مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه



That Philosophy as Epistemological-Based is Not Debased: A Critique of Post-Modernist/Hermeneutic Critique of Traditional Philosophy(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: philosophy Epistemology post-modernism hermeneutics

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۶۱ تعداد دانلود : ۲۲۹
Over the centuries, beginning with the classic Greeks through the trends of the mid-20th century, philosophical enterprise has been intricately and seemingly irretrievably rooted in the theory of the given—an edification of philosophy as that giant mirror and standard for measuring what counts as knowledge; but is it thus synonymous with or reducible to epistemology? How or why? There are two answers to both of these questions. The attempt in this work is to delineate those separate concerns, their areas of convergence and disparity, but also indicated the genesis of edifying philosophy rooted in epistemology but which has been discredited in the works of some post-modernist reformers—Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Dewey, Quine, and Rorty. Against theirs, this piece shows that historically, philosophizing has had a methodology and some perceptual axioms; that it is not easy to abdicate it from this mode, no matter the will and zeal—for success is not a matter of will alone; that the post-modernists revolution is nothing new with its swollen nerves and arteries (as others before it, it soon wanes). It concludes that the urge for philosophic understanding shows no sign of abating and so the philosophical journey will probably go on and on, each stage building on and rewriting its past and ruminating specific but perennial problematic; that while some of the issues seemingly do appear resolved, others may have endured and eloped any final solution; and finally that the philosophical method and basic assumptions have seriously remained firmly even beyond post-modernist restructurers.

A Pragmatic Solution to the Value Problem of Knowledge(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Epistemology Knowledge the Value Problem John Dewey American Pragmatism

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۳۷ تعداد دانلود : ۲۵۳
We value possessing knowledge more than true belief. Both someone with knowledge and someone with a true belief possess the correct answer to a question. Why is knowledge more valuable than true belief if both contain the correct answer? I examine the philosophy of American pragmatist John Dewey and then I offer a novel solution to this question often called the value problem of knowledge. I present and explicate (my interpretation of) Dewey’s pragmatic theory of inquiry. Dewey values competent inquiry and claims it is a knowledge-forming process, and I argue that it is competently conducting inquiry that explains why knowledge is more valuable than mere true belief. Knowledge is always the result of a process of competent inquiry (itself valuable) whereas belief can but need not be the result of inquiry. I end by considering and replying to reasonable objections to my pragmatic solution.

Personal or Impersonal Knowledge?(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Epistemology philosophy of science Karl Popper Michael Polanyi knowing subjects personal judgment

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۴۷ تعداد دانلود : ۳۵۳
Reflections on the contrast between the titles of Popper’s Objective Knowledge and Polanyi’s Personal Knowledge led Haack to explore how Polanyi’s ideas might be used to correct some of the distortions caused by Popper’s refusal to allow any role in epistemology to the knowing subject, and thus to throw light on such questions as the relations between the knower and the known, between epistemology and psychology and sociology of knowledge, and between subjectivity and objectivity.

Intuition as a Capacity for a Priori Knowledge(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: intuition rationality experimental philosophy non-inferentialism Epistemology

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۵ تعداد دانلود : ۲۲۶
This article lays the groundwork for a defense of rational intuitions by first arguing against a prevalent view according to which intuition is a distinctive psychological state, an “intellectual seeming” that p, that then constitutes evidence that p. An alternative account is then offered, according to which an intuition that p constitutes non-inferential a priori knowledge that p in virtue of the concepts exercised in judging that p. This account of rational intuition as the exercise of conceptual capacities in a priori judgment is then distinguished from the dogmatic, entitlement and reliabilist accounts of intuition’s justificatory force. The article concludes by considering three implications of the proposed view for the Experimental Philosophy movement.

Research Paradigms in Public Administration(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۵۹ تعداد دانلود : ۲۷۲
The term paradigm has become a central issue in philosophy of science. Increasing attention to paradigm in public administration, as a branch of social science, is also highlighted. This paper attempts to analysis seven paradigms in public administration research and to study ontological, epistemological, methodological, rhetorical and axiological assumptions of the each paradigm. Finally, we briefly offer some potential areas of public administration that can be informed by seven research paradigm.

