School Administration (مدیریت مدرسه)
School Administration, Volume 11, Issue 2, Summer 2023 (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Purpose: The present research was conducted with the aim of expressing the challenges of transformational leaders in schools.Method: The approach of the current research is qualitative and the strategy used is narrative research.The researched population was all school principals of Kermanshah city.Sampling was purposeful and 13 people were studied until reaching theoretical saturation. Data collection was semi-structured interview and document review. Validation in the present research was examined and confirmed based on the process of verifiability, transferability, believability and reliability.Findings: The analysis showed that the challenges of transformational leaders in schools include different aspects. The participants reflected the challenges in the form of challenges of different definitions and perceptions, the need for capabilities and competences, and finally structural challenges, and these results were drawn in three graphs. Challenges related to the definition and characteristics include the following: common goals, planning, creating a professional work team, creating change and transformation and inspiring employees. In the challenges related to the necessary competencies of transformational leaders, we also found five main categories including: scientific support, emotional support, clear and two-way communication, organizational foresight, creating a creative and dynamic environment.In the structural challenges faced by transformational leaders, we also found four categories including: organizational issues, individual issues, socio-cultural issues and lack of resources and facilities.
Explaining the Structural Relationship of Teachers' Readiness for Change, Their Perception of Social Capital, and Teachers' Tendency to Participate: The Case Study Education in Fars Province(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
The current study explained the structural relationship between readiness for change, social capital, and teachers' tendency to participate. The current research was applied in terms of purpose and was a correlation type in descriptive-survey research. This study's statistical population includes all education teachers in Fars province in 2021-22, and 500 were selected using random class sampling. The research tool included three questionnaires on readiness for organizational change, the tendency to participate, and social capital, which were distributed and collected after calculating validity and reliability. This research showed 1) a positive and significant relationship between teachers' perception of social capital and teachers' tendency to participate and 2) a positive and significant relationship between teachers' readiness for change and their tendency to participate. In addition, the simultaneous relationship between readiness for change and social capital with teachers' tendency to participate concluded that the variable of readiness for change is a positive and significant predictor of the tendency to participate, but social capital does not significantly predict the tendency to participate
The Relationship Between School Principals’ Ethical Leadership Style And Self-Efficacy And Job Involvement of High School Teachers In Sanandaj City(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Method: This study is practical in terms of purpose, and descriptive correlational in terms of method. The statistical population includes all teachers from second normal secondary schools in the first and second districts of Sanandaj city during the academic year of 2021-2, totalling 686 individuals. A sample size of 343 was selected using a simple random sampling method. Data was collected through three questionnaires: The 10-Item Ethical Leadership Scale by Brown and Trevino (2005), The 12-Item Collective Efficacy Questionnaire by Goddard (2001), and The 9-Item Questionnaire by Schaufeli et al. (2002) utilizing a five-point Likert scale. The face validity of the questionnaires was confirmed through expert opinions, while their construct validity was established by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). To ensure questionnaire reliability, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was utilized. The resulting reliability coefficients for the ethical leadership, self-efficacy, and job involvement questionnaires were 0.91, 0.72, and 0.93, respectively. After verifying that the parametric assumptions were met, the data was analysed using Pearson’s correlation test and structural equation modelling via SPSS software. The results revealed a favourable fit for the research’s structural model, indicating a direct relationship between the ethical leadership style of school managers and teachers’ collective efficacy and job involvement. Furthermore, the ethical leadership status of school managers emerged as a significant predictor for teachers’ levels of collective efficacy and job involvement. These findings suggest that demonstrating ethical leadership behaviours can enhance teachers’ self-efficacy, thereby fostering greater passion and job involvement among them
Preparing Students for Transition to University: The Role of Senior high Schools(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The present study aimed to determining the role of senior high schools in the preparation of students to transfer to university. By using an exploratory mixed method approach, we combined qualitative content analysis with descriptive quantitative method. In the qualitative part, the study population includes 9929 senior high school teachers of Tabriz and 891 professors of Tabriz University, and in the quantitative part, it includes 2013 students of Tabriz University in the academic year 2019-2020. The participants of the qualitative part are 16 people and the quantitative part is 325 people based on the Krejcie- Morgan, which was selected by simple random sampling. In order to collect data in the qualitative part, a semi-structured interview, and in the quantitative part, a researcher-made questionnaire based on the findings of the qualitative part was used. The reliability of the quantitative part by using the internal reliability of 0.93. For data analysis, colaizzi's method analysis was used in the qualitative part,and descriptive and inferential statistics tests (Friedman's ranking and sample TT) were used in the quantitative part. Based on qualitative findings, the role of senior high schools in preparing students for transfer to university included academic adaptation, environmental adaptation, individual-emotional adaptation, pre-transitional preparation, and organizational-managerial factors of educational system. The findings of the quantitative part from perspective of the first-year students, indicated status quo of organizational-managerial factors of educational system, pre-transitional preparation, and individual-emotional adaptation was unfavorable while factors of academic and environmental adaptation had moderate situation. According to the results of Friedman test, environmental adaptation was in the highest rank followed by academic adaptation, organizational-managerial factors of educational system, individual-emotional adaptation, and pre-transitional preparation in the next ranks. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods, in this study, caused different aspects of preparing students for transfer to university through senior high schools were identified, and finally, solutions for preparing students to university were presented.
