مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
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A proper understanding of the field spatial justice depends on understanding the interrelationship between politics and space and their dynamic mechanism. The mutual mechanism underpins the subject-matter and also the philosophy of spatial justice scheme in political geography. In political geography, the concept of justice has moved away from its objective level and has been reach to its subjective level. In other words, the concept of justice becomes operational. From this perspective, geographical or spatial justice is the relative equality of comprehensive development indexes (Economic, Infrastructural, political, cultural, social, security and health care) in the geographical places and spaces (micro and macro) of a country with indexes corresponding with development at the national level based on principles of need and equality. The paper tries to conceptualize spatial justice in political-geography studies using descriptive- analytic method, and data gathering procedure is based on library findings.
بررسی موقعیت استراتژیک صنایع دستی استان ایلام (براساس مدل SPACE)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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صنایع دستی از جمله صنایعی به شمار می رود که از یک طرف با هنر و ذوق و فرهنگ و تمدن در ارتباط است و از طرفی دیگر به دلیل ماهیت صنعتی با مفاهیم اقتصادی نیز مرتبط می باشد. اقتصاد صنایع دستی مدتی است که در صحنه جهانی مطرح و جایگاه مناسبی را به دست آورده است.
مشکلات بسیاری در ایران برای شکوفایی اقتصادی صنایع دستی مطرح است،که این موانع می تواند به ماهیت هنرهای دستی نیز آسیب برساند. کاهش سرمایه گذاری و کاهش فروش منجر به پایین آمدن سطح عرضه و در نهایت منسوخ شدن یک صنعت و هنر دستی خواهد شد. سطح موانع و محدودیت های اقتصادی صنایع دستی چندان گسترده و وسیع می باشد که پرداختن به هنر اصیل که بن مایه صنایع دستی و هنرهای سنتی به شمار می رود را در اولویت های بعدی قرار داده است.
Temporality and Intuitive Perception in Woolf’s Fiction: A Bergsonian Reading(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Time and perception are two major concerns of Woolf in many of her novels and short stories. Woolf as a modernist writer often tries in her fiction to find an epistemological solution to the problems of mortality and immortality, appearance and reality and diversity and unity and she succeeds, I think, by taking on a kind of perception that is intuitive and temporal. For her, true perception is time-bound, but like Bergson she divides time into mechanical and organic one. In her writing, she often associates symbolically the former with death and aridity and the latter with life and fertility, presenting them in the images, to name but a few of keyboard of a piano or alphabetical letters and tree or green shawl and dress, respectively. Evidently, in her views and the solution, she finds to the problems of time and perception Woolf is influenced by Bergson whose theory of time has also influenced so many other modernists. This paper elaborates on the relationship between time and perception in the works of Woolf, especially in her two major novels To the Lighthouse (1927) and Mrs Dalloway (1924) and her short story “An Unwritten Novel” (1921).
Iranian Cities after the Collapse of Sasanian Kingdom: A Case Study of Darabgird(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Darabgird is one of the ancient cities in Fars province. According to Iranian mythology, Darab Shah (Dariush, the Great) found the city in the Achaemenid period. But, due to the fact that 1.21% of total ceramics gathered from the city belongs to the Parthian era, we can accept that the city remained in use since Parthian period to the Islamic era. Data analysis shows that the city had a strong and intensive settlement during Sasanians, After the Arab conquest and the collapse of Pars province, some changes occurred in the function of urban spaces. Accordingly, the main settlement shifted to the north of the city. Apparently, the southern half of the city was abandoned in Islamic era. Finally, according to some other early Islamic cities, apparently in this period, the main settlement of the city shifted to outside of Sasanian city (in this case, north of the Sasanian fortifications) and we should survey this area to discover available evidences of this period. Unfortunately, this area is presently being used for agricultural purposes.
تأملات اخلاقی دوره اول زمستان ۱۳۹۹ شماره ۴
7 - 16
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The concept of place is ultimately a matter of ethical significance—of where something fits in a nexus or structure of meaning. Often this meaning is quite personal, involving a sense of presence we associate with a place. This essay investigates this connection through a study of Wordsworth’s poem, “Tintern Abbey.” It argues that the notion of a presence-infused place is ultimately that of a second-personal space. Presence is a matter of second-personal openness. Therefore, when presence infuses place, it makes its space second-personal also.
