International Journal of Digital Content Management
International Journal of Digital Content Management, Vol. 3, No. 5, Summer & Fall 2022 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The study attempts to understand the information-seeking behavior of school students of Delhi. Method: It included sources for initiation resources, preferred language, the method used to search information resources, time spent on e- search, etc. The data for the study was collected from nine schools comprising of three government schools and six private schools. The sampling method in the sample selection was closed with the help of the stratified random sampling method. The SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science-version24) was used to transform and analyze the data with applied statistical techniques such as Mann-Whitney U Test and Chi-Square test for proportions and content analysis. Findings: Results of the analysis revealed that printed information material is more preferred than electronic information material for both government and private school students. The students use electronic information resources more for recreational purposes than for academic purposes, however, a significant difference in the use of E-resources was observed between government and private school students. Government school students, as well as private school students, were found to prefer and use mobile phones for searching information over other electronic gadgets such as laptops, tablets, etc. however use of Laptops, Kindle and Tablets were found to be significantly higher in private school students in comparison to government school students. Conclusion: Government school students preferred Hindi as a language for information resources whereas Private school students preferred English language information sources. It was found from the study that the information-seeking behavior of Government and Private school students varied significantly.
Investigation of Digital Citizen Science and its Challenges in Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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This study aims to investigate digital citizen science projects in Iran and the challenges in this field from the perspective of experts. The present study is exploratory with a content analysis approach. First, scientometric research was conducted in Scopus to assess the status of digital citizen science. Second, to identify the challenges of digital citizen science in Iran, experts were interviewed. Though the number of scientific publications in this field has been growing recently, Iran's share of the scientific output is quite small. A Review of qualitative data obtained from interviews showed that the main challenges in this field in Iran are: Funding, Government policy, Engagement, Time, Recognition, Data quality for citizen science, Volunteers for citizen science, Capacity and skills, and Communication. This research can be a guideline for experts in the field of digital citizen science. These technologies can also facilitate interactions and communication between professionals and non-professionals. Despite the spread of digital citizen science projects in European and American countries, the term is unfamiliar in Iran.
Semantically Integrating Digital Libraries: Proposed Architecture(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose : Library users need to have integrated access to digital library content and services. Preparing these services needs syntactic and semantic interoperability infrastructure. Nowadays most digital library applications syntactically have the ability to exchange with each other. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to propose semantic integration architecture for digital libraries to enable them to prepare new semantic services for their users. Method : This study was carried out in the following steps: firstly research literature was collected and studied. Studying research literature helps the researcher to prepare a primary version of the checklist to collect data in this study. The next step aimed to survey the semantic interoperability ability of digital library management systems. In this regard, 26 Iranian digital library management systems were studied by the researcher-made checklist in the previous step. The studied digital library management systems have syntactic interoperability functionalities. Then this study’s semantic integration architecture was proposed according to the analysis and results of the study. Finally, the "demonstration" method was used to assess the proposed architecture. Findings : Findings showed that studied digital library management systems focused on textual materials and paid very little attention to other library information resource formats. Moreover, in many cases, the studied digital library systems did not fill the contents of semantically needed metadata fields. On average, they attempt to document metadata fields such as subject and keywords, by existing reference materials such as Library of Congress Subject Headings and subjective thesauruses that they needed. Conclusion : According to the findings, the architecture of the semantic integration model based on the results of this study was proposed with three data, inference machine, and application layers.
Social Media and Human Resource Management Approach: The Transformation Model Design(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose : The present article has been written to review studies in the field of social media evolution in human resources and the gaps in this research. This review paper is expected to motivate further research initiatives regarding the role of social media in different HRM practices. Method : The paper is based on 98 published papers collected from the Web of Science Database particularly from 1975 to 2021 (up to NOV) using VOSviewer software. Findings : After reviewing the paper contents, the author briefly highlighted the findings. According to studies, the results show that the issue of change has shifted to Transformation 4.0 in Media and HRM 4.0 in recent years. An approach that refers to concepts such as social networking and digital media. The results also show that traditional approaches to social media before 2018 are more related to Communication, Communities, Goals, Behavior, and so on. In recent years, concepts such as Technology, ACTIVISM, INTERNET USE, Facebook, Culture, etc. are related. Conclusion : The author expects that based on the findings; the organizational policymakers can get some practical guidelines regarding the efficient utilization of such a platform. In particular, the media can be a well-established platform for searching for competent employees and creating employer branding. Therefore, more and more research studies should be carried out focusing on this recent issue.