EFL Students’ Epistemological Beliefs and Use of Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies in Bahir Dar University


کلیدواژه‌ها: Epistemology beliefs cognitive Metacognitive strategy use

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۴۳ تعداد دانلود : ۲۳۱
This study attempted to investigate the level of EFL learners’ epistemological beliefs and learning strategy use as well as the contribution of epistemological beliefs to their learning strategy use in Bahir Dar University. Comprehensively selected 136 EFL students at the Faculty of Humanities of Bahir Dar University responded to modified versions of Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire and Motivated and Self Directed Learning Strategies Questionnaire. The descriptive statistics showed that the participants generally held a low level of epistemological beliefs (mean scores ranging from 2.49 to 3.09 on a five-point scale) and they moderately used cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies (mean scores ranging from 3.29 to 3.82 on a five-point scale). The results of multivariate analysis indicated there was a significant multivariate effect of epistemological beliefs on the various dimensions of learning strategies, contributing 15.8% of the variance. The follow-up univariate analyses also showed the difference in epistemological beliefs had a significant impact on their use of all dimensions of learning strategies except rehearsal strategy. This means that EFL students with sophisticated epistemological beliefs, compared to their counterparts with naïve beliefs, are more strategic in handling learning situations through deploying appropriate higher order cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies.

Epistemological and Ecological Perception of the Roots of EFL Writing Problems: A Phenomenology and a Path Analysis

کلیدواژه‌ها: Writing Problems Epistemology Ecology EFL Writing

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۸۳ تعداد دانلود : ۳۲۷
Delving into the sources of foreign language writing problems is usually neglected. This necessitates more scrutiny of finding out where these problems originate from. To this end, the present study sought to follow a two-fold aim: finding the roots of the Iranian EFL learners’ writing problems, and discovering how these roots are interconnected with each other and come up with a corresponding model. In the qualitative part of the study, a phenomenological research tradition was adopted and 20 EFL learners were selected through purposive sampling. In the quantitative part, through convenience sampling 120 language learners from an English language school in Gorgan, Iran, were selected to be the participants of the study. A semi-structured interview and a researcher-developed questionnaire were used as the instruments for data collection. The results obtained from the analysis of data revealed that writing problems originate from various sources, mainly linguistic, personal, epistemological and ecological, and enjoy a model in which epistemological, linguistic and ecological sources have direct effects and personal source has indirect effect on writing problems. Recognition of epistemological and ecological sources as a novel finding can make teachers revisit their view of these less-approached issues.  

Metaphysical Foundation of African Epistemology: A Study of the Afemai-Etsako of Edo State in Southern Nigeria(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: African metaphysics Epistemology Ontology Knowledge

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۳۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۵
Truth and knowledge are essentially the dictates of some rationality or metaphysical ordainment. By sense experience man is capable of accounting for his past, contemplate his life and predict his future and all of reality, for traditional Africa, however (as is the case with most native societies), there is another mode of knowing beyond man’s immediate capacity in search of truth and reality. An analysis of this perception indicates that there is some metaphysical tinge to epistemology or knowledge claims—whether in the spheres of justice, morality/ethics, religion, political authority, prosperity, law, or ontology/world-view. Put on a plain pedestal: Isn’t there an African mode of knowing? By the study among the Afemai-Etsako of Southern Nigeria, this article tersely adumbrates the scope and nature of knowledge and discovers that, beside the common routes to it (experience and reason), the gamut of knowledge among the traditional Africans also have several metaphysical strands reducible to creative determinism, reactive interference, and representativeness in timing and naming.

