مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه



An Analytic Study of the Symbolic Mariner and His Imaginative Voyage(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۳۳۴ تعداد دانلود : ۱۸۲
Samuel Taylor Coleridge is the most symbolic of all Romantic poets. Through his creative imagination, Coleridge creates symbols that disguise the philosophical ideas, and something fresh and unsullied out of the chaos of different images and associations. It is simply imagination that enables the romantic poet to present spiritually perceived things, and resolves his conflict by returning to “dynamic organicism.” In Coleridge’s masterpiece entitled The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the emphasis is placed on “negative romanticism” or the poet’s “period of doubt and despair” when he fails to perceive the truth, imaginatively. In isolation and with the help of imagination, the poet sees the benevolence of the universe and the beauty of all the creatures. Besides, he finds the potentiality to grasp the truth. What follows is an attempt to see to what extent the Mariner is symbolic of a romantic poet, or a true romantic poet according to Peckham. This study traces the different states the Mariner goes through changing from a negative romanticist to a positive one. The changes are accompanied by change in attitude towards the universe and unity with it. Furthermore, projections of Coleridge as a romantic poet, on his imaginatively created character help reveal more about the Mariner.

A Comparative Analysis of Ghazali and Egan’s Views on Imagination and Education: the Mythic Understanding and Children Learning(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۴۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۸۰
“Naive imagination is like a dark glass that prevent the shining lights entering the heart, but when is ripe enough become a clear glass that points those lights.” (Ghazali, the Niche of Lights, P.73) Iranian philosopher and educator, Abu Hamid Ghazali (1058-1111 A.D.) is the author of more than seventy books and essays on philosophy, education, mysticism, ethics, jurisprudence and dialectical theology. Throughout his works, one can easily observe that among the tools of acquiring knowledge (i.e., the senses, the imagination, and the intellect), imagination has become subject of special attention due to its capacity in recalling, analyzing, and synthesizing pre-acquired images, concepts and meanings and creating new and noble ones. Because of his unequivocal attention to imagination, instead of intellect, and the great impact imaginative thinking has had on Islamic philosophy of his times, some critics have maintained that “Islam has turned against science in twelfth century.” This article consists of two parts. The first part deals about Ghazali’s perspective the place of imaginative faculty among the other faculties; the external faculties (i.e. the senses), the internal faculties (i.e. common-sense, imagery, memory, estimation), and the intellect and hence; it is observed that the faculty of imagination itself is a part of the internal faculties and links the external faculties with the intellect as well as comprehensive and continuous interaction with other internal faculties. Upon defining imagination, tasks and types associated with it, its priority and superiority over the intellect, the relationship between (1) the internal senses and the imagination and (2) the imagination and the intellect are addressed. In the second part, the authors follow the practical implications of such imaginative thought in Ghazali’s teaching approach. To do so, and because of the comparative analysis pursued in the article (i.e., comparing Ghazali with contemporary western educational thinker Kieran Egan) about children’s education, we concentrated on the “mythic understanding” that Egan has proposed for these ages and then, contrasted it with Ghazali’s works. The results show that as Egan, but not in such a complete and detailed form, Ghazali considered the elements of play, story, binary opposites, rhyme, rhythm, images, gossip, mystery, and metaphor in his approach. But there are no clear and sufficient evidence for other elements (i.e., joke and humor) in Ghazali’s teaching approach.

