International Journal of Digital Content Management

International Journal of Digital Content Management

International Journal of Digital Content Management, Vol. 4, No. 6, Winter & Spring 2023 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)



Digital Content Management and Virtual Learning(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Blended Learning Digital Content Management information science Integration Virtual Learning

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۴ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۹
For years, virtual learning has been proposed as a dominant approach to overcome the limitations of traditional education. The spread of emerging technologies and the connection of citizens to the Internet has made virtual courses much more accesible than before. As the citizens of the third millennium refer to electronic shopping centers to purchase their goods, they expect to receive the instruction they require through virtual means. This trend, along with the increasing expectations, has created a gap between the current and the desired situation in the education process. Digital content management is considered as a facilitator to respond to emerging requirements. In this article, while explaining the dimensions of transformation in Virtual learning, the importance of digital content management in improving the effectiveness of virtual learning has been emphasized. The article would be a starting point for further research on the integration of digital content management in the virtual learning process.



A Mixed Methods Approach to Social Control of Cybercultural Transgressions: An Iranian Perspective(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Cybercultural Transgressions Cyber Social Control mixed methods Instagram

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۱۸ تعداد دانلود : ۲۸۲
Cyber transgressions (non-normative behaviors, attitudes and conditions) are growing, hence we employed a three-study exploratory sequential mixed method designed to make a taxonomy of Instagram cybercultural transgressions, and cyber social control means; to examine the effects of low self-control, depression, negative interpersonal relationships, computer/ Internet self-efficacy, netiquette, and normative beliefs, and also sociodemographic factors, and media use habits on cybercultural transgressions; and to explore the effectiveness of jurisdiction, non-anonymity, filtering, and forced user migration to domestic social media platforms as cyber social control means. The quantitative findings from 989 participants showed that nondepressed, older, married, middle-income, university educated, non-student users (especially women) with high self-control, more positive interpersonal relationships, moderate levels of computer/ Internet self-efficacy, normative beliefs, and with more years of Internet use experience, and less daily Internet use, who are knowledgeable about netiquette, are parents, have a job (also retired individuals and housewives), do not use VPNs, psychotropic medications, and alcoholic beverages and/ or recreational drugs, do not have previous experience of online victimization, do not associate with online transgressors, and do not feel being in minority, are less likely than others to commit online transgressive behaviors, or consume transgressive content. The importance of jurisdiction and non-anonymity as social control means, and the failure of filtering and forced user migration to Iranian social media platforms are discussed. These findings can be useful in devising new non-coercive policies and initiatives to socially control cybercultural transgressions.

Smart City Planning Futures Studies(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Futures Studies Smart city Urban Digitization Urban planning

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۹۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۴
The present study was conducted to identify the future dimensions of smart city planning research. Participants in this study were municipal managers and urban planners with at least 15 years of experience and a master's degree or higher. Individuals were selected by purposive sampling. Sampling was performed with the participation of 10 experts. Data collection tools fell into two groups: 1- review and upstream documents, urban planning documents in the library section, 2- semi-structured interview in the field section where the semi-structured interview with the participants continued until the theoretical saturation stage. Content analysis method was used to analyze the qualitative data. In order to ensure the validity, the interview questions were approved by 3 experienced urban  planning experts and managers, 1 of whom had a master's degree and 2 of whom had a doctorate. In order to measure the reliability, the krippendorf coefficient was used, the overall coefficient of which was 84%. ATLASTI software has been used in the content analysis section. In order to identify future smart city planning research scenarios, SCENARIOWIZARD software has been used.  The results of factor analysis show that out of 176 available indicators (items), 33 basic themes can be identified and 9 categories of constructive themes have been obtained. Finally, 9 scenarios were identified based on the importance of all 9 factors. The results indicate that the main output of the realization of smart cities and e-municipality is to set conditions for providing services in the healthiest way to citizens, eliminating corruption, creating new job opportunities, and service and transformation in the economic and commercial sectors, increasing the effective presence of the private sector and improving the business environment, reducing damage to the environment, smart governance and increasing satisfaction

Identification of Gamification Components In Association With User`s Experience In The Services Of Digital Libraries(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Digital Library services Gamification Users Experience Systematic review

