The International Journal of Humanities

The International Journal of Humanities

The International Journal of Humanities, Volume 22, Issue 1 (2015) (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)



Teacher Research in Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Malaysian and Iranian English Language Lecturers’ Perceptions(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۳۹ تعداد دانلود : ۳۵۶
Systematic research on English language teachers' perceptions of research has not yet shown whether or not ‘teacher research’ is acceptably understood and carried out in institutions of higher education worldwide. Moreover, understanding cross-cultural (mis)conceptions of and barriers to research is an important initial step in promoting teacher research engagement. This article explores perceptions of teacher research held by 68 university lecturers (38 Iranians and 30 Malaysians) teaching English at graduate and undergraduate levels. Data was collected using questionnaire surveys followed by focus group and electronic interviews. The participating lecturers reported their views on the nature of research, their levels of reading and doing research, and their reasons for research engagement. Comparative analyses of their response frequencies indicated that common perceptions of research were more in line with traditional views of research in both subgroups. Low research engagement by doing and moderate engagement by reading was reported by teachers from both countries. Time limitations and lack of skills were reported as the most frequent barriers to teacher research. A series of Chi-Square analyses comparing the two contexts indicated significant differences in how lecturers saw good teacher research and how they were affected by different de-motivating elements of their institutional research culture. The findings indicate that socio-cultural contexts affect research perception and have valuable implications for the curricular promotion of teacher research in English Language Teaching in institutions of higher education in the targeted institutions

The Relationship between Discursive Structures and Ideology in Press Texts(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۴۴۷ تعداد دانلود : ۲۷۴
Through uncovering the underlying elements of language, this research aims to reveal the hidden layers of meaning in press texts in the framework of a critical discourse analysis. Having used socio-semantic features of Van Leeuwen's model (1996), this paper has studied, qualitatively, 40 issues of four Iranian Persian publications for a period of two months, from July 22 to September 21, 2011. These publications were 'E'temad', 'Sharq', Resalat' and Keyhan. The analyses included recognizing discursive structures in the texts, determining the linguistic realizations of structures, and explaining along with uncovering the hidden layers of meaning and the ideology behind the texts. The research results out of the data analysis indicate that the ideology dominating the minds of writers and groups is reflected in the texts using discursive features as exclusion, activation, passivation, personalization and impersonalization. Exclusion has been the most frequently used feature in 'E'temad and 'Sharq', whereas activation has had the highest frequency of occurrences in 'Resalat' and 'Keyhan'. The discursive structures take place using linguistic instruments like pre-modifiers, active vs. passive structures, coordination and circumstantials, in the texts. Besides, the relationship between discursive structures and ideology is dialectal, which can be determined by studying these structures in the texts and social institutions.

The Effect of Second Language Learning Anxiety on Reading Comprehension of Iranian University Students(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۸۷ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۶
This study is aimed at investigating the general foreign language classroom anxiety levels of Iranian university students through administering Horwitz scale (FLCAS) in addition to examining their reading anxiety through replicating Saito’s reading comprehension anxiety scale (FLRAS). The researchers further checked the former by developing and performing a new five–point Likert type questionnaire (IFLRAS). The psychometric properties of this scale were measured and evaluated, in the first place, to confirm its reliability and validity. To carry out this study, 507 male and female university students of different major types were randomly selected from two national universities (Tehran and Shahed). Also, their reading comprehension anxiety was compared with regard to various variables such as gender, major type (indicating their language proficiency, since more proficient students are apt to be admitted in scientific and technical fields for which higher English entrance mark is required in Iran) and university (which is an indication of length of foreign language instruction, one vs. two semesters of General English course). The data were analyzed using SPSS software. The results obtained through applying Pearson Product Moment correlation, T-test, One way ANOVA, Levene and Scheffe tests revealed that there is a positive relationship between General foreign language classroom anxiety and reading comprehension anxiety(r=0.54). Furthermore, gender can positively affect students’ reading anxiety (t=-2.09).Students of different major types have different reading anxiety levels F(4,491)=6.965 p<0.01. Two universities are also distinct concerning reading comprehension anxiety levels of their students (t=-2.2o).

