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بررسی واجی فرآیندهای تجویدی در قرآن کریم در چارچوب واجشناسی آزمایشگاهی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: ت‍ج‍وی‍د فرایندهای واجی خیشومی لثوی /n/ تحقیق ترتیل

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۳۳ تعداد دانلود : ۳۶۱
در این مقاله به شیوه آزمایشگاهی به بررسی ویژگی های واج شناختی فرایندهای اظهار، ادغام، اقلاب و اخفا مطابق با تعاریف مطرح در علم تجوید پرداختیم. پس، پیکره صوتی قرائت های 12 قاری (3 عرب و 9 ایرانی) که آیه های هدف پژوهش را به دو سبک تحقیق (سرعت آهسته) و ترتیل (سرعت متوسط) تلاوت کرده بودند، جمع آوری شد. کلمات هدف در هر آیه کلماتی بودند که در آنها همخوان خیشومی لثوی /n/ (نون ساکن) در جایگاه پایانی کلمه و در مرز بین دو کلمه در مجاورت آواهای حلقی (اظهار)، آواهای یرملون (ادغام)، انفجاری لبی (اقلاب) و همچنین آواهایی غیر از این سه دسته (اخفا) قرار داشت. نتایج حاصل از تحلیل آوایی داده ها در دو بُعد فرکانس و زمان موج صوتی نشان داد که در دو فرایند ادغام و اقلاب یک اتفاق واجی روی می دهد. به این صورت که /n/ با محل تولید و نحوه تولید بافت همخوانی مجاور همگون می شود درحالی که مشخصه ]+خیشومی[ خود را همچنان حفظ می کند. /n/ در اظهار، در مجاورت آواهای حلقی و چاکنایی، تولیدی به صورت گونه اصلی خود یعنی خیشومی لثوی دارد و در اخفا تظاهر آوایی ندارد و فقط از طریق خیشومی شدگی واکه پیش از آن قابل تشخیص است. یافته های واج شناختی این پژوهش به طور کلی نشان می دهد که در طبقه بندی ارائه شده از فرایندهای واجی در علم تجوید باید تجدید نظر صورت گیرد.

متن شناسی تحریمة القلم و تصحیح ابیاتی از آن(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: سنائی تحریمهالقلم متن پژوهی تبارشناسی نسخ تصحیح

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۳۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۳
ازجمله آثاری که از سنائی غزنوی، شاعر زبان آور و دوران ساز تاریخ ادبیات فارسی باقی مانده، مثنوی کوتاه تحریمهالقلم است. این مثنوی را استادان دانشمند مجتبی مینوی (1336)، رضا مایل هروی (1346) و محمدتقی مدرس رضوی (1348) تصحیح کرده اند. آخرین کوشش، یعنی تصحیح شادروان مدرس رضوی، در نیم قرن اخیر همواره محل توجه و مراجعه اهل تحقیق بوده است. بااین حال، در این چاپ سهوهای متعددی دیده می شود که غالبا به سبب برخی کاستی ها در منابع مصحح و اشکالات روش شناختی رخ داده است. در این نوشتار پس از جست وجو و تحصیل همه منابع شناخته شده این مثنوی تا امروز، نخست به تبارشناسی این منابع و نقد و تحلیل متن شناختی آنها پرداخته ایم، سپس براساس این دست نوشت ها، با توجه به قراین موجود در خود متن، مضامین و ساخت های مشابه در سایر متون ادبی و عرفانی کهن، فرهنگ های قدیم و جدید و تحقیقات معاصران، تعداد قابل توجهی از ابیات متن مصحح مدرس رضوی را تصحیح و اصلاح کرده ایم.

