School Administration (مدیریت مدرسه)

School Administration (مدیریت مدرسه)

School Administration, Volume 10, Issue 3, Autumn 2022 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)



Deducing The Intellectual Pattern Existing In Schools Based On The Formal Model(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: intellectual pattern Schools formal model Ontology Methodology Epistemology

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۳
This article mainly deduces the intellectual pattern existing in schools based on the formal model. Because schools in different educational systems are also created based on a specific intellectual basis. The documentary method is  used to extract the intellectual basis of formal model schools by referring to the texts and sources in the history of management  was done as required documents. which are often published in the form of books and articles in reputable magazines. In order to obtain comprehensive information until theoretical saturation, about 24 documents were examined and analyzed from the texts in order to achieve the goals of the research. Positivist was deduced as its underlying thought pattern based on analyzing information from the common points of the this model with classical management. Finally, the positivisms intellectual pattern has been analyzed regarding ontology, epistemology, and methodology. The research findings showed that in the ontology of positivists, humans create and label the relationships of external objects in the mental structure they already have and are not related to the external world itself. In addition, the positivist approach intends to use the quantitative and experimental methods in humanities studies as in natural sciences for credibility. Finally, specific positivist rationality believes that knowledge is accompanied by experience.

Semantic Representation of Teacher Autonomy: A Grounded Theory Study(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: autonomy teachers model grounded theory

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۳ تعداد دانلود : ۷۰
The present study aimed to represent the autonomy of teachers adopting the grounded theory semantically. The research approach of this study was qualitative, and the theory method was grounded theory. The statistical population included all primary school teachers and principals in Lorestan, Iran. To collect qualitative data, interviews were conducted with 45 experienced teachers, school principals, specialists, and professors. In this study, the purposive sampling method was used for participant selection. The sampling method was purposefully continued until the researcher reached theoretical saturation. The basic indicators of the model of autonomy of schoolteachers were identified using a review of the research background and content analysis of the interviews. Next, the three stages of axial coding, selective coding, and main category resulted in six main categories: axial Phenomenon, Causal Conditions, Background Conditions, Interfering Conditions, Strategic Conditions, and Consequences Conditions. Teachers' Autonomy Model was developed, including 23 axial codes in the form of six selective codes for the six dimensions of axial Phenomenon, causal conditions (with four axial codes), background conditions (with two axial codes), interfering factors (with two axial codes), strategy (with seven axial codes), and consequences (with four axial codes). The extracted qualitative model can be used in policy-making and professional autonomy planning, especially in the professional development of teachers.

Explaining the Structural Relationship of Teachers' Readiness for Change, Their Perception of Social Capital, and Teachers' Tendency to Participate: The Case Study Education in Fars Province(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Social capital Psychological Capital Readiness for Change Teacher School

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۱ تعداد دانلود : ۹۰
The main aim of this study this study was explaining the structural model of teacher's perception of school's social capital and teacher's psychological capital with their readiness for change in primary schools. The research statistical population was included all primary school teachers (17500) in Fars province, that 733 of them were selected as the research sample by using systematic sampling method. The research instruments were included three questionnaires: social capital, psychological capital and readiness for changing, which were distributed and collected after calculating validity (speciation analysis) and reliability (Cronbach's alpha). Research data were analyzed using one-sample t-test, Pearson's correlation's matrix and multivariate regression (structural equation model) and also Amos23 and Spss25 software. Findings showed that while the average dimension of social network was higher than the desired level, the rest of the dimensions of social capital and the average total of social capital was less than the desired level. The average of teacher’s psychological capital and all its dimensions was higher than desired. Examining the simultaneous role of social capital and psychological capital in predicting readiness for change, it was concluded that social capital loses its predictive power for readiness for changing (β= 0/07 & p= NS) and psychological capital have a positive and significant predictive power for readiness for change (β= 0/62 & p< 0/01). The output of this research can be use by managers, teachers and other staff in different domains to providing readiness ground for change by developing and strengthening the capacities of psychological capital.

