مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
Organizational Culture
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Organizational loafing is the phenomenon of a person exerting less effort to achieve a goal when they work in an organizational group than when they work alone.This phenomenon is a serious problem in today's organizations.The research seeks to explain factors affecting the phenomenon of organizational loafing. First, the elites’ opinion through Delphi technique about the indicators influencing the organizational loafing including environment, human, technology, aims and structure was collected. After designing the model, the fitting as well as editing questionnaire were measured. This research which is both quantitative and qualitative designed the final model. 180 employees of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology were randomly selected as the sample of study. Statistical analysis of research data was performed with the help of structural equation. In so doing, the questionnaire, whose validity and reliability with Cronbach's alpha equal to 834% were confirmed, was utilized to collect data. And after confirmation of normal distribution of data with the help of Smart PLS software and confirmatory factor analysis, eventually proposed model with 5 criteria and 25 indicators was approved. The results showed that the most influential factors affecting organization loafing is organization environment, followed by other indexes including aims, structure, and human factors and technology. So the managers were recommended to turn to the most important indicators affecting organizational loafing such as satisfaction, commitment and organizational culture so as to achieve efficient organizational loafing management.
Analyzing the Position of Creativity via Denison’s Model for Organization for the Nurses in Amir al-Momenin and Shahid Beheshti Hospitals
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In recent years, scientists have concluded that the outstanding position of successful businesses depend greatly on intangible but strong factors like spirit, potential, creativity and their organizational culture together with their beliefs and values. Relying on these two powerful factors of organizational development, an organization could open up its wings over mountains of prosperity. Recent studies along with many other historical ones have demonstrated that these two factors are among the main factors moving an organization forward. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between organizational culture and creativity in nurses working in Amir al-Momenin and Shahid Beheshti Hospitals of Maragheh. This descriptive correlation study was conducted in a statistical population covering all nurses working in these two hospitals from among which, according to Morgan table, a decent statistical sample were selected and the questionnaire was randomly distributed among them. The data for the study were collected through Denson’s standard organizational culture inventory and standard creativity questionnaire both of which were verified for their reliability and validity. The collected data were analyzed using regression test and the Pearson and Spearman coefficients. Results revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between organizational culture and its dimensions including commitment to cooperation, compatibility, assignments and conformity with creativity in nurses working in Amir al-Momenin and Shahid Beheshti hospitals of Maragheh.
Critical Analysis Of The Implications Of New Managerialism On Ethical, Democratic And Professional
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This paper aims to critically analyze the implications of the new managerialism in the public service through ethical, democratic and professional values. It assumes the contradictions between the values that seek to promote the public service under the model of managerialism and the reality of its implementation. The method used is analytical-descriptive-normative from the critical perspective of the parallel developments of managerialism and public service. The theoretical and methodological framework that serves as a reference for this critical analysis is provided by the theories of organizational economics and public choice. The discussion concludes that there is a necessary conflict between ethical, democratic and professional values of these new organizational forms promoted by managerialism through the theories of economics and organizational public choice and traditional values of public service.
Employees’ Organizational Voice: Investigating the Antecedents and their Structural Relations Using the ISM and Fuzzy MICMAC Method(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
مطالعات رفتار سازمانی سال هشتم زمستان ۱۳۹۸ شماره ۴ (پیاپی ۳۲)
235 - 260
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This study is aimed to explore the structural relationships among the factors affecting the employees' voice. To do so, by reviewing the literature a series of factors influencing the occurrence of organizational voice was identified and then the opinions of 15 senior and middle managers and academic professors about the relationships between these factors were examined. Finally, data were analyzed by utilizing the Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) and Fuzzy MICMAC methods. According to findings, organizational culture has an underlying role in organizational voice. In fact, it can be said that existence of an ideal organizational culture can be reflected in the improvement of employees’ knowledge, understanding about the organization, awareness and their experiences. These factors also increase the psychological safety and eventually, their self-confidence. Moreover, employees’ self-confidence also influences the willingness of organization for accepting and valuing their voice, their change commitment, job satisfaction and openness to experience. Finally, in an interaction to each other, these factors increase the employees’ courage to express their ideas. As a general result, this research showed that the appearance of organizational voice is a sign of the existence of an organization's desirable culture.
Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Culture, Total Quality Management and Performance(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Journal of System Management, Volume ۶, Issue ۲, Summer ۲۰۲۰
169 - 181
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This study explored the relationship between organizational culture, total quality management (TQM), and performance in auto parts manufacturing companies in Isfahan, Iran. The study was a correlational survey following applied purposes. The statistical population included all members in such sections as management, quality control, sales, research and development, and human resources of 21 auto parts manufacturers found in Isfahan, Iran. A total number of 95 questionnaires were distributed, and based on the Morgan table, 76 individuals were selected as the participants in this research. The questionnaire consisted of 66 questions measuring the research variables although it did not record demographic information. To investigate the hypotheses of the research, inferential statistics procedures were processed in Smart-PLS software. The results of data analysis revealed that the culture dominating these industrial units was characterized by “adhocracy culture” and “clan culture”, as a result of which the companies prioritized flexibility over control. Among the TQM dimensions, “activity focus” showed the highest degree of development, whereas “customer focus” was the least developed factor. Furthermore, the results obtained from the structural equation model demonstrated that TQM mediated the relationship between organizational culture and performance, while TQM had a significant relationship with performance, and the overall power of organizational culture left a positive effect on performance.
Considering the Role of Culture and Organizational Voices on Teachers’ Professional Ethics(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Background: Improvement of professional Ethics in employees is the great challenge for organizational managers. This subject is more stressed in educational centers because of their content. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the role of culture and organizational voices on teachers’ professional ethics. Method: This study is a descriptive-correlation research. Population of the study includes all teachers of elementary schools in Ghaen province. Among all teachers, 186 teachers were selected by cluster sampling. Data were gathered by three standard questionnaires; Organizational culture, Professional ethics and Organizational voices. Data were analyzed by using multiple regression and Pearson correlation coefficient through SPSS18 software. Results: Results show that organizational culture (mean=3.36±013), professional ethics (mean= 4.61±0.37) and organizational voices (mean= 4.83±.26) are more than the mean. Organizational culture explains 14 percent of professional ethics variance and 18 percent of organizational voices. Also, organizational voices explain 23 percent of professional ethics variances. Conclusion: Culture and organizational voices lead to the improvement of professional ethics in teachers. Organizational culture provides the background of improvement of organizational voices for teachers. Therefore, organizational managers are able to promote organizational voices and culture that lead to improvement of professional ethics in teachers.
Predicting Professional Ethics Based on Organizational Culture(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Background: Nowadays, one of the aspects of power and distinction of organizations is the enjoyment of desirable organizational culture. The organizational culture of each complex is the full representation of the organization, which shows the inner and outer face of the commitment of the employees to principles of ethics. Professional ethic is related to values and norms and is one of the most important issues that have been considered in different areas of the modern world. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to predict professional ethics with respect to organizational culture. Method: The research method is descriptive-correlation. The statistical population consists of 230 people who are the employees of Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch and the sample size was determined 103 people using Cochran formula with 95% confidence level and a Stratified Random Sampling method. Standard questionnaires were used to collect data. The obtained data were analyzed using Smart PLS and SPSS structural equation modeling. Results: Findings of the research indicate that the components of perceived organizational culture have a significant effect on the dimensions of professional ethic including accountability, honesty, justice, fairness, loyalty, respect for others, competition, sympathy, respect for values. Also, based on the multiple regression analysis, components of organizational culture predict all dimensions of employee ethic and finally, it can be concluded that the professional ethic of the employees are at a favorable level. Conclusion: The results of the present research illustrate that the components of organizational culture predict the dimensions of professional ethics of the employees.