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۵۶ تعداد دانلود : ۲۰۴
The present research has been done with a view to identifying gamification components in association with users' experience in the services of digital libraries. Typically, the research method has been a developmental and systematic review, and essentially an analytic one. The data collection was carried out based on three major components: gamification, user experience, and digital library services. 164 resources related to the three components have been found. After filtering the resources in three phases, 12 resources in the first phase and 41 resources in the second phase were omitted and the remainder exactly 37 resources which were more closely related to the gamification components in the interaction with the user`s experience of digital library services, were identified, ranked and analyzed. The Findings show that gamification elements for digital library services include: certificate, achievement, membership law, ranking, digital products, signs, status and position, money, lottery, the Boss game, reward, present, feedback, navigation pages, Avatar, score, badges, narratives, prizes and badges collections and finally the results arising from the investigation of these components and analysis of the conceptual connection among them, show that the use of gamification elements for any digital library services develop the components “dynamism” and “gamification stimulants” such as competitiveness, attractiveness, excitement, hopefulness, challenge, victory and, etc in the users and that ultimately leads to the utilization of digital library services and user`s satisfaction.

Nothing's for Free: Identifying the Most Important Content Monetization Mechanics in Mobile Games(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Content Monetization Digital Economy Game design In-App Purchase

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۹۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۳
Mobile games are getting a lot of attention as a content-based sector of the digital economy. Especially considering "Free with In-App Purchase" as the mainstream business model of these games, designing the right economic structure to monetize the content of mobile games is crucial. However, there is limited knowledge about the mechanisms of persuading users to pay for in-game content and most of the studies are merely focused on the revenue models. Due to this knowledge gap, this study attempts to aggregate the game monetization methods into a multi-level classification and focus on identifying the main content monetization mechanics of five genres: Arcade, Sport, Puzzle, Racing, and Platformer/ Runner. For this purpose, interviews were conducted by game design and economics experts about successful mobile games. As a result, a new multi-level classification for mobile games revenue models is proposed which includes monetization via selling core items, selling performance items, and providing supplementary services in addition to retailing and in-game advertising. It also became clear that monetization mechanics for each of these methods vary in different genres and change depending on the type of game. The results of this study can be useful for digital game researchers, designers, and marketeers to structure a better revenue stream.

Presenting the Role-Playing Model of Municipalities in Dealing with Infectious Diseases Based on Digital Developments(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Digital Developments Infectious Diseases Municipal Role-Playing

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۸۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۸
The purpose of this study was to present a role-playing model for municipalities in dealing with infectious diseases based on digital developments. The content analysis method has been used to identify the adaptation indicators of the role-playing model of municipalities about infectious diseases. The statistical population in this study includes professors and universities, municipal managers, physicians, and ordinary people. In this study, 11 members of the population were interviewed based on systematic sampling. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The collected interviews were analyzed using ATLASTI software and the content network was reached based on 6-step coding. The components of information and research are: Information and publicization of information, education, and research .The components of law and policy-making are: Policy-making, inter-organizational cooperation, licensing, culture-building, and prohibition, and the limitations of the components of participation and transparency are: Participation and collection of executive information. These include government-sponsered and political factors, information and education, weak laws, and managerial factors. The components of servicing and equipment are the disinfection of public centers, organizational services, and optimization of services. According to the results, the prevalence of this disease has accelerated the process of digital transformation in cities. The city and municipality of Amol are no exception to this, and in this regard, it has strengthened its online services and involved data collection and cross-sectoral cooperation with other institutions involved.

Providing a Model for Improving the E-Banking Customer Experience Using Digital Marketing Tools (Approach to Enriching the Value of Digital Banking During the Outbreak of Infectious Diseases)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: customer experience Digital Marketing Tools Electronic Banking Infectious Diseases

