. Teachers’ English proficiency levels are determined using the content knowledge dimension of TPACK. The questionnaires were completed online by 74 English pre-service teacher graduates who had participated in a national teacher certification program involving real teaching practice. The data were analyzed using the Spearman correlation coefficient to determine the correlation between TPACK dimensions and technology adoption and ordinal logistic regression analysis to find out the effect of teachers’ English proficiency levels on technology applications. The results show that most TPACK dimensions correlate to technology applications with the level of correlations between 0.26 (weak) and 0.47 (moderate). English proficiency has been found to affect technology applications only among teachers who regularly used technology in teaching. Teachers with high English proficiency used technology in teaching 3.06 times more frequently than those whose English proficiency was low. Therefore, it is recommended that English proficiency development be inscluded in teacher professional development to ensure that teachers use technology in teaching
The Anthropocene and The Absence of Fixed Narration Structures: The Semiotics of Narration in Jeff VanderMeer’s Annihilation(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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In Jeff VanderMeer’s Annihilation, the way the Anthropocenic set of circumstances is narrated could not be easily explained away through giving precedence to either materialist or structuralist narratologists. In this sense, neither the materiality of the environment nor the arbitrary categories and models of structuralists such as Greimas could determine the ultimate narratological scheme with which one could make sense out of such set of circumstances. Only through modifying the extant narratological categories and models and exposing their arbitrariness via indicating their incapability to contain the formidable materiality of the environment, one could reach a workable semiotic framework for devising a narrative out of the anthropocenic set of circumstances. Reaching this framework would be the present study’s research objective. As its findings, the study recognizes that such a framework would not give the agency of devising narration to either non-human/environmental or human entities in the anthropocene, and at the same time will be the result of the uneasy, yet workable, coupling of these entities. This framework would also acknowledge the uncontainable nature of the environment in the anthropocene, and turn both human and non-human entities into mere actants that have no particular motivation. The study uses the modified narratological models of Algirdas Greimas and Amitav Gosh proposed by critics like Hanes Bergthaller, Marco Caracciolo and Jean Paul Petitimbert to reach this semiotic framework.
Request Speech Act in Malaysian Chinese Mandarin(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Request is used quite often in Malaysian Chinese people’s daily life. Most previous researchers focused on request speech act in mainland Chinese language. However, very little attention is paid to the request speech act in Malaysian Chinese. This study aims to investigate the request speech act in Malaysian Chinese Mandarin. Role play method was employed to elicit data needed for this study. 25 Malaysian Chinese participants and 1 Malaysian Chinese interlocutor were recruited to role play 12 scenarios. The collected data underwent analysis using a revised framework for coding. The results unveiled that the most commonly utilized strategy was conventionally indirect strategy, followed by direct strategy. The least frequently used one was non-conventionally indirect strategy. More external modifiers were used than internal modifiers. Variables of social distance, and ranking of imposition had impacts on request speech act in Malaysian Chinese Mandarin. Social power did not influence the use of ‘query preparatory’ and ‘want statements’ strategy. This study can be of great value with regard to theory and practice. Theoretically, it revises and validates the CCSARP theoretical framework with Malaysian Chinese Mandarin data. Practically, it can improve communication skills in Malaysian Chinese people’s everyday interactions and help them maintain positive relationships.
Pragmatic Deviation of Searle’s Felicity Conditions of Illocutionary Speech Acts in Trump’s Political Speeches(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Reviewing related literature shows deviation from Searle’s felicity conditions has not been given attention. The present paper aims to investigate pragmatic deviation from Searle’s (1969) felicity conditions of illocutionary speech acts in the previous president of the US, Donald Trump’s political language. A qualitative method is used to gather and examine the data. The instrument consists of three oral documents which are chosen purposefully: (1) Trump’s discourse to a group of his supporters in Illinois state, (2) Trump’s meeting with Broadcasters MacCallum and Baier on Fox News Channel, and (3) Trump’s interview with Broadcaster Cooper on CNN Channel. The paper uses a discourse analysis method to study these documents. Findings reveal that Searle’s conditions (propositional content, preparatory, sincerity, essential) are deviated from in Trump’s political speeches: (1) Representative acts by making false claims without providing any evidence, (2) commissive acts by committing himself to do a future action, but Trump fails to fulfill it, (3) directive acts by ordering Joe Biden’s administration to prevent immigrants from entering the US, but Trump’s order cannot be done, (4) expressive acts by jokingly apologizing to his wife because he does not do anything wrong that pushes him to make an apology to her and thus has no real intention to do this act, and (5) declarative acts by declaring they are going to end Pelosi’s career politically, but she is not done. It is also found that deviation from these conditions happens as a means of persuading, influencing, threatening, mocking, and attacking others.
