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اقتصاد سیاسی، چارچوبی برای فهم کنش های اقتصادی در بستر سیاست است و در عین حال اقتصادهای سیاسی رسمی و غیررسمی هر کدام، اثربخشی و پیامدهای متفاوتی در سطوح اجتماعی دارند. بر مبنای نظریه امنیت پایدار، اقتصاد سیاسی به ویژه بخش غیررسمی آن می تواند بر امنیت ملی کشورها تأثیر منفی بگذارد. در این پژوهش، پرسش اصلی ناظر بر این مسئله است که متغیر اقتصاد سیاسی قاچاق مواد مخدر چگونه بر امنیت پایدار در استان سیستان و بلوچستان تأثیر گذاشته است؟ در پاسخ به این پرسش مقاله با استفاده از دو مفهوم «امنیت پایدار» و «اقتصاد سیاسی نارکوتیک» و همچنین جمع بندی از تجربیات جهانی پیرامون این دو مفهوم نشان می دهد اقتصاد سیاسی قاچاق مواد مخدر در استان سیستان و بلوچستان چگونه این استان را مستعد پیامدهای امنیتی نظیر آدم ربایی، گروگان گیری، قتل، گسترش خریدوفروش اسلحه و سرقت مسلحانه کرده است. روش این پژوهش تحلیل پسارویدادی از طریق تحلیل تطبیقی آمارهای موجود اقتصادی و امنیتی استان سیستان و بلوچستان و تحلیل محتوایی اظهارات فرماندهان نیروی انتظامی کشور درباره پیامدهای امنیتی مرتبط با موضوع مواد مخدر است. یافته های این پژوهش نشان می دهد اقتصاد سیاسی نارکوتیک در استان سیستان و بلوچستان باوجودآنکه نمی توان تخمین دقیقی را درباره گردش مالی آن برآورد کرد اما رقابت بسیار نزدیکی با آمار اقتصاد سیاسی رسمی در این استان دارد و ضعف اقتصاد سیاسی رسمی موجب شده است رشد اقتصاد سیاسی نارکوتیک پیامدهایی امنیتی نظیر افزایش قتل، آدم ربایی و قاچاق اسلحه را بر امنیت ملی در کشور تحمیل کند.

The Political Economy of Narcotics and Security in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran

IntroductionSecurity theories have evolved significantly over time. Traditionally, pre-Cold War theories regarded security as a one-dimensional concept, primarily focused on military strength and defense. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, these traditional views lost prominence due to their inability to address and resolve emerging security challenges. In response, more comprehensive approaches emerged, framing security as a multidimensional concept that encompasses economic, political, social, and environmental factors. Among these modern theories is the concept of “sustainable security.” This theory argues that the problems and issues of human societies have economic, political, and social roots.In this context, drug trafficking has emerged as a significant issue within Iran's political economy, impacting both domestic and global security over recent decades. The province of Sistan and Baluchistan, which shares borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan, has become a critical entry point for drugs into Iran. Each year, large quantities of narcotics are smuggled across its borders.This paper examines the political economy of narcotics, specifically the dynamics of drug trafficking. The central research question is “How does the political economy of narcotics in Sistan and Baluchestan province affect security and stability in Iran?” The innovative aspect of this study lies in its focus on a localized, provincial level of analysis. By applying a political economy framework to drug trafficking, the research aims to elucidate the phenomenon of narcotics trafficking and its security implications.MethodologyThis research employs a “conventional content analysis” methodology to examine news coverage of insecurity in Sistan and Baluchestan province over the past decade. Additionally, a “post-event analysis” was utilized to evaluate security trends in the province. Data sources include library materials and both official and unofficial reports from the Iranian police. To ensure reliability and validity, these reports were qualitatively validated through field interviews with experts and local residents.Discussion and ResultsAccording to a 2018 official report, 75% of the heroin and 75% of the morphine found in Iran originated from Pakistan, with the remaining portion entering directly from Afghanistan. In 2020 alone, police seized 311,136 kilograms of drugs and arrested 67,994 individuals on drug-related charges. These figures underscore the significant role that drug trafficking plays in the political economy of Sistan and Baluchestan province.The production, distribution, and consumption of opiates have profoundly impacted the economic conditions and livelihoods of the people in this Iranian province. From this perspective, the political economy of narcotics emerges as a survival strategy for some citizens who lack adequate social security and welfare, forcing them to turn to the drug trade as a means of earning a living. Here, the term “political economy” refers to the dominant mode of production in a society, which encompasses both political and economic spheres, with a dynamic and reciprocal relationship between the two. This interplay directly and indirectly affects other societal domains, including security. The political economy of Sistan and Baluchestan province has a unique structure that significantly influences Iran's security. The province's production system includes both formal sectors, such as industry, agriculture, and services, and informal sectors, such as trafficking in humans, goods, fuel, weapons, and drugs.ConclusionThis paper shows that the political economy of narcotics has significantly contributed to the escalation of violence in Sistan and Baluchestan province and its neighboring areas. This includes the proliferation of weapons, kidnappings, hostage-taking, addiction, and murder, culminating in organized violence. The findings indicate that, although an exact estimate of the narcotics economy’s scale remains elusive, it closely aligns with the official statistics for the province. The shortcomings of the official political economy have enabled the informal one - particularly the narcotics trade - to expand substantially, leading to severe negative security impacts. 