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۸۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۱
The purpose of this study is to provide a model for improving the e-banking customer experience using digital marketing tools. This research has been done with the approach to enriching the value of digital banking during the outbreak of infectious diseases. The paradigm of the present study is interpretive and the implementation approach is qualitative; In this regard, the case study method has been used. This research is descriptive-exploratory in terms of purpose and in terms of time, it is in the field of cross-sectional studies. The qualitative methodology of grounded theory analysis by Strauss and Corbin (2007) was used to answer the research question. This research has been done inductively and based on a survey procedure. The experts  were the managers of reputable Iranian banks. Based on systematic sampling, 14 people were selected. The research tool was a semi-structured interview with questions related to the purpose of the research. Interviews were analyzed using AtlasTi version 10 software. Based on the designed model, 6 categories for causal factors (appropriate decision making, time management, digitization effects, cost management, business trends, and relationship management), 2 categories for contextual conditions (digital tools and digital economy), 2 categories for intervening conditions (individual and environmental factors), 3 categories for strategy (creativity, culture development, and digital context), 3 categories for outcomes (banking industry prosperity, customer satisfaction, and economic productivity) were identified.

Modeling Digital Investment Satisfaction Based on Accounting Information, Information Asymmetry and Individual Values(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Accounting Information Digital Investment Financial Decision Individual Values information asymmetry

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۸ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۸
The beha ioral decision-making process of indi iduals highlights the importance of in estors' feelings and their correlation with the real economy. The purpose of this study was to model Digital in estment satisfaction based on accounting information, information asymmetry, and indi idual  alues. Qualitati e methodology was used to answer the research question. Furthermore, in terms of research philosophy, the present research is in the category of positi ist paradigm and practical type, and in terms of qualitati e and quantitati e research, it has an inducti e and deducti e approach and a sur ey strategy. This research is exploratory in terms of purpose ,that is to say, it explores  ariables and their causal relationship. The required information was collected through inter iews with experts and ATLAS.ti 9 software was used qualitati ely. The research population included financial and management experts of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. By analyzing the data collected in the research, a total of 23 categories and 252 and finally 127 concepts were identified and extracted. Selecti e coding and axial coding were also performed. Among the identified factors, the axial coding paradigm was performed and based on that, the linear relationship between research categories was determined, including causal conditions, axial categories, underlying conditions, inter ening conditions, strategies, and consequences. One Judicious leader for the more part for settlement on a decision focused on certain rationale and systematically decision-taking methodology. Because of the recent budgetary emergency worldwide, the  enture choices are considered one of the essential assignments in the e eryday life.

The Conceptual Model for the Digital Content Marketing of Social Media to Boost Green Marketing(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Content Marketing Green Marketing social media Meta-Synthesis

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۲۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۸
The present research has been done with a view to designing content marketing model at social media for boosting green marketing. As regards purpose, it is an applied research,and in terms of approach an exploratory survey, and typically, it can be subsumed under a qualitative research. The analysis approach of this research is meta-synthesis. The statistical community consists of academic and scholarly articles published between 2016-2021/1395-1401 on the pertinent area of this study at Iran`s and foreign trustworthy databases. According to our findings, 1740 articles were retrieved, 324 abstracts were sieved and 186 abstracts were investigated. It was established that the titles of 1416 articles were irrelevant, and consequently they were omitted. 138 articles were deleted once their abstracts had been reviewed and found irrelevant and 95 articles were left out after a survey of their contents. The criteria used were size of the statistical sample, theoretical sufficiency (theoretical saturation), and finally 56 articles were accepted. The outcome of this process was 49 codes, 23 concepts and 10 categories. The Kappa index was used to guarantee the quality of our research. The amount of the index was calculated using the SPSS software at the significant level of 0/000 number 0/806. According to the evaluation and the extracted concepts and categories in the present research, the content marketing model of social media (Instagram) for boosting green marketing was designed based on three groups of factors: causal, mediating and consequential. The results of the findings show that in the process of content marketing of social media for boosting green marketing, a set of variables play a causal role, and can act as stimulants or propelling agents, and if the causal and mediating factors come properly about, this can culminate in the boosting of the service or product`s brand and an appropriate competitive advantage regarding green marketing in the organizations will also emerge.

