مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
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Le droit international humanitaire est un ensemble de règles juridique qui interdit les conflits et limite les parties en conflits internationaux, qui, pour des raisons humanitaires, sans légitimer le recours à la force, cherche à réduire les effets des conflits armés. Pour réaliser cette recherche, nous avons utilisé la méthode descriptive analytique dans le but d'étudier la faisabilité de la protection de la famille pendant les conflits armés et d’inférer les lois qui permettent de protéger la famille pendant lesdits conflits. À cette fin, des données de recherche ont été recueillies dans les sources écrites en domaine juridique. Les recherches ont montré que la famille (en tant qu’un tout indépendant) ne fait pas l'objet d'un immense soutien des institutions internationales ni de leurs actions ni dans leurs procédures normatives. Malgré cela, il sied de noter que dans certains instruments juridiques internationaux existants, on peut trouver des exigences peu nombreuses, mais importantes qui assurent la protection de la famille (en tant que telle) pendant les conflits armés ; alors que l'islam a institué la théorie des droits humanitaires de la famille pour assurer la protection de la famille pendant les conflits armés. Les résultats de cette recherche ont montré également que des droits humanitaires liés à la famille peuvent être proposés, dont certains limitent et interdisent les conflits armés, comme le droit à la protection du génome humain. Certains de ces droits ont également un caractère compensatoire, comme l'accès aux cadavres ou le droit à la vérité.
Les facteurs d’affaiblissement de la famille du point de vue de Son Éminence, le guide suprême de la révolution islamique
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Les prescriptions de l'islam sur la formation de la famille et l'attention portée aux droits et devoirs des membres de la famille montrent l’importance que cette religion accorde à la famille. La présente étude a été réalisée dans le but d'identifier les facteurs pouvant amener à l’affaiblissement de la famille, du point de vue de Son Eminence, le guide suprême de la révolution. Pour accomplir cette recherche, nous avons utilisé la méthode de recueil de données qualitatives. Par conséquent, en examinant l’intégralité de discours tenus par Son Eminence, le guide suprême de la révolution, entre les années (1989 et 2019), nous avons décelé un modèle indiquant les facteurs liés à l’affaiblissement de la famille selon son point de vue. En utilisant la technique de codage ouvert, nous avons identifié 238 concepts sous forme de 26 catégories. Les résultats de cette recherche ont montré que quatre facteurs notamment économique, culturel, social et individuel sont les principales causes de l’affaiblissement de la famille. De même, le manque de connaissance des femmes en ce qui concerne les enseignements islamiques et le manque de moyens des femmes pour leur propre dandysme ont été considérés comme étant la catégorie interférente. En outre, l'absence de lois et la garantie de leur bonne application dans le domaine du droit de la famille, la non-application des règles islamiques, le manque de sensibilisation de la société sur le plan culturel concernant les questions féminines, la sécurité morale et intellectuelle de la société et le manque de vulgarisation de l'opinion de l'Islam sur les droits de la famille ont été identifiés comme étant la catégorie sous-jacente de cette recherche.
Paradise Lost, Bible, and Quran: A Semantic Pathology of Judo-Christian Tradition of the Fall Narrative(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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The story of the “fall” in Judo-Christian tradition, particularly the Bible , has functioned as a model for many narratives written by Christian poets such as John Milton. Since the Bible has been written by numerous writers and accumulated through centuries, it is obviously not the word of God, but man’s reproduction of it. The story of man’s fall and original sin, therefore, has been narrated from a human perspective, not a divine viewpoint. Thus, the biblical account of Adam and Eve’s fall carries the ideological strains bearing on anthropocentric knowledge and culture. In other words, this narrative bears prejudicial aspects which are transferred to later historical phases, and crystallized particularly in poetic traditions and narratives like Paradise Lost . Although Milton’s poem reproduces the biblical version of the fall by stylizing and modifying it for reasons pertaining to the socio-political context in which it was composed, still the work is informed with the biblical view of the fall. Compared to the fall narrative in the Bible and Paradise Lost , the Quran ’s narrative is not only exempt from any ideological or prejudicial burden, but also renders the event in egalitarian and unbiased terms. Therefore, this essay will explore how Judo-Christian tradition diverges from the divine narrative of the fall by paralleling this tradition to the Islamic one in the Quran as the ultimate and undistorted book of God. Furthermore, the research seeks to show that the semantic divergences in the biblical and Miltonic narratives of the fall signal the essential differences between direct revelation (in the Quran ), modified revelation (in the Bible ) and poetic manipulation of revelation (in Paradise Lost ). As for methodology, Bonn and Paris schools of semantics will be employed to carry out the investigation. This study is significant for it can help both teachers and students to differentiate between Judo-Christian and Islamic traditions while reading Paradise Lost .