The COVID-19 Lingo: Societies’ Responses in form of Developing a Comprehensive Covidipedia of English vs. Persian Neologisms (Coroneologisms)(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: Corona coinages Covidioglossia English Persian Neologism

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۳۱ تعداد دانلود : ۴۲۷
Languages as living and dynamic structured systems were influenced at the very first moments of the COVID-19 pandemic as they became medicalized by the use and practice of various jargons and technical terms. Meanwhile, homebound individuals around the world started to create a COVID-19 pandemic-related lexical-overload of neologisms (Coroneologisms or Corona coinages) in different languages which started to spread across the globe by mass media, and some of them even entered the official databases of the well-known dictionaries and Wikipedia corpora. This study was a scrutinized attempt to explore the English vs. Persian (Farsi) Coroneologisms across various Extensible Markup Language (XML) corpora and a huge body of E-resource discourses (websites, social media, and news channels and forums) based on embedded mixed-method design to provide a comprehensive insight into their types, structures, and meanings. To provide a better understanding of how and why particular Coroneologisms were created in terms of social, cultural, or political contributing factors, they were investigated based on the reflections of a series of sociolinguistic focus-group E-interviews with 184 volunteer English and Persian native speakers. This study might provide implications for sociolinguistics, corpus-based language studies, lexicographers, designers of corpora, etymologists, and discourse analysts in English and Persian.

بررسی فرایند ترکیب و دسته بندی آن از نظر معنایی و رابطه بین عناصر سازنده آن در زبان مازندرانی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: فرایند ترکیب سازه فعلی سازه غیرفعلی ترکیب وابستگی ترکیب همپایگی

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۶
در پژوهش حاضر کلمات مرکب مازندرانی برگرفته از فرهنگ تبری (نصری اشرفی، 1381)، از نظر معنایی و رابطه بین عناصر سازنده بررسی شده است. برمبنای دسته بندی بیستو و اسکالیز (2005)، به عنوان چارچوب نظری پژوهش، ترکیب سه دسته اصلی همپایگی، اسنادی/ توصیفی و وابستگی را در بر می گیرد. این دسته بندی مبتنی بر روابط دستوری ممکن بین دو سازه در ساختارهای نحوی است. از نظر رابطه بین عناصر سازنده، ترکیب دو دسته فعلی و غیرفعلی را شامل می شود. تأکید مقاله حاضر عمدتا بر ترکیب فعلی و دسته بندی آن است. ترکیب فعلی نوعی ترکیب وابسته است که در ساختار آن سازه غیرفعلی، متمم سازه فعلی است. ترکیب های فعلی از نظر معنایی به چهار دسته موضوعی، غیرموضوعی، گروهی و مکرر تقسیم بندی می شوند. شواهد نشان می دهدکه انطباق نسبتا کاملی بین مازندرانی و دسته بندی بیستو و اسکالیز وجود دارد.

EFL Teachers’ Extent of Occupation Immunity in Iranian Language Centers and Public Schools(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلید واژه ها: language centers Public Schools teachers immunity

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۴
In recent years, the personal characteristics and attitudes of teachers have attracted the attention of various scholars. The teacher’s immunity level is one of the newly proposed concepts in this area. The present study aimed at exploring the difference between the immunity level of the Iranian EFL teachers at language centers and public schools. In order to achieve this objective, one hundred EFL teachers teaching in public schools (N = 50) and language centers (N = 50), in Isfahan, were selected through convenience sampling to participate in this study. Then, the Teachers’ Immunity Level questionnaire was administered to them, and they were interviewed as well.  The obtained results revealed that teachers working in public schools have higher levels of immunity compared to the ones working in language centers. This finding can have some implications for the decision-makers in the Iranian Ministry of Education to provide adequate amenities to improve teachers’ immunity in language centers.

The Relationship among University Lecturers’ Institutional identity, Professional Identity, and Teaching Efficacy(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: EFL university lecturers institutional identity Professional identity research efficacy teaching efficacy

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۷
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among Iranian EFL university lecturers’ professional and institutional identity, and their teaching efficacy. To this end, 100 EFL university lecturers from different branches of Islamic Azad Universities, including Kermanshah, Isfahan and Hamedan, took part in the study by completing the Professional Identity Questionnaire, the Institutional Identity Questionnaire, and the Teachers’ Efficacy Scale. The sampling strategy for selection of the participants of this study was convenience sampling. To answer the research questions, Pearson product-moment correlation and Multiple-regression analyses were run. The results showed that there exists a statistically significant positive relationship between EFL university lecturers' a) professional identity and teaching efficacy, and b) institutional identity and teaching efficacy. 

