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مدیریت پسماند به کلیه برنامه ریزی ها و فعالیت هایی گفته می شود که در حوزه پسماند و به منظور کاهش، جابه جایی، تبدیل، بی خطرسازی یا امحا پسماند صورت می گیرد. سیستم مدیریت زباله از بخش های مختلفی تشکیل می شود. این سیستم را می توان به زنجیری تشبیه کرد که در صورت فقدان یک حلقه از آن، زنجیر ازهم گسیخته می شود. بنابراین عملکرد هر یک از بخش های مدیریت پسماند بر سایر قسمت ها تأثیرگذار خواهد بود. سایت دفن پسماند اهواز در نزدیکی روستای «صفیره» در بخش غیزانیه این شهرستان، از سال 1391 با تعطیل شدن مدفن قدیمی پسماند در منطقه «برومی» راه اندازی شده است. روزانه یک هزار تن زباله شهر به سایت پسماند اهواز منتقل می شود. طبق آخرین آمار اعلام شده میزان جمع آوری زباله در ۲۴ ساعت نزدیک ۸۰۰ تن است که با وجود زباله گردها و جمع آوری زباله های خشک توسط آن ها این میزان کمتر شده است. با توجه به موضوع تحقیق، روش تحقیق توصیفی- تحلیلی است. در این راستا ابتدا با استفاده از نرم افزار GIS به بررسی وضعیت دفن پسماند در شهر اهواز پرداخته شده است. سپس توزیع جغرافیایی مکان های مناسب در دفن پسماند در این شهر مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. برای انجام کارهای تحلیلی، نقشه هایی که به صورت پلی گون هستند تبدیل به رستر و نقشه هایی که به صورت عوارض نقطه ای و خطی بوده اند با استفاده از فاصله اقلیدسی میزان اهمیت آن ها نسبت به مکان دفن پسماند مشخص شده است. در نهایت با استفاده از روش FAHP نقشه پایانی شامل بررسی موقعیت کنونی محل دفن پسماند شهر اهواز و مکان های پیشنهادی به دست آمده است. به منظور تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از تحلیل های آماری و گرافیکی در محیط GIS و SPSS استفاده شده است. نتایج تحقیق مشخص نمود از لحاظ مکانی و محیطی سایت دفن پسماند صفیره در وضعیتی مناسبی قرار دارد و مشکلات شهر اهواز در رابطه با دفن پسماند مربوط به مدیریت صحیح آن است.

An analysis of the location of the landfill in Ahvaz City in order to reduce environmental damage

Extended IntroductionManagement in general is the art and knowledge of efficient and optimal use of resources to achieve the goal, and waste management or waste management is in fact all the planning and activities in the field of waste and in order to reduce, move, convert, Decontamination or disposal of waste takes place. Waste management system consists of different parts. This system can be compared to a chain that in the absence of a loop, the chain will be broken, so the performance of each waste management will affect other parts. Although the waste problem has been solved in many cities of the country and may have become a source of prosperity for the city,In the metropolis of Ahvaz, due to the lack of a clear strategy and proper investment in recent years, it has not been able to bring prosperity to the city and always a lot of garbage in the people, has caused a huge amount of dissatisfaction of citizens. In Ghizaniyeh section of this city, since 1991, with the closure of the old landfill in the "Broumi" area, it has been set up Non-disposal of garbage in a principled manner and according to the rules in this garbage site, provides the conditions for garbage to burn in this site and the smoke from this fire will burn the residents of Sofireh village and most of the villages of Ghizaniyeh section of Ahvaz city and east of this city. Has encountered a problem. One thousand tons of city waste is transferred to the Ahvaz waste site daily. The per capita waste production in the country is 700 grams per person, this per capita in Ahvaz is more than the national average per person. According to the latest statistics, the amount of garbage collected in 24 hours is close to 800 tons, which has decreased despite the fact that garbage collectors and dry garbage collect by them.Material & MethodsAccording to the research topic, the research method is descriptive-analytical. In this regard, first, using GIS software, the situation of waste landfill in Ahvaz city has been studied, then the geographical distribution of suitable places for waste landfill in this city has been studied. For analytical work, maps that have been in the form of polygons have been turned into rasters, and maps that have been in the form of point and linear features have been determined using the Euclidean distance to determine their importance in relation to the landfill. In order to determine all the maps, the importance of classification has been applied to them. Finally, using the FAHP method, the weights obtained from this method are multiplied in the obtained layers, and the final map, which includes the current location of the Ahvaz landfill and the proposed locations, is obtained. In the next stage, using the opinions of experts living in Ahvaz, managerial, economic, environmental and social indicators have been studied. In order to analyze the data, statistical and graphical analyzes in GIS and SPSS were used.Results & DiscussionThe results of the study showed that in terms of location and environment, the ambassador landfill site is in a good condition and the problems of Ahvaz city in relation to waste disposal are due to its proper management . The studies of this study show that in the spatial survey of Safireh landfill, environmental criteria have been relatively observed. Among the landfills around the city of Ahvaz, from 5 very unsuitable to very suitable conditions, Safireh site is in a good condition, which can be said that the location of this site is suitable in terms of environmental characteristics.Conclusion According to the studies and using the opinions of experts, it can be stated that the waste problems of Ahvaz city originate from the same source, ie its production and lack of management. Also, the studies of this study showed that the economic criterion has been the most important factor in the view of experts in locating landfills. The results for the study of proper waste management at the source indicate that the component of proper waste management at the source is significant and will have a direct impact by reducing environmental effects, and the component of proper waste management at the source as one of the main factors And is decisive in reducing the environmental impact of Ahvaz. Finally, based on the research findings, suggestions were made to control the pollution of the waste site in the metropolis of Ahvaz and in the study areas.