Providing a Framework for Virtual Reality Functions in B2B Business Customer Journey with a Focus on Immersion Features(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: B2B Businesses Customer Journey Immersion thematic analysis virtual reality

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۴ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۹
Due to the dispersion of these functions in the literature and their anonymity, the purpose of this study is to identify the functions of virtual reality immersion feature in B2B business customer journey and provide a framework. The concept of these functions involves the three stages: before the purchase, purchase and after the purchase of this journey.This study has been done by adopting a qualitative approach and thematic review method. The required data was collected through literature review. First, research articles on B2B marketing and virtual reality were searched in Google Scholar and Scoops databases, and during the steps and filters, a total of 274 articles were extracted from these two databases. Duplicate article, 257 articles were obtained. In the next step, by applying the exclusion criteria, 224 articles were deleted and finally 33 articles were finally reviewed. After performing the thematic analysis steps, 67 codes were extracted, which were presented in the form of four themes or main functions and nine themes or sub-functions. The findings of this study contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of managers and marketing and sales experts of the functions of the VR immersion feature at each stage of the B2B customer journey. Managers and owners of B2B businesses can use these functions in customer journey based on their marketing and sales goals and enjoy its benefits. It also helps researchers identify and improve the scientific and managerial understanding of the functions of the VR immersion feature and how it creates value in B2B client journey. According to the results of this research to future researchers, reviewing the literature with more sources and a wider period, developing a research model using other theories; And model testing with initial data is recommended.

Designing a Comprehensive Model for Developing a Smart Organizational Knowledge Map: A Hyper-Hybrid Approach Based on Meta-Ethnography(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Digital Knowledge Intelligent Organization knowledge map Meta-Ethnography organizational knowledge

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۷۰ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۴
This study aimed to design a comprehensive model for intelligent organizational knowledge mapping with a hyper-hybrid approach based on meta-ethnography. In this article, various sources and theories about the knowledge map have been examined and analyzed using the meta-combined and meta-ethnography methods. Using the results of the work, a comprehensive model of knowledge map has been developed. Based on the qualitative approach in this research, the meta-hybrid method based on meta-ethnography has been used. The tool used has been articles related to  mapping knowledge for smart organizations. A total of 34 pieces of research were found with the keywords related to designing and developing the knowledge map in the title field. Finally, after 4 stages of refinement, out of 34 studies, 8 were excluded and 26 studies were selected for data analysis. In this article, by examining and analyzing various patterns of knowledge map development, finally, an 11-step model was developed. The proposed model of eleven basic steps, respectively, includes: determining the knowledge objectives of these centers by developing knowledge maps and identifying users of knowledge maps, identifying definitions and terminology of knowledge centers, identifying the basic processes of these centers, and drawing and analyzing its process maps, Knowledge extraction from the activities in the processes of smart organizations according to the process map, creating a profile for the extracted knowledge, creating knowledge connections and relationships and integrating these connections into an illustrated interface, and finally validating the developed knowledge map.

Analysis of the Behavior of Tourists in Iran Based on Data Mining and Search Rate on Google(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: behavior analysis Data mining Google search Pearson correlation matrix Tourism

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۳۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۸۲
Understanding tourist behavior is a requirement for marketing planning for the supply of goods and services to satisfy tourists. Nowadays, many tourists decide to travel to any place by searching through internet explorers. The present study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the behavior of tourists in Iran based on data mining (search rate on Google Trend). The research is applied and has been done with a causal descriptive method. The method of collecting data is by searching keywords on Google. . To collect the keywords needed for the research, we had to turn to the experts and authorities on the field as well as the relevant scientific articles. The process of data collection is that a series of key words in tourism were selected and accordingly, it was determined how much people used these words in different places in Iran. Correlation matrix (covariance) model has been used for data analysis. In this research, the structural information of these keywords was obtained and edited based on the keywords related to tourism extracted from Google Trend by time series and with the help of Pearson correlation matrix. Nine keywords were selected for search, including hotel, entertainment, pilgrimage, tourism, nature, places of interest, archeology, travel and travel tour. The keywords are not searched at random, but they are related and correlated and stem from a structural thinking. The results of the data analysis have shown the type and intensity of connections between the words that had a communication structure. It was also found that the words pilgrimage, recreation, and archeology have less connection with other words.