The Comparative Effect of Antonym in-Text Glosses and Description in-Text Glosses on EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: antonym in-text glosses description in-text glosses Reading Comprehension gloss EFL Learners

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۷ تعداد دانلود : ۲۸۱
The present study was carried out to investigate the comparative effect of antonym in-text glosses and description in-text glosses on a group of Iranian EFL learners' reading comprehension. To fulfill the purpose of this study, 60 female intermediate students between 18 and 19 years old were selected among a total number of 90 through their performance on a piloted PET. These 60 participants were non-randomly divided into two equally populated experimental groups. During the process of this study, in one of the experimental groups the participants were given reading texts with antonym in-text glosses and in the other group, the participants were given reading texts with description in-text glosses. A piloted reading comprehension posttest (derived from another sample of PET) was administered at the end of the treatment to both groups and their mean scores on the test were compared through an independent samples <em>t-test</em>. The result led to the rejection of the null hypothesis, thereby, demonstrating that the learners in the description in-text glosses group benefited significantly more than those in the antonym in-text glosses group in terms of improving their reading comprehension.  

The Effect of Teaching Metacognitive Listening Strategy during Shadowing Activity on Field-Dependent and Field-Independent EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: field-dependent/independent listening comprehension listening strategies metacognitive strategies shadowing

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۴ تعداد دانلود : ۲۷۰
This study aimed to compare the effect of teaching metacognitive listening strategies through shadowing activity on the listening comprehension of field-dependent (FD) and field-independent (FI) EFL learners. Since the researcher had access only to female participants,85 female EFL learners from a language institute in Tehran, at the pre-intermediate level of proficiency with the age range of 18-35 were selected out of the initial 120 participants based on their performance on a piloted PET. The Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT) was administered to the selected participants in order to categorize them into the two experimental groups (49 FD and 36 FI). The participants including both FD and FI sat in several classes. During a five-week instruction period (twice a week), both groups practiced listening comprehension for 45 minutes through a combination of shadowing activity, and metacognitive strategy instruction with no difference in treatment. The results of the independent samples t-test demonstrated that there was no significant difference between listening posttest scores of FI and FD groups. Therefore, it was concluded that metacognitive strategy training coupled with shadowing activity could be equally beneficial in terms of listening proficiency for all students regardless of their perceptual tendency (FD/FI). The findings of the present study have implications for language teachers regarding metacognitive strategy training and listening comprehension enhancement.

The effect of Virtual and Real Classroom Instruction on Inter-language Pragmatic Development: Microblogging versus Traditional Instruction of Speech Acts to Iranian EFL Learners(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: Iranian EFL learners Pragmatic awareness real classroom instruction Speech Acts virtual classroom

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۵
Despite the fact that virtual learning seems to have considerable potential for enhancing language learners’ communicative abilities, it has received less attention for improving pragmatic competence of learners in EFL educational settings. The present study was an attempt to investigate the impact of virtual and real classroom instruction of speech acts on the pragmatic awareness and development of Iranian EFL learners. To do so, a quasi-experimental study was designed and, through a homogeneity test, 57 EFL female language learners at the intermediate level were chosen. The participants were randomly divided into the experimental groups of virtual and real classroom learning and went through the procedure of pretest, intervention, and posttest; the pertinent data were collected by means of a PET test, a speech-act pre-test and comparable post-tests of speech acts. Both measures of independent and paired-samples t-test were used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that instruction of speech acts through both virtual and real classroom techniques can be conducive to the promotion of pragmatic awareness among the EFL learners in the Iranian context; meanwhile, real classroom instruction of speech acts proved to be more fruitful and more significantly elevated the pragmatic awareness of Iranian EFL learners. We conclude the study drawing on the implications of our findings for ELT and EFL policy makers, language educators and teachers, material developers, and learners.

