مطالب مرتبط با کلیدواژه
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زبان یک نظام است و هر نظامی دارای عناصری است و اختلافات زبانی و گوناگونی آن در عناصر زبان بوده، هر زبانی علاوه بر همگانی های زبانی، قواعد ویژه خود را دارد.زبان رایج در منطقه شمال غرب ایران ترکی آذربایجانی است و در روند آموزش هدایت شده و کاربرد زبان دوم در مناطق دو زبانه باعث تداخل در عناصر زبانی می شود.لذا لازم است دو زبان فارسی و ترکی آذربایجانی از نظر رده شناسی و عناصر زبانی مورد بررسی قرار گیرد. در این مقاله نخست به تعاریف و مبانی هر یک از عناصر زبانی از نظر صاحبنظران پرداخته شده، سپس اختلاف ها و اشتراک های ساختاری دو زبان در سطوح؛ واج، هجا، واژک و واژه، گروه و ترکیب و نیز جمله تحلیل گردیده است.اکثر واج های زبان فارسی در ترکی آذربایجانی وجود دارد و ترکی آذربایجانی چند واج بیشتر از زبان فارسی دارد.ساختار هجا در ترکی آذربایجانی جایگاه ویژه ای دارد و قانون هماهنگی آواها بر این زبان حاکم است. ساختار واژه، گروه و ترکیب متفاوت با زبان فارسی است و ساختار جمله با فارسی یکسان است و حرف ربط در ترکی آذربایجانی وجود ندارد و برای پیوند جملات مرکب از وجوه مصدری، وصفی، قیدی و ... افعال استفاده می شود.
Semiotic Approach to Globalization: Living in a World of Glocal Things
حوزههای تخصصی:
This paper is an effort to discuss the concept of glocalization from a semiotic point of view. In order to carry out a semiotic analysis of globalization or glocalization, first globalization needs to be defined from a semiotic perspective. Therefore, first an explanation of globalization and glocalization in semiotic terms is provided. Some believe the ongoing process in the world cannot be best described as globalization and it should be called glocalization. According to this approach, the ongoing universal process is a combination of globalization and localization leading to new diversities, not uniformity. With a structuralist approach to semiotics a better understanding is gained on how glocalization may affect the world in which we are living. After a theoretical argument on the semiotic definition of globalization and glocalization, the results of a number of in-depth interviews with people who have experienced living in two different cultures will be analyzed in a qualitative method to provide further insight on how glocalization might work.
Typological Analysis of Counterfactual Conditions in Persian Language(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
The purpose of this article is to contribute to studies on counterfactuals by exploring counterfactual conditions in Persian. Here, counterfactual sentences in Persian have been studied based on typological findings of the same in different languages. In order to study the typology, two main parameters are examined: symmetrical and asymmetrical morphological patterns of counterfactual conditional sentences and the range of TAM (Tense Aspect Mood) values in protasis and apodosis. The main concepts of counterfactual conditionals, including the construction of complex sentences, imagined conditions that have not occurred, false events, and the two above parameters were taken into account. This is a library-based research and the required data was extracted from the Persian Linguistic Database (PLDB). Findings show that the counterfactual conditions in Persian have a complex sentence construction and protasis acts as a subordinate clause and in typological classifications, Persian has counterfactual conditionals for past, present and future and counterfactual conditionals have both symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns. Also in the TAM spectrum, counterfactual conditions have both symmetrical and asymmetric morphological patterns. In these patterns, both protasis and apodosis are used in the past continuous and past perfect tenses. In all three types of counterfactual conditions, the past tense is used, with either perfective or imperfective appearance.
Assessment of Thermal Comfort in Vernacular Buildings in the Cold and Mountainous Region (Case S tudy: Hamadan, Iran)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Architecture and Urban Development, Volume ۱۲, Issue ۱ - Serial Number ۴۳, Winter ۲۰۲۲
55 - 70
حوزههای تخصصی:
The vernacular architecture of cities with old civilizations like Hamadan, located in a cold and mountainous area, s tems from centuries of optimizing material use, cons truction techniques, climate considerations, and the leas t use of fossil fuels to provide residents comfort. This region represents a specific type of dwelling that is a spectacular example of its climate conditions and compatible with its surrounding environment. This s tudy aims to inves tigate the geometric conformation of Hamedan houses and elicit the proper sugges tions to provide comfort conditions. To reach these goals, 15 houses located in the old dis tricts of Hamadan belonging to three different his torical eras were selected. Then, according to Mahoney's Table, Evan's index, Pen warden graph, and climate consultant software thermal comfort factors were assessed and calculated to compare elicited design s trategies with typology. These attributes to architectural s trategies for this region like southeas tern orientation, medium-sized windows, thick outdoor and indoor walls, thick insulation with sufficient temporary heating equipment, the high heat capacity of materials, compact urban texture and planning, protection agains t intensive wind aimed to provide comfort conditions. Then these methods were compared whit three eras' houses to illus trate how much compatibility was there practically, which eventually reduced in each of them.
