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ایران با داشتن سواحل گسترده در شمال و جنوب کشور دارای ظرفیت استفاده از سواحل زیادی است و از این رو به نظر می رسد که لازم است در نظام تصمیم گیری و برنامه ریزی کشور مورد توجه جدی قرار گیرد. بنا به دلایل مختلف در طی سالیان متمادی استفاده از ظرفیت سواحل و دریا در برنامه ریزی های کشور به عنوان محور تلقی نشده است. در مقاله حاضر سعی گردیده ضمن تبیین دریا پایه گی یا پیشرفت دریا محور ابعاد مختلف اقتصادی، اجتماعی و زیست محیطی آن بررسی شود و راهکارهای لحاظ نمودن ابعاد فوق در برنامه ریزی کلان کشور تبیین شود. برای تدوین ابعاد مختلف ضرورت های لازم در دنیا بررسی شده و با توجه به تجربه های جهانی و ویژگی های جغرافیایی کشور موارد فوق الذکر تشریح گردیده است. نتیجه بررسی نشان می دهد مفهوم دریا محور با جهت گیری کلیه فعالیت کشور در راستای بهره گیری از امکانات ترکیبی خشکی و دریا می تواند تحقق یابد. در کل می توان گفت درنظرگرفتن ابعاد فوق الذکر نه تنها به عنوان یک الزام طرح می شود بلکه توجه به آنها در پیشرفت کشور اجتناب ناپذیر است.

Concepts, Principles and Dimensions of Sea-Based Progress

     IntroductionIran with long coasts in the north and south of the country has many capacities and therefore, it seems that it is necessary to considere this issue in the country's decision-making and planning system. The length of the coasts of Iran is about 5,800 km, of which 900 km belongs to the north coast of the country, which is distributed in three provinces of Gilan, Mazandaran and Golestan. The length of the south coasts of the country is about 4900 km including the coast of the islands, which is spread in four provinces of Khuzestan, Bushehr, Hormozgan and Sistan and Baluchestan. Each of the country's coasts has different resources and capabilities that have different functions at national and regional levels. Studies show that as we move from the coasts into the inland country, the functions of the sea and beaches are reduced and the so-called dry smell increases. The presence of the blessing of the vast coasts in the north and south of the country has made a very good opportunity for the development of activities in the country, which has not been seriously considered and has not been able to establish a proper connection with the development of the country. The purpose of this paper is to explain the concepts in the development of the sea in order to explain its dimensions in the country.Concepts of Sea Based ProgressConcept of progress: Different words are used to express development and progress. Although both of these and similar words are used to improve people's living standards in different ways, the main difference between progress and the concept of development is to consider material growth alongside spiritual growth, thereby providing opportunities for flourishing talents in geographical areas of the country.The concept of sustainable development: This concept was introduced when after the end of the World War various countries attempted to take measures for economic growth, which caused them to be relatively unbalanced while considering a specific dimension of development, i.e. the economic aspect of other dimensions of development, such as social development and human development. On the other hand, the indiscriminate exploitation of non-renewable natural resources raised the question that their completion and deterioration will create serious problems for future generations. Hence the sustainable development approach was proposed.The concept of sea-based progress: Unbalanced development is one of the main problems of the country. A look at the different dimensions of the country's progress shows that not all places in the country are developed equally. These differences can be studied in terms of economic dimensions, establishment of industries, tourism, population establishment and dozens of other issues. In the sea-based progress, the basis of what matters is that coastal cities, like most parts of the world, have the highest status. The reasons for this retardation can be related to various factors that can be compensated by identifying them. In addition to urban development and cities, explaining the dimensions of the basic sea development can be mentioned demographic dimensions.Basic Principles of Sea Progress To start planning for sea- based progress, principles can be considered that these principles can be considered equally or with small changes in different time conditions.Zoning: Identifying different planning units helps determine how to plan them by their different specifications.Having vision and mission: Often the horizons are considered in the planned and necessary plans are made to reach these horizons. In the sea-based development, if the goal is to improve the position of coasts in planning, the landscape needs to be designed. Landscapes can include different aspects of planning beaches.Strategic planning: Having a strategic plan is one of the important principles of any planning that outlines the main planning lines. In contrast to strategic planning, a detailed planning can be proposed which in the sea progression, what is important is the formulation of macro planning in the form of different policies that are counted as principles.Operational planning: At a lower level than strategic planning, the preparation of operational planning can visualize the road map to achieve macro plans. In the end, this operational planning can be divided into different parts and specify the tasks of different devices in each field.Systematic attitude: The concept of systematic or organogenic attitude, which is considered as an important principle, is that in the planning position of each of the studied components is studied as a separate unit, and in the continuation of the work process, the composition, relationship and weight of the separate units are determined with each other in order to finally achieve a general foundation.Dimension of basic sea progressEconomic Dimensions: Coastal areas are considered as economic hotspots in almost all parts of the world. The existence of commercial and commercial activities for passenger and goods transport, the existence of numerous oil ports for the import and export of oil and gas products along with tourism activities are among the most important economic foundations of these regions.Social and cultural dimensions: Coastal areas have been the gateway to the countries located on the coasts since ancient times, and for this reason, different cultures entered the countries through this way.Environmental Dimensions: Due to extensive industrial, agricultural and tourism activities on the coasts of these areas have a host of environmental problems, which have not been successful to solve these problems due to the complexity and many problems of these areas.Security dimensions: The beaches always have different security aspects due to the possibility of extensive penetration of external factors. The deployment of naval forces with different combinations, as well as protection of shipping and fishing lines and at the same time smuggling activities that are widely and covertly present in these areas are all issues that justify paying attention to the security and military dimensions of these areas. Sea-based policies should always be considered for the establishment of economic activities and population stability.Physical dimensions: Physical structures of urban and rural settlements along with urban and rural textures in coastal areas often reflect environmental and climatic characteristics and at the same time the culture of these areas. Infrastructure is also an important aspect of the physical aspect of planning.ConclusionsA review of what has been done shows that the sea-centeredness in the country has existed since the distant past, but has not yet been able to find its true place. Obviously, considering the principles and dimensions of sea-based macro planning policy in the country can be very effective in making more use of the capabilities of these areas. An issue that has not been considered as it should be, and it is hoped that by adopting appropriate policies, it will strengthen and achieve its real place.
