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The security of Iran depended to many political factors. Geopolitical regions will be affected on global security and power. countries like Persian Gulf, and the stability of regional Countries depended on the global economy. It risks triggering arms race for preventing a strong state and powerful state in region. Strong state in Iran will change the balance of power in the Middle East. Persian Gulf countries will opposite with strong state in Iran. However, US intend to have political leaders in the region and the unraveling of the non-proliferation must conduct a robust public discussion that thoroughly treaty. US and its regional allies accused Iran for its capability in normative Ideology and revolutionary policy. In addition to those mentioned by Obama, there explores the nature of the Iranian threat, the different policy are many other costs of a nuclear Iran for regional and international countries. So they reaction to the Iranian capability and abilities. The competition of Persian Gulf and Middle East countries, will be affected on the future of regional security. Global economic cannot disregard of Iran’s policy and situation. It does not consider options available, and their consequences for great power and their policy in Persian Gulf. This article discusses on relationship Iranian regional and great power policy. Western allies argue that Iran’s influence in the region; emboldened Iranian-sponsored resistance groups, Iran’s nuclear attempts create enormously challenging such as Hezbollah; the further spread of radical Islamism issues with no easy solutions. In the public debate during and anti-Americanism in an already tumultuous region. In several years ago, especially since 2006 a recurring concern has been the economic reduced chance for Arab-Israeli peace; and greater military risks posed by the available means for preventing a nuclear deployments to the region that American taxpayers will Iran, whether tough sanctions or military action. Such need to fund to try to deter Iranian revolutionary policy.
