مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
فرهنگ پژوهش زمستان ۱۳۹۶ شماره ۳۲ ویژه علوم سیاسی
5 - 30
حوزههای تخصصی:
الزام سیاسی در عمده متون و نوشته ها در ضمن بحث مشروعیت سیاسی مورد بحث قرار می گیرد. چرایی اطاعت پذیری و اینکه «چرا انسان ها باید از حاکم در جامعه اسلامی اطاعت کنند؟» از منظر فلسفه سیاسی اسلام با روشی توصیفی تحلیلی پاسخ داده می شود. توجیه الزام سیاسی در نظام های سیاسی گوناگون متفاوت است. هر نظامی بر اساس اعتقادات و اهدافی که از زندگی اجتماعی سیاسی دنبال می کند به نحوی این مسئله را توجیه می کند. دیدگاه های غیر دینی با اصولی مانند قانون طبیعی یا اراده انسانی در قالب؛ اختیارگرایی، غایت گرایی و وظیفه گرایی و در مقابل دیدگاه های مبتنی بر حاکمیت الهی با تاکید بر مرجعیت الهی در صدد توجیه و تبیین اطاعت پذیری از حاکم می باشند. رویکردهای مذهبی به ویژه اسلامی، الزام سیاسی را در قالب یک اندیشه ی وحیانی و مدعی سیاست ارایه می کنند و عمل درست را با توجه به محتوای دینی توجیه می کنند، در چنین حالتی الزام سیاسی به گونه ای الزام دینی می باشد؛ یعنی تعهد و تکلیف فرد به متابعت از حاکمیت الهی و قوانینی که از سوی یک مرجع ماورایی طبیعی و توسط واسطه ای به مردم ابلاغ گشته است. در فلسفه سیاسی اسلام، با بیان مبانی؛ خداشناسی، انسان شناسی و فرجام شناسی و گره زدن آْن ها به یکدیگر لزوم اطاعت از حاکم الهی اثبات می شود. با توجه به خصوصیات انسانی و اجتماعی نوع بشر، اثبات حقانیت حاکمیت الهی با براهین عقلی و سعادت طلبی ذاتی انسان ها اثبات می شود. به دنبال توجیه لزوم اطاعت پذیری و الزام سیاسی در برابر حاکم الهی، ثمرات و آثار فراوانی در ابعاد فردی و اجتماعی زندگی انسان برای او اثبات می گردد. به این ترتیب است که انسان به رغم خصلت آزادی خواهانه و میل و گرایش طبیعی به آزادی، خودخواسته و با میل باطنی، خویشتن را در چارچوب این الزامات که به ظاهر نوعی محدودیت است قرار می دهد.
An Evaluation of Kant's Theory of Perpetual Peace in the Field of Contemporary Political Philosophy(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Philosophical sketch of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) on the primary conditions for Peace and co-existence between states is reflected in his Perpetual Peace. In Kant's view, three primary conditions of perpetual peace of a republican government in every country are based on a civil constitution, establishment of a federation of free states, and cosmopolitan right of individuals as world citizens. The foundations of republican system, i.e. freedom for all members of the society as human beings, belonging of each individual to a public code of law as subject, and equality before law as a citizen, are important in Kant's political philosophy. Two primary responsibilities for Kant's federation of free states, i.e. non-interference in the internal affairs of member states, and upholding of a unified front against extraterritorial aggression, suffer from ambiguity and inadequacy, and is therefore vulnerable. Kant's formulation of "a unified world government" is cautionary and conditional; for it can be ended to despotism and decline.
The Basis of Freedom of Religious Minorities in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
In this paper we try to give a description of the juridical status of religious minorities, Muslim or otherwise, in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We also deal with the question of whether non-Muslim minorities are free to perform their religious practices and the extent of their freedom.
The Freedom of Commitment: The Role of the Writer in Sartre’s What is Literature?(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The commitment of literature stirred up controversy in the face of European cataclysm of the post-war period. The significance of literature in political spheres fell under suspicion. It came to be looked at as a passive, impractical activity that could not express the horrors of W WII. Jean-Paul Sartre, the leading literary figure of existentialism in France, faced with such criticisms, decided to investigate the role of the writer and the reader, and endeavored to open a gateway for writers to participate in their societies actively. This study is concerned with the first three chapters of the monograph including “What is Writing?,” “Why Does One Write?,” and “For Whom Does One Write?” The present analysis does not address Sartre’s Existential philosophy per se; however, it briefly examines the roots of Sartre’s conception of literature in continental philosophy and the critical responses to his work from the perspectives of Alain Robbe-Grillet and Theodor W. Adorno. This paper endeavors to give a clear insight into Sartre’s idea of commitment and the freedom of the writer, and what he introduced as “human right literature” as an antithesis to both Marxism and Capitalism.