Barriers And Problems In The Implementation of Educational Strategies From The Point of View of School Administrators(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Research aims to identify barriers and problems in educational strategies implementation in schools. The current study is qualitative with an interpretive phenomenological approach. For the interview, the participants were selected by the purposive sampling method. The criteria for participating in the interview were managers' willingness to express their opinions on the research subject. The sampling process ended when data saturation was reached during the interview. Paul Colaizzi's method was used for data analysis. First, analysis data collection was continued until saturation. Several vital sentences were extracted and formulated. Participants' opinions were kept, making data reliability and their ability to be verified possible. After analyzing the findings, school problems and barriers were categorized into four categories: financial and credit, human resources, system problems, and multiple tasks. Components: lack of per capita, wear and tear of buildings, equipment, a debt of energy carriers, lack of allocation of specialized teachers, new teachers, reduction of cooperation and assistance of parents, forced teaching of administrative staff, the unwillingness of students, lack of allocation of staff based on the organizational chart, The number of sites and their continuous changes, textbook registration system, pre-registration, the existence of various projects and ceremonies, repetitive and voluminous circulars, intervention of unrelated organizations and departments were among the most critical challenges of school management
Designing and Validating a Model of Professional Learning Community for Secondary Technical and Vocational Schools(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The present review aims at designing and validating a model of Professional Learning Community for the technical and vocational schools of the upper secondary level.This research is conducted through a qualitative approach and applies the method of Grounded Theory. A Targeted Selection approach was applied for selecting the documents, including all academic sources related to the subject, which constituted the research statistical population of the study. Sixty titles were selected. In addition, Chain Sampling, one of the methods of Targeted Sampling was applied to select the individuals for the interviews and validation sections. Using the Theoretical Saturation method, seventeen individuals for designing the model and for the first phase of validation and forty-two individuals for the second phase of the validation (which assesses the extent to which the model can be executed) participated. Also, the data collection methods employed in each phase included a Semi-Structured Interview for the first phase and a Researcher-Made Questionnaire for the second phase. For analyzing the documents, Qualitative Content Analysis and for analyzing the interview transcripts Inductive Analysis and the coding of Grounded Theory was applied. Results: The results demonstrated that the structure of the professional learning community includes 21 elements that were identified. The model is delineated in 5 steps Plan, Establish, Implement, Modify and Assess, and is validated in two phases. Validation results illustrated a remarkable degree of consistency between the interviewees in the first (structure and elements of the model) and the second (the degree to which the model is executable) phases
Structural analysis of the role of health literacy, organizational support and school climate on academic buoyancy with the mediation of performance in health promoting schools(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Improving students' academic buoyancy is a priority of education and health systems. The main purpose of this study was structural analysis of the relationship between health literacy, organizational support, school climate with students' academic buoyancy by teachers’ and school nurses’ job performance mediation in health promoting schools.
The method of this correlation research is based on structural equation model. 160 health promoting schools were selected by stratified random sampling and two teachers, one health nurse and two students were randomly selected from each school. In total, 160 health nurses, 320 teachers and 960 students were studied. Annual teachers’ and school nurses’ job performance score, health literacy, organizational support, school climate and academic buoyancy questionnaires were used to collect data. Smart-PLS structural equation model has been used to analyze the data.
The path coefficient of direct effect of organizational support on the performance of teachers and school nurses was 0.48, the correlation between performance with academic buoyancy was 0.74, the correlation between school climate and performance was 0.33 (P <0.05). The path coefficient of indirect effects of organizational support on academic buoyancy mediated by the performance was 0.36 and also the indirect correlation between school climate and academic buoyancy mediated by the performance was 0.24 (P <0.05). The direct effect of school climate, organizational support and health literacy on academic buoyancy is not significant (P> 0.05).
Attention to improving the performance and organizational support of teachers leads to improving the academic buoyancy of students.
Entrepreneurial Leadership in Secondary Schools: An application of Descriptive Phenomenology(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Despite the complexity and ambiguity in the concept of entrepreneurship, the expectations of governments, policymakers and education stakeholders have led to increased pressure on schools to develop entrepreneurship and financial independence. Very little research has been done on entrepreneurial leadership in schools. Therefore, this general question was raised, what is the relationship between entrepreneurship and school leadership? Focusing on the transcendental phenomenology approach of Moustakas, the present research tried to count the lived experiences of 19 school principals who were selected purposefully and using the criterion sampling technique. A three-step sequential phenomenological interview protocol was used. The analysis and coding of the interviews were done using the three-stage thematic analysis method (basic, organizing and global) and drawing the theme networks, and Maxqda2020 software was used for data management. At the end of the thematic analysis, a total of 90 basic themes, 34 organizing themes and finally 8 global themes were counted, which were: acquisition entrepreneurship, financial efficiency, financial literacy, educational entrepreneurship, social activism, school cultural ambassador, organizational entrepreneurship, and independent entrepreneurship. The experiences of the participants indicated that the leaders adopted two main strategies to implement entrepreneurial leadership in the school: first, policies to advance school affairs, communicate with parents and teachers, provide diverse and extracurricular courses for students, prioritize assignments and promoting flexibility in the teaching-learning process, these were intra-school solutions. On the other hand, school entrepreneurial leaders used external strategies such as public visits to the school, taking risks, promoting collaborative work, and gaining power for the school