This study aimed to identify the factors affecting security and privacy in the development of virtual banking in Iran using a thematic pluralistic research methodology. First, the elements constituting cooperation were identified in a library study. Then, in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 scholars and academic experts to extract the elements and group them according to the theme analysis method. The output was the identification of 27 indicators in two main categories and six subcategories. The convergent and divergent validity methods were used to determine the validity whose results were optimal. The results show that the effectiveness of security and privacy in developing virtual banking in Iran depends on the development of a comprehensive plan and attention to the future needs of the banking system, which will create satisfaction. So, it is necessary to develop general policies for reforming the banking system in the future. Also, according to the experts, customers’ satisfaction with the quality of the banking services, their trust in these services, and the ease of using them are the strengths of the virtual banking services and can be handled for attracting more customers and improving competitiveness in the virtual banking industry. On the other hand, customers’ need for e-services in the modern world is unavoidable. In cyberspace, the e-services of banks have become one of the fastest and most valid ways of financial transactions whose key requirement is trust in these services.