Hafiz and Morabete (Stationing): An Analysis of Mahdaviyyat in Hafiz Poetry Based on the Couplet 235/2(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۷ تعداد دانلود : ۲۵۵
This study is accomplished in order to find out whether the following piece of verse can be considered as the sign of Mahdaviyyat in Hafiz ’s worldview: ‘Before the cavalry of his fancy, the black and the white of my eye, I sent; in the hope that the imperial horse rider might come back.’ (Hafiz Diwan ed. Ghani & Ghazvini 235/2. ) The authors hypothesize that Hafiz has reflected a prospective climate in the aforementioned ghazal (lyric) and taking his life and other allusions in his Diwan into consideration, it could at least be said that there are views which can be counted as to be in accordance with Mahdaviyyat philosophy. It also shows that Hafiz had been acquainted with Morabete (stationing), which is an old Islamic tradition being stressed by Holy Prophet and Shia Imams. Using descriptive-analytic approach, this study is about to analyze this tradition from the point of view of Quran and Islamic narrations. The findings of this study can play a basic role in true analysis of this ghazal , tracing Hafiz’s belief in Mahdaviyyat vision, and in the definition of Morabete (stationing).

Counterfeits and Their Impact on Brand Equity of Original Products (Case Study: Clothing Industry in Tehran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۷۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۲۶
Today, using counterfeits is remarkably common in clothing industry. On this basis, present paper is conducted in clothing industry at Tehran due to the impact of counterfeit on brand equity of original products’. It is a descriptive research. To achieve research aims, a sample consisting of 384 consumers in Tehran who bought counterfeits deliberately were selected. To analyze data and to test hypotheses, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) as well as LISREL and SPSS software packages were used. By studying existing literature, six variable including personal gratification, value averseness, price-quality perception, ethical issues, subjective norm and perceived risk were considered as affecting factors on customers’ attitude on counterfeits. To measure brand equity, four aspects of Aaker’s aspects (perceived quality, brand consciousness, brand association and brand loyalty) were used. Research findings indicate that personal gratification, value averseness, price–quality perception and perceived risk have a significant impact on attitudes towards counterfeits. Likewise, the impact of counterfeits on Brand Equity of Original products is also significant.

Study of Iron Age Burials Ceramics at Khanghah Gilvan Cemetery in Northwestern Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۶ تعداد دانلود : ۳۰۰
Chronology of northwestern Iran is principally based on archeological excavations of the area located around Urmia Lake. Although plain and filled with water, and the outcomes of these excavations are extended to the whole northwestern region. However, northwestern Iran despite having geographical diversities with mountainous plains and low stretches, systematic and comprehensive studies have been lacking until today. Khanghah cemetery in the province of Ardebil has been one of the important archeological enclosures in Iran from where graves of the Middle Bronze Age, Iron Age, and the Parthian period have been unearthed. The excavated Iron Age graves in this cemetery are of pit grave with generally individual form of burial, but in some cases, double burials are also seen there. It seems that direction was not observed in the burials. The form of potteries are comparable with ceramics found from places such as Marlik, Lamehzamini, Ghalekuti, Hasanlu V, Kordlore Tepe, Yanik Tepe, Sialk V, Qeytariyeh, Geoy tepe B, Dinkha III, Shahiryeri, Sagzabad, Lasulkan, Mariyan, Chir Chir, Ghabrestan, Khurvin, Haftavan V, Agh evlar, Chilakhaneh and Uzbeki.

Grammar Strategies-Based Instruction and EFL Iranian Learners' Achievement of Grammar: A Mixed Model(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۷
The present study aimed to address an area of language learner strategies research which has not received the same attention as reading, writing, speaking, listening, and vocabulary strategies in spite of the significant role of grammar in the conceptualization of language competence. The paucity of empirical investigations in intervention research concerning grammar strategies was the impetus to carry out a grammar strategies-based instruction on the basis of several models including Oxford's strategic self-regulated model of learning to see its effects on learners' achievement of grammar across different age groups and proficiency levels. To this end, six groups of Iranian EFL learners, comprising 63 high school and 96 university students, were chosen from intact classes in Hamedan(Iran) for control and experimental groups. The treatment focusing on comparison of adjectives and adverbs, relative clauses, articles and prepositions continued for ten sessions after the administration of proficiency tests, pre-tests and immediate and delayed post-tests. The results of ANCOVA revealed meaningful differences between control and experimental groups. However, the variables of age and proficiency contributed to the significance of differences among the groups. Generally, the treatment proved to be especially useful for youngerlearners at lower proficiency levels. In addition, the delayed effect of the treatment was quite noticeable in all experimental groups. The findings stressed the usefulness of GSBI for EFL learners, which requires that teachers, material developers and syllabus writers consider the potentiality of such a strategy instruction for the development of EFL learners' grammar proficiency.


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