مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
Socio-Spatial Studies, Vol ۳, Issue ۵, Winter ۲۰۱۹
28 - 38
حوزههای تخصصی:
In this article I have tried to conceptualize some problematic issues regarding the status of university in what I have named ‘world-epoch of virtuality’. In my view, world-epoch of virtuality has changed the meanings and functions of the concepts of time and space as well as the concepts of knowledge, science and education which traditionally dealt with in/and through university. So, it seems that the idea and functions of university are being changed. The concept of ‘topos’ is central to my account, because it encapsulates all the meanings related to time, space and knowledge.
The Effect of Second Language Learning Anxiety on Reading Comprehension of Iranian University Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
This study is aimed at investigating the general foreign language classroom anxiety levels of Iranian university students through administering Horwitz scale (FLCAS) in addition to examining their reading anxiety through replicating Saito’s reading comprehension anxiety scale (FLRAS). The researchers further checked the former by developing and performing a new five–point Likert type questionnaire (IFLRAS). The psychometric properties of this scale were measured and evaluated, in the first place, to confirm its reliability and validity. To carry out this study, 507 male and female university students of different major types were randomly selected from two national universities (Tehran and Shahed). Also, their reading comprehension anxiety was compared with regard to various variables such as gender, major type (indicating their language proficiency, since more proficient students are apt to be admitted in scientific and technical fields for which higher English entrance mark is required in Iran) and university (which is an indication of length of foreign language instruction, one vs. two semesters of General English course). The data were analyzed using SPSS software. The results obtained through applying Pearson Product Moment correlation, T-test, One way ANOVA, Levene and Scheffe tests revealed that there is a positive relationship between General foreign language classroom anxiety and reading comprehension anxiety(r=0.54). Furthermore, gender can positively affect students’ reading anxiety (t=-2.09).Students of different major types have different reading anxiety levels F(4,491)=6.965 p<0.01. Two universities are also distinct concerning reading comprehension anxiety levels of their students (t=-2.2o).
Student Teachers and Cultural Pathology by Looking at the Present and Future of Farhangian University(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Sometimes unconsolidated silence also becomes the hallmark of universities and science centers. The silence that forced this question into question was how high the academic load of graduates of cultural universities was? This question is important because the student teacher in his future career becomes a cultural affairs community, in other words, the expression of a teacher who is the founder and the founder of cultural affairs in his own community, to the extent that the university has a cultural background in the modern world and the world. The traditional one gets to know, and whether in a university, with regard to the units, a teacher-student is so acquainted with the cultural ideas of the world of his own tradition and the modern world that, at the time of teaching, he can identify the path from the well, and the strategies for strengthening cultural foundations and the foundations and cultural principles of the traditional world and the modern world, and the challenges they face during student studies. The method of this research is descriptive-analytic and the scope of the article is related to the university-related student-teacher culture. Findings of the research: In contrast to the cultural foundations in the traditional world and the modern world, if a scientist student is really bloated, he can, during the practice, teach, adapt and rationalize the values of the traditional world and the modern world. To make no one sacrifice for another, and to give each other the right to culture as much as it deserves.
Presentation of a Knowledge Commercialization Model based on Teaching-Learning(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The general aim of this study was to present a knowledge commercialization model based on teaching-learning in Mazandaran Islamic Azad universities. Methodology: The present study was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey type in terms of method. The statistical population of this study included all faculty members of Mazandaran Islamic Azad Universities, which comprised 1537 individual. Using stratified random sampling, 308 individuals were selected as sample. To collect the data, a researcher-made knowledge commercialization questionnaire with 84 items and a researcher-made learning-learning questionnaire with 30 items were used. The face and content validity of the tools were confirmed by the experts and their reliability was calculated using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the knowledge commercialization questionnaire (0.89) and the teaching / learning questionnaire (0.85). Structural equations were used to analyze the data. Findings: The results showed that learning-learning has a positive and significant effect on knowledge commercialization, and the knowledge commercialization from learning-learning receives a direct and significant effect with a coefficient of 0.785. The fit of the proposed model was also suitable. Conclusion: knowledge commercialization is a process of transferring and transforming knowledge generated in research centers into a variety of business activities.