Bergson’s Freedom: A Dualistic Interpretation
تأملات اخلاقی دوره اول تابستان ۱۳۹۹ شماره ۲
93 - 108
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When studying Henri Bergson's works, one can understand that as he proceeds from theoretical philosophy to applied philosophy, he criticizes deterministic view in favor of freedom and establishes foundations of this attitude. He is of the view that by obtaining true knowledge, we would achieve practical purposes including dynamic religion, open society and, more importantly, freedom. Bergson establishes his epistemological and metaphysical foundations in a way that he provides an appropriate base for the realization of freedom in open society. This study attempts to interpret Bergson's idea about freedom in light of his dualistic system, and by referring to the place of freedom within the dualistic system, it also attempts to explain Bergson's conception of freedom and show how and why freedom would be realized. Furthermore, this paper seeks to show that freedom would be realized by disregarding the wrong parts of Bergson's dualism in relation to dynamic religion, with the help of intuitive knowledge which takes duration into account and in an open society, while closed society, static religion and the epistemological attitude which rely on intelligence and have a spatial approach to time would hinder the occurrence of freedom. Thus the cognitive basis of conceiving free will is considered in the light of a dualistic approach in which the positive side (life) realizes the freedom, while the negative side (matter) causes determinism.
Are There Limits to Free Speech?
تأملات اخلاقی دوره اول زمستان ۱۳۹۹ شماره ۴
43 - 56
حوزههای تخصصی:
Freedom of speech has traditionally been a cause championed by the left and liberal side of the political spectrum, against conservatives who have tried to limit the expression of radical ideas. Here are three examples from the United States: 1) When I was appointed to Princeton University in 1999, Steve Forbes, whose father had endowed the university’s Forbes College, called for my appointment to be rescinded, and pledged that he would not donate to the university as long as I was on the faculty. Forbes was, at the time, running for the Republican nomination for president.
Universalizability and Practical Identity
فصلنامه حکمت و فلسفه ۱۳۸۴ شماره ۲
7 - 17
حوزههای تخصصی:
A familiar criticism of Kant, made by Hegel and his followers, J .S. Mill and others, is that there are no maxims that are in fact contradictory, as required for morality on Kant's view. In this paper, I discuss the suggestion that our capacity for rational reflection itself implies universality, and that it is this universality that obliges us to act morally. I consider the idea that self-understanding depends upon practical identity, and I argue that we are sometimes obliged to act morally because of the nature of practical identity and its role in deliberation and self-awareness.
Kant's Four Notions of Freedom
فصلنامه حکمت و فلسفه ۱۳۸۴ شماره ۲
31 - 48
حوزههای تخصصی:
Four different notions of freedom can be distinguished in Kant's philosophy: logical freedom, practical freedom, transcendental freedom and freedom of choice ("Willkiir"). The most important of these is transcendental freedom. Kant's arguments for its existence depend on the claim that, necessarily, the categorical imperative is the highest principle of reason. My paper examines how this claim can be made plausible.
A Comparative Glance at Thomas Hobbes and John Locke's Ideas on the Concept of Freedom
حوزههای تخصصی:
Freedom and the Imaginary Dimension of Society
The Iranian Yearbook of Phenomenology, Volume ۱, Issue ۱, ۲۰۲۲
217 - 238
حوزههای تخصصی:
The notion of 'freedom' has gained an emblematic character in contemporary political discourse. It is, commonly, viewed as the central value and political goal of modern societies. Similarly, human rights documents conceive of freedom as their founding principle with universal validity. In contradistinction to this prevalent approach to freedom, this paper aims to demonstrate that freedom is, primarily, a political signifier with social-historical variability. One cannot, therefore, simply and uncritically assume that freedom has (or should have) universal validity or transhistorical significance. In the first section of this paper, the structure of the contemporary liberal discourse on freedom is discussed and called into question. In light of Arendt's interpretation of freedom and through her analysis of the public domain, I reflect on the social-historical variability of the meaning of freedom and its inextricable nexus with a particular form of society. In the second section and drawing on Castoriadis, the notion of 'freedom' is approached in view of human signifying practices and the imaginary dimensions of society. This examination reveals in what way freedom––in the sense of a central social imaginary signification––contributes to the institution of an autonomous mode of society and determines the affective disposition and intentional vector of its inhabitants.