The Effect of Professional Ethics on the Organizational Culture(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Background: Organizational culture is the social identity of any organization. Professional ethics can be an effective indicator and an important motivational tool in the organizations to create excellence, sustainable development, and desirable competition, reduce conflicts, increase commitment and social responsibility and pave the path for having a desired organizational culture. In this regard, the present study was conducted to investigate the effect of professional ethics on organizational culture. Method: The present applied research uses descriptive-survey method and the correlation approach. The statistical population of this study is 5000 employees from Mashhad Municipality and based on Morganchr('39')s table, 357 employees were selected as the sample size by stratified random sampling. The data collection instruments of the present study are questionnaires of organizational culture and professional ethics and their validity was of the content type approved by the experts. To test the reliability of the questionnaires, Cronbachchr('39')s alpha coefficient test was used. In order to analyze the data, inferential analysis methods of nonlinear regression test using SPSS and structural model method using LISREL were used. Results: The findings show that there is a positive and significant relationship between the independent variable of professional ethics and the dependent variable of organizational culture. Conclusion: The results indicate that the growth of the organization as a planned process is equal to the transformation of organizational culture and professional ethics and attention to ethical indicators as a tool affecting organizational culture create a strategic advantage in identifying and creating new opportunities and achieving organizational goals.
Designing an Organizational Culture Pattern of the Country's Welfare Department(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The purpose of organizational culture is a system of common inference that members have toward one organization, and this same feature divides the two organizations into one another. Members of the organization train new members in order to solve external compatibility issues and internal consistency as the best way to solve problems, written and even written culture of their organization. Therefore, having the capacity to change and transform organizational culture, it is possible to change the actions of thoughts and feelings of a large part of the organization's members. Methodology: The research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of collecting field and descriptive information that is carried out using a combination of exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) method and the reason for its exploration is to develop an appropriate model of organizational culture. The statistical population of the study consisted of 30 senior managers of the welfare organization. According to them, the dimensions of the research were identified and finally, the hypotheses and the final questionnaire were designed. A sample of 381 individuals was selected according to Morgan's table. Then, a relative cluster sampling Each area was randomly selected. Amos software was used to measure the assumptions. Results: The results showed that there is a reverse and significant relationship between organizational culture and organizational silence. There is also a direct and significant relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Conclusion: In the end, it should be noted that the organizational culture variable has been able to positively influence the organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior through the organizational silence variable.
Designing the organizational cultural model based on the grounded theory emphasizing on collaborative learning culture(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Abstract Purpose: The aim of the present study was to provide an optimal model of organizational culture in educational organization of Khorasan Razavi. Methodology: To reach this purpose, a qualitative data research method or grounded theory had been used. Fifteen experts on the subject were interviewed in order to obtain the required data in this study. After conducting interviews, data analysis was performed using open coding, axis coding, and selective coding of Strauss and Corbin. Findings: After data analysis, the paradigm or optimal model of organizational culture for educational organization of Khorasan Razavi was extracted and obtained. This model had a causal condition, grounded conditions, interventional conditions, strategies and outcomes. Discussion: Based on the results of the present research, suggestied such as addressing the current and future needs of learners, changing on the basis of community changes, paying attention to the modern ability of individuals to recruit new forces, the use of active and modern methods of teaching and learning, earning income for schools, decentralization, clear and transparent performance criteria, and the involvement of stakeholders in decision making.
Application Model of Implementing Knowledge Management Training(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to present an applied model for implementing knowledge management training. Methodology: The purpose of this study was applied, and the research method was descriptive-survey and cross-sectional. The statistical population of the study consisted of Mazandaran city managers with experience of management and selected public administration professors in the universities of Mazandaran province (Qualitative) as well as all official, contracted, contracted, volumetric and corporate staff of Sari municipality (quantitative) in summer 1977 (1255). The analysis was based on data collected from 10 mayors and 295 staff of qualitative and quantitative subjects, using stratified random sampling and Cochran's formula (for quantitative phase). Was. The sampling method was "Samples containing rich information" (for the qualitative stage) from the target population. Data were collected in a qualitative phase using semi-structured interviews based on data theory and in a quantitative phase using a designed questionnaire including 88 items based on 5-point Likert spectrum, collected through soft SPSS and AMOS were analyzed. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and Friedman test were used for data analysis. Findings: The results showed that the model of knowledge management training implementation includes 12 variables: organizational culture, organizational structure, information technology, human resources, knowledge process, leadership and leadership support, organizational learning, organizational strategies, communication, environment, It was motivation (benchmarking) and benchmarking. Conclusion: Knowledge management as a process effectively utilizes the competencies, experiences, specialties, skills, talents, thoughts, ideas, actions and imaginations of individuals and integrates them into the organization's information resources to achieve its goals.