Secularism: Freedom of Religion or Freedom from Religion?(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
ژئوپلیتیک سال نوزدهم تابستان ۱۴۰۲ شماره ویژه
145 - 166
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Secularism is a political ideology that disintegrates religion from state governance. While secularism may work for countries where the majority professed religion that has no specific legal system viz. Christianity, it begins to exhibit its ineptness in countries that either have a multicultural identity or adopt a systematic religion like Islam as its official religion. To unravel this, secularism acquiesced to embody two divisions of secularism entailing freedom of religion and freedom from religion. The objective of the writing is to resolve the conflicts of the secularism ideology in multicultural state. The methodology adopted in the research is doctrinal legal research which employed qualitative research. For multicultural counterparts, the absolute disintegration of religion raises difficulties, hence, they opt for the secular concept of freedom of religion. However, from the Islamic perspective, secularism contrasts with Islamic teachings as it is conclusive in every aspect of human life. It has its own foundations and laws that shall be followed at all times. Additionally, the impacts of secularism on the social, educational, and moral aspects have made its germaneness be put in question. Thus, there must be a law to regulate the abovementioned matter in order to ensure the community live with peace and harmony
Islam and the Rule of Law(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
مطالعات بین المللی سال ۲۰ پاییز ۱۴۰۲ شماره ۲ (پیاپی ۷۸)
21 - 50
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The rule of law entails that government and the laws it makes serve the public good and facilitates equal opportunities. The requirement that the state conform to the rule of law puts substantial limits on governmental power which serves to protect citizens from arbitrary action or the imposition of unjust laws. The ‘law’ referred to in the rule of law concept is thus not whatever issues from legislatures and courts, but rather ‘a particular kind of restraint on the use of force’ or arbitrary power. It is not an ‘imaginary’ used by the government towards their equally imagined ends and imposed on the people. Likewise, the rule of law is not the sole prerogative of the government but requires the commitment of its citizens to adhere to and uphold the rule of law. Therefore, in rule of law societies corruption is not prevalent and does not impinge on the daily life of the individual. The inception of the rule of law in Islamic societies arose from the fact that God’s Laws were supreme, not the laws made by any man, or group of men, whatever his/their position. Is a return to the rule of Law possible for Muslim societies?
Religionization of Politics versus Secularization of Politics: An Islamic Alternative
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The relation between religion and politics is a question of extended background having received a variety of responses. The issue of the epistemological foundations of the issue and the logical possibility of the formation of Islamic politics is, however, a quite recent topic which has drawn the attention of a lot of contemporary analysts. Two main approaches can be distinguished in the field of the Islamic political discourse which believes in the integration of religion and politics. One is the rejection of secular arguments altogether towards deducing the possibility of "Islamic Politics". The other goes beyond the criticism of secularism and talks of the necessity of establishing "Islamic politics". This article deals with the second approach explaining the epistemological foundations of the Islamic politics and introducing the idea of how to make politics accord with religious law. Thus, understanding and practice of politics in a religious society is essentially impossible without reference to its initial foundations.
Justice as "Adjustment" An Introduction to Imam Khomeini's Theory of National and International Justice
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Justice is the main Principle for macking a safe National/ International order. Because of it, author in this article identify and analyze different dimensions of Justice order. For this, author analyzed Two approaches – according Imam Khomeini's point of wieve: National order & Justice; and International order & Justice.At the first stage, this theory is baised on Adjustment of relation between Government & Citizens. In the Second Stage, is baised on Adjustment between States according Law and Power. Therefore, author shows us a new theory of International/ National Order which is baised on Adjustment – not power.
Introduction to the concept of power in Islam
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Western Scientists throughout history express various definition and goals for power; Most of political scientists believe that power is the main concept of politics and power is the goal of politics. They categorized the power into varies classifications. In this paradigm, power means Material instruments and there is no any place for the immaterial instruments. In the other hand Islam as a Monotheistic religion not only mentions the material aspects of political concepts; definitions that provided by Islamic scholars have differences and sometimes contradictory with western definitions. Power is part of politics (not purpose of politics) and it has not intrinsic value. Purpose of politics are guidance of the human to perfection, Establishment of order and justice and Prevention of cruelty. Unlike the western concept, the source of power and the source of its legitimacy is Allah. So in this paper I try to introduce the theory of power in Islam. The main question of this paper is: what is the definition of power in Islam and what are its differences with the western definitions.
Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence of Foreign Policy in Imam Khomeini’s Thought
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Imam Khomeini’s political thought as the architect of the Islamic revolution had a great influence on the formation of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy. What exists of his political thought also, is not out of the framework determined by Islam, a great part of which can be discussed within Shiites canon law. The main question in the present research is about the religious foundations of Imam’s political thought, the most important of which consists of “denial of domination of unbelievers upon believers”, “the principle of convocation to jihad”, “the principle of religious esteem”, and “commitment to international treaties” which will be discussed in this research.
Liberalism of Skepticism and Fear, and Islam
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Skepticism and fear caused serious flaws in liberalism. Skepticism made liberalism resort to reason as an Archimedean point for resolving disagreements. But reason like opinions and affections is subject to social contingencies. Liberal fear of human nature has led it to a negative notion of rights that is harmful to social solidarity. Islam can help liberalism resolve these problems
US Strategy towards Islamic Awakening
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The Islamic awakening evolutions in the Middle East have changed the regional discipline in different aspects and affected the policies of regional and trans-regional actors since 2011. Meanwhile, the USA, which defined widespread interest in the region since the Second World War, encountered with the worst crisis than any other state. The present study investigated the USA interests in the Middle East and tested the effects of Islamic awakening on these interests. The main question of this study was the interaction and strategy of the USA in the Middle East for Islamic awakening. The result of this study indicated that the USA has put the measures such as direct military intervention and apparent changes in the ruling elite on its agenda to manage the military presence in the region and target countries, avoid reliance on one union, promote the secular Islamist model, have proximity to civil society and Islamists in the region, strengthen the human rights discourse and advance the process of reconciliation, and manage the challenges posed by the rise of Islamic awakening in the region in the long term.
Islam and International Security: from ISIL to Hashd al-Sha’bi
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In security studies school, there are different viewpoints toward religious and its role in domestic and international security systems. From Peace of Westphalia until beginning of 21 century, many experts has thought Talking about the role of religious is meaningless. After 9/11, most politicians were talking about Islamic terrorism. At this time, there are two types of role for Islam in the field of security: first in Daesh as a big terrorist organization that create insecurity in Iraq and second in Hashd al-Sha’bi as a big volunteer organization that try to make Iraq more secure. This paper discuss these two different perspectives on the role of Islam in security.
The Philosophical, Political and Economic Thought of Dr. Muhammad Iqbal: A Brief Reappraisal
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This paper discusses some key points in the philosophical, political and economic thought of the famous Indian Muslim poet Dr. Mohammad Iqbal. Iqbal sought to reform the Muslim identity and the wider Islamic world in order to deal with the Western challenge. He was deeply perturbed by the ideological domination of the East by the West in the political, cultural and social spheres. His political and economic perceptions, as indicated in his poems, seek to revive the self-confidence and creativity in the Muslim Ummah (Community). Iqbal exhorts the Muslims to realise their identity and selfhood (Khudi) to confront the Western challenge. Iqbal’s politico-economic thought is tinged with his dislike of capitalism and colonial rule. As an anti-dote to these elements, Iqbal speaks positively of socialism and its main proponents in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century although he rejects the atheistic form of socialism. Iqbal also purposes a reconstruction of Islamic thought in order to make it compatible with the demands of the modern world. All in all, Iqbal’s philosophy reveals an eclectic mixture of Islamic modernism, anti-imperialism, pan-Islamism and a desire for a socially equitable society within an Islamic framework.
The Emergence of an Islamic Approach in Post-Westphalian International Relations
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Islam has a specific approach to the nature of international relations, which is different from two main international discourses, namely, realism and liberalism. In terms of ontological and epistemological foundations, schools in international relations differ from one another and as a result, their approach to international relations is different. This paper intends to compare the ontology foundations of the Islamic approach to international relations in comparison to both realism and liberalism approaches. However, two questions are discussed in this article: First, what are the ontological foundations of the international relations approach? Second, what is the difference between the Islamic theory of international relations and liberalism and realism approaches? The method of the research is analytical and the way of collecting is a documentary type.