Globalization Issues Regarding Contemporary Architecture of Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The term Globalization undoubtedly has affected all parts of humanity life in current century. Globalization as a comprehensive phenomenon has influenced economical, political, social and cultural aspects of our societies. Contemporary architecture as a multidimensional category is depended on various factors and needs to be pursued in different fields, in order to reach to a perfect comprehending of it. In countries that they have not experienced modernity completely and also they have not passed the traditions, facing with global flows will cause different encounters. Although some defend the global and homogenous behaviors, the others as a reflection to that, support of particular and heterogeneous ideas. This dilemma also could be seen in traditional societies in confronting with modernity, but by the aim of global flows it has an incredible speed which could not be imagined before. By the rise of consideration to complexity theories and relational and fuzzy discourses, some kind of symbiosis ideas have aroused that are not going to omit while they are trying to connect contradictory issues together. The specifics of these points of views are going to be clarified and reviewed, so that to make clear the globalized and localized approaches in contemporary architecture and also to conceive an interconnection of them as a “glocalized” architecture.
Dialectics of Space and Place in the Australian Novels, Indelible Ink and Five Bells(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Through the lens of spatial studies expounded in human geography, this paper aims to investigate the dynamics of space and place in the metropolitan context of two twentieth-century novels set in contemporary Sydney titled Indelible Ink (2010) by Fiona McGregor and Five Bells (2011) by Gail Jones. The characters' interactions with city spaces and places will be studied to examine the effects of spatial experience on their lives. Inter-related notions of sense of place, place identity, and topophilia are analyzed in the light of theories expounded by thinkers including Yi-Fu Tuan and John Agnew. This is complemented by an examination of the impacts of landmarks as iconic public spaces on the characters employing ideas put forth by Christophe Den Tandt. One of the conclusions the paper reaches is that characters of both novels fail to establish or maintain stable bonds with places of their dwelling and cityspaces, as a result of which, their sense of place as well as their inner peace and security are disturbed. When place identity is undermined, they suffer from a sense of dislocatedness and placelessness.
Non-indigenous and Interventionist Interventions in Land Changes (Case Study: Founding Land Use Planning in the Pahlavi Era)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Development programs design and operationalize land changes. Although development programs in Iran have been new, interventions in Iranian land have a long history. In other words, the methods of nurturing and exploiting natural and human resources identifiable in indigenous technologies have over time created a specific combination and fabric in the land that reflected the ancient organization of the Iranian land. Therefore, land changes in the Pahlavi era - which result from the implementation of development programs within the framework of modernization- are placed in relation to the organization of the land in the historical background of the country's population. Therefore, the main question of the article is, ‘How did land reform in Iran during the Pahlavi era take shape and what characteristics did it have?’ The present study used descriptive-analytical and critical method. It seems that regarding the external nature of the development programs of the Pahlavi era and their lack of indigenous foundation, the designed land changes lack the characteristic convergence between culture and technology, and neglect and indifference to the vital role of the ecosystem in the mentioned connection. In fact, the findings indicate that land changes resulting from modernization programs were designed and operationalized in confrontation with the pre-modern organization of the land. The interventionist approach in land during the Pahlavi era has resulted in a divergence in the cultural-ecosystem-technology cohesion. The result of this interventionist approach in land during the Pahlavi era has been a divergence in the cultural ecosystem-t
On the Concepts of Time, Space, Vacuum and Domain of Investigation among Contemporary Physics, Philosophy, and Theological Reflection(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Contemporary theology is realizing the importance of integrating the knowledge of modern/contemporary physics into the metaphysical and ontological categories used to consider God and the God-world relationship. Time is a complex notion with different meanings, characterized by a plurality of uses. The concept of time opens up to broader conceptions than those of physics, mathematics, and philosophy and reveals that the human being, the earth, and the cosmos are not the center of space or time. The concepts of space, time, and matter, to which the concept of vacuum is connected, are of central importance in any modern physical theory, and particularly in the theories of unification. It is being discovered that spacetime is absent at the most fundamental level and only emerges at an appropriate limit. This emerging image of time leads to new conceptual challenges that must be faced in parallel with philosophy and theological researchto achieve its correct understanding. It is a comparison of the viewpoints of the three investigative domains concerned with understanding the nature of consciousness, namely science, philosophy, and metaphysics. This thought process is connected to the intuitions of the contemplative and mystical traditions and seems to be in line with current scientific thought, which can be mathematically expressed. Recent scientific research struggles to grasp the subjective aspect of consciousness; subjective experience is in conflict with the figure of the observer classically understood in the scientific sense. The evolution of life and the relationship with the transcendent could have their information basis in a hyper-complex multi-dimensional space; recent efforts try to explain how mental states exist in the higher dimensions of this hyperspace; some recent models of unification integrate matter and consciousness through the use of this primordial multi-dimensional dynamic space. Ontological interpretations of quantum theory have been given, leading to patterns of bidirectional flow of consciousness between an explicate and an implicate order, supporting both local and non-local phenomena in the cosmos. The paper aims to offer an overview of the indicated issues with a trans-disciplinary method and through interesting hints for thought.
