International Journal of Digital Content Management
International Journal of Digital Content Management, Vol. 5, No. 9, Summer & Fall 2024 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to provide a model for predicting time series of financial information based on the Lyapunov representation of information using chaos theory.Method: This research is applied in its purpose, which is conducted using a quantitative approach. The research ranks as descriptive-causal accounting research based on actual information in companies' financial statements. The research method is the "post-event" type and was carried out using chaos theory and Saida's method based on the Lyapunov view.Findings: The findings showed that during the ADF test, the null hypothesis was rejected at a level of less than 5% type 1 error and 95% confidence, and it shows that the data is not static. During the substitution analysis test and its significance level, the behavior of the time series of the main financial information is significantly different compared to their substitutes. The obtained value was calculated to describe the production process of all data sets for μ = 2, ApEnMax equal to 0.65 and rMax equal to 0.32, and for μ = 3, ApEnMax equal to 0.6 and rMax equal to 0.44. The value of the Lyapunov profile in stability at a certain point is less than zero and in the limited cycle of stability is equal to zero and in chaos, it is greater than zero and smaller than ∞, and in noise it is equal to ∞.Conclusion: The results show that higher returns, encourage investors to invest and increase the flow of capital. It is believed that companies' stock returns are a function of systematic risk, and systematic risk represents the changes in the return rate of a share compared to the changes in the return rate of the entire stock market.
Investigating Factors Affecting the Provision of Information Resources Services in the Central Libraries of Medical Sciences Universities: Voices From Iran Libraries of Medical Sciences(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The libraries of medical sciences universities have much more diverse goals and services than can be publically conceived, so providing services related to information resources is one of the most important challenges facing these organizations.Method: The present study is an applied research based on its purpose and descriptive-analytical as regards method. The study utilized the semi-structured interview method to obtain the factors affecting the provision of health information resources services. Sampling was conducted based on a purposeful method and experts’ viewpoints. The sampling was carried out the fuzzy Delphi technique which aimed to provide a solution for the issues. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to check the factors obtained from 62 central libraries of medical sciences.Findings: In general, six types of services were determined as health information resource services in specific central libraries, including tools for exploring the online book registration network, selection tools, interlibrary loan, free educational tools, additional book publishing tests, and content evaluation. Additionally, eight factors were identified, including providing services of specialized bibliographic review by librarians, consultation services to users, dissemination and provision of selective information services on Persian and Non-Persian sources, overcoming the weaknesses of librarians without library education, increasing the diversity of medical sciences library services, utilizing new technologies to compensate for deficiencies and lack of resources, improving the social function of the library as a social institution, and offering various electronic services such as databases and digital resources. These identified factors were found to influence the provision of health information resources.Conclusion: Various factors may affect the provision of health information resources services in universities of medical sciences, most importantly improvement of the social functions of libraries.
Studying the Requirements of the Digital Interactive and Transformational Model in the Virtual Space at the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Organization(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The current research aims to develop a model for digital transformation within the virtual space of the Broadcasting Organization in accordance with increasing the functionality of the virtual space among the audiences. Due to the lack of a model in this field in order to benefit from it, this research aims to extract the components of the model using the thematic qualitative method or theme analysis.Method: The statistical population includes 15 experts in media management and virtual space. To measure reliability, intra-subject agreement method (reliability between two coders/evaluators) was used to determine the reliability of the texts, and the reliability coefficient obtained for all three interviews and the total reliability coefficient was (0.87), surpassing the minimum acceptable threshold of 0.7, confirming the reliability of the codings and the interviews.Findings: The findings indicate that the model requirements consist of 6 main categories, 9 sub-categories, and 38 sub-categories essential for creating digital transformation and enhancing the interaction of the Islamic Republic of Iran's radio and television with the virtual space. The main categories of the model encompass content production, comprising six main components: content production (with six indicators), opportunities and threats (with 11 indicators), strengths and weaknesses (with 13 indicators), digital transformation components (with five indicators), platforms of introduction (with seven indicators), and consequences of digital transformation (with four indicators), totaling 46 indicators.Conclusion: The results show that establishing a favorable interaction in the virtual space and new media by creating a digital transformation in the national media is effective in attracting the audience and improving the performance of the national media and ensuring the satisfaction of the stakeholders.