Une fenetre sur la poetique de Gaston Bachelard a travers des vers extraits des Forces eternelles d'Anna de Noailles(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: conscience image poétique imagination phénoménologie

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۴۴ تعداد دانلود : ۲۸۹
Gaston Bachelard est un grand philosophe qui introduit la notion d’imagination matérielle et essaye d’abord de classer les rêveries poétiques d’après les quatre éléments : le feu, l’eau, l’air et la terre. Mais il constate ensuite que seule l’étude de la naissance de l’image poétique dans une conscience personnelle, c’est-à-dire la phénoménologie de l’imagination, peut rétablir la subjectivité de l’image et en apprécier l’étendue, l’énergie et la valeur de la transsubjectivité : des vérités qui ne peuvent être précisées définitivement à cause de l’essence variationnelle de l’image poétique. Bachelard nous présente alors une théorie de la littérarité du langage qui montre que la poésie constitue avec une esthétique spécifique un langage indépendant des nécessités de cohésion des pensées et des contraintes de la signification. Par la prospérité de ses images, ce langage nous donne la liberté de vivre de nouvelles vies et d’expérimenter simultanément même des faits incompatibles dans l’instant poétique. Nous visons, dans le présent article, à étudier le développement et les caractéristiques de la poétique bachelardienne afin de mieux connaître le monde poétique ; et pour illustrer ce monde, nous choisissons des vers extraits des Forces éternelles, un grand recueil de poèmes d’Anna de Noailles, merveilleux poète romantique dont le langage nous attire véritablement.

The Role of Geographical Imagination and Geopolitical Representation in Dividing Space/Place into "our" and "their"(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: imagination Representation spatial emotions spaces of fear

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تعداد بازدید : ۳۸۹ تعداد دانلود : ۵۴۶
Human life is tied with space through spatial emotions and the sense of place. Although existence of spatial emotions plays a vital role in the creation of space and in some ways reflects the presence, tale, culture, and feeling in the place and space and in this way assists man in there, in some situations this issue can lead to some challenges which are rooted in discriminative approaches that divide humanity into "us" against "others". In the critical human geography and critical geopolitics, scholars mentioned numerous factors which are influential in this dividing. One of the main factors which plays a significant role in this process is "geographical imagination" which obtains semi-logical reasons for a group of individuals and some states and powers to exclude other social, political, and ethical groups from "us". This subject can influence people and encourage them to ascribe wrong facts to individuals who are categorized as "others" and misattribute their spaces and places as dangerous locations. This spatial approach, consequently can result in labeling some spaces as "spaces of fear" and through this generates a wide range of social, economical, political and spatial problems and restrictions for individuals who are considered as "others or them".

The Place and Influence of Intuition in the Creativity of the Architecture Designing Process(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: architecture designing process intuition Creativity argumentation imagination

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۵۶ تعداد دانلود : ۱۳۸
The work of architecture is believed to depend on the governing thought in the process of architectural designing. This thought can be analyzed, developed, experienced, and interpreted. Creativity is the only domineering force in the idea of designing which is in quest for freeing architecture from the routine methods, and also finding the novel systems to answer the questions in architecture. Therefore, a special fixed and stable place is considered for creativity. However, the background and history of research and clash of ideas in recent years explains for the change in reconsidering the general ideas, and interpretations on creativity in the process of designing. Today, the approach that considers the process of designing an outcome of responding to the demand on creativity in architecture through logical and analytic methods is no longer credited. Instead, the process of designing is considered in a creative and intuitive way which is metaphysical rather than argumentative. This change in attitude and the relevant interpretations have introduced clear evidence; however, there remain many questions involving the identity and quality of the creative occurrences in the process of designing. Therefore, the intuitive approaches and interpretations about creativity have been so over generalized and complicated that have left a lot of obscurities behind. This article is an attempt to respond to some of these questions by identifying the ways the intuitive creativity occurs and also to present a descriptive stream in the emergence of creativity which means creating ideas only happen according to intuition.

Les Structures du Système Imaginaire Chez Paul Éluard(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Éluard imagination mort Peur temps

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تعداد بازدید : ۴۶۱ تعداد دانلود : ۱۵۹
Cet article s’est fixé pour but d’examiner le temps sous ses formes imaginaires dans Capitale de la douleur de Paul Éluard ; ce dernier privilégie le concept en lui donnant un rôle primordial et une signification réelle. Les poèmes d’Éluard sont marqués par l’abondance d’images artistiques, de figures de discours et de descriptions de la nature. Passionné par les sujets qui concernent l'Homme, Paul Éluard utilise un langage qui se laisse dominer par l'image et la métaphore; une pratique qui a donné une dimension réelle au concept abstrait du temps. L'abondance de métaphore qui caractérise le style de Paul Éluard témoigne de l'importance du temps dans son imagination. Une étude menée sur quelques parties de l'imagination du poète surréaliste nous permet d’arriver à la conclusion qui suggère deux concepts du temps différents l’un de l’autre apparu dans les ouvrages du poète. Certaines images manifestent une peur universelle du temps qui passe pour permettre au poète d’évoquer l'Homme dans un espace où la notion de temps n’existe pas. Ces images font du temps un élément vivant et dynamique dans l'esprit du poète et cet article tente de répondre à cette question: laquelle des images artistiques illustre la crainte du temps chez Paul Éluard.

Farabi’s Perspective on Global Peace(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

تعداد بازدید : ۲۷۰ تعداد دانلود : ۱۴۲
Does it sound plausible to obtain a strategy for global peace in Farabi’s political philosophy? Put another way, could we procure a common language leading to peace among all cultures and religions, according to Farabi? Farabi’s utopia (al-madīnat al-fāḍila), literally meaning ‘the excellent state’, consists of five levels. On the first level stands the philosopher (fīlsūf) or the prophet (nabī). The second level includes poets (shuʿarā), music composers (mulaḥḥinūn), writers (kuttāb) and the likes. Farabi strongly believes in the power of imagination (khīyāl) and that most people are under the influence of their imaginative faculty (al-quwwat al-mutakhayyila). This faculty has an important outcome which influences his view on religion (milla), prophet, and their relation with the public (jumhūr): imagination, in his view, is the most powerful tool of influencing the public. Regarding this principle, it could be concluded that there is a shared function between the poet and the prophet. Farabian theory of peace may well be identified, based on the shared function between the poet and the prophet. In other words, for Farabi rational truth and rational happiness is fixed and one, having only one denotation, while its connotations, that is, sensory images and imagery forms are more than one—possibly many more. That being the case, various and sundry cultures and religions might well have different ways to pursue the same knowledge, truth, and contentment.

Rationality vis-à-vis Relativity: Accounted for Imagination and ‘the Permanent’ in Farabi’s Philosophy(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: Farabi rationality Relativity relativism imagination The Permanent

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Rationality or relativity? In which one does Farabi believe? How does it relate to imagination and the permanent, if at all? For Farabi, people come to grasp rational truths mostly through the use of their imagination. Furthermore, the arousal of people’s feelings and emotions often originates in their imagination via imagery forms. The ultimate utopian goal is to drive the public to achieve rational happiness. Since the public, based on their nature and general habits, in effect cannot perceive the rational truths, the path to rational happiness must be represented via their imagination. Moreover, their imaginary concepts and forms should be made the permanent. So bringing rational happiness to people's minds through their imagination, the media of each society should represent rational truths through the sensory and imagery forms familiar to that society. The Farabian theory of cognition shares aspects of relativity as well as rationality. To Farabi, rational truth and rational happiness is fixed and one, having only one denotation, while its connotations, say, images and imagery forms are various and sundry. That being the case, different communities can have different ways to perceive the same truth, working toward the same goal.

Evolution of Perception: Farabi to Avicenna(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)

کلیدواژه‌ها: perceptual faculties imagination estimative faculty Memory Estimation

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تعداد بازدید : ۲۲۹ تعداد دانلود : ۱۸۶
Maintaining strong flavor of Aristotelian theory of perception, Farabi as well as Avicenna have appended new phases to the theory. Depicting imaginary perception with its crucial jobs, Farabi explains these three activities: storing sensory forms, composing and decomposing sensory forms, as well as imagery. What Farabi names the imaginary faculties, is conceptualized as three inner perceptions, i.e., imagination, estimative and memory faculties in Avicenna’s works. Evolving existing theories of perception, Avicenna delivers an account of five inner perceptions. Beforehand Farabi did not consider any difference between imaginary perception and motekhayelah. However, he mentioned one faculty doing both activities and was usually calling it motekhayelah and sometimes imaginary perception. Conceptualizing imaginary perception with its functions, Farabi deals with three primary activities: storing sensory forms, composing and decomposing sensory forms, and imagery. In other words, Avicenna defines what Farabi calls the imaginary faculties as three inner perceptions, i.e., imagination, estimative and memory faculties.

Ontology of Human’s Eschatological Observations from the View of Mulla Sadra(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Ontology world to come imagination Mulla Sadra psyche myriad worlds

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۲۴ تعداد دانلود : ۹۰
The afterlife (also the world to come) has been one of the major humans’ concerns throughout history. Although heavenly religions and Islamic philosophy have recognized the very foundation of the Hereafter, there are questions surrounding the existence and characteristics of that world. In the meantime, there is a myriad of theories about it, and Mulla Sadra’s view is a key theory here. This research analyzes the philosophical basics of Mulla Sadra’s views to distinguish his perspective from those of others and to portray a different aspect of the world-to-come observations. The findings suggested that Mulla Sadra argues that man achieves actualization over time and transfers to the world to come by abandoning the matter. In that world, there are no objects for man to observe; rather, he will create all his observations by himself, with every human creating a more transcendental world made of imaginary perceptions which, unlike imaginary observations in this world, assumes an external reality which is also formed in the existence and life of the human psyche.

تصویر و تحول: نخستین نوگرایان ایرانی(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)


کلیدواژه‌ها: Image imagination Imagology cultural representation Akhondzadeh Reform Epistolary Novel تصویر تخیل تصویرشناسی بازنمود فرهنگی آخوندازده نواندیشی رمان نامه نگارانه

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تعداد بازدید : ۱۴۹ تعداد دانلود : ۷۷
هدف این نوشتار تحلیل برخی از آثار نویسندگان نوگرا – از جمله آخوندزاده – بر اساس یک رویکرد تصویرشناختی است. پرسش اینجاست که چگونه و با چه سبک نوشتاری، نوگرایان ایرانی تمایز فرهنگی، اجتماعی و تاریخی ایران و غرب را به تصویر کشیده اند و موجب سوق دادن خواننده ایرانی به پذیرش غیریت و دگرگشتگی فرهنگی شده اند. به نظر می رسد که آخوندزاده و برخی از پیروان سبک نوشتاری او، شیفتگی خود به فرهنگ غرب را با درهم آمیختن ادبیات و نقد اجتماعی به خواننده منتقل کرده اند و در این راستا گونه های جدید ادبی را بکار گرفته اند که به خوبی با اهداف اجتماعی شان سازگار افتاده، به گونه ای که جامعه نقد بیشتر از آنکه جذب نوآوری ها و جنبه های ادبی آثار آنان شود، به محتوی و گفتمان آنان پرداخته است. در این مقاله، تلاش داریم تا با تکیه بر نظریات صاحب نظران در حوزه ادبیات تطبیقی و با الهام گرفتن از دیدگاههای متخصصین تصویرشناسی، سبک و ساختار موجود در کتاب مکتوبات آخوندزاده، و کتابچه سیاحی گوید، را مورد مطالعه و تحلیل قرار دهیم. بر این باوریم که تبیین کارکرد نقد و تصویر در آثار نخستین روشنفکران ایرانی پایان قرن نوزدهم میلادی و توضیح دلایل موفقیت آنها در انتقال تاثیرگذار پیام خود، علیرغم ضعف آَشکار گفتمان انتقادی و ایدولوژیک شان، می تواند نتیجه مطلوب این پژوهش باشد.