Evaluating The Creation of Dwelling Space in relation to Place(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
مدیریت شهری دوره ۱۴ بهار ۱۳۹۵ ضمیمه لاتین شماره ۴۲
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Primary man in trying to find food went everywhere. But by forming ranching arranged a chain of places and became emigrant. By happening industrial revolution, human life was centralized on one place. Places that base on its advantages make different biologic and behavioral types. Forming cities in seaboard, river shore, boundary of mountains and Champaign cause to make different cultures that shows habitat and continent effects on their inhabitants. This definition of human means native man was removing in industrial revolution because modern life advantages aren't depended on habitat. Loom factories develop in every longitude and latitude and cause to form cities that have sit on beds without native values. In fact dependency on a special place in agriculture ages lost its special value and come off in everywhere. In the other hand, in information and media revolution of globalization life Advantages Sea themselves in communication and virtual space that is quite placeless. In fact if we define habitat as an interacting situation between human and a place, we can survey this concept evolution and change procedure from past to now and study its results and effects on human life space quality. In this study we survey efficacy on and getting effect of habitat by studying cultural and anthropologic evolution and genesis of habitat concept and restudy its relation with human real and virtual residential space.
فضاهای هتروتوپیایی (دگرسان) در داستان های شهریار مندنی پور: خوانشی فضا - مکان محور(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
نقد ادبی سال ۱۷ بهار ۱۴۰۳ شماره ۶۵
49 - 91
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شهریار مندنی پور از نسل نویسندگان معاصری است که به تجربه گرایی در ساختار و فرم پرداخته است. برای همین، خواننده در داستان های او با فضاهایی مواجه است که درواقع ترکیبی از فضاهای مختلف و در عین حال ناهمگون می باشد. پرداخت به این نوع فضاها را به صورت نظری و گاه عملی می توان در رویکرد میشل فوکو مشاهده کرد که او آن ها را فضاهای هتروتوپیایی یا دگرسان می نامد. در همین راستا، این مطالعه به شرح این نوع فضاها در آرای فوکو و دیگر متفکران می پردازد که در این زمینه اندیشه ورزیده اند تا خواننده آگاهی عمیقی از فضاها به دست آورد. سپس مطالعه حاضر، جستاری به بحث این فضاها در آثار مندنی پور مومیا و عسل، ماه نیمروز، شرق بنفشه و آبی ماورای بحار می زند که از معدود نویسندگان ایرانی است که چنین تجربه ای در داستان نویسی داشته است. این مطالعه به این نتیجه گیری می رسد که مندنی پور با مطرح کردن چنین فضاهایی در داستان های خود به حقیقت مکتوم در ورای ساختار همگن تک فضایی اشاره دارد و چنین فضاهایی به شخصیت ها کمک می کنند از محدودیت های فضاهای همگن فراتر رفته و طرحی نو دراندازند.
