مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه



الزام سیاسی در فلسفه سیاسی اسلام


کلیدواژه‌ها: الزام سیاسی Political obligation فلسفه سیاسی Political philosophy مشروعیت legitimacy آزادی freedom

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۶۱ تعداد دانلود : ۴۲۱
الزام سیاسی در عمده متون و نوشته ها در ضمن بحث مشروعیت سیاسی مورد بحث قرار می گیرد. چرایی اطاعت پذیری و اینکه «چرا انسان ها باید از حاکم در جامعه اسلامی اطاعت کنند؟» از منظر فلسفه سیاسی اسلام با روشی توصیفی تحلیلی پاسخ داده می شود. توجیه الزام سیاسی در نظام های سیاسی گوناگون متفاوت است. هر نظامی بر اساس اعتقادات و اهدافی که از زندگی اجتماعی سیاسی دنبال می کند به نحوی این مسئله را توجیه می کند. دیدگاه های غیر دینی با اصولی مانند قانون طبیعی یا اراده انسانی در قالب؛ اختیارگرایی، غایت گرایی و وظیفه گرایی و در مقابل دیدگاه های مبتنی بر حاکمیت الهی با تاکید بر مرجعیت الهی در صدد توجیه و تبیین اطاعت پذیری از حاکم می باشند. رویکردهای مذهبی به ویژه اسلامی، الزام سیاسی را در قالب یک اندیشه ی وحیانی و مدعی سیاست ارایه می کنند و عمل درست را با توجه به محتوای دینی توجیه می کنند، در چنین حالتی الزام سیاسی به گونه ای الزام دینی می باشد؛ یعنی تعهد و تکلیف فرد به متابعت از حاکمیت الهی و قوانینی که از سوی یک مرجع ماورایی طبیعی و توسط واسطه ای به مردم ابلاغ گشته است. در فلسفه سیاسی اسلام، با بیان مبانی؛ خداشناسی، انسان شناسی و فرجام شناسی و گره زدن آْن ها به یکدیگر لزوم اطاعت از حاکم الهی اثبات می شود. با توجه به خصوصیات انسانی و اجتماعی نوع بشر، اثبات حقانیت حاکمیت الهی با براهین عقلی و سعادت طلبی ذاتی انسان ها اثبات می شود. به دنبال توجیه لزوم اطاعت پذیری و الزام سیاسی در برابر حاکم الهی، ثمرات و آثار فراوانی در ابعاد فردی و اجتماعی زندگی انسان برای او اثبات می گردد. به این ترتیب است که انسان به رغم خصلت آزادی خواهانه و میل و گرایش طبیعی به آزادی، خودخواسته و با میل باطنی، خویشتن را در چارچوب این الزامات که به ظاهر نوعی محدودیت است قرار می دهد.

The Association of Effectiveness and Legitimacy


کلیدواژه‌ها: effectiveness legitimacy Ineffectiveness Crisis Political system

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۳۷ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۹
This paper tries to investigate the association between effectiveness and legitimacy in different political systems, applying a documentary method. To do so, firstly the notion of effectiveness is introduced followed by the notion of legitimacy and then their asso-cnnnnnnn n eeeeeeeeee Snnce eee iiiiiical iirrraeeee ff eeeeeee effeciieeeess ss ccacce, iiis term was defined through its opposite terms like ineffectiveness and crisis. The legiti-macy of political systems in this paper contains different types of legitimacy including divine, popular and combined legitimacy. The paper concludes that the main problem of the states is not the challenges to legitimacy and effectiveness but the real challenge is to draw the trajectory of goals and limitations in policy making and decision making.

Reform Era in Iranian Politics(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۴۳۳ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۲
Political legitimacy is one of the fundamental notions in contemporary political theorizing. To explain this notion, a set of views, influenced by Weber, put emphasis on the role of political beliefs of the citizens. Yet, recent academic enterprises refer to the political agents, focusing on their actions. This article studies Iranians’ socio-economic conditions in 1990’s, and reveals the setting of the emergence of the reformism, with regard to the notion of legitimacy. Along this line, the strategy of the reformists as the political agents is examined and their weaknesses and strengths as well as the reason of their failure are discussed.

Human Rights Protection: The Role of Institutional Capacity and Selective Adaptation(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Human Rights Selective Adaptation Institutional legitimacy

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۷۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۵
Selective adaptation describes the process by which international legal rules are contextualized to local conditions. The institutional and cultural contexts for selective adaptation involve a process by which non-local institutional practices and organizational forms are mediated by local norms. This process can be illustrated by reference to the local implementation of international human rights regimes.<br /> Selective adaptation is made possible by ways in which governments, elites, and other interpretive communities express their own normative preferences in the course of interpretation and application of practice rules. Selective adaptation depends on a number of factors, including perception, complementarity, and legitimacy. Perception influences understanding about foreign and local norms and practices. Originally a principle of nuclear physics, complementarity describes a circumstance by which apparently contradictory phenomena can be combined in ways that preserve essential characteristics of each component and yet allow for them to operate together in a mutually reinforcing and effective manner.

Imam Khomeini’s Leadership, a Rejection of the Theory of Charismatic Leadership(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Imam Khomeini leadership Islamic revolution Theory of Charismatic Leadership legitimacy Dignity

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۴۴۴ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۸
Many local and foreign theorists and authorities have tried to present a theoretical elaboration of the nature of Imam Khomeini’s leadership and its profound impact. Therefore, the basic question of this research foresees this fact ‘What kind of interactions has existed between Imam Khomeini’s personality and leadership method and the observation of human dignity?’ Was this method of leadership and its immense influence on the basis of the rejected model of charismatic leadership and can it be interpreted on this basis? The findings of this research, based on the analytical-documental method indicate the complete interaction of Imam Khomeini’s character and leadership method, with the theme of human dignity and specifies that the Imam-as the highest symbol of human dignity and particularly a perfect human being and in the position of an educated, pure and dynamic religious authority in the lap of the high Islamic and Shiite teachings during his life and periods of leadership-had a special and inexpressible attention to the subject of human dignities and basically one of the reasons for the immense influence of his leadership are attributed precisely to this fact. Attempts have also been made concerning the incompatible aspects of the charismatic leadership with human dignities and demonstrating the lack of conjunction of this model with the Imam’s leadership style, as another document to be presented in support of quest for dignity and dignity-centered attitudes of his character and leadership. Indeed, the Imam was the symbol of dignity and the perfect divine human being and for this reason, he left his profound impact on the peoples’ opinion and the majority of Muslims, the impact that has not become routine and afflicted with any defect.

Dominance Dimensions of People in the Constitutional Law of the Islamic Republic of Iran


کلیدواژه‌ها: sovereignty constitutional laws the Islamic Republic of Iran Democracy legitimacy

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۸ تعداد دانلود : ۶۲
The question of dominance in human thoughts was associated with the formation of the first governmental organizations in the history. In this direction, a fundamental question that emerged in political and legal realm is search for the origin of power and sovereignty of government. There are two viewpoints on this matter, namely the perspective of God's sovereignty and the viewpoint of people's dominance. This paper will study the concept of sovereignty along with its impressions, beside explanation of the meaning of political sovereignty, and theories related to it in the constitutional laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran.