بازشناسی تبیینی محیط پیرامونی قلمرو فکری تشیع، مطالعه موردی: مناسبات تصوف با سلفیت و اسلام سیاسی (مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
درجه علمی: نشریه علمی (وزارت علوم)
در تاریخ جریانات عقیدتی- سیاسی اسلامی، تصوف همیشه در برابر دو ضلع فکری دیگر در عالم اسلامی قرار گرفته است. ضلع نخست جریان عقل گرای اسلامی و ضلع دوم جریان ظاهرگرای اسلامی است که با اندیشه های اهل حدیث گره خورده است، اما پیوند معاصر دو بلوک عقل گرا و ظاهر گرا در تولید جریان نوسلفی در کالبد تشکیلات اخوان را نمی توان بر اساس تمایلات درونی این دو بلوک تحلیل کرد؛ چه اینکه میل درونی جریان عقل گرا در دوگان ظاهری گری و باطن گرایی، همواره به الهیات باطنی بوده است. سوال مقاله حاضر آن است که آیا میل درونی جریان عقل گرا به سمت الهیات باطنی، می تواند زمینه ساز ایجاد روابط مستحکم تر سیاسی و اجتماعی میان دو جریان اسلام گرا و تصوف شود؟در این مقاله برای دستیابی به یک چارچوب نظری مستعد برای توضیح بنیادی روابط میان جریان های معرفتی، از سه نظریه روزآمد علوم شناختی و اجتماعی استفاده کردیم که به ترتیب نظریه معرفت شناسی اجتماعی، نظریه معرفت شهودی و نظریه جماعت و جامعه فردینان تونیس است. در این مقاله توضیح می دهیم چگونه مناسبات گروه های معرفتی در طول زمان الگوی جماعتی و جامعه ای به خود می پذیرد. می خواهیم با بررسی روابط میان جریان های عقیدتی- سیاسی سنی در بستری عصری، دست به بازشناسی تببینی محیط پیرامونی قلرو فکری تشیع بزنیم و در دو محور تاریخی و الهیاتی نشان دهیم که چگونه زیرساخت های معرفت شناختی در مناسبات این جریانات مؤثر است. دستاورد نظری این مقاله ترسیم هندسه جدید آرایش معرفتی در جریانات اجتماعی اهل سنت و بیان پیشنهادهایی برای ارتقای جایگاه جریان شیعی در این میان است.An Analysis of the Peripheral Realm of the Intellectual Territory of Shi'ism: A Case Study on the Relations between Sufism, Salafism, and Political Islam
Recognizing the importance of understanding the peripheral realm of the intellectual territory of Shi'ism, this paper aims to explore the challenges and opportunities in Iran's relations with Sufism as a significant intellectual and social player in the Sunni world. Throughout the history of Sunni religious-political movements, Sufism has consistently been positioned against two other main schools of thought: Rationalists and Formalists. However, the contemporary alliance between these two, manifesting in neo-Salafism and embodied by the Muslim Brotherhood, cannot be fully explained through their internal dynamics. This is because the inherent inclination of the rationalist movement, oscillating between formalism and esotericism, has always gravitated towards esoteric theology.
This study explores the ties between Sufism and other Sunni sects, such as Salafism and the Muslim Brotherhood, and their impact on Iran's regional policies. The primary question is how Iran can manage its ties with Sufism. Additionally, the study delves into identifying other Sufi sects and analyzing the historical and epistemological relations between them.
This study adopts a qualitative approach, drawing on theoretical and historical analysis. The theoretical framework integrates social epistemology, intuitive epistemology, and Ferdinand Tonnies' Theory of Community and Society. These frameworks facilitate a multidimensional examination of the ties among various Sunni sects and their interaction with Shi'ism. The historical section delves into the relationships of Sufism with Salafism and the Muslim Brotherhood across different periods. Data for this study were gathered and analyzed from written sources, academic articles, and relevant reports.
Discussion and Results
This paper reveals that Sufism within the Sunni world, due to its unique epistemological and social characteristics, has consistently either clashed with or engaged with Salafism and the Muslim Brotherhood. Findings indicate that Sufism and the Muslim Brotherhood have maintained close ties at times; however, over the years, especially with the rise of political Islam, their relationship has grown more distant. Despite this, certain individuals and groups have successfully bridged the gap between the two. Conversely, the relationship between Sufism and Salafism has remained hostile due to fundamental epistemological differences, with Salafism emphasizing formalism and Sufism focusing on esotericism. The paper also examines the UAE and Saudi Arabia's role in using Sufism to counter political Islam, a strategy that has largely been unsuccessful due to overlooking the internal dynamics and cultural nuances of Sufism. Meanwhile, the Islamic Republic of Iran, despite its historical and epistemological differences with Sufism, has taken a complex approach towards it. Nonetheless, there are opportunities for constructive interaction between them, which could help reduce sectarian tensions and strengthen unity in the Islamic world.
This study highlights that managing Iran's relationship with Sufism requires deeply understanding its epistemological, historical, and social foundations. Additionally, this calls for understanding the position of Sufism within Sunni Islam. As an esoteric and anti-Salafist movement, Sufism can play an influential role in fostering convergence between Sunnis and Shi'ites. However, this will only occur if Iran can leverage the ties among the three main Sunni sects (Sufism, Salafism, and the Muslim Brotherhood) and avoid confrontational policies. It is recommended that Iran strengthen cultural and intellectual interactions with Sufism and support unifying discourses to help reduce sectarian tensions and enhance Islamic unity in the region. Also, employing multidimensional theoretical frameworks to analyze and predict future developments in the relationships among these sects could aid Iran's regional policy-making.