Typology of Earth-shelter Architecture in Iran(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Earth-Shelter construction is one of the aspects in architecture where the thermal mass of the earth behind the outer walls are applied in order to reduce heat loss and keep the internal temperature at human comfort range. In case of earth-shelter buildings, housing is especially important. As for its applicability the earth-shelter provides good housing. Typological studies of earth-shelter construction in Iran by introduces various Iranian examples of this type, could be a model for the today’s innovative designs with an approach to energy saving. This type of construction responded to human comfort requirements when modernism was absent to claim that it could do the same through mechanical technology. The study method adopted here consists of qualitative-descriptive and deductive analyses. The categories of earth-shelter architecture are three worldwide: Earth Mound, Rocky or In-Hill and Bellow ground. Here the genotype of earth architecture and phenotype of earth-shelter are studied in details. The same is of two in Iran: Rocky, which is divided in continues and discontinues types and closed underground type. Studies conducted in Iran have revealed a new type of these structures named Combined Continues Rocky open Underground by the author.
A Comparative Study of vernacular Architecture Compatible with Mild and Humid Weather in Gilan's Western Plains (Case study: Gasht, Shalma and Gilandeh villages)(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Looking at the role of climate in indigenous settlements of Gilan, which are formed based on the Uniformitarianism principles for the environmental comfort of residents in the basic body, and stability and compromise with the natural factors, as a basic and immutable principle over time has created various species in its context based on the needs and availability of basic infrastructure. Gilan's Western plains, as a geographic split of microclimate (mild and wet), which has its own unique characteristics, in formation of variable species, according to the needs of households, in terms of population growth and vernacular materials, which is associated with the formation of a space with sustainable self-sufficiency for local residents, and in addition to optimal locating is appropriate in terms of orientation and e building elongation. Accordingly, the comparison between variable species in a microclimate (plain geography) with its own unique features will be obtained as separated assessments from body to climate framework, with deductive components which can form a native settlement, through field work on sustainable buildings in plain villages and functional analysis of samples, attached to professional population of Housing Foundation, which have special knowledge of the characteristics of rural housing related to rehabilitation and re-run today's models. Therefore, providing transparent assumptions on the challenges and principled solutions through questionnaires with derivatives percent available for population, has managed to improve the quality of the results of this study.
Assessment of Housing Characteristics in Ibeju-lekki, Lagos Peri-Urban Settlements(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
Housing developments in Lagos State peri-urban settlements have contributed immensely to the alleviation of the challenges of housing deficits in central Lagos. This research aims at exامینing the characteristics of housing development in the peri-urban settlements of Lagos State, Nigeria. Using a case study approach, housing developments in peri-urban settlements in Ibeju-Lekki Local Government Areas were selected to represent the rapidly urbanizing metropolitan peripheral areas in Lagos State. Data was collected through primary and secondary sources which include survey questionnaires, direct observations and in-depth interviews. Using two-stage sampling techniques, a questionnaire was distributed to households in purposively selected 16 peri-urban settlements in IbejuLekki. Data collected through field survey were analyzed using frequencies, percentages, cross tabulations while qualitative data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. Findings demonstrate that different housing initiatives in the peri-urban settlements performed differently in typology and resident’s perception. Socio-economic attributes revealed a multi-cultural households composition, reasonable literacy level. It is recommended that improved quality and user performance peri-urban housing development can be achieved through residents’ participation in housing policy design and also by timely regional policy response to the pace of housing development in Lagos peri-urban settlements.
Proposed Definition and Typology of Brownfield Sites in Iranian Cities(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
Architecture and Urban Development, Volume ۱۳, Issue ۱ - Serial Number ۴۷, Winter ۲۰۲۳
77 - 90
حوزههای تخصصی:
The term of brownfield and its redevelopment has been considered extensively in the world urban planning literature. However, the nature of the brownfields and the differences between how they are created in countries have caused this term to be defined based on the contextual and typological conditions in each country, involving a wide range of lands. Meanwhile, despite the high importance of brownfield development in improving the quality of urban life, this issue is still neglected in the urban planning system of Iran. Therefore, this study is aimed to propose the definition of brownfield sits in Iranian cities and their typology as a policy to help reconsider them in urban development plans. After presenting the adaptive criteria extracted from the relevant literature, experts in this field were interviewed to determine the main categories of this concept in the country’s cities using the grounded theory qualitative method. Then, the rules and regulations related to the categories were reviewed to finally define this concept and present its comparative typology. The findings show that in Iranian cities, the brownfield sites comprise abandoned sites or lands including activities that pollute the environment, being incompatible with authorized urban activities. According to this definition, twelve types of brownfield sites can be identified in Iranian cities, in which the activities are incompatible with urban activities and they require intervention for development, and one type includes lands with no function at present, in which development has occurred previously.
Investigation of factors which affect the formation of different types of Housing in old context of Gorgan(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
مدیریت شهری دوره ۱۴ پاییز ۱۳۹۵ ضمیمه لاتین شماره ۴۴
حوزههای تخصصی:
Typology solution in architecture science seeks classifying constructions and spaces in terms of join features. Typology studies can be infrastructure of design in micro and minor levels. Therefore being oblivious of it in architecture and city planning can lead to state of chaos in urban aspect and makes heterogeneous urban textures. Current paper seeks to find factors influencing on formation of different housing types in old texture of Gorgan and to generalize them in contemporary designs. By influencing in all ratios from residential areas to alley and neighborhood it can make a texture to solve problems such as density and transportation. The research method is descriptive-analytical. Information were obtained and analyzed by a combination of documentation studies and deep interview with experts` views where some questions were asked in old texture of Gorgan. The research findings indicated that economy factor has an effective role in type of design of old residential texture of Gorgan along with two factors of climate and culture. Economic factor has had abundant influence in size of houses, their communication and climate left influence in formation of appearance of buildings and their yards and finally culture left effect on religious factors, social relations, security and so on) finally the results indicate old texture of Gorgan apply certain and systematic principles in design in which all sporadic sections look like a uniform.
Typology of Arak Monuments with the composition features standard(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
مدیریت شهری دوره ۱۶ بهار ۱۳۹۶ شماره ۴۶ ضمیمه
حوزههای تخصصی:
Historical fabric of Arak, as one of the most important inorganic cities in urbanization history of Iran, has been implemented from the beginning based on predetermined plan and project. During the age that majority of cities in Iran used to be created organically and gradually based on public needs, all steps of construction of Arak City including spatial organization, physical structure, communicative network system, activity distribution pattern and composition of urban elements were firstly designed and then implemented. The main objective of this study is to identify and analyze the physical features of monuments of Arak city to discover the behavioral system of monuments with the composition features standard. According to the research objective, the method applied is descriptive, analytical and comparative method based on field and library investigations. In this study, first architectural composition features including scale, proportion, hierarchy, axis, focus point, composition center, modulus, flexibility, rhythm and geometry are analyzed in each monument. Then, the monuments were classified in sub-factors of each composition feature and then, through comparing the classified groups, common features of monuments in each sub-factor with most frequency are extracted. The results obtained from the study showed existence of unit behavioral system in special groups of monuments compared to architectural composition features leading to typology of Arak’s historical monuments.
Typology of Speech and Thought Representation in the Quranic Stories(مقاله علمی وزارت علوم)
حوزههای تخصصی:
This paper explores the typology of speech and thought representation in selected Quranic stories, utilizing narrative discourse to establish a theoretical and practical framework. It primarily focuses on renowned models such as Toolan (2001) and McHale's (1978) models, among others. After a thorough examination of these theoretical models, this paper aims to apply them using examples extracted from the Quranic stories. A notable finding suggests that the representation of speech and thought in the Quran ranges from a directly diegetic mode to an indirectly mimetic mode. This range contributes to the Quranic discourse being a vibrant and dynamic form of communication. The primary purpose of these aspects is to establish a dynamic and engaging interaction between the Quranic discourse and its audience. In general, the typology of speech and thought representation is closely linked to the oral nature of the Quranic discourse.