Presentation Model of Entrepreneurial Attitude based on Knowledge Management and Innovation with Mediating Role of Ethical Intelligence in Academic-Applied Comprehensive Universities of West Azerbaijan Province(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: Present research aimed to presentation model of entrepreneurial attitude based on knowledge management and innovation with mediating role of ethical intelligence in academic-applied comprehensive universities. Methodology: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation was descriptive from type of correlation. The research population was the employees of the academic-applied comprehensive universities of West Azerbaijan province in academic years of 2018-19 with number of 600 people. According to the size of the population and based on the Krejcie and Morgan table, 234 people were selected as the sample according to the classified sampling method based on the city of the place of employment. To collect data used from the questionnaires of entrepreneurial attitude (Robbins & Coulter, 1989), knowledge management (Fong & Choi, 2009), organizational innovation (Choupani & et al, 2012) and ethical intelligence (Lennick & Kiel, 2005) and to analyze data used from structural equation method with the help of SPSS-19 and Smart PLS-3 software at a significantly lower level than 0.05. Findings: The findings showed that the model had the fit well and knowledge management and organizational innovation had a positive and direct effect on ethical intelligence, knowledge management, organizational innovation and ethical intelligence had a positive and direct effect on entrepreneurial attitude and knowledge management and organizational innovation with mediating ethical intelligence had a positive and indirect effect on entrepreneurial attitude (P<0.05). Ethical intelligence was a good mediator between knowledge management and organizational innovation with an entrepreneurial attitude. Conclusion: Based on the results, in order to increase the entrepreneurial attitude of the employees of the academic-applied comprehensive universities can through workshops improve the level of ethical intelligence, knowledge management and organizational innovation.
A Study of Social, Physical Qualities and Satisfaction in Selected Students Halls of Residence, University of Ibadan, Nigeria(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The study evaluated the physical qualities and satisfaction in students’ housing in selected Students’ Housing for the University of Ibadan. Through survey method, eight hostels were purposively selected to capture variation in gender, level of study and hostel design. The sampling frame showed that 5605 students at UI were found in 2,147 rooms. One out of every 10 (10%) of the rooms were selected which amounted to 215 students selected. The result shows that the functional qualities of the hostels were perceived among the students to be well above average (55.3%). Similarly, both aesthetics (95.8%) and structural (89.3%) qualities of the hostels were perceived to be excellent among the students. Also, respondents were satisfied with various services and amenities provided in the Halls of Residence (54.4%) and 35.3% expressed neutral satisfaction. The study concluded that, Physical qualities and Satisfaction are important in the study of Students’ Housing Design.
Sexual and Gender Oppression Situations at Iranian Universities(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The present article aims to study the gender oppression of female students in the context of the existing relations at Iranian universities. Methodology: To this end, based on the qualitative method, ten universities in different fields were selected and in-depth interviews were conducted with 146 female students who experienced sexual harassment by male professors. Thus, we analysed interviews by thematic analysis. Findings: University community is the only mixed community, gender-wise, in Iranian administrative-governmental settings, with a very different cultural diversity and circulation. Therefore, scores of situations, in which gender and sexual encounters are possible, arise amid everyday university relationships. Although the issue of male professors’ sexual and gender encounters with female students has been publicized in Iran, it has been mostly ignored in research studies. Conclusion: The findings of the study show that when the Islamic cultural principle of gender relationship boundaries is regarded firmly or violated by male professors, the triad of ‘violence’, ‘discrimination’ and ‘exploitation’ will emerge, resulting in gender oppression toward female students.