From Cape Town to the Marsh: A Spatial Analysis of J.M. Coetzee’s Life & Times of Michael K and Jafar Modarres Sadeqi’s Gavkhuni(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The present paper studies J.M. Coetzee’s Life & Times of Michael K (1983) and Jafar Modarres Sadeqi’s Gavkhuni ( The Marsh ) (1362 [1983]) through a spatial perspective. To this end, the study avails itself of a constellation of concepts formed around Edward Soja’s Thirdspace, Michel Foucault’s heterotopia, and Mikhail Bakhtin’s chronotope. Reading the selected novels through these key terms shows that despite striking differences concerning the nature and manifestation of space, both novels configure space as belonging to the realm of the father. In Life & Times of Michael K , Michael begins a journey across South Africa to escape this paternal realm, while the unnamed narrator of Gavkhuni , having failed to escape the memory of Isfahan even after moving to Tehran, starts to write to get rid of his nightmares about his father. At the end of the novels, both protagonists return to their first places: Cape Town and Tehran, respectively. However, as the beginning and ending points of the novels, these cities do not remain the same for them: Michael preserves his identity as a gardener even in Cape Town, and the narrator of Gavkhuni reconciles with the ever-present image of the father and Zayandehrud in Tehran through writing.
Heideggerian Space and Time in Ted Hughes’s and Allen Ginsberg’s Poems(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The purpose of the present study is to explore the two concepts of time and space in postmodern lyric poetry of the two poets of the 1950s through the lens of the Heideggerian existential theory of time and space, which regards time as a horizon for understanding Being and distinguishes three different types of space: (1) world-space, (2) regions , and (3) Dasein's spatiality. To fulfill this objective, some selected poems of the two poets, including Allen Ginsberg and Ted Hughes, were analyzed temporally and spatially. The findings suggested that the two poets tend to treat time and space existentially and reject eternality. It was revealed that they are existential poets whose existence is manifested in their quest for identity within the immediate world or the global world as well as their concerns for their homeland and ideals. In their poems, time and space are intermingled with Being and reflect each individual’s relationship with the world. The result of the analysis of poems showed that their poetry is not just the language of imagination and perception, but also the language of existence. The world is regarded as an existential space-time continuum and being-in-the-world is the fundamental ontological situation for Dasein. Accordingly, the world, like poetry, is a disclosure of things in nearness or distance, which matters to human beings
Heidegger’s Topology from The Beginning: Dasein, Being, Place(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
پژوهش های فلسفی پاییز ۱۴۰۳ شماره ۴۸
67 - 80
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At the Le Thor Seminar in 1969, Heidegger characterises his thinking as taking the form of what he calls a ‘topology of being’ (Topologie des Seins) and as thereby giving a key role to place (topos, Ort/Ortschaft). Much of my work over the last 25 years has been devoted to exploring how such a topology is indeed present in Heidegger’s thinking, both early and late, and so to showing how place figures in that thinking – to showing, in effect, how the questioning of being is also the thinking of place. The aim here is to provide a summary introduction to the topology that this exploration has aimed at uncovering, but to do so in a way that is focussed on the early work, especially Being and Time. To this end, the discussion proceeds through an explication of the topological elements that are present in the form of key terms and ideas such as facticity, questionability, being-in, existential spatiality, and there-being or Dasein. There is also a brief exploration of the way the term Dasein figures in German philosophical discourse prior to Heidegger in ways that are not only reflected in Heidegger’s early work, but also draw directly upon that term’s topological connotations.
The conceptualization of 'space' in Persian and English: A comparative study(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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This article aims at contrasting the conceptualization of space in Persian and English. Using three semantic primes of 'space', namely 'below', 'side' and 'touch' proposed in Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM), as one of the cognitive semantics approaches to study language, this cross-linguistic design intends to uncover the similarities and differences of conceptualizations in the two languages. The data came from the Hamshahri corpus of Persian-written data and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA).The data were compared to see whether or not the NSM theory is viable to explain the spatial conceptualization. The results indicated that the semantic primes have more than one exponent in Persian and English, with their particular function and conceptual range. Besides, the prime of 'touch' has not spatial correspondence in Persian language. This means that the NSM approach does not provide enough analytical toolkits to satisfactorily explain the similarities and differences in cross-cultural cognitive semantic comparisons and cannot exhaustively explain the conceptualization of ‘space’. Nonetheless, this approach provides us with some insight into the cognitive properties in the minds of the speakers.