The Effect of the Theory of Acceptance and Use of Augmented Reality on the Intention to Use Mobile Tourism Augmented Reality Apps: the Mediating Role of Hedonic Motivation(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: In contemporary times, augmented reality is a cornerstone technology within the tourism sector. Nonetheless, the inclination towards embracing and utilizing augmented reality applications in tourism hinges upon multifaceted determinants, meriting examination through the integrated lens of technology acceptance and use theory. Concurrently, these determinants sway individuals' hedonistic motivations to engage with such apps. This juncture holds significance for managerial considerations, delineating pivotal factors influencing the adoption of this technology. Hence, this present inquiry explores the nexus between the technology acceptance and use theory and the hedonistic motivations for tourism augmented reality apps on mobile platforms within the Iranian context.Method: The current research's statistical population consists of users of tourism augmented reality apps. The sample size is 201 users. The data collection tool is a questionnaire. A structural equation test was used to analyze the data.Findings: The research findings indicate that four factors, namely performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions, have a positive and significant impact on the hedonic motivation to use tourism augmented reality apps. Moreover, all four factors of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) positively influenced the intention to use augmented reality applications on mobile phones. Additionally, hedonic motivation was shown to positively and significantly affect the intention to use tourism augmented reality apps on mobile phones. Notably, hedonic motivation is a crucial mediator between the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) dimensions and the intention to use augmented reality applications. However, the mediating role of hedonic motivation was not supported for performance expectancy and behavioral intention.Conclusion: This research investigates the factors influencing the motivation to use augmented reality (AR) apps in tourism. It finds that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions positively impact hedonic motivation for AR app usage. The study validates the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) for predicting AR app adoption. Notably, hedonic motivation mediates between UTAUT dimensions and intention to use AR technology, suggesting implications for enhancing AR app design in the tourism sector.
Interpretive Structural Modeling of Social Network Marketing Based on Gaining a Competitive Advantage of Startup Travel Service Companies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: This research aims to identify the factors affecting social network marketing based on gaining a competitive advantage and designing a model related to the communication between them.Method: This research is applied in its purpose, and conducted using a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative). In the qualitative phase, first by reviewing the literature in the field of social network marketing and using the meta-combination method, the factors affecting it were identified and divided into three categories. subsequently, the relationships between these factors were determined and analytically analyzed using the interpretative structural modeling approach. In the modeling section, a questionnaire was distributed among experts selected through snowball sampling.Findings: The results of this research led to the classification of factors affecting social network marketing based on gaining competitive advantage and designing a model of these factors. In this model, the categories of organizational and structural resources (responsiveness to customers, service quality), marketing (attracting more customers, efficiency), and competitive advantage based on social media (branding, profitability), indicate the factors and the way of communication and interaction of these factors.Conclusion: Finally, the interpretation of the model, analysis of its levels, and the relationships among dimensions were discussed and solutions were provided in this regard.
Presentation and Validation of Brand-Customer Communication Model in Social Media Platform: A Case Study: Cosmetics Industry(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to provide a model for Validating and Presenting Brand-Customer Interaction Model in Digital Platform in the Cosmetics Industry.Method: This research was applied in its purpose and utilized a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative). In this regard, this study was conducted with the aim of presenting and validating the brand-customer interaction model in Instagram Platform. The present study is a descriptive survey in terms of its practical-developmental purpose and data collection method. The statistical population in the qualitative section includes marketing professors and cosmetics industry managers, 20 of whom were selected by purposive sampling. The statistical population in the quantitative section also includes customers of cosmetics and health products, 384 participants were selected using the convenience sampling. The data collection tools were a semi-structured interview and a researcher-made questionnaire. First, thematic analysis method was used to analyze the expert interviews. Next, the identified pattern was validated using partial least squares method. Thematic analysis and partial least squares were done with MaxQDA software and Smart PLS software, respectively.Findings: The criterion to achieve data saturation has been to achieve repetition in extracting codes. 235 codes were identified in the open coding stage. Finally, three overarching themes, eight organizing themes, and 49 basic themes were obtained through axial coding. Based on the structural equation model, the proposed model was fitted and confirmed.Conclusion: Based on the results, effective marketing and digital content marketing are the basic elements of the model, which increase brand recognition and brand identity among customers by increasing interaction with customers. Brand recognition and identity contribute to positive word-of-mouth marketing, which in turn affects brand positioning on Instagram. Finally, in this way, it is possible to create a constructive and interactive brand-customer relationship.