DEMATEL-Based Interpretive Structural Modeling for the Entrepreneur University among the Top Universities in the North Iran
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose : The present study aimed to present an interpretive structural model based on DEMATEL for the Entrepreneur University among top universities in the northern region of Iran. Methodology : This study was applied in terms of objective and combined (qualitative and quantitative) in terms of implementation method. The research population in the qualitative section were documents and texts of the Entrepreneurship University and experts in this field that 35 documents and texts and 30 experts were selected as samples according to the principle of theoretical saturation by purposive sampling method. The research population in the quantitative section consisted of the same 30 experts who rated the components. The research tools included text review, semi-structured interview, and 77-item researcher-made questionnaire that their psychometric indices were confirmed. Data were analyzed by Delphi methods and interpretive structural modeling based on DEMATEL in SPSS-23 and LISREL. Findings: The results showed that the Entrepreneurship University included 77 concepts, 24 sub-components in 6 main components. So that among the 6 main components, three components of infrastructure (with four sub-components), management (with five sub-components), and communication with the population (with four sub-components) were identified as effective variables, and three components of services (with three sub-components), knowledge-based entrepreneurship (with five sub-components) and output and outcome (with three sub-components) were identified as affected variables. The results of DEMATEL-based interpretive structural modeling showed that in the first level with 10 components, the component of commercialization of knowledge and research and revenue generation from advanced technology, in the second level with 7 components, the component of entrepreneurial research, R&D, and dissemination of academic results, in the third level with 14 components, the component of entrepreneurial research, R&D and dissemination of academic results, and in the fourth level with 1 component, the core component of strong leadership and change in structural and managerial dimensions were at a higher level. Conclusion : According to the results of the present study, planners and higher education professionals can take advantage of the results of this study and plan for the improvement and growth of the Entrepreneur University through the effective components identified in it.
A Comparative Study of University' Social Responsibility Patterns: Strategies for Iranian Universities(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The present research was conducted with the aim of comparative study of university' social responsibility patterns to provide strategies for Iranian universities. Methodology: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was qualitative. The research population was all articles and books related to social responsibility and university' social responsibility patterns in the 1990 to 2021 years. Out of 23 resources related to university social response patterns number of 14 resources based on the inclusion criteria were selected as a sample by purposive sampling method. Data were collected by documentary method and take noting from them and were analyzed by content analysis method. Findings: Findings showed that the university' social responsibility patterns mainly emphasized on 10 components of environmental conditions (economic, political, cultural and social), law, ethics, humanitarian, stakeholders, philosophy and goals of the pattern, theoretical foundations, perceptual framework, implementation stages and evaluation and engineering system. Also, a comparative study of university' social responsibility patterns indicated that these patterns were more similar from each other in terms of four components of environmental conditions, stakeholders, implementation stages and evaluation and engineering system and were more different from each other in terms of six components of law, ethics, humanitarian, philosophy and goals of the pattern, theoretical foundations and perceptual framework. Conclusion: The results of this research can have practical implications for university specialists and planners. They can with the help of identified components take an effective step towards promoting social responsibility in universities
Identifying and Prioritizing the Variable Dimensions of Leading Professors in Babol University of Medical Sciences(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The quality of education and research is one of the concerns that academic systems always strive to achieve. Undoubtedly, the existence of leading professors with appropriate scientific and ethical competencies is one of the effective fundamental factors in the quality of higher education systems. Methodology: The general purpose of the present study is to examine the dimensions of leading professors and determine the importance and priority of these goals. In terms of purpose, this research is an application that was done with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative) with an exploratory design. In the qualitative approach, the content analysis method was used and in the quantitative approach, the descriptive survey method was used. The statistical population consisted of 20 professors of Babol University of Medical Sciences in the qualitative department and 348 faculty members of Babol University of Medical Sciences in the quantitative department. Taking the saturation law, 10 people and in the quantitative part, based on Cochran's formula, 183 people were selected as a statistical sample using stratified random sampling method based on scientific rank. By analyzing the qualitative data, a researcher-made questionnaire designed by leading professors with 80 questions was designed. Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling in SPSS-23 and PLS-2 software. Findings: The results showed that; Leading professors have three dimensions: "educational, research and individual". Conclusion: Educational dimension with five components (teaching skills, educational technology, education management, evaluation skills and observance of educational rules), research dimension with two components (scholarship and research ethics) and individual dimension with five components (characteristics Appearance is professional ethics, honesty, creativity and discipline) which has a greater impact on the educational dimension with a factor load of 0.963 and a research dimension with a factor load of 0.894.
