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در پژوهش حاضر به این سؤال پاسخ داده می شود که اولویت بندی مؤلفه های ساختاری فساد اداری در ایران معاصر چیست؟ بر اساس یافته های این پژوهش، علل فساد اداری به ترتیب عبارتند از: ساخت قدرت سیاسی، دولت رانتیر، دولتی بودن و غیررقابتی بودن اقتصاد، عدم حاکمیت قانون، فرهنگ سیاسی تابعیت، ضعف نهادهای مدنی، عدم شفافیت، نبود رسانه های آزاد، بی ثباتی سیاسی و مدیریتی، ضعف نهاد قضایی و سازمان های نظارتی، ناکارآمدی و ساختار سازمان، عدم پاسخگویی، وسعت بیش از اندازه دولت، وضعیت اخلاقی طبقه حاکم، ویژگی های ارزشی جامعه، وضعیت احزاب و رقابت های سیاسی. کاستن از وابستگی به نفت، حاکمیت قانون در جامعه، شفاف سازی، تدوین و تنقیح قوانین و مقررات و نظارت بر اجرای صحیح آن ها، رفع انحصار و افزایش رقابت، کاهش تصدی گری و اندازه دولت، تقویت بخش خصوصی، توانمندسازی دستگاه های نظارتی، ثبات سیاسی، تقویت مردم سالاری و نهادهای مدنی، تقویت و حمایت از رسانه های آزاد و مستقل، اصلاح ساختار نظام اداری، تحقق دولت الکترونیک، ارتقای شفافیت و دسترسی به اطلاعات، زمینه سازی برای نظارت مردمی، افزایش پاسخگویی، ترویج فرهنگ و سبک زندگی دینی و تقویت کنترل های درونی و آموزش و ارتقای آگاهی ها، پیشنهاداتی است که برای مقابله با این مسئله طرح شده است.

Prioritizing the Structural Elements of Administrative Corruption in Contemporary Iran

Introduction This study aims to answer the question "What are the key elements of administrative corruption in contemporary Iran?" Based on the results, the factors contributing to administrative corruption include the construction of political power; rentier government; state-controlled and non-competitive economy; political subject culture; weak civil organizations; lack of transparency, accountability, rule of law, and free media; political and administrative instability; weak judiciary and regulatory bodies; inefficient organizational structure; oversized government; the ethical standards of the governing elite; societal values; and the state of political parties and competitions. Despite the implementation of sound policies and measures in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the intended outcomes of an Islamic system in terms of preventing and addressing administrative corruption have not been realized. Furthermore, Iran’s position in the rankings of international organizations does not reflect the standards and expectations of the Islamic system and society. Methodology This paper employs both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Initially, studies on administrative corruption in contemporary Iran were reviewed, and the underlying causes and structural contexts were identified through qualitative content analysis. Subsequently, Open, axial, and selective (OAS) coding techniques were utilized, and their logical integration across three stages led to the determination of 20 final elements. Upon analyzing the data gathered during the open coding stage, a total of 354 concepts related to the causes and structural contexts of administrative corruption in Iran were ultimately derived.Following this, during the axial coding stage, a logical sequence is established among the identified elements. To discern patterns in the data, a constant comparative analysis is performed again. This process involves comparing and integrating the coded data into suitable components. During the axial coding phase, 20 structural elements were identified. It’s worth noting that the roots of all these elements extend beyond the era of the Islamic Republic, tracing back to the times of the first and second Pahlavi governments, and even the Qajar era. Result and Discussion Given the fundamental distinction between the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its predecessors, and its focus on revolutionary ideals, particularly the pursuit of justice and the battle against corruption, it is crucial to address the structural shortcomings in these areas. Hence, the primary recommendations are as follows: lessening reliance on oil (a policy of the siege economy/resistance economy); instituting the rule of law; emphasizing transparency and enacting relevant laws; abolishing monopoly and fostering competition; diminishing the government’s role and size; bolstering the private sector; empowering regulatory bodies; ensuring political stability; enhancing democracy and civil organizations; supporting free and independent media; reforming the administrative structure; implementing e-government; advancing access to information; facilitating a platform for public oversight; increasing accountability; fostering religious culture and lifestyle; strengthening the government’s internal controls; and promoting education and awareness.