Modeling the Development of Future Managers Based on the Management of Talent and Personality Types in the Digital Age (Case Study: Social Security Organization of Iran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose : The purpose of this study is to design and explain the development model of future managers based on talent management and personality types with the grounded theory approach in the headquarters of the National Social Security Organization. Method : This research was conducted with a qualitative-inductive approach and Strauss-Corbin's grounded theory method. The research tool was a semi-structured interview. Using the grounded theory method, the data obtained from interviews with 12 elites and qualified specialists of the Social Security Organization were analyzed in three open, axial, and selective coding stages. Findings : 19 general categories in the form of a paradigm model in which these factors include causal conditions (individual factors, organizational factors, lack of proper selection, knowledge and skills of employees), central phenomenon (future managers based on talent management and personality types), contextual conditions (Organizational context, Talent Selection, Talent utilization), intervening conditions (psychological (individual) factors, Individual factors, Management factors), and strategies (Talent sourcing, Empowerment of managers and employees, Proportion of job and employment, Succession, Foresight and Cognitive Strategy) and Consequences (Organizational results, Public satisfaction, Futurization). Conclusion : Conclusion: Recent developments in the field of human resources have made this field doubly important. Organizations try to employ the most specialized people at management levels, and therefore talent management, as a key king, examines the types of situations involved in this field. Proper use of talents leads to success and puts the organization on the right track.
Providing a Jihadi Management Model to Align the Goals of Iranian Schools in the Digital Age(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose : The present study aimed to provide a jihadi management model to align the goals of Iranian Schools in the Digital Age, which was inevitable during the corona pandemic. Method : The grounded theory method has been used due to the lack of a codified model of jihadi management. The statistical population was experts and professors in the field of education and the system of education. The snowball technique was used to sample the population. A total of 11 education experts were interviewed. In the data research, the researcher performed data analysis including open coding, axial coding, and selective coding simultaneously with the data collection stage which was performed using a semi-structured interview. Reliability, data originality, relevance, and reliability were used to assess validity and reliability. Findings : The findings showed that 15 main and pivotal categories led to the design of the jihadi management model of education. Categories based on causal, contextual, intervention and consequences include jihad-centered culture, jihadist structure, jihadist growth-oriented, jihadist-centered education, jihadist meritocracy, spiritual values, society supporting jihadism, revolutionary and pragmatic culture, the adaptation of jihad-centered Administrative system, rule of law based on jihad, job coordination with jihad, family and cultural education, teaching jihad principles, monitoring, and evaluation, and developing a jihad-centered structure. Conclusion : Therefore, for proper jihadi management in schools, various factors are involved that provide the basis for management. Also, the need for this type of jihadi management and training is felt more in our country.
Providing a Model for the Participation of the Health Donors in the Direction of Digital Health Developments(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose : The purpose of this study is to provide a model for the participation of health donors in the direction of digital health developments. There are different types of this partnership, which necessitates the goal of this paper. Method : This research has been done qualitatively and it is exploratory. Theme analysis technique has been used. Also, by examining different patterns related to charitable affairs in the country and abroad, a preliminary pattern was drawn by reviewing domestic and foreign studies. Using the snowball technique, 47 experts were selected in the qualitative section. Using semi-structured interview tools, 47 experts and philanthropists in Fars province were interviewed. The software used is ATLAS TI. Findings : Based on the results, 51 codes were identified. These 51 codes were divided into 8 categories of primary content. These 8 themes are codified plan and roadmap, interaction with donors in policy-making, providing legal facilities to donors, streamlining laws for donors, helping with education in the health sector, creating a culture for health, and spending financial resources in the sectors. Priority is given to costs in the prevention department commensurate with the treatment. Conclusion : Based on the designed model, creating strategy and planning, education and culture, ease of laws and regulations, as well as planning financial resources play an important role in managing the participation of health donors. With clear planning of health programs, benefactors see the clarity of decisions.
Modeling Organizational Embeddedness in Digital Infrastructures of the Banking Industry (A case study of Central Bank of Islamic Republic of Iran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose : Most of the reasons that result in high staff turnover and cost a lot of money on new employees are rooted in the lack of current job embeddedness and finding a way to keep employees in their current job has always been a concern for Central Bank managers. So the question is how to find a suitable model of human resource management in this regard? Method : Developmental research was designed with a qualitative approach and the strategy of the ground theory. Data were collected from in-depth interviews conducted with 25 expert managers of the Central Bank based on purposeful sampling and continued until reaching theoretical saturation. Using data analysis and coding, the initial conceptual model was created using the opinions of experts. In the quantitative section, 346 lower-ranking employees were selected by stratified random sampling method to answer the questionnaire. Qualitative data analysis was done using the thematic analysis method. Quantitative data analysis by using confirmatory factor analysis was analyzed and coded with the help of SPSS, and AMOS software. Each of them was evaluated separately, based on the systematic method of Strauss and Corbin. Findings : Eventually, a model was created for organization embeddedness that could be helpful for the organization to reduce costs and increase employee productivity. Conclusion : Organizations and the community should hire staff only by holding exams and obtaining the necessary quorum for this aim. They should not discriminate against applicants and all should be in the same conditions to qualify and compete so do best to succeed in own job.