Presenting a Model of Resilient Schools based on Grounded Theory(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Resilience Resilient Schools grounded theory

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۵
Improving the quality of education and empowering students are important issues in educational systems, and it is necessary to identify influential factors for them. One of the factors that can help improve the educational system is enhancing resilience in schools. Resilient schools are those that create conditions for students and teachers to be able to respond to the challenges of school and community and help them achieve educational goals in difficult conditions, by providing necessary space and educational facilities. Therefore, the present article aims in identifying the dimensions and components of resilient schools to present a related model. In this regard, a qualitative method based on the grounded theory approach is used. The statistical population of this research includes faculty members, psychology specialists, and school principals in Kurdistan province. A purposeful sampling method is used to select the sample based on the saturation rule by using sixteen interviews, and for more assurance, it is continued up to twenty interviews. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews and data analysis was done through open, axial, and selective coding methods. The findings indicate that causal conditions (development of student’s abilities, establishing proper communication with students, learning life skills, and improving the status of teachers) through the central phenomenon (resilient schools) influence the strategies for achieving resilient schools. These strategies include making the educational environment happy, developing parents’ participation, providing extra-curricular activities, appropriateness of curriculum content, supporting teachers, making the curriculum content applicable, and instruction. Some intervening conditions (salary and benefits, recruitment and selection of human power, and decentralization) as well as contextual conditions (facilities, leadership, and teaching-learning processes) influence these strategies. Finally, the consequences of these strategies and their impact include mental health, self-awareness, cooperation, participation, and promotion of general health.

Investigating the Role of Visionary and Empowering Leadership of School Principals on Teacher's Change Tendencies by Mediating Role of Teachers’ Organizational Learning and Professional Development(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Visionary Leadership Empowering Leadership Change Tendencies Organizational learning professional development

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۷۶ تعداد دانلود : ۸۸
The purpose of the research was to investigate the role of visionary leadership and empowering leadership of school principals On Teacher's Change Tendencies by mediating role of teachers’ organizational learning and professional development. The research population was all the primary school teachers of Kurdistan province. Of those, 364 teachers were selected by proportional stratified random sampling based on the Cochran's Formula. The research method was a quantitative correlational study based on the covariance based structural equation modeling approach. To collect data, the empowering leadership questionnaire (Ahearn, Mathieu and Rapp, 2005); visionary leadership questionnaire (Kanger and Kanango, 1998); Organizational learning questionnaire (Garcia Morales et al., 2006); professional development questionnaire (Nova's, 2008) and tendency to change questionnaire (Dunham et al, 1989) were used. The reliability and validity of the questionnaires were evaluated by the Cronbach's alpha coefficients and confirmatory factor analysis. To analyze the data, structural equation modeling was used by Lisrel software. The results showed that: visionary and empowering leadership of school principals had a direct, positive and meaningful effect on teachers' organizational learning, teachers' professional development and teachers' change tendencies. They had also a positive and significant indirect effect on teachers' change tendencies through organizational learning and professional development. The variables of visionary and empowering leadership of school principals, teachers' organizational learning, and teachers' professional development were able to explain 0.13 of the variance of teachers' change tendencies.

Identifying the Competencies of School Principals for Effective Leadership in Schools(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Educational Leadership Principals’ Competencies school administration School development School Leadership

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۲۸ تعداد دانلود : ۹۲
This research aims to identify the competencies of school principals based on Iranian studies for effective leadership in schools. Therefore, this research has been developed using a qualitative method and using meta-synthesis strategy. Therefore, after checking the keywords of managers' competence in internal databases, 150 types of research were extracted from 2005 to 2020, and finally, 70 types of research were included in the final analysis. The results included 19 primary pre-organizer themes and six secondary pre-organizer themes. Secondary pre-organizer themes include; Individual competencies (with primary pre-organizer themes: personal, professional, and functional), interactive competencies (with primary pre-organizer themes: intra-organizational interactions, extra-organizational interactions, and team building and teamwork), job competencies (with primary pre-organizer themes: career development, human resource management, and job recognition), organizational competencies (with primary pre-organizer themes: leadership, managerial-executive, soft capacity making, organizational effectiveness, and organizational quality), technical-specialized competencies (with primary pre-organizer themes: technological skills and knowledge skills), financial competencies (with primary pre-organizer themes: budgeting, financial management and planning, and financial efficiency and effectiveness). In the end, in addition to the network of themes, a competency model of school principals has also been drawn based on the results

Investigating the Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Creativity with Organizational Silence of Elementary School Teachers(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Self-Efficacy Creativity Organizational Silence Teacher