Factors Underpinning Security and Privacy in the Development of Virtual Banking in Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: banking industry of Iran identification of effective factors Privacy Security Virtual banking

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۶۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۱۹
This study aimed to identify the factors affecting security and privacy in the development of virtual banking in Iran using a thematic pluralistic research methodology. First, the elements constituting cooperation were identified in a library study. Then, in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 scholars and academic experts to extract the elements and group them according to the theme analysis method. The output was the identification of 27 indicators in two main categories and six subcategories. The convergent and divergent validity methods were used to determine the validity whose results were optimal. The results show that the effectiveness of security and privacy in developing virtual banking in Iran depends on the development of a comprehensive plan and attention to the future needs of the banking system, which will create satisfaction. So, it is necessary to develop general policies for reforming the banking system in the future. Also, according to the experts, customers’ satisfaction with the quality of the banking services, their trust in these services, and the ease of using them are the strengths of the virtual banking services and can be handled for attracting more customers and improving competitiveness in the virtual banking industry. On the other hand, customers’ need for e-services in the modern world is unavoidable. In cyberspace, the e-services of banks have become one of the fastest and most valid ways of financial transactions whose key requirement is trust in these services.

Integration of Sustainability in Small Business Digital Marketing: A Qualitative Study(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Digital Marketing grounded theory Sustainability Small Business

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۹۱ تعداد دانلود : ۲۱۴
This study aims to design a local model of social responsibility in digital marketing in small online retail businesses in Iran. The present research is  applied  in terms of purpose and a qualitative research  in terms of data collection method. The statistical population in the qualitative section included 11 experts. The main tools for data collection in the field included semi-structured interviews. The grounded theory approach using MAXQDA software was adopted to analyze qualitative data and present a paradigm model. Based on the results of qualitative analysis, six categories of factors were identified  including causal conditions, underlying factors, strategies, pivotal phenomena, intervening factors and consequences . Targeted marketing was identified as the main category in relation to the context. In relation to causal conditions, two main categories were identified, including moral responsibility and environmental responsibility. In relation to digital marketing as a central phenomenon of research, the indicators of giving customers the right to choose, retaining customers, providing services in accordance with customer demands, establishing appropriate relationships and relationships with customers, and creating value for customers were identified. Commercialization strategies were identified as the main category of strategies and actions. Competitiveness of companies has been identified as the most important intervening factors; and economic development and service quality improvement were identified as the main categories of outcomes.

Providing Smart Model of Professional Skills Development of Secondary Education in Tehran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Education professional development Secondary School Managers

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۱۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۷۳
The present study was aimed at providing a smart model of professional development of second high school principals in Tehran province. This study was based on  a combined strategy of successive explorations. The research method was qualitative case study and in the form of content analysis. The selection of the sample in the qualitative section was made by a targeted sampling method with a criterion-based technique. The sample size was up to 20 people emerging in order. The data collection tool consisted of two sections, semi-structural interviews in the field and a review of upstream documents and training documents in the library section, and data analysis in the qualitative section based on the content analysis using  ATLASTI software. The quality of this study was observed, from the point of view of experts , and  6 dimensions and 29 components were considered in the professional development of second high school principals. The identified dimensions are educational, research, service, ethical, cultural, and executive. This is not  only an evaluation of the candidates for the second-high school administrative candidates in the field, but also the role of a way to promote the material and the competence of these scholars. Due to the limited resources of some organizations, it is not possible to set up an office or deputy for the subject of digital transformation.

Providing a Conceptual Framework for Electronic Education System of Higher Education Institutions in the Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: conceptual framework E-Learning educational system higher education institutions