Reflecting the Hero's Confusion in Sartre's Existentialist Attitude: conditions of appearance and characteristics(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
پژوهش های فلسفی زمستان ۱۴۰۱ شماره ۴۱
423 - 437
The current article discusses the issue that the hero in Sartre's existentialist attitude lives alone and confused in an absurd world where moral foundations are not very important. He is forced to choose and by choosing values, he creates his desired ethics and by this means he invites others to those self-created values. In this way, Sartre gives a new meaning to the word hero. Sartre's hero becomes even more limited by the "other" with his terrifying decisions, the only way to save him is conscious self-deception. Although he knows that he is free and has to choose, and he is also familiar with the responsibility and commitment. The current research was carried out with a fundamental purpose and its main issue is to investigate the characteristics of the hero in Sartre's existentialism philosophy and the conditions of its emergence. In this research, in search of the conditions for the emergence of the hero from Sartre's point of view, it shows that originality is the result of practical actions in the situations in which Sartre's hero is placed, so it is connected with consciousness and freedom is the relationship of consciousness with the world. The research method is qualitative and in order to reveal the research problem, the Paris-Texas film has been selected and analyzed as a case of study based on the purposeful selection. The result indicates that every action of today's hero is original and self-determining because it was formed in freedom. He is nothing but what he makes of himself; This construction happens in the public sphere, so authenticity is no longer an individual action, but a conflict in social relations.
The Notion of Causality in Edo Metaphysics: a hermeneutico philosophical study(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
پژوهش های فلسفی زمستان ۱۴۰۱ شماره ۴۱
438 - 459
One of the most important and most discussed problems of traditional and contemporary metaphysics and philosophy of science is the problem of causality. The problem has generated a lot of controversies and debates from scholars. One clear point amidst these discussions on the causality problem is that the last has neither been written nor heard. It remains an open-ended issue for philosophical consideration. The causation problem itself is not just a problem but a cluster of problems with puzzling questions such as; how do causes bring about their effects? Our concern in this paper is not to examine all the problems that are embedded in the relationship between cause and effect, but to focus on the metaphysical problem of how cause, conceived as a separate event is related or connected to the effect. Several theories have been postulated by Western scholars like Aristotle, Spinoza, Hume, Hempel, Russell, Kant, Mill, among others to explain the kind of causal connection obtainable between causes and effects. Some of these theories of causation are traditional view or common sense view, Humean, and the host of others. It is a fact that some of these theories have failed in proffering a philosophical solution to the traditional causation problem. In an attempt to further reflect on the traditional causation problem, this paper undertakes an exposition of the nature of causality, determinism, freedom and predestination in traditional African thought with the aim of proffering better explanation towards resolving the traditional causation problem.
International Peace in Global politics: A Critical Theory and the Islamic Perspective(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Frankfurt School’s critical theory, derived from the ideology of Herbert Marcuse and Jürgen Habermas et al. was put forward by Robert Cox, Andrew Linklater , and Marc Hoffmann into the realm of international relationships. It will be discussed in the framework of the third debate of international relationships. The concepts represented in this theory are highly similar to those in the Islamic theory within international policy and foreign policy. Thus, the question here is the degree to which these concepts can be employed in order to extend the Islamic theory of international relationships. The present paper is going to determine the degree to which such concepts as freedom, knowledge, mutual understanding, hegemony structure, international clampdown, and the like, which are frequently used in the Islamic international policy literature as the foundation of critical theory related to international peace, are comparable. The first hypothesis of this research is that above-mentioned concepts have only verbal similarities and not interchangeable in the level of ontology and epistemology. In order to explain the main concepts of critical theory, this research, sued analytical, descriptive method based on major resources employment. In fact, it answers the question utilizing the major resources being used in the Islamic international relationships literature.