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۰۰ تعداد دانلود : ۹۷
Self-efficacy beliefs can be effective in teaching method and more creative managing classroom. Teacher self-efficacy and creativity are factors that can affect their organizational Silence.Because teacher silence is closely related to innovation and creativity, the quality of decision-making, effectiveness, and teacher’ morale;Thereforeidentifying the factors that cause it is very important.The aim of this study is applied research;and in terms of research method, it is a description of the type of correlation. The statistical population of this study is all primary school teachers in Joghatay city in Iran, whose numbers are equal to 360 people in the 2018-2019 educational year. 186 people were considered as the research by cluster random sampling method. The tools used in this study include the Scannan, Moran, and Wolfonk Self-Efficacy Questionnaire the Cronbach's alpha coefficientwas 0/85.The Randsip Creativity Questionnaire(2002) was also used to measure creativity the Cronbach's alpha coefficientwas 0/86.The Organizational Silence Questionnaire of Vacula and Borado (2005) also usedthe Cronbach's alpha coefficientwas0/93.Findings showed is asignificant relationship between self-efficacy with organizational silence and teachers' creativity.Self-efficacy has a positive and direct effect on organizational silence. In addition, silence also had a positive and direct effect on organizational creativity. The indirect effect of self-efficacy on creativity was also investigated.self-efficacy due to silence has an indirect and positive effect on teachers' creativity.

Does Self-Development Enhance Creativity? Investigating the Role of Human Capital(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Self-development Human capital Creativity Staff high schools

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۱۲۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۳
Purpose: The purpose of the current research was to investigate the impact of self-development on staff creativity with the mediating role of human capital mediation in high schools.Design/methodology/approach: The study was applicable to the quantitative approach using the descriptive–correlative method. The population comprised (55888) all human resources, including Teachers, school administrations, and other support staff working in the high school of Tehran city, among whom 381 were selected using the multi-stage cluster sampling technique. Data have been collected based on "human capital," "creativity," and "self-development" questionnaire and then analyzed using the structural equation modeling approach.Findings: The study findings revealed that self-development was effective on human capital with a path coefficient of γ=0.37, and human capital impacted creativity with a path coefficient of β=0.12. Furthermore, self-development with the mediation of human capital has positively impacted creativity (β=0.27). Finally, self-development can significantly influence human resource creativity (γ=0.23).

Designing a Model for Career Path Adaptability of Teachers: A Qualitative Study(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Adaptability career path Career Path Adaptability teachers Education

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۸۳ تعداد دانلود : ۸۲
Applying grounded theory (GT) as a systematic methodology, this study was to present a model for the career path adaptability (CPA) of teachers. The statistical population consisted of the experts and teachers affiliated to the Department of Education (DoE) in Iran, in the 2018-19 academic year calendar, and the samples (n=17) were selected based on snowball sampling, as a purposeful method. For this purpose, semi-structured, in-depth interviews were used as the data collection tool, and the data were then analyzed via content analysis with coding. In this line, the central phenomenon, accompanied by the main categories and subcategories, was extracted. To code the given data, 198 codes were initially identified, and 41 subcategories were subsequently formed. To validate the interviews, triangulation, member checking, and peer review were further practiced. Besides, the test-retest and inter-rater reliability techniques were exploited for the reliability purposes. In accordance with the GT outcomes, CPA as the central phenomenon was realized with respect to causal conditions, viz., organizational, career-related, personal conditions, through the strategies of career advancement, learning and training, human resources (HR) attraction/selection/recruitment, and motivation, by taking account of effective underlying conditions, namely, HR development requirements, motivational conditions, organizational culture, and leadership style. However, this phenomenon, not protected from economic, political, organizational, and personal contexts, as the intervening factors, had induced a number of outcomes, e.g., a descending trend in leaving one’s job, increased job satisfaction, higher levels of organizational commitment, delegation of authority, and cost reduction for the DOE and teachers. Ultimately, the study results gave rise to designing a CPA model for teachers, containing a central phenomenon, along with causal conditions, underlying conditions, intervening factors, strategies, and outcomes.

Analysis of Talent Management And Succession Planning In The Iranian Educational System, From The Views of Secondary School Principals(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: talent management Succession Planning View of School Principals Secondary School

حوزه‌های تخصصی:
تعداد بازدید : ۹۰ تعداد دانلود : ۸۲
In today's competitive world, a key factor for educational institutions success is the talent management and succession planning of human resources. The purpose of this study was to analyze talent management and succession planning in the Iranian educational system, from the views of secondary school principals. Data were collected from127 principals (by conducting Cochran's formula), by use of a questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using SPSS/Windows. The findings revealed that the score of four of seven dimensions of succession planning and three of five dimensions of talent management were less than the middle of scale spectrum. The findings of comparative analyses showed differences and similarities on respondents' views regarding current status talent management and Succession planning dimensions in educational system. According to the results some recommendations were suggested to reach to the proper and desirable status of talent management and succession planning.


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