An Integrative Model of Influencing Factors for E-Shopping Using Mobile Apps among Young Iranian User(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The growth of Smartphone applications has led to the development and transformation of business sector. The present work aimed to assess factors influencing the intention to use shopping applications.Method: A structural model was formulated for analyzing and testing the existing factors among shopping application users. The statistical population of the research comprised of the users of shopping applications in a public university in Iran. This study employed a questionnaire survey, which consisted of two sections. The first section included general demographic details of the target respondents, while the second section comprised 30 items to measure the constructs of our conceptual model. All items of constructs were adopted from previous literature. A total of 288 questionnaires provided usable data.Findings: The results revealed that factors such as Convenience, Perceived Ease of Use, Trust, and Perceived usefulness affect the intention to use shopping applications, while factors such as Perceived Innovativeness, Perceived Risk, Perceived Enjoyment, and Social Influence were found to be non-influential.Conclusion: This research was conducted based on a comprehensive review of the research literature and identification of influential constructs with the approach of creating an integrated model of factors affecting the intention to use shopping applications. Based on the research results, focusing on ease of use and creating the experience of perceived usefulness along with the use of tools that lead to the improvement of trust is critical for practitioners.
Understanding the Cross Media Electronic Marketing Process(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The purpose of the research was to understand the cross media electronic marketing process. In fact, with the emergence of virtual organizations, social network media marketing has become a basic need for the possibility of movement and continued developmentMethod: this research conducted using Grounded theory analysis. Snowball or targeted sampling is utilized to gather the required data. The qualitative part of this study was conducted based on the viewpoints of 24 university professors, marketing activists, experts, elites, managers, and employees of insurance companies. Collected interviews were analyzed in MAXQDA software. To achieve this goal, the collected interviews are evaluated using different coding methods as the main process. The interviews were entered into the MAXQDA software. Coding in data theory methodology is a process of conceptual abstraction by assigning general concepts (codes) to individual occurrences in the data.Findings: Based on the analysis, 104 primary codes, 18 core categories have been identified in 6 categories of the foundation's data. With the emergence of electronic commerce, organizations are changing their business. The proposed model shows that the digital era has changed the expectations of customers from communication with brands. Before social networks, mass media communication channels such as television and radio to brand managers. It allowed them to communicate with consumersConclusion: In the present research, based on the participants' viewpoints, the categories of management factors challenge, financial potential, communication potential, customer characteristics and welfare and comfort, finally, marketing techniques have been identified and it has been related to another broader category called causal conditions. Information technology and targeted marketing were identified as background conditions. Environmental factors and psychological factors of the clients were identified as intervening conditions. Research strategies include business improvement, knowledge and education, and finally innovation and creativity. Outcomes include customer loyalty, sustainability in customer relationships with the product and social media, beneficial word-of-mouth and viral advertising, customer satisfaction, and purchase intent.
Presenting the Proposed Model of Dynamic Knowledge Management in Iran's Government-Sponsored Organizations(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to provide a model for dynamic knowledge management in Iranian government organizations.Method: This research is applied in terms of purpose, survey-exploratory in terms of approach, and qualitative in terms of type. The statistical population of this research was a group of experts, including university professors, and senior managers of the Zanjan Province Industry, Mining and Trade Organization, and based on theoretical sampling, 11 of them were selected as a statistical sample and were interviewed. The approach adopted in this research to analyze the interviews was theme analysis.Findings: The results of the research led to the presentation of a new model in the field of dynamic knowledge management in Iranian government organizations, including five main variables (including: promotional levers of dynamic knowledge management, intra-organizational factors of dynamic knowledge management, extra-organizational factors of dynamic knowledge management, executive levers of dynamic knowledge management, and expected consequences of dynamic knowledge management).Conclusion: The results of this research showed that if dynamic knowledge management is implemented well in Iran's government organizations, it can be expected that organizational productivity and agility and the satisfaction of stakeholders will improve.