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Former Iranian President’s Speeches in the Time of Covid-19: The Case of Holy Sites Lockdown(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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This study takes a critical look at the purposive manipulation of discourse and rhetoric by the former Iranian President — Hassan Rouhani — when announcing the lockdown of holy sites during the COVID-19 crisis. A discourse analysis with a qualitative design was applied to study the political dimension of the discourse. This study is framed within the domain of systemic functional linguistics mood systems and the classical Aristotelian rhetoric trio — logos, ethos, and pathos. The results revealed that Rouhani mainly used the declarative mood in his speeches which performed three main functions: statements of opinion, statements of fact, and indirect directives. From a rhetorical perspective, Rouhani applied ethos considerably more than pathos and logos as a way to increase the credibility of his words while persuading the audience. Moreover, the researchers noticed that the former president employed multiple strategies to build pathos and ethos with the audience. These findings can suggest and encourage novel future research directions.
Mapping the Semiotic Landscape in Education: Language, Multimodality, and Educational Transformation(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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This bibliometric analysis explores the integration of semiotics within educational contexts, highlighting a transformative shift towards multifaceted understandings of knowledge construction through language, multimodality, and educational transformation. Drawing on 1823 publications from the Web of Science database, this study employs both co-citation and co-word analysis to reveal prevalent themes and keywords in the field of semiotics in education. The co-citation analysis highlights the evolution of semiotic theories and their application in educational practices, from foundational concepts introduced by pioneers such as Saussure and Peirce to modern interpretations that consider the impact of digital technologies on semiotic resources. Co-word analysis, on the other hand, uncovers key research topics such as multimodality, multiliteracies, and the role of technology in mediating semiotic learning processes. This investigation is novel in its comprehensive approach to mapping the semiotic landscape in education through bibliometric methods, offering insights into how semiotic theories shape educational practices and outcomes, especially in language teaching and learning. By synthesizing findings from diverse research clusters, this study emphasizes the importance of adopting a multidisciplinary approach to understand the dynamic interaction between semiotics, technology, and learning. It contributes to advancing educational research by highlighting the transformative potential of semiotics in crafting more engaging, inclusive, and effective learning environments in the digital era.
The Concept of Cultural Multilingualism Based on Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go”(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Multilingualism and its tangled relationship with culture have been the center of debate for many years. It still sparkles various conceptual arguments and day by day, more academic research is circulating on this subject. The concept of multilingualism and the arguments around this discourse roots in the language itself. To fully grasp the notion of cultural multilingualism, first, we need to perceive how and where language and culture are interlinked. The study of culture has the originality of studying history itself. The first studies on both language and culture date back to the earliest time human attempted to analyze and perceive history. The globalization of multilingualism has led scientists and experts to analyze multilingualism through a cultural lens. It's only in a few decades that perceiving and understanding multilingualism through cultural perspectives has opened the eyes of experts to new horizons. Concerning this fact, this study has evaluated Never Let Me Go, a 2005 Nobel-winning novel by the Japanese-British novelist and screenwriter, Kazuo Ishiguro according to cultural multilingual values. Additionally, this study questions the concept of cultural multilingualism, together with its significance in shaping one's identity and self as the main key in Ishiguro's novel. Proven by the given facts, the current study illustrates how cultural multilingualism forms the author's writing style and mindset as a multilingual individual.
Apprentissage et usages des collocations dans les cours de FLE en contexte universitaire Iranien(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Comment peut-on intégrer les collocations dans l’enseignement-apprentissage du lexique de la langue française en Iran ? Telle est la problématique qu’on se propose de traiter dans cet article, en mettant en perspective la place des collocations dans des productions écrites et orales d’un groupe d’étudiants en langue et littérature françaises. Cette recherche est fondée sur l’analyse d’un corpus composé des productions des étudiants participants, de l’observation de leurs cours et des discours de ces étudiants sur les collocations, recueillis lors des entretiens semi-directifs. Les résultats montrent que les collocations sont actuellement très peu utilisées par les apprenants du FLE en Iran. Les collocations les plus utilisées dans les productions des étudiants sont du type V + N (Verbe +Nom avec article). Les résultats retenus de l’analyse qualitative des réponses des étudiants aux questions de l’entretien montrent que leur statut dans les programmes de l’enseignement du français et dans les contenus des cours dans les filières du français en Iran est loin d’être clair. Nous avons également essayé de donner quelques pistes d’après les résultats obtenus, permettant d’améliorer l’enseignement du lexique en FLE, et en particulier celui de collocations.