مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
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International Transport Corridors and Interstate Pipelines are important sources of conflict and competition between major powers. From a Realistic point of view, they are not only economic Initiatives but also can be used as a political leverage for countries en route. So each major power has proposed its own preferred corridor. EU’s TRACECA Initiative and Southern Gas Corridor, United State’s New Silk Road and its support for pipelines like BTE, TCP, TAPI etc, Chinese OBOR Initiative and Russia's support for International North-South Corridor-INSC and various pipeline projects are obviously in line with this Realistic Approach. I.R. Iran due to its geopolitical situation potentially faces different choices, so it is important to exactly survey this initiatives and obstacles facing. After offering a very exact and comprehensive description of European supported Interstate Initiatives in Caspian Sea and Black sea, this article will evaluate the consequences of the resolution of nuclear issue between I. R. Iran and the West and continuation of Development Oriented Foreign Policy in terms of reducing obstacles facing these initiatives. The hypothesis is that the resolution of nuclear issue, termination of sanctions and continuation of development oriented Foreign Policy will considerably ease the obstacles that development of Southern Gas Corridor-SGC facing, but will not overshadow TRACECA’s status.
Analysing the Effect of Financial Development and Symmetric Information on Economic Growth of European Union Members(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The relationship between financial development and economic growth is the crucial issues which could grab economists and policy makers' attention to it. Financial market plays an essential role on each economy, because it conducts funds to those individuals or firms which have productive investment opportunities. If the financial system does not perform this role efficiently, the economic efficiency will decrease and consequently economic growth will be barricaded. One of the main disturbing cases of efficient financial system is asymmetric information. This paper tries to study the effect of financial development and symmetric information on economic growth for whole European Union members. For measuring the symmetric information, some proxies like ICT, IT and economic freedom components are used. In order to have a separate model per country, Pooled Data model is applied in 2000-2012. The results Show that financial development and symmetric information lead to a higher rate of economic growth among European Union members. JEL Classification: O16, O40, D82, E69
EU Economic & Financial Sanctions against Iran and their Human Rights Implications(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Since the advent of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the country has been continuously subject to severe sanctions by the Western countries, especially the United States. In all these years, the U.S. sanctions did not affect Iran’s economy much, due to the fact that the two countries have no formal relations and as a result, their economies are not, by any means, interdependent. However, Iran’s economy has been reliant on extensive interactions with the European countries; the EU sanctions against Iran since 2011, therefore, have harshly affected Iran’s economy and caused adverse social impacts on Iranian lives. In the shadow of Iran’s dark image in the eyes of the world, one issue that has remained overshadowed by the discussions on the impact and effectiveness of the sanctions, is the severe human rights crises left by the EU sanctions. The key question is what have been the human rights and humanitarian consequences of the EU sanctions for Iran, and how serious have these consequences been for the country? As the author argues in this paper, EU economic sanctions against Iran are considered violations of the three main generations of human rights and are therefore unwarranted. Given this, the resumption of sanctions since 2018 would lead to a human rights disaster in Iran. The effect of these sanctions will not affect the Iranian government, but the Iranian civilians, especially the vulnerable, which will undermine their human dignity.
The U.S. Role in Iran- EU Relations (1990-2020)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs, Volume ۱۱, Issue ۳۱ - Serial Number ۱, January ۲۰۲۰
273 - 302
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In view of the EU’s position in international policy arena and its evolving foreign relations with I.R.I, this research first attempts to elucidate the background of EU-I.R.I foreign relations as well as the EU foreign policy towards Iran and then proceeds to address the importance of Iran for the EU. Efforts have also been put into giving an account of the US role in convergence and divergence of such relations followed by examination of the EU and the Middle East, Iran and WMD as well as issues of human rights and democracy in Iran-EU relations. However, due to interruptions in discourse making in all fields of Iran-EU foreign relations, it seems that these two important actors have not utilized the available opportunities in political terms with significant impacts on their bilateral commercial and economic ties.
Scarcity & the EU Resilience-Building Capacity in Moldova by Stabilizing the Transnistrian Conflict(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
World Sociopolitical Studies, Volume ۶, Issue ۳, summer ۲۰۲۲
567 - 603
حوزههای تخصصی:
Resilience-building within the EU borders is critical to ensure the security of European states. Moldova is one of the target areas for this policy due to the frozen Transnistrian conflict. The primary purpose of this article is analyzing the role of the EU in the Transnistrian conflict and why the EU resilience building activities had limited effects on the ground. The theoretical framework of this study is Mullainathan and Shafer's idea of Scarcity. Scarcity is a broad concept that means "having less than you need." The EU security scarcity has led to a security poverty. Scarcity’s capture of attention affects not only what the EU sees the world, but also the way in which it interprets and understands it. This article hypothesizes that the EU has started tunneling due to the security scarcity for resilience-building in the Transnistrian conflict, and this has led to a decrease in the bandwidth and consequently diminished the resilience-building capacity and conflict resolution in the region. The method of research is case study.
The Impact of US Strategy on Identity Conflicts between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the European Union
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Trump’s Campaign to Re-securitize Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
مطالعات بین المللی سال ۲۰ پاییز ۱۴۰۲ شماره ۲ (پیاپی ۷۸)
235 - 285
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Iran nuclear program had been the main theme for portraying Iran as an imminent threat to international peace and stability. Several United Nations Security Council Resolutions, adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations from 2006 to 2010 identified the Iranian nuclear issue as a proliferation concern and thus a possible threat to international peace and security. With the conclusion of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 marked the start of de-securitization of Iran nuclear program. During Trump presidency, the United States pursued the maximum pressure campaign consisting of economic, political, and military pressure against Iran, coupled with securitizing speech acts to convince the audience of the necessity of a more comprehensive deal with Iran. Using Barry Buzan’s Securitization Theory and Process Tracing as research method, this study tries to investigate the outcome of Trump Administration campaign for re-securitization of Iran nuclear program, specifically in international political arena. It finds that while Trump policy succeeded in imposing heavy economic cost on Iran, it failed to re-securitize the Iranian nuclear program.
Georgia’s Foreign Policy from A Geopolitical Perspective (2008-2018); based on the Grand Chess Board Doctrine by Brzezinski(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
ژئوپلیتیک سال ۱۹ زمستان ۱۴۰۲ شماره ۴ (پیاپی ۷۲)
337 - 361
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The Russo-Georgia war in 2008 interrupted Georgia’s membership in NATO and the EU. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Georgia was a proper destination for the western countries due to its geopolitical superiority, located between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. Georgia’s goal also was to obtain the conditions of the EU and NATO to achieve the membership of these two organizations as an Eastern European State. With the occurrence of war in 2008, Georgia’s Geopolitical situation changed. The research hypothesis is, by losing 20% of Georgia’s territory in that war, one of the main conditions for joining NATO and the EU which is the territorial integrity, was suspended. This research is based on the Grand Chessboard Doctrine by Brzezinski, marking the geopolitical factors of Georgia and the great powers’ interests in this territory. The main question of the article is “What are the main features of Georgia's Foreign Policy from the Geopolitical perspective from 2008 to 2018?” the hypothesis is, “Geopolitically, Georgia’s neighborhood with Russia and the August war in 2008 resulted the occupation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia by Russia, delayed the Georgia’s membership to EU and NATO and Georgia tilted toward the West since it needed to counterbalance its foreign policy with strong powers against Russia.” Therefore, despite the fact Russia tried to show the war was just an ethnic conflict, it was further than that, and Russia’s southern border security with a logical distance from NATO was the main reason for war.