Investigating the Effect of Employment on College Students’ Academic Motivation (Case Study: Universities and Academic Institutions in the North of Afghanistan)
پژوهش های علوم مدیریت سال چهارم زمستان ۱۴۰۱ شماره ۱۳
170 - 182
The relationship between employment and academic motivation among college students is a critical issue that requires in-depth research. With the increasing higher education costs, more students take part-time or full-time jobs during their studies to pay for their tuition and living expenses. While employment can provide college students valuable work experience and financial support, it can also negatively impact their motivation and academic performance. The present applied-descriptive study is organized into two parts. The first part used documentary and library studies to compile the topics, and the second analyzed the research findings through the distribution of questionnaires and the use of SPSS software. In this study, 50 of the 100 participants were men, and 50 were women. Of these participants, 75 were in the age range of 18-25 and 25 in the age range of 26-30 years. The findings of inferential statistics demonstrated that employment, foresight, and extrinsic motivation have a strong positive and significant relationship with students’ academic motivation. In addition, a relatively weak relationship existed between intrinsic motivation and students’ academic motivation.
Comparison of Utilization of Sports Venues in Selected Universities in Iran and Canada(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The goal of this study was to compare the use of sports facilities of selected universities in Iran with some Canadian universities. This study was comparative and data collection was done through interviews with directors of physical education departments of the selected universities. All the universities studied in this paper are faced with a crisis of financial resources and revenue generation; however, a common weak point of Iranian universities is that they lack initial plan for efficient design as well as expert designers in construction of university spaces. Based on the findings, in the Canadian universities the facilities have the highest multi-purpose applications. Accordingly, practical and applicable recommendations have been suggested to office of development plans of Iran’s ministry of science, research and technology to improve the operation of sports facilities in Iranian universities.
Conceptual Expansion of the Public Sphere from Literary and Political to Scientific
حوزههای تخصصی:
The public sphere is one of the most important explanatory and normative concepts in the field of political sociology. Addressing the public sphere is especially important because it can explain the transition from the traditional to the modern. In particular, the fundamental question here is whether it is possible to arrive at a normative understanding of the situation in Iran by addressing and analyzing the public sphere, as Habermas has described it. Our problem is a general and at the same time specific problem. There are two central concepts in Jürgen Habermas's theory of structural transformation in the general sphere. One is literary-artistic speech and the other is political-moral speech. According to Habermas, the public sphere was first formed around literary and artistic debates, and then into political and moral discourse. From then on, the public sphere became practically a focal point for criticizing the political situation; To the extent that the public sphere became a free space and the concept of public opinion was born from it. In this article, while briefly explaining the two aforementioned areas, an attempt is made to propose a third area that describes our descriptive and normative understanding of the transition to the modern situation. This third field can be called a scientific field.
Evaluating the Relationship between the Categories of the Obstacle Model of Creating Iraqi Learning Organizations (Case Study of Al-Qadisiyah and Kufa Universities)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: Obstacles of creating learning organization cause a sharp decline in the performance of organizations, especially in educational organizations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the categories of the obstacle model of creating learning organizations. Methodology: This study in terms of purpose was applied and in terms of implementation method was descriptive from type of correlation. The research population were professors from Al-Qadisiyah and Kufa universities of Iraq with number 720 people and with using Cochran's formula, the sample size was estimated to be 251 people, which this number were selected by available sampling method. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire of barriers to obstacle of creating learning organizations with 69 questions, which data obtained its implementation were analyzed by methods of exploratory factor analysis and partial least squares in SPSS and Smart PLS software. Findings: The findings showed that the factor load of all questions was higher than 0.50 and significant, and the correlation coefficients of the categories of causal conditions, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, central phenomenon, strategies and consequences were less than 0.45, and indicating their non-overlapping. Also, content validity ratio and Cronbach and combined reliability of the categories were estimated higher than 0.70 and 0.80, respectively. In addition, according to the indicators of commonality and redundancy, the obstacle model of creating learning organizations had a good fit and the effect of causal conditions, contextual conditions and intervening conditions on central phenomenon, the effect of central phenomenon on strategies and the effect of strategies on outcomes were significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The designed obstacle model of creating learning organizations can help to university officials in designing programs to remove obstacle of creating learning organizations