Philosophical and Epistemological Foundations of Contextualism in Postmodern Urban design and architecture(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: philosophy Epistemology Contextualism Urban Design and architecture Postmodernism

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تعداد بازدید : ۵۰۷ تعداد دانلود : ۲۴۱
In this essay I present a new and empirically-testable strategy for completing quantum mechanics. In recent decades, urban design and architecture disciplines witnessed plenty of theories and school development. Primarily, those disciplines are inspired by philosophical perspectives. Thus, it is required to have a good deal of perception on the philosophical roots. Contextualism theory and approach is considered one of the most important controversial approaches in urban design and architecture. The present study intends to elaborate contextualism and explicate its difference with other similar philosophical ideas. Subsequently, it tends to explain the epistemological and philosophical foundations of contextualism in postmodernism and Gestalt school and subsequently to elucidate its position in the postmodern art and specifically in postmodern urban design and architecture. Contextualism is an idea based on the epistemology that the meaning perceived from an epistemological sentence would differ according to the epistemological standards. The idea has three distinct uses in philosophical views, primarily, the truth condition of the sentences is come to be assessed; in the second use, the language meaning is dependent on the context. The paper indicates the first and second uses of contextualism are mostly seen in urban design and architecture contextualism theory.

Kant: Friend or Foe of the Believer? Plantinga and Other American Christian Responses to Kant's Epistemology

کلیدواژه‌ها: Kant Anti-Realism Plantinga Wolterstorff Westphal Epistemology

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۳۵ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۷
Plantinga, Wolterstorff and Westphal are three eminent Christian Philosophers in the United States today. This paper will examine Plantinga, Wolterstorff, and Westphal's response to Kant's anti-realist epistemology. While perhaps many Christian philosophers doing philosophy of religion in the United States follow the common-sense realism of Thomas Reid, some philosophers, like Merold Westphal, support a Christian-Kantian-Creative-Anti-Realism. I will criticize Plantinga's and Wolterstorff's position, and support Westphal's, arguing that Kant's epistemology does not harm religious belief but in fact supports it

Critical Comparison of Two qualitative study with hermeneutic phenomenology Method Qualitative Studies

کلیدواژه‌ها: Hermeneutic phenomenology Ontology Epistemology Methodology axiology interpretive frame conceptual frame

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۶۴
Current educational psychology scholarship lacks critical comparisons of empirical studies using the methodology of hermeneutic phenomenology, which has been increasingly applied in psychology, education, and sociology. Unclarity and confusion in applying this methodology has negatively affected both theoretical and empirical studies that employ this method. To help fill this gap, the present paper critically compares two culturally different hermeneutic phenomenological studies by scholars from different fields: a psychological study from Iran and an educational study from Indonesia. We analyze the similarities and differences of the authors’ philosophical assumptions, including ontological, epistemological, axiological, and methodological assumptions as well as the interpretative and/or conceptual frame and rigors of the two studies. Our comparison and analysis reveal that the Iranian psychological study was stronger in applying the method but weaker in explaining the theory, while the Indonesian educational study comprehensively explained the theory without providing strong empirical evidence.

Epistemological and Psychological Explanation of Religious sceptic


کلیدواژه‌ها: The Holy Quran Cynicism Certainty Religion Faith Epistemology psychology

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۰۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۴
Although cynicism is generally considered anti-religious, in fact, it is inseparable from the true faith of religion. There are two types of cynicism: the first one is being faithful and the second one is being atheistic. An epistemological and psychological study of faith have viewed the essential element of faith. True religious faith is the wisdom of restlessness. Cynicism is what energizes the faith. In this article with library method it is shown that faith expands with faith. Cynicism is neither offensive nor erroneous nor a guilt; rather it is a component of religious faith.

A Qualitative Investigation of Language Learners’ Epistemological Beliefs: Core Dimensions and Development in Focus(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Epistemology L2 knowledge certainty justification simplicity source