Prioritizing Factors Affecting Consumer-Buying Behavior in Online Social Media Marketing(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to prioritize the factors affecting consumer-buying behavior in online social media marketing.Method: The analysis and validation of indicators were conducted using the mixed method of structural equation modeling and partial least squares. Additionally, the IPMA matrix was utilized to determine the importance and type of performance of each factor. The research data were influenced by consumer information, predominantly consisting of women with a master's degree aged between 36 and 50 years. The study employed a non-probability sampling method common for online surveys, and 466 individuals were examined using Cohen's effect size formula.Findings: The research findings indicated that consumer engagement was the most important factor, and ease of use exhibited the highest level of performance in the overall social media model. Furthermore, consumer engagement was identified as the most important factor, while electronic word-of-mouth (EWOM) demonstrated the highest performance level on Instagram. Conversely, EWOM was deemed the most important factor, with consumer engagement displaying the highest performance level on Telegram. These results can be utilized by marketers to influence consumer purchasing behavior and craft online marketing strategies accordingly.Conclusion: Companies utilizing online social media platforms are advised to enhance consumer engagement and performance by implementing short-term techniques and effective strategies, such as incorporating online chat functionalities in the user environment. Instagram, being the most widely used social media platform and an online shopping hub for consumers, showcased acceptable performance in terms of consumer engagement. Hence, companies need to take measures to elevate performance levels to match their importance. In the case of Telegram, EWOM emerged as the most crucial factor among others, with a commendable performance rating. Businesses can bolster their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) units and enhance WOM initiatives to the fullest extent possible.
The Impact of Content Produced on Instagram Social Network on Successful Economic Services of Isfahan in Corona Crisis Using a Combination of Genetic Algorithm and Forbidden Search Algorithm(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: The purpose of this research was to provide a model for choosing the best content for the activity of service guilds.Method: In inferential statistics, the K-S test is used for the normality of research hypotheses. For this purpose, Pearson's correlation coefficient and linear regression tests have been used through SPSS 21 software, and the best content generated using genetic algorithms and forbidden search were introduced.Findings: Analysis of research and implementation results with two collective intelligence algorithms shows that Instagram has a positive and significant effect on all four dimensions and thus leads to the success of the service classes that have used Instagram.Conclusion: In this article, a combination model of genetic algorithm and forbidden search algorithm was chosen for users so that the best content, which of course does not contain malicious ads and cookies, etc., is introduced for the continuation of the service industry.
Consumer Compulsive Buying Patterns Influenced by Online Advertisements in Iran's TV Shopping(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose: This research aimed at presenting the consumers’ compulsive buying pattern through internet advertisements of digital content in Iran's TV shopping industry.Method: Research Methodology was practical in terms of purpose and conducted using mixed method (qualitative-quantitative). The research community was based on the purposeful sampling method, and consisted of ten marketing experts. The research tool was interview. MAXQDA software was used to analyze data through database theory. The statistical population in the quantitative section included TV buyers in Mashhad. Based on Morgan table and random sampling, 384 samples were selected. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, and the Structural Equation Method (SEM) in SmartPLS software was used for data analysis. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by using face, content, divergent and convergent validities, and its reliability was also confirmed using Cronbach's alpha. Both of Composite and homogeneous reliability were evaluated.Findings: "appropriate digital marketing mix design for TV sales, digital marketing capabilities, individual demographic characteristics, lifestyle, family " constitute the causal conditions in the consumer’s compulsive buying pattern in the TV shopping. According to the findings, “quick and transient purchase and irrational and emotional purchase” were identified as a central phenomenon. “TV's attractiveness from the audience's point of view, broadcasting policies, sales companies' policies, national TV belief and trust, individual awareness and knowledge about buying products and society's culture” acted as intervening conditions. In the field of buying, “intellectual structures of society and executive structures of society” identified as background conditions. Human strategies and structural and organizational strategies” acted as strategies and “Consumers outcomes; families and society outcomes” were identified as outcomes. According to the results of structural modeling, the relationships of the identified pattern were significant.Conclusion: The issue of compulsive buying is one of the most important and common issues, and buying from TV has fueled this issue, and has become the basis for its expansion and, following that, its negative consequences. In this scientific research, efforts were made to reduce the consequences of this phenomenon. The results of this study showed that although the phenomenon of compulsive purchase from TV is negative, but with proper management, useful results can be obtained from it.