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عوامل زیادی بر صنعت گردشگری تاثیر می گذارند که یکی از مهم ترین آن ها آب و هوا است. آب و هوا به عنوان یکی از مهم ترین منابع پایه محلی در صنعت گردشگری نقش ایفا می کند. آگاهی از آسایش اقلیمی، نقش مهمی را در زندگی انسان و فعالیت های او بازی می کند و آسایش فیزیولوژیکی ارتباط تنگاتنگی با فاکتور های آب و هوایی دارد. از این رو مطالعه پارامتر های اقلیمی مؤثر در آسایش اقلیمی کاری ضروری به نظر می رسد. استان گیلان یکی از استان های گردشگرپذیر کشور است و بررسی و مطالعه آسایش آب و هوایی این استان می تواند در برنامه ریزی برای پذیرش گردشگر و مقتضیات آن گامی مهم به شمار آید. در این مطالعه آسایش اقلیمی استان گیلان مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است برای این منظور از داده های اقلیمی 11 ایستگاه سینوپتیک شامل میانگین ماهانه دما، میانگین حداکثر و حداقل دما به درجه سانتی گراد، میانگین ماهانه ی رطوبت نسبی به درصد، میانگین ساعت آفتابی و تعداد روز های بارندگی طی دوره آماری25ساله( 2020 –1995) از سازمان هواشناسی کشور دریافت شده است.  پس از مرتب سازی و تجزیه و تحلیل در نرم افزار های Excell, Spss ، شرایط اقلیمی محدوده ی مورد مطالعه مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. به این ترتیب براساس شاخص آسایش آب و هوایی گردشگری (TCCI) نقشه های پهنه بندی استان در نرم افزار GIS ترسیم شد. نتایج بررسی های انجام شده نشان دهنده ی وجود انواع وضعیت های آسایش آب و هوایی گردشگری در استان گیلان است. ماه های می و ژوئن در اغلب نقاط استان دارای شرایط کاملاً مطلوب و دلپذیر بوده و شرایط اقلیمی برای انواع  فعالیت های گردشگری فراهم است. در فصل سرد سال (ژانویه، فوریه و دسامبر) در تمامی نقاط استان (به ویژه نواحی مرتفع مانند دیلمان و ماسوله و...) شرایط بسیار نامطلوب (سرمایی) حاکم است و در فصل گرم سال (ژوئیه و آگوست) شرایط خیلی نامطلوب (گرمایی) در اغلب پهنه های مورد مطالعه (به ویژه نواحی ساحلی به دلیل رطوبت بالا) وجود دارد. در مجموع در این پژوهش انواع فعالیت های گردشگری متناسب با هر فصل و هر منطقه هدف گذاری شده است.

Investigating and zoning the climatic comfort of tourism in Gilan province using the TCCI index

Extended Abstract Introduction Climatic conditions have a significant impact on human living conditions and comfort. From the earliest times, humans have reacted to fluctuations in weather conditions  Therefore, it has designed its living environment in accordance with the climatic conditions. One of the most important measures in identifying a comfortable climate is to assess the conditions of the human living environment. Which determines the level of human comfort in the environment.  Meteorological variables and bioclimatic indicators are needed to assess the conditions of human comfort in the environment.. Therefore, urban planners and regional planners need useful and at the same time practical indicators in order to optimize the environment and determine the best time for human comfort. Human comfort conditions provide very good information for planners by evaluating bioclimatic indicators. The information obtained from this research provides appropriate suggestions and strategies for improving the situation in each region. To know the range of comfort climate (optimal and optimal climate) can not be enough to describe the climatic elements of the region, including temperature, humidity, wind and radiation. Rather, the type of climate in terms of comfort or lack of thermal and climatic comfort should be determined quantitatively in the form of a general indicator and a combination of all these climatic elements. Many factors affect the tourism industry, one of the most important of which is the climate. Climate plays a role as one of the most important local resources in the tourism industry. Awareness of climatic comfort plays an important role in human life and activities, and physiological comfort is closely related to climatic factors. Therefore, the study of climatic parameters affecting the climatic comfort of work seems necessary.Gilan province is one of the most populous regions of the country and ranks first in the country in terms of population density. In addition to various economic activities, this province hosts millions of people from all over the country every year due to the existence of various attractions (especially the Caspian Sea). And it is one of the touristic provinces of the country And studying the climate comfort of this province can be an important step in planning for tourist reception and its requirements. In this study, the climatic comfort of Gilan province has been studied. Materals and methods For this purpose, climatic data from 11 synoptic stations (Rasht, Astara, Anzali, Deilman, Kiashahr, Lahijan, Manjil, Masouleh, Jirandeh, Talesh and Rudsar) including monthly average temperature, average maximum and minimum temperature in degrees Celsius, The monthly average of relative humidity as a percentage, the average of sunny hours and the number of rainy days during the statistical period of 1995 to 2020 have been received from the Meteorological Organization of the country. Then in SPSS software, Excel database was created  And processed the data and calculated the average of all the mentioned parameters on a monthly basis And deficiencies were corrected And through the Tourism Climate Comfort Index (TCCI), the calculations are performed And after sorting and analyzing the climatic conditions, the study area has been studied Thus, based on the Tourism Climate Comfort Index (TCCI), zoning maps of the province were drawn in GIS software . Finally, the results are analyzed and interpreted as maps. Results and discussion April, south of the province (Manjil), May, center, Caspian Sea coast, part of the northeast and south of the province (Rasht, Anzali, Lahijan, Deilman, Jirandeh), August, east of the province (Rudsar), September, center , East and part of the south of the province (Rasht, Rudsar, Deilman) and October, south of the province (Jirandeh) has pleasant and favorable conditions. All tourism activities are recommended to tourists. Conclusion The results of the conducted investigations show the existence of various types of comfortable weather conditions for tourism in Gilan province. The months of May and June in most parts of the province have very favorable and pleasant conditions and the climatic conditions are suitable for all kinds of tourism activities. In the cold season of the year (January, February and December) in all parts of the province (especially the high areas such as Dilman and Masuleh, etc.), very unfavorable (cold) conditions prevail, and in the hot season of the year (July and August) the conditions are It is very unfavorable (heat) in most of the studied areas (especially coastal areas due to high humidity). All in all, in this research, all kinds of tourism activities have been targeted according to each season and each region