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۸۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۵
The purpose of this study is to provide a conceptual framework for the e-learning system of higher education institutions in the Iran, based on the views of experts related to the field of e-learning at the level of higher education institutions and prioritizing factors over each other. The present study is applied in terms of purpose; It is descriptive-exploratory in terms of how data is collected and qualitative in terms of the nature of the data. Accordingly, in order to collect qualitative data, after reviewing the literature related to the research topic, a framework was developed to ask questions of interviews with experts. Then, using purposive sampling method (snowball), the opinions of 15 experts up to the theoretical saturation stage were used. The interviews were coded using Clark and Brown six-step inductive theme analysis. Accordingly, the identified speech evidence from the interview text was labeled in the form of 53 initial codes. Then, the initial codes were drawn in the form of 12 sub-themes and then, three main themes including specialized requirements of e-education system, general requirements of e-education system, results and consequences of e-education system, classification and conceptual conceptual framework of e-education system of higher education institutions. Then, in order to validate the results of the interviews and confirm the components of the research conceptual framework, the fuzzy Delphi questionnaire and method were used and in order to prioritize the components of the research conceptual framework, the fuzzy hierarchy questionnaire and process (FAHP) were used. Based on the results of the research in the Delphi section, all 12 sub-themes or questions of the Delphi questionnaire were approved by the research experts. The results of fuzzy hierarchical analysis also showed that the technical requirements of e-learning have the highest priority among the specialized requirements, followed by the quality requirements of the education system, support requirements, requirements related to professors, requirements for educational quality and related requirements. With students, they are in the next ranks. Also, achieving effectiveness is the highest priority among the general requirements of the e-learning system, followed by satisfaction, optimal use and utilization, in the next ranks. In addition, saving time and money is the highest priority. Among the factors and then the development of learning and integration of education, are in the next ranks.

Evaluating Online Marketing Tools and Providing a Model to Improve Sales Performance(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: evaluation Online Marketing Performance Improvement Sales Performance Tools

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۲۹۲ تعداد دانلود : ۲۱۳
The purpose of this study is to evaluate online marketing tools and provide a model to improve sales performance. This qualitative research is applied in terms of purpose. Subjects in qualitative research are people living in the cities of Nowshahr, Chalous, and Tonekabon, whose sample size in the qualitative section includes knowledgeable interviewees in the field of online business. The data collection tool was purposeful and MAXQDA software was used for data analysis. In a small phase, the subjects were Caspian littoral consumers in the field of online business, about 400 of whom were selected to collect data from them. The AMOS and EXCEL have been used to test the hypotheses of structural model equations, and perform Dematel analysis. The results showed that the amount of  for e-services and electronic security was negative, which indicates the influence (disability variable) of the above factors in the conceptual model of the research. Also, the   rate for electronic advertising and electronic support is more than zero, which indicates the effectiveness (cause variable) of these factors. The calculated   value shows that the order of importance of the five indicators in the present research model is: 1- Electronic services 2- Electronic support 3- Electronic customer orientation 4- Electronic advertising 5- Electronic security. The results show that five indicators (e-services, e-security, e-support, e-advertising, and e-customer orientation) are components and tools of online marketing to improve sales performance. The results showed that the amount of E_j for e-services and electronic security was negative, which indicates the influence (disability variable) of the above factors in the conceptual model of the research. Also, the E_j rate for electronic advertising and electronic support is more than zero, which indicates the effectiveness (cause variable) of these factors. The calculated P_i value shows that the order of importance of the five indicators in the present research model is: 1- Electronic services 2- Electronic support 3- Electronic customer orientation 4- Electronic advertising 5- Electronic security. The results show that five indicators (e-services, e-security, e-support, e-advertising, and e-customer orientation) are components and tools of online marketing to improve sales performance.

A Critical Review and Evaluation of the Textbook Entitled Designing the Digital Library Based on the Standards and Criteria of University Textbooks(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Book Review Digital Libraries University textbook

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۳۲ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۱
Objective: The purpose of this study was analytical review of the book Designing the Digital Library, written by Mehdi Alipoor-Hafezi and published by SAMT in 2019 based on the criteria and standards of the university textbooks. The type of research was applied in terms of  purpose. As regarded method, it was a mixed-method approach. The analysis, review  and extraction of required data have been simultaneous. The checklist was used for assessing formal writing structure and content features on a Likert-type 5-pointed scale. Author's expertise in the field can be mentioned as the main advantage of the book. The textbook is the only work in Persian in the field of designing digital libraries. A separate chapter on legal  issues in digital libraries can also be considered as another positive point of this work. At the same time, this work has also notable points for improvement, the most important of which are   writing points. In general, the work in hand in terms of evaluation of formal writing structure and content criteria received scores of 46, 46, 63 and 63, respectively and achieved at least 70 percentage points, passing as a  book appealing to its audience. In spite of some defects and weaknesses, the studied textbook is one of few books on designing digital libraries and suitable for students and audience.