Sustainability of Social Systems Based on the Holy Qur’an: A Multi-Study Mixed-Methods Research(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Sustainability has been recognized as one of the greatest challenges facing social systems in the 21st century. Social systems should have the knowledge and the power to lead this transition and to induce the changes towards this new paradigm. In this regard, it is of crucial importance to achieve a correct and comprehensive understanding of the concept of sustainability and its key components. Although some successful studies have been reported, there is a lack of a local framework for investigating the sustainability of social systems in the context of the Islamic approach, as well as the use of a mixed methods approach to support an integrated and holistic conceptualization and implementation of sustainability. This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework for the sustainability of social systems based on the Holy Qur’an and assess its validation in universities, which was conducted in two studies, respectively. In the first study, after extracting the key themes from the Qur’an, the relationship between them was shown in the proposed framework consisting of foundations, principles, factors, and dimensions of sustainability. Then, in the second study, the cross-validation method was used. In this section, confirmatory factor analysis was carried out (N=61) to evaluate the fit, reliability, and validity of the framework. Further, concurrently percentage agreement coefficient of semi-structured interviews (N=10) was used to analyze the internal validity of the framework. The results of both quantitative and qualitative studies confirmed the fit, reliability, and validity of the framework. The present research contributes to this literature by presenting a local framework for the concept of sustainability of social systems based on the Qur’an, in a holistic and inclusive perspective, using a mixed methods approach. This study can be a useful and effective initiator for studies and theoretical extensions in conceptualizing sustainability based on Qur’anic teachings, and also pave the way for the application of this knowledge in the functional-practical areas of social systems in Islamic societies.
effective spatial features on stress reduction of university student(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
University students are exposed to stress because of their age and their particular situation. Stress can cause serious problems to the health and academic performance of students. One of the factors affecting stress is the environment. Therefore, finding ways to reduce stress in universities is important and needs to be investigated. Unfortunately, one of the fundamental problems of universities is the lack of features and qualities of a space that reduces the stress of students. This means that university spaces are not designed and constructed for reducing the stress of students and enough attention was not paid to this issue. The relative lack of research in this field makes necessary to pay attention to this issue and carry out studies in this regard. The purpose of this study is to provide effective spatial features to reduce the stress of university students and to determine the effectiveness of each of these features. The research is conducted by survey method and Delphi technique was carried out in three rounds. For this purpose, firstly open-ended questionnaires were distributed among the experts. Then the answers were investigated and the lists of features were extracted. In the next step, based on the information obtained, close-ended questionnaires were made and the importance levels of features were put into question among the experts and then data were analyzed using SPSS software. In the final stage, experts expressed their final opinions considering the statistical results of the previous stage. The results of this study showed that effective spatial features on stress reduction of students are classified by influencing level into four categories of environmental conditions, natural factors, environmental comfort and physical aspects. And among the details of these features, adequate and proper light for spaces”, connecting with outdoor and semi-outdoor spaces and desirable sound in spaces, are of utmost importance.
Investigating Factors Affecting the Provision of Information Resources Services in the Central Libraries of Medical Sciences Universities: Voices From Iran Libraries of Medical Sciences(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
International Journal of Digital Content Management, Vol. ۵, No. ۹, Summer & Fall ۲۰۲۴
17 - 34
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The libraries of medical sciences universities have much more diverse goals and services than can be publically conceived, so providing services related to information resources is one of the most important challenges facing these organizations.Method: The present study is an applied research based on its purpose and descriptive-analytical as regards method. The study utilized the semi-structured interview method to obtain the factors affecting the provision of health information resources services. Sampling was conducted based on a purposeful method and experts’ viewpoints. The sampling was carried out the fuzzy Delphi technique which aimed to provide a solution for the issues. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to check the factors obtained from 62 central libraries of medical sciences.Findings: In general, six types of services were determined as health information resource services in specific central libraries, including tools for exploring the online book registration network, selection tools, interlibrary loan, free educational tools, additional book publishing tests, and content evaluation. Additionally, eight factors were identified, including providing services of specialized bibliographic review by librarians, consultation services to users, dissemination and provision of selective information services on Persian and Non-Persian sources, overcoming the weaknesses of librarians without library education, increasing the diversity of medical sciences library services, utilizing new technologies to compensate for deficiencies and lack of resources, improving the social function of the library as a social institution, and offering various electronic services such as databases and digital resources. These identified factors were found to influence the provision of health information resources.Conclusion: Various factors may affect the provision of health information resources services in universities of medical sciences, most importantly improvement of the social functions of libraries.