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۵۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۶۹
Language Learners’ epistemological beliefs (LLEBs), as their conceptions about the nature of L2 knowledge and L2 knowing, are among the determinants of the route and the outcome of language learning; however, research into their dimensional and developmental nature is at the premium. This qualitative study was designed to (a) unravel the dimensions of LLEBs, and (b) delineate data-driven dimension-specific developmental patterns. Following “maximum variation” sampling, data obtained in 30 one-to-one semi-structured oral interviews were subjected to directed qualitative content analysis to detect utterances related to L2 knowledge and knowing conceptions. Seventeen themes each reflecting beliefs about one of epistemological beliefs’ core dimensions (i.e., knowledge certainty: N=4; simplicity: N=4; source: N=5; and justification: N=4) were extracted, and inter-coder agreement ensured. In the second phase, data obtained in three separate focus-group interviews from another 18-member sample selected via “critical case sampling” were analyzed to sketch differential dimension-related beliefs, if any, and sketch possible developmental paths. The results showed clear distinctions across the three sub-samples in terms of all the 17 LLEBs’ themes extracted in phase 1, roughly reflecting Baxter Magolda’s (1992) four-point epistemological development continuum from “absolute knowing” through “transitional knowing” and “independent knowing” to “contextual knowing.” The findings indicate the dimensionality and developmental nature of LLEBs, and the alignment of LLEBs with research on domain-general epistemology.

The Interplay between Disciplinary Conventions and Research Methodologies in the Introduction Section of Research Articles: Citation Functions and Evaluations(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Citation practices Disciplinary conventions Epistemology Research methodologies

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۳۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۹
Despite the voluminous body of research investigating linguistic, disciplinary, and cultural variations in citation practices in research articles, these practices have not been examined in light of the interplay between disciplinary conventions and research methodological underpinnings in the field of linguistics. Adopting a multi-faceted design, this study analyzed 180 research article introductions from two close-knit disciplines (Theoretical Linguistics and Applied Linguistics) to look into the contextualized citation functions and authorial evaluative stance toward citations. The corpus was purposively selected to sample three research methodologies. Comparisons were carried out at disciplinary, research methodological, and combinatory levels. The findings of the study show clear variations in the citation functions and evaluative stances taken toward citations. These variations are thought to be the result of the disciplinary conventions which authors must abide by as well as the paradigmatic underpinnings of the research methodologies which the articles are built upon, though the latter have greater impacts. As a partial contribution to the field of second language writing, a practical taxonomy is also proposed to account for the contextualized citation functions in the two disciplines. The study concludes with some pedagogical implications

Critical Study of the Epistemological Foundation of Constitutionalism in Face of Modernism(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۹۷ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۹
The encounter of Iranians with the modernism of the West happened for the first time during the constitutional period and through familiarization with the events and political technologies that happened in Russia, Japan, and Turkey. According to what Gadamer says, according to their political, social, economic, mental, and cultural structures, Iranians have received an understanding of modernism that is appropriate to their existential conditions, an understanding that stands as an application, and in response to the Iranians' question about the application of modernism to their lives. This article attempts to compare the epistemic foundations of both sides with a descriptive critical analytical method to show that the due to the structural differences that existed in the epistemic system of Iran and the West during the constitutional period is that it was very difficult to understand modernism in Iran and therefore, instead of bringing modernism into the country, Iranians have settled for some political technologies. Political technologies are considered a salve for their countless pains.

The Process of "Otherness" in the Islamic Discourse in International Relations(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۹۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۲
"Otherness" is one of the most important dimensions in understanding Islamic discourse in international relations. This arises from a critique of the ontology, epistemology, and methodology of the Western discourse of international relations. In fact, the formation of the Islamic discourse of international relations has two dimensions. On the one hand, the principles governing international relations with a focus on rationalist approaches are criticized, and on the other hand, its identity elements are presented based on the political discourse of Islam. This article tries to examine the process of otherness in the Islamic discourse of international relations by focusing on the Islamic Revolution of Iran approach in international politics.

The Nature and Structure of International Relations in Neorealism and Islamic Theory: A Comparative Study(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۱۷۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۵
Realism is one of the approaches that has long been considered as the dominant paradigm in the study of international politics and has played an important role in shaping it. So, it has been criticized by many theoretical schools of international relations. To address these challenges, neorealism led by Kenneth Waltz sought a methodical and scientific reading of realism that conformed to conventional scientific principles and had the ability to explain international relations. The result of Waltz's attempt was neorealism based on the assumptions of positivism. Opposite to positivist views for the analysis of international politics are the religious theories of international relations. Islamic theory is the most important high-powered religious theory for understanding, explaining, and interpreting international politics. This article seeks to express the meta-theoretical foundations of both neorealist and Islamic theory and to take steps to develop the theoretical framework of the Islamic theory of international relations.

Deducing The Intellectual Pattern Existing In Schools Based On The Formal Model(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: intellectual pattern Schools formal model Ontology Methodology Epistemology

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۳ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۳
This article mainly deduces the intellectual pattern existing in schools based on the formal model. Because schools in different educational systems are also created based on a specific intellectual basis. The documentary method is  used to extract the intellectual basis of formal model schools by referring to the texts and sources in the history of management  was done as required documents. which are often published in the form of books and articles in reputable magazines. In order to obtain comprehensive information until theoretical saturation, about 24 documents were examined and analyzed from the texts in order to achieve the goals of the research. Positivist was deduced as its underlying thought pattern based on analyzing information from the common points of the this model with classical management. Finally, the positivisms intellectual pattern has been analyzed regarding ontology, epistemology, and methodology. The research findings showed that in the ontology of positivists, humans create and label the relationships of external objects in the mental structure they already have and are not related to the external world itself. In addition, the positivist approach intends to use the quantitative and experimental methods in humanities studies as in natural sciences for credibility. Finally, specific positivist rationality believes that knowledge is accompanied by experience.

A Schema for the Islamic Epistemological System

کلیدواژه‌ها: System system-generation Epistemology epistemology system Islamic methodology

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۱۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۰۳
Today, ‘system-generation’ in the sphere of religious sciences and teachings as well as other basic affairs is among the important and critical issues now seriously considered by the elite. In regard with religious sciences and knowledge, one can achieve perfection, comprehensiveness, and good epistemic logical structure (moving from generalities and foundations to specifics and results) when the findings of those spheres are formulated in the form of an ‘intellectual system’ or ‘behavioral system’ like a general system with specified goals, enjoying coherent constituents and interactive and related components. One of the philosophical and religious sciences of great importance with a basic role in other religious sciences and an accumulated background in the works and texts of earlier, later and contemporary Muslim philosophers is ‘(Islamic) epistemology’. The present study claims that it can offer a systemic image of Islamic epistemology. Thus, it has tried to offer a schema for ‘the System of Islamic epistemology’ and explain its nature, components and features in short, based on the process of Islamic system-generation. According to the present study, the theoretical framework and the main axes of the discussions on formulating an Islamic epistemological system can be suggested to be as follows: concepts and definitions, features and characteristics, status and importance, goals and ends, foundations and presuppositions, components and constituents, method and sources, usage and efficiency. In addition, for instance, the authors of the present article consider the usage of the System of Islamic epistemology in the ‘Islamic methodology’. The research method in this study is substantially a rational one, and it has used library sources in data collection.

The Relationship between Epistemology and Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi’s Political Thought


کلیدواژه‌ها: Mesbah Yazdi Epistemology Science by Presence Acquiring Knowledge Protector of the Islamic Juristics Elitist

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تعداد بازدید : ۸۶ تعداد دانلود : ۸۵
Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi is one of Neo-Sadraic philosophers among influential political personalities in contemporary Iran, representing theories within philosophical realm and political thinking. In this paper, we are going to find an answer to the question of what relationship there is between epistemological viewpoints of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi and his political thoughts, (question). To do so, using analytical-descriptive technique based on text-to-text interpretation of Leo Straus. We will show that generally his political thoughts and specifically his theories about government are based on epistemology having four layers, namely, experimental insight, intellectual insight, intuitive insight, and revelational insight (methodology). And it is according to this very epistemological thought that his political thinking has an elitist form (hypothesis). In this paper, first three cases of types of knowledge, value of knowledge, and tools of knowledge from Mesbah Yazdi’s viewpoint have been addressed, and then his political thoughts have been briefly represented. We conclude that the relationship between epistemology and political thoughts of Mesbah Yazdi is of constructive kind, that is, his political thinking has an epistemological base.