The Effect of Architectural Design Parameters on IEQ in Accomplishing School Smartification(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose : The study aims to study the effect of architectural design parameters on IEQ in accomplishing school smartification. Method : The research was conducted in school buildings located in Tabriz, Iran. The indicators chosen to represent IEQ are the adaptive PMV model used for thermal comfort, imageless daylight glare probability used for visual comfort, and CO2 concentration used for IAQ assessment. The simulation technique was used to collect data for a generative parametric school model. The method of data analysis includes a multivariate linear regression algorithm, t-test statistic, and one-way analysis of variance. The studied variables are dimensions of classrooms with the fixed area, Percentage of window area on a wall, window height, Shading, and protrusions in plan design. The stepwise method for multivariate linear regression in SPSS was used to assess the vital IEQ indicator in terms of thermal and visual comfort and CO2 concentration. Findings : The study found that among studied indicators, the south facade window ratio significantly correlates with IEQ. The other CRI parameters are the north window ratio and north window height. the findings revealed that to increase the IEQ in schools, facade design is more critical than the plan. The higher the window surface on the south, north, west, and east faces, the greater the thermal comfort and glare probability is. Conclusion : However, increasing the height of the windows can reduce glare and also increase thermal comfort. Thermal comfort improves as the length of the southern classrooms rises. On the bright side, it has no noticeable glare effect.
Employee Mental Absence Diagnosing and Analysis of Digital Mental Health Platforms (Case study: Iran Tobacco Company)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose : The purpose of this study is to investigate the diagnosis of employees' mental absence and to provide a suitable model for the Iranian Tobacco Company. Method : This research was conducted with a qualitative-inductive approach and the method of Strauss-Corbin's grounded theory. The research tool (data collection) is a semi-structured interview that analyzes the data obtained from interviews with 10 qualified elites and experts of the Iranian Tobacco Company in three stages of open, axial, and selective coding in ATLAS TI software using the grounded theory method. Findings : 13 general categories in the form of a paradigm model in which these factors include causal conditions (individual factors; factors of group behavior; organizational factors; environmental factors), axial phenomenon (diagnosis of the mental absence of employees), contextual conditions (environmental and physical context), intervening conditions (individual factors ), and strategies (organizational strategy; job-related strategy; career development strategy), and consequences (individual outcomes; effectiveness; group outcomes) were identified. Conclusion : In a business environment with digital disruption from competitors and customers who have more choices through the availability of digital applications and information, it is important to ensure that organizations can quickly understand and adapt to new information. The need for mindfulness and control of mental absence is a prerequisite for digital transformation.
Identifying the Effective Factors in the Change Management Model in the Automotive Industry Based on the General Policies of the Industry in the Fourth-Generation Industrial Revolution(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose : The main purpose of this study is to present a change management model in the automotive industry based on general industry policies in the fourth-generation industrial revolution. Method : To achieve this goal, first the effective factors and indicators affecting change management are identified based on the data model of the foundation and then these factors and indicators are categorized. Given that the purpose of this research is exploratory, the use of the grounded theory research method and semi-structured interviews with experts and professors led to the development of research model criteria. Findings : Based on the interviews and previous studies, the factors affecting the management of change in internal and external categories have been identified. Finally, change management strategies have been identified in three components: selecting acceptable managers, using consultants and expert staff, and creating a sense of empathy and trust. Conclusion : The use of expert managers and appropriate leaders causes change management to be implemented productively. Ultimately, these strategies result in increased survival under the components of greater brand acceptance and profitability. Change management strategies have been identified in three components: selecting acceptable managers, using consultants and expert staff, and creating a sense of empathy and trust. Changes are more about the individual's feelings than emotions and are technical, and associating them with change is the most difficult stage of change
The Impact of New Information and Technologies on Attracting Customers to Sports Venues(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Purpose : The purpose of conducting research was the effect of information and new technologies in attracting customers to sports venues in Kermanshah province. Method : According to the official statistics of the medical board, about 40,000 people are mentioned in the province's sports statistics community. The present research is applied research that is descriptive in terms of strategy and survey in terms of implementation. Data collection was done by field method and through a questionnaire. The statistical population was all customers of sports facilities in Kermanshah province. Based on Cochran's formula, 560 people were selected as a statistical sample. To collect information, Moghimi's (2010) mixed marketing questionnaires were adapted, and information technology and attracting research-made customers were used. The structural equation path analysis method was used to analyze the findings. Findings : Findings indicate that the fit of the structural model of t-coefficients for all research relationships greater than 1.96 can be confirmed by the appropriateness of the fit of the structural equation model. Conclusion : In general, it can be acknowledged that the combination of marketing and the use of information technology directly affects the process of attracting customers to sports venues, so it is recommended that managers use these strategies to highlight the competitive advantages of sports venues through the use of space. Put physical and virtual on the agenda.