The Realm of Freedom from the Religious Perspective and its Impact on Contemporary Life (Emphasizing on the Infallible Imams School)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
pure life, Volume ۱۰, Issue ۳۵, Summer ۲۰۲۳
27 - 56
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SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES : Since freedom is one of the common desires of humanity and is rooted in human nature, there is a lot of literature about it; However, in Islamic jurisprudence, this word has a little history and it is referred to as a new issue. The debates raised by Islamic thinkers often do not look at the issue from a jurisprudential angle. This research tries to fill this gap. By emphasizing on Infallible imams school, the research describes the realm of freedom and its impact on contemporary life from a religious viewpoint with the aim of explaining the nature, limits and dimensions of freedom from a jurisprudential angle. METHOD AND FINDING : By using the method of qualitative analysis and referring to the verses and narrations and the opinions and opinions of Shia jurists and thinkers, it has reached the following findings: A: The principle of freedom is approved by religion and the school of infallible imams. B: Only freedom that is in the service and in the direction of achieving worldly and hereafter happiness is approved. C: Freedom in Islam is a means, not a goal. D: Political freedom is compatible with the theory of religious democracy. CONCLUSION : The article has concluded that the limit of human freedom in the school of infallible imams is where freedom becomes a barrier to the eternal happiness of an individual or human society.
The Lingual Structure of Reality Critical Investigation of Ricard Rorty’s View
Theosophia Islamica, Vol ۲,No ۲, Issue ۴, (۲۰۲۲)
115 - 135
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The contemporary world observes an increasing leaning from the thinkers in various intellectual and cultural spheres towards an approach to reality, interpreting reality as something in relationship to human beings and his goals and purposes, not independent of them. Richard Rorty is among the adherents of such a thought. The present article uses an analytical-critical method to show how Rorty has defended this view and to evaluate his view. According to the present study, it is clarified that Rorty adduces the features he considers for language to negate the possibility of accessing pure and naked reality; thus, he considers the available reality as made by ourselves in cooperation with others, which has a quite lingual structure. In my view, however, despite the fact that believing in lingual structure of reality places us in a better situation for defending concepts such as activity, freedom, self-consciousness, ownership, thinking and genuine life, Rorty’s emphasis on solidarity, instead of objectivity and truth, entails a dominion of culture over the rational sciences. Consequently, we observe a leaning towards the principality of ‘will’ (including both individual and social) according to which, philosophy turns into something a posteriori and relied on will.
Allameh Tabataba'i: The Absoluteness Monotheism And Its Relationship With Free Will(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
تاریخ فلسفه اسلامی سال ۳ بهار ۱۴۰۳ شماره ۱
5 - 28
حوزههای تخصصی:
The Absoluteness Monotheism based on absolute unity is a point of view that Allameh Tabataba'i explains based on verses and traditions. He criticized the previous philosophers' theory of formational unity and the mystics's theory of personal unity of Being and established a point of view that had an impact on his entire intellectual and philosophical system. He admits that with this point of view, even discussions of predestination and free will are dismissed and irrelevant. Therefore, the problem of predestination and free will must be solved in another way. In this research, we aim to first express the view of The Absoluteness monotheism according to Allameh. Secondly, the ratio of discretion to The Absoluteness monotheism should be checked, It will become clear that with this monotheistic view, issues and problems arise differently, and some questions and contradictions are not raised in the intellectual framework of this monotheistic view and will be irrelevant; It will be clear that according to monotheism, there is only one absolute existence in the universe, and the other entities are conditioned and related to God. A person who accepts monotheism has surrendered himself to God and freed himself from servitude to others, and such a person has the highest level of freedom, because servitude to others is slavery and coercion, and in the shadow of God's servitude, man will achieve full freedom and true happiness.
Freedom as Discourse in Western Idealism
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Freedom is an abstract concept which is more understandable by its limitations. The question is that, is there a comprehensive concept of freedom in western idealism? For this purpose, this study created some conceptual research in the poles of western idealism. Accordingly, freedom in framework of Socratic philosophy had no context except virtue orientation. Then, it was reduced to security and property in the new period. The present study used the discourse analysis of freedom to show why and how the concept of freedom has an underlying and philosophical concept in old and new schools. Thus, a single and undeniable attitude to freedom in western idealism is non-scientific and non-historical. The present study selected the analytical comparative method to discuss the concept of freedom discourse in western political thought in old and new periods, indicating why and how freedom is a discourse concept; or at least belongs to its specific community, and cannot be necessarily compared in a generalized, universal way.