Promoting Dialogic Talk in a Speaking Classroom: Rethinking Bakhtinian Pedagogy(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: dialogic teaching dialogic discourse pattern EFL students learners’ perceptions Speaking Skill

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۵
This study sought to promote EFL learners' speaking ability drawing on Bakhtin’s notion of dialogic discourse pattern (DDP) and to explore their perceptions towards implementing dialogic teaching (DT) in a speaking classroom. To this end, from the population of students in different language institutes, 47 students were selected based on a purposive sampling method. The data were collected at two step-wise processes adopting a mixed-method approach. First, the researcher directed two EFL teachers to apply the DDP principles in a dialogic (DG) and non-dialogic group (NDG). The intervention lasted for 12 weeks. Then, a posttest of speaking was conducted to track the possible improvement. The findings attested that the dialogic talk could promote EFL learners’ speaking ability. Next, DG group was required to complete a written discourse completion task to determine the extent to which incorporating DT could promote learners’ speaking ability. To analyze the data, Thomas's (2006) inductive approach was adopted comprising the dominant themes. The results revealed different themes and sub-themes such as developing self-directed learning skills, disseminating critical literacy practice, fostering language learning, promoting motivation and affective factors, to name but a few. The findings propose some implications for classroom management, materials preparation, and language policy program.

Investigating Lexico-grammaticality in Academic Abstracts and Their Full Research Papers from a Diachronic Perspective(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: lexico-grammaticality academic papers metafunctions Systemic functional linguistics

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۹۶
Development of science and academic knowledge has led to changes in academic language and transfer of information and knowledge. In this regard, the present study is an attempt to investigate lexico-grammaticality in academic abstracts and their full research papers in Linguistics, Chemistry and Electrical engineering papers published during 1991-2015 in academic journals from a diachronic perspective through quantitative research design. The focus of this paper is on transitivity, mood and theme analysis in the corpus according to Halliday's (1994) systemic functional linguistics model. So, all the attempts are to find the changes in abstracts and research papers of these disciplines and how they are to be positioned in different linguistic contexts over time. The results revealed that research papers employ the spectrum of possible lexical realization quite differently as compared to general English, especially concerning the use of specific lexical items. Also, the results of chi-squares of each discipline showed that there are significant differences between papers over time at .05 level of significance (.000< .05) with regard to the transitivity, mood, and theme. 

Professional Success among Iranian University Professors of TEFL: A study on the Basis of Goffman's Footing Theory(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: animator author footing theory principal professional success

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۲۰
This study aimed at exploring the influence of the role that a teacher employs on his/her professional success. The teacher role was investigated from a new outlook, Goffman's footing theory. According to Goffman (1981), a speaker's role can be classified into three categories of animator, author, and principal, characterized as the repeater of the ideas made by the others, the paraphraser of concepts, and the creator of original ideas, respectively. Applying this theory in the educational context, the researchers selected 36 university professors of TEFL in the MA level and asked their students (N=118) to identify their professors' dominant role as animator, author, or principal, both generally and individually, via a metaphor checklist and their professional success via the Characteristic of Successful Iranian EFL Teacher Questionnaire. The results of Chi-square analysis indicated that the professors dominantly take on the author and animator roles respectively. One-way Anova results also demonstrated that the professors taking on the principal role enjoy higher professional success than those adopting the animator and author roles. The results offer implications and suggestions for pedagogical consideration within the Iranian university context.

Improving Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Oral Narrative Task Performance in Terms of Accuracy, Fluency and Complexity by Awareness Raising Through Semantic Fields(مقاله پژوهشی دانشگاه آزاد)

کلید واژه ها: Awareness raising narrative task oral narrative semantic fields Task performance Accuracy fluency Complexity

حوزه های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۸ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۵
The effects different awareness-raising techniques might have on language learners’ performance have been studied by many researchers. The present study specifically focused on improving EFL learners’ oral narrative task performance in terms of accuracy, fluency and complexity by awareness raising through semantic fields. The participants in the study included 40 intermediate learners whose initial homogeneity in terms of language proficiency was assessed via a Preliminary English Test (PET). They were further randomly assigned as one experimental group and one control group, each comprising 20 participants. The amount of instructional time was 17 sessions, during which the participants in the experimental group received an awareness raising technique through 'semantic fields'. Before and after the treatment, an oral narrative test was administrated. The results of the data analysis revealed that the experimental group which received the awareness raising technique outperformed the control group in three measures of accuracy, fluency and complexity on their performance. The participants showed significant improvements in language proficiency as they retold the narratives. The findings of the present study can create the floor for researchers to go deep through the EFL contexts and find more about the probable effects awareness raising techniques might have on language learning and teaching.

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