Explaining the Concept of Justice from the Perspective of Ali Shariati(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Ali Shariati (Ph.D.) is a thinker who has tried to describe and introduce Islam in the context of socialism with sociological approaches and utilizing historical data and minimal philosophical views. In this endeavor, justice was a central concept shaping the ideal society of Shariati, called the Middle Ummah (Middle Community). By manipulating conventional socialism, using its various modes, and also incorporating Islamic beliefs into its structure, he tried to use socialism as a context for introducing Islamic vision to build an ideal religious society. In this religious ideal society characterized to be a dual-rooted one named “Classless Monotheistic Society”, justice was the spirit governing it, which tuned it with the system of creation. On the path to build a theory of justice shaping a classless monotheistic society, Shariati passes through the four stages of theorizing; however, contradictions appear in the stages more elaborated by him and a great deal of ambiguity is also seen where he has chosen to give brief explanations. Thus, Shariati’s theory of justice is an incomplete theory containing many innate contradictions and ambiguities. The flaw in Shariati’s justice theory is so serious that the authors claim that what is inherited from Shariati is not a coherent theory of justice; rather, it is an initial design of a theory of justice in the context of Islamic socialism.
Justice in International Relations: An Islamic Perspective(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Justice has invariably been one of the most contentious concepts of religious and political literature among the various schools of thought and philosophy throughout the entire history of humankind. The different definitions, interpretations, and applications philosophers and intellectuals have postulated in relation to the topic of justice have constituted the focus of profound and contentious debates, the result of which has been the formation of numerous intellectual trends and schools. One of the more specific topics of discussion among these different schools of thought has been the scope of implementation of justice and the boundaries in which it ought to be enforced. It has been the conviction of many scholars and intellectuals that the enforcement of justice is necessarily confined within the boundaries of the state and as such to seek the rule of justice on a border scale in the international arena would be impracticable and unrealistic. In the course of the present article this author intends to examine Islam’s perspective and approach on the topic of justice in international relations, thereby underscoring Islam’s distinctive theoretical principles and approach, which differentiate it from other schools of thought concerning this topic.
Political Rationality in Farabi’s Thought(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
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Abū Naṣr Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Al Farabi is the founder of Islamic philosophy and the greatest philosopher of the Islamic world. Though, among Islamic thinkers, Farabi should be considered as a group of thinkers seeking harmony between reason and religion, but with a description of the earthly divine wisdom of man, inspired by the souls of the grace of the Plotinus, the intellect transcends the intellect beyond the imagination, and compares it with the religious version of the divine intellect and puts it to a higher rank than the creed. The study of political rationality in the sense of understanding the type of role and the flow of reason in the pillars of the political system with this Aristotelian philosopher shows that the starting point of his theory of reason is Aristotle’s book “On the Soul”; but the idealist Farabi is in favor of a unified system in utopia. Using the use of Islam and Platonic and Neoplatonic philosophy, he describes the characteristics of a desirable society, a higher classification of society and the problems of the utopian system, Everywhere reason rules over other things, a rationale that compared with faith and religion(shariah) has some privilages. Farabi regards happiness as the ultimate goal of the political community and emphasizes the importance of intellect in individual and political ethics. The main question of the article is what is the role of reason in al-Farabi’s philosophical theorem, and how does Farabi make a relation between reason and religion in his political theory? The findings of the article show that reason and rationality play a pivotal role in theoretical philosophy of al-Farabi, being pivotal, descending, ultimate, and along with the revelation and even beyond it in Farabi’s political thought, and religion has a secondary role. Farabi’s approach in this way is philosophical.
Explanation of the Moral Trait of Forbearance in the Thaqalayn and the Bible
Journal of Interreligious Studies on the Qur'an and the Bible, Vol. ۱, No. ۱, Spring and Summer ۲۰۲۴
191 - 217
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Among ethical-centered religions, the two popular faiths of Islam and Christianity focus on important ethical propositions to nurture and morally educate the adherents of their respective religions. In this context, a significant ethical teaching such as forbearance plays a crucial role in impacting the personal lives of the believers of both religions as well as their social relationships. The present study, which is developed through exploring and extracting all relevant keywords and propositions related to the teaching of forbearance from the esteemed texts of Islam and Christianity, namely the Holy Quran, the impeccable Imams narrations (Thaqalayn), and the Bible, aims to extract, categorize, and ultimately evaluate a precise representation of the conceptualization, significance and value, types, effective factors, effects, and appropriate and inappropriate etiquettes related to the teaching of forbearance based on the information included in these texts. The most significant conclusion is that multiple quantitative and qualitative similarities and differences can be derived from examining this teaching in the reputable texts of Christianity and Islam.