Identifying the Components of the Learning Organization In Elementary Schools In Tehran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The present study was conducted to identify the components of the learning organization in primary schools in Tehran. Methodology: The research method was exploratory in terms of practical and qualitative purpose. The statistical population of the study included academic experts and education experts. Samples in this section were selected by targeted sampling and theoretical saturation. The research tools were semi-constructed interviews. In order to ensure the validity of the research tools and to ensure the accuracy of the findings from the researcher's point of view, the valuable views of professor’s familiar with the field and academic experts who were experts in this field were used. To calculate the reliability of the interview, the method of agreement within the subject matter of the two coders was used. The data analysis method in this study was theoretical coding derived from the fundamental data processing theory method. Findings: The results of the study showed that the components of the learning organization, including the components of individual mastery, mental patterns, systemic thinking, common aspiration, team learning and information technology. Also, the components influencing the learning organization in elementary school included the components of organizational culture, leadership, and human resources. Conclusion: Having individual mastery among teachers and having positive mindset patterns is very important for learning that results in the use of modern learning methods, such as team learning.
Providing a Structural Pattern of Problem Solving for Managers Based on Decision-making and Evaluating the Mediation role of Organizational culture(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The present study aimed to provide a structural model of creative problem solving in the managers of the Islamic Azad University of Tehran based on the decision: evaluation of the mediating role of organizational culture. Methodology: This research was an applied, descriptive-correlational study. The statistical population of this study included all managers of the Islamic Azad University of Tehran in the academic year 1398-1397 that from the mentioned population with a volume of 1300 people, using Krejcie and Morgan table, 297 people were selected by cluster random sampling. The data were collected using the Creative Problem Solving Questionnaire of Basader Managers (1995), Scott and Bruce Decision Making (1995) and Edgarschin (2004) Organizational Culture. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. Findings: The results showed that decision making and organizational culture significantly predict creative problem solving in the managers of Islamic Azad University of Tehran and organizational culture mediates the relationship between decision making and creative problem solving in the managers of Islamic Azad University of Tehran. he does. Conclusion: Decision making and creativity is one of the most central processes in organizations, especially in educational environments and is considered as the main task of managers at all levels.
The Model of Organizational Culture with Psychological Well-being with Mediating of Communication Skills(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: This aim of this study was investigate the model of organizational culture with psychological well-being with mediating of communication skills. Methodology: Present study was cross-sectional from type of correlation. The research population was education staff of Marvdasht County in 2019 years. The research sample was 400 people who were selected by multi-stage cluster random sampling method. Data were collected by the questionnaires of organizational culture (Glaser & et al, 1987), psychological well-being (Ryff, 1989) and communication skills (Burton, 1990) and analyzed by structural equation modeling method with using path analysis in SPSS-25 and AMOS-23 software. Findings: The findings showed that organizational culture had a direct and significant effect on communication skills and psychological well-being, communication skills had a direct and significant effect on psychological well-being and organizational culture had an indirect and significant effect on psychological well-being with mediating of communication skills (P<0.01). Also, the model of organizational culture with psychological well-being with mediating of communication skills had a good fit. Conclusion: Regarded to the proper fit of the model and direct and indirect relationships of variables, it is recommended to promote the psychological well-being of education staff by improving their organizational culture and communication skills through improving the status of staff and workshops
Identifying and Evaluating the Indicators and Dimensions of Psychological Empowerment of the Faculty Members of the Azad University of East Azerbaijan Province(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify and evaluate the indicators and dimensions of psychological empowerment of professors in the faculty members of the Azad University of East Azerbaijan Province. Methodology: Research method in terms of applied purpose; In terms of data collection method, it was descriptive-survey and in terms of data type, it was a combination (qualitative-quantitative) of confirmatory type. The statistical population of the qualitative part of the research were experts familiar with the field of psychological empowerment of professors, and the quantitative part of the statistical population included members of the faculty of the Islamic Azad University of East Azerbaijan Province (450 people). The sample size in the qualitative section was determined using purposive non-random sampling method and the principle of theoretical saturation of 25 people and in the quantitative section using Cochran's formula, 207 people were selected as the sample. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview in the qualitative part and a researcher-made questionnaire in the quantitative part. To ensure the validity of the interview, the triangulation method (three-way) was used. To ensure the reliability of the interview, the recoding method was used and to validate part of the experts' point of view, the content and structure validity was used to assess the validity of the questionnaire, which showed the validity of the instrument. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the interview; Coding, factor analysis and univariate t-test using LISREL software were used to analyze the data. Findings: The results showed that the variables of organizational culture, organizational structure, organizational monitoring system, organizational reward system, organizational management systems had a significant effect on the psychological empowerment of faculty members in the Islamic Azad University of East Azerbaijan Province. Conclusion: Based on the research findings, paying attention to various structural, cultural and managerial factors can enhance the psychological empowerment of professors.
Designing a Maturity Model of the Managers of Red Crescent Society in Tehran(مقاله پژوهشی وزارت بهداشت)
INTRODUCTION: Nowadays, manager maturity is one of the concerns of officials of most government organizations, especially the Red Crescent Society. One of the ways to manager maturity is to identify the appropriate maturity pattern of the managers of the Red Crescent Society. Therefore, this study aimed to design a maturity model of the managers of the Red Crescent Society using the Grounded theory. METHODS: This qualitative study was conducted based on an applied research method using the Grounded theory. The statistical population of the study consisted of experts and specialists in the maturity field of the managers of the Red Crescent Society. The sampling was performed using the purposive method, and 20 individuals were selected based on theoretical saturation. The data were then collected using semi-structured interviews, and data analysis was performed at three stages of open, axial, and selective coding. The validity and reliability of the research were evaluated using a triangulation approach. FINDINGS: According to the obtained results, seven important factors, including managerial, structural, organizational culture, organizational education, organizational justice, organizational socialization of managers, and psychological contracts of managers with the organization, were recognized as the requirements for designing the maturity model of the managers of the Red Crescent Society in Tehran, as the causal conditions of the axial coding. CONCLUSION: Based on the results, the outcomes of the manager maturity were classified into five components, including employee participation, employee commitment, organizational productivity, organizational performance, and manager self-efficacy. Moreover, internal changes were selected as strategies along with three components of psychological characteristics and motivators, individual skills, as well as knowledge and attitude.
Investigating the Effect of Organizational Culture and Team Work on Teachers' job Performance Emphasizing the Mediating Role of Professional Ethics(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Background: Teachers are the most effective factor known in school and their job performance is one of the basic indicators of success and continuity of goals of educational organizations. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational culture and team work on job performance with emphasis on the mediating role of professional ethics among teachers. Method: This research is correlation using descriptive methods for applied goals. Structural equation modeling was used for data collection. The statistical population of the study included all teachers working in schools in the city of Galehdar with 600 people. The sample size was 234 according to the statistical population and using stratified random sampling method and Morgan table. Data were collected by the questionnaires of organizational culture (Denison), teamwork (Lanchioni), job performance (Patterson) and professional ethics (Gregory & Petty). Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling in SPSS 25 and LISREL 8.8 software. Results: There is a positive and significant relationship between the variables organizational culture and job performance (β=.40), teamwork and job performance (β=1.04), organizational culture and professional ethics (β=.41), teamwork and professional ethics (β=.33) and job performance and professional ethics (β=.64). At the same time, through the mediation of professional ethics, the variables of organizational culture and teamwork can anticipate job performance. Conclusion: This study showed that organizational culture, teamwork and professional ethics have an effective role on teachers 'job performance and in order to improve and improve teachers' job performance, these factors should also be considered. Article number: 28
The Impact of Management Accounting Network and Strategic Emotions of Management Accountants on Strategic Management with Emphasis on the Modifying Role of Organizational Culture and Information Systems
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of the management accounting network and the strategic feelings of management accountants on strategic management with emphasis on the moderating role of organizational culture and information systems. It can help financial managers to make decisions in the value chain by using the participation of companies in the management accounting system. But unfortunately, despite the passage of time, the accounting techniques of strategic management are still unknown to financial managers and have led to the reduction of companies' participation in strategic decisions. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of the management accounting network and the strategic feelings of management accountants on strategic management, emphasizing the moderating role of organizational culture and information systems. To study the theoretical foundations and examine the background of the research, a library method is used using Persian and Latin specialized books and articles and theses. The type of data used are quantitative and qualitative data, since the method of collecting information in each research is determined according to the type and nature of the research. In this research, two questionnaires are used. The research questionnaire consists of two parts, in the first part demographic questions are asked. In the second questionnaire, it is used to collect information related to strategic management accounting. The Likert method, which is a 5-point scale, was used to set up the questionnaire. Research evidence indicates that there is a positive and significant relationship between the management accounting network and the implementation of strategic management accounting practices. There is a relationship between the quality of information systems and strategic management accounting. Also, information systems moderate the relationship between the management accounting network and the implementation of strategic management accounting practices. There is a positive and significant relationship between innovation-oriented culture and the implementation of strategic management accounting practices. There is a positive and significant relationship between the result-oriented culture and the implementation of strategic management accounting practices. Innovative culture moderates the relationship between the management accounting network and the implementation of strategic management accounting practices. Results-oriented culture moderates the relationship between management accounting network and implementation of strategic management accounting practices. There is a positive and significant relationship between emotions and implementation of strategic management accounting practices. Information systems have a moderating effect on the relationship between emotions and implementation of strategic management accounting practices. Innovative culture has a moderating effect on the relationship between emotions and implementation of strategic management accounting practices. Result-oriented culture has a moderating effect on the relationship between emotions and implementation of strategic management accounting practices.
The Relationship Transformational Leadership Style with Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment in Staffs of the Youth and Sports Ministry of Iran
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The aim of this research was to determine the relationship among transformational leadership style with organizational culture and organizational commitment. The population consists of 745 the employees of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Iran. The sample size of 256 staffs was determined using stratified random sampling. In order to collect the needed data, three Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment Questionnaires were used. The validity of these questionnaires was confirmed by foreign and domestic researches. Cronbach's alpha reliability test of transformational leadership, organizational culture and organizational commitment were respectively 0.97, 0.97, and 0.92. In addition, data were analyzed using statistical tests such as descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov Smirnoff, Pearson correlation coefficients using SPSS Software. The findings of this study showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between transformational leadership and organizational culture (p≤0.01, r= 0.80). Besides, there was a positive and significant relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment (p≤0.01, r= 0.46), too. Likewise, there was a positive and significant relationship between organizational culture and organizational commitment (p≤0.01, r= 0.57). However, organizational culture is stronger predictor than transformational leadership for organizational commitment. Finally, in accordance with the responses of staffs of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, it can be said that if leaders create an organizational culture in which creativity and satisfaction were high as well as to taking advantage the organizational rewards and job good conditions, employees would be able to stimulate higher levels of organizational commitment.
Organizational Culture Model Based on Normative and Individual Variables in Education Staff Managers of Tehran province(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Journal of System Management, Volume ۹, Issue ۳, Summer ۲۰۲۳
121 - 142
حوزههای تخصصی:
The purpose of this article, extracted from the thesis, was to present the model of organizational culture based on normative and individual variables in the managers of the education staff of Tehran province. In terms of field position, and in terms of nature, it is among the foundation data research. The statistical community of the qualitative part included management experts using the principle of saturation and targeted non-random sampling method, and in the quantitative part, it also included the director general, deputies, and heads of departments of the general administration. and managers and vice presidents of education districts of Tehran province were selected as the sample size. Presentation of the organizational culture model based on normative and individual variables is considered a central category in the paradigm model of the research and other concepts in the form of categories of causal, contextual, and intervening conditions. Strategies and outcomes were included in the model and 10 categories with 57 indicators were introduced in the normative dimension and 10 categories were introduced in the individual dimension with 61 indicators. The evaluation findings based on Shannon's entropy method show; maliciousness and suspicion towards each other Self-esteem, sense of ownership over the organization, enjoyment of work, self-motivation, improvement of job skills and knowledge, personal development, and attention to positive points and job achievements, innovative decisions, and accountability are of the